THlE MICHIGAN DAILY 75c for 1-w2 dollar 4 cakes Jersey Cream Soap ansd five ;Soap Boxes AT Quarry's JtiNttMii It itTDli Jaigcsit. E it 1A 03 1 m.0. eitti-iW . r it. sliliti, li i : torte Steel.1>alCcc ~ ~ Simpsion. eta C Ccs;n tie D vy Iletiet C'i m% ll Aniteblt iIt 7- i it Marl, Al is sc Fioec tetiflrt i it :n DL . '1 Buler \1i11i it STS.itt ii ClrI u lI~d.:n _ tlt~r Jt(it -cii e iii iGra n tais "d A -Wi H. Rb sick ori 1 4. 1 Money Loaned V~e r," On Watches, Diamonds, h.Latw Boots, ittttitlt, Watches an I Jewelry repaired. Bargains- in Watches & Diamonds Ai- Oiat r iiesidi-iecit3i E. Liberty St 11. Wibo Anti Atbiort H~ours to1it:t30ta. ii.. i1 itoO30anditto1Airs. JOSF.PH C. WATTS Aitt 1Ftll il. it0s -tST ESIt BEST bt BRIAP PIPES Warlt ilI t t!)Crc o bitt1 111 ; . h ii 11;1 t(-S_$1.75 to$ 5 1 1 t roll ; t ,. itlettt1 PILLOWS and BANNERS I)11i D~arling & Malicaux I1tli V. of M. BOIAtER. SHOP bi J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. \)I TetANtI tOttD-tSvt- Ii BAtot zhnn.Sateell.Ann Arbor, malch. I-e atein t .tti alb; bttle' itteel. ;i ierm 0, Ia. ; I ic, i m 1(. 1,. I i 1:'iixtl- I Ni it tcnt- ; ~iltitittR.-RithietRi -i iit M i tititit. Sit-itt giitrti ii. Ni tt t ii t l C icago:Itit i a Col ,. l1< i e b S ith prnyii i , I. C:, mt : . F J -h tee IB ri-ittu it tttttt ii i ii- it t it .t i o c tr ooh d ill fort i iittot iae thib S. Maini.1eon kI-: -A tc Alllr icin ti ; bi e ,it 1att ii, iii ittiCeek;HGace. ttr i tt 1'r.. i tit ot in 1ai s, Iiordi rui t e. tm ,lcrititille.leu Ilub- K( i itt t oid tout)yorrrd ioilenr pct liad'.t Lndon, 7M NH.Lert Jesiry A tSv Atit.S. rod t tintou a tetor oitialtorkbdnte -I it' J Ii it t,26S nSt . eod {(iivr c .5 -~ \V~e hav sold toyou titrrdftheri and o yor faherso tuell to ou [;s rblisecl 858. alle's twelr 210 S. Maiit itt i I 1 ri- iCt ti k j i it tritt _Ntti. Throudhout schoolJ days, college days, bnusinesws or prof essional career th C nlit P t itwill sre ottN iIttitlittly attd make witintg 4 t ai ti. itYo tu ntthave to coax it or fuit-s oitti it tot git it to wteite- Because of its won- ii tettfletc c, ;iic, itk respiond-s inotantly at the the College firs t strite dtin ttainst in event, steady ltow to Sandordtheat dw:A a -rgret advantalge of owning a C NKLINSILG PEN -your 11 K- 5-;ho ik No itter whtere you may he-i or w- al t t ipot office, telegraph o~v e4 hoel, n thetI~il-- I ttOL ihaveto do whletn yO C011dn lQ1111e "iis t t~ dr istoditp it its -nyint- wel, p-es te Cescnt-t filer nalyor pen instantly fills itsef an is ead to vrit. tie sm iompliemovement also iii tiittttu ,ydiupr- os iingofitt ttittt interupton t yor trin o tfiur ttiettndotme cataltig diret fom he nanfaeurcrsThe tConkltin Yen Co., 310 Sold in Annt Arbor by Gelt. Wahl-,t Ito it,'titk Storecs and Sheehan & Company. Enormous Price Reductions $28 and $30 Stuitte11"'- - $20.50 $28 aatd $25 StlitS 110W --t- 18.25 $1t8u attd $2 titUtitits O -- 14.75 $15s andil$16 Sutbowti-tS- - 12.75 OVERCOATS $30 Ov-ercoati-notutu - $22.75 $22 atnd $25 OHe -er o wt--ii-it18.25 $1ti and 2-0 Ov-ercottti tiittt14.75 $5 tn tttl iiiOerrotts t nit- - 11.25 MENS' FUR NISHIGS $iotoandi $t.25Sitt - 80e $1.5 1tMatthattatttSitiri - $1.20 HAT DEPARTMAENT--A t -thuiftut id)t hits except Kitox 25-"/(il-ts tiattr ir rthit - A ndiscouttt nt lieav -t t-i i 1111c1iiv 1r, tIncuintg-A. C. Staley titn Stuprioitr- R euile o : Fiegel M"ack's Te om Thle best Service Iand Cuisine and Pleasantest Surrounding-s;iin the City. All lhom~e cookiing. Prices Moderate MACK & CO. Frc~d ric '. innli I totoet. all. ni-e stock. Phone- fotmelyI 12 notiw1399 it l iii .5 Uomt. NWhen in need of anythitig in the Hlier> littitita-e g ius to ca0l1.Offite4114 N. State t.. FRED -C, HEIN INGER 50C $2.00 STUDO- 319 East !Itrou Street