T VE xi iFf r v T1 ]AN Aa Y. axrt l 2l xx ctinrnc ork a1nd1 cletixx t oPlxi ixxi . 201a x as i lhort acs ,ty 11il vlp n FERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (lteniurn, Light, and Dark Art Leaiher) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kiogs Tao. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumnberland, Chester, Orient, Pel- hans, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boatiog rweed, and London Wors- teds. Please conic early and have your Suit reserved. G. I. Wild Comfpany 311 South State Street 110 x"gi r 72 Ilt xr t News.. Athletics. 'Exchange moi.. . Dlramta.. Wxomencl's xx -x cr 'xx (nt. }Fxii ____ ______f 10 Mlanxtger-JoxcF. WURZ. Ilonxg;lxbut eectx axter clxxx eIe c he We mkexaspecially of duplicating xl IxoV O lYor Viit ill xxii xxx 11 11 lnsexsxi0111rixpical departmtxx. Hal- KDtxxnotis, andx I.\lixiigiix xi lxl te ier or Ices xx-el Str, 216S. iNlaixnSt. end~ See A Wshite Youx]taixn lxxx cen Iec IYXx xxx p xxxo la _____ .C. B. Eldridge lxxxsxiillxe x"Ider, b1111thlxx clixe. is 1 11111 (.1111111(big xxcck) . Book fre e..... Robert . Mountsier Morex linx01a 11 xl'11 1tneb lanel lbylx lithe xxxlxxxp ica-x anp ).Sxcnlxc. Wxlkcrxillc, ..........ollis S. Baker tire ixrxx~xeniexix xiiin or si. Mihpsg SRaymtonod Vixscher 1iI rlrxce-111 _____ _________ Edcior. . .. foxuise Vaxn Voorhis - __._ TI lOR tlAxI I 111x1 e~ B1101louchxer Leonxxard1C. Rexili \V. ll.l,axxc NIGHT I TOR~xS licelxL'B. Mcluglx Fred E. Gooding Donald L. Kinney Dana E. Jones W~alter l:. Towers Louis Kraft 11ah111Greer Sauxxel 1If. Mtxrris E'. G;. C. W~illiamxs Paul Leidy 1). A. lixxcklcx Fred Lawton H owa.rd Boll H arcr' Z. Fxlz VT.1. Coxnklinx W. D. Elliott W I. Davixd D. A. Kahni lC. S. MlcElwaixx H. A. 1-ikesell Robxiert I lxlixx J. K. Brextonx F. E. Shxawx, Jr. I RII A GillI lEN 1F1OR xx itii xdome111ati Jelliffe & ZLexcadskixs. Mastxelr exxrgc Ii xiii. lxxh xxx lw asxiliiexxperirexce ixh a xaugItxxxthe lroper n1 h atxI 11wixej flop1, xcw i ixec iexllC 11 l ii ;o Sxoxthx Slate SI. 2os-eodl lm tryrecixxl froxx xx lxo 0 1. 11..lat Xirx 'lMixxxie M.iRot"cx i-11piace of buins inth T xsill]l g, ppoit orcesra lxwcilx 1l ie lllii iixiiy hm ix x F'OWNES lie new1 i stor lei ii -1 1eI111 i xl I are not cheapest, but fisedinth'caxis on11 11liii eli adding; they're least expensive. one more tox liii il i 1111bu 1iness iplace 011111 l 111) near . thei x axxxxxixx forxx hl. ii xx li lxx 1of11ilm cst ato s n il x isxxxlxndnex xxxii m cxx x Hi ss11 ie llc l chxi l ix ll 'assillxstlllxllIlilthexxIlr xxxxle a a entof teisorex"V Xlix1 xt ( one betterixi wade)xix l r I I i * BUSINESS STAFF Carl It. Adxxx 1-It.i. Lamrs 1C 111.1Bowman1 Nxorxxxnxt11. 111 rill gill FOUNTAIN loise complete line in the city. Moore's iNon-leakable Waterman's Ideal Conklin Self-Feeder TRY OUIR Sheehan's Leader Bent dollar pen on the market. Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstxxre A. G. Spalding & Bros. WoldoOal..Ath'lexxxti xxcx upplies FoalBalli, BasketlBall, ace Skates, Hockey. Gll. Gymnasious Apparaius. xaixxxsx Haxxxiotxely Ilxustrxatexd tatalogue of ali xports cnutains ixum- lrous sugestios. wailed free any- whxee. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yori. Chicago Detroit Address: MICutIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Msanager's Hlours :1i-2 p. nm., 7-8 p. M. daily, except Stunday. Both phones >1 11 . IX.F1Zl0 XI Xl , xgxx. Tiii 1)xxixI Will rexxmxxxegxcnxxixxx xxi- xxi Hxxl.lii1.Cli-T. the Junxxiorc Iflopi.\iicxigxxx'xibig eslxo- ciaxfuctin, nd s ccx ialxx o hs gil i~h rc tlixgu~exixsxof lieixixo Ilxp. ths ixxdeixcatled. ''I1'exxxxe tox Axxx xc srI x.5prc i ll ofxxxcx entiilicllIx as e, tixxxof thelicgirlsxwxoixaxexxx I'll] inxtan xtransfrmed.limlxxirborxix'froxxx a scene f typicaolexlixeeexixtenle'toxxIi'llxxiii Decent pllacexlxxixiel sec the old methoxdxii thexlix ixxix fxithii xiORtilxYEE- iiitt Comeote>1>s1. , 3 . , 1 i'sl rChinese Chop-Sney Restaurant etc Thil ic i tit(i ix xxxut xit' Cinxese Fany tDishxes, Steaks axnxxl(;xhxps. pitn( sla liecc xwithl a lixclxx hitxxxc AmsercicnLunxchxes xxfall kinds. Fery- if ltxexprit. lixliws i xl cx i n11 t xiiAxbot. 1,vttottalo uesthe xxiia tnkixc 314 S. STATE STRIEET I'alslnet. It <-' sxx i;lnxlcl ,al' PATIENTED te isin evcrv 11111, wxicx iit eallx RACBAN D AND xxi+cxisixxxx 1 x BOSOM llilx xx cx ...i,,x.... xxx LIN BRAND" .1 7 '7 i L i L J " I