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February 06, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-02-06

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The ia al


1\N o LyAC fXIX.\ S'-R)ANo.'I-)R 88. :Y0

o. .

Both Gymnasiums Were Blazes
of Beauty During the Hop-
Lights and Solos Featured.
With all ihe sharminof ii sitilal gonis.
lights, n-is 1and1 li sts c hre Tiunior
nio theclssof100 X ra elehratedi
ini thr -itinsill i 1s I ridazlitis lit. There
wers-morce stnstehundslr~iedcoileis
oiltl t ouiisr ini Wa termanssigymu-when.ithte
1 adsirhb~i-theli-formali 1programs,
lit-slipprWsii ~ Jt lms ee
h d tipl hrl y ft g in ighte.r
Thrie sic-il hindec rtiin iifioi
coo- i r enal milniuisi ii tlithe
Cl- ied W tsf,'01igustis.Tihi l ists ii
tions()f fle g~mlia~um itelf itt slell
IMtMIi st iteif noe there wasino
lil tilt i 777t11 ii l faIti thatl a it i al
itm,(nslitsisiit wsttividen lt toilhe
speI ictiotr. ite
the iand ma ll I e u a o:I...i ro
en ofg- ilthe X flor ihe i c til t eld \
Frn.int i cu ndM sciliralv
of itli lii kblt ii t V1. lIt OIldt wic
Ihu i-tisocikiii ."l i itiilitisibrealit liiio
Wih tet ird wa liiith lod slih
walro g t Into i iml-cstllosilthrseit
1 i-tituofcolr sn tulte tls -iil-
infc t(is-i fotllxsickedcouit s bou th
ture iw is-i- ed ithtseliis lights.i Th
11-115 leetls ss g l i t h". isit \ii o
the chorus of "The Iesis ii nt=i 4's
"'a ti onli Paisim cies, - ith itnt lid
daritk ts vel ull , swa is tir lii bvtlhei sits-
Cin o sh rett eat 5 srhits sslcg

sif itis-s-sc-lits cutm-. XWii Itsh
ars tX scinsiiaelt()t l t(
gueicst it a igreitsco d o cots lii
isteiti b seso t a 3(
upon sthe---sli l -is-sO~'ii tl
As: tic sirty-seatd hiii k
sitis pe iis lthe chordsi of
luroke-iot a tt -- a t)ai
trail noitiot erntiiii iii eh
hous- r he tiusicr sc-tin- i ,"--ligl
a d it iwas atll -r
Fuuo rllig is lie li-i )ti k i-i
ifl1 ltll,''dX 1'ili 11_A.
V:Mrs. A.XX. Cknit illssis, di
CteiFinlXXX tti, ts-n a
ltsdestcFIari ansi . ii -Xiii B,
s aos Xcrl is ii stu Xii \: ii
cand Rapis: XXjoic1ii K
leriass a g r t tsoi.l 'i
isde,1A .rll. sX ii
er Cica-go:s'Airs.Plse-air-:;l
thse u linaisi igf
hatter.XI sire I nst- -~c Fi
tsiii-lsii Xetot Caliii
sonc t he tika(, IetT
al o Inosils iiI Ail.
Meadvlle, a: ; race tinnls
Xf. i- I r t I ) -s-us-us f )
t rsStpelCiii hc~i:
liii lit XiXIW, it
Geort sui t , i XXs ells- ih.

:Ahrjt-c't~lfalon C i B rlisgtsn, Xl,: s its A<lie rj MUSICAL + CLUBS DO
A iI u le Xhslin t 1 i lt.C m b l, ltctx
less Xiisu Xrliiir knnal iii \xis ;aeGirs) HONORS Rc iy,'u ilin lo 2 ~i ,AnT NIG
Ii F hi lev 'illi . :it Airs
ri* .lcrrh Ii(. I ° is X1l :lt5 _______

It. iill inaI I St i Xl l e e sit
1iiiii l% . Y. still mcc j110
\- - - sre - ilss Ciii y
l ii i I sico , sYis s15 is
rit~ li l i s l ir il-Moltey, ii
Nt l rel MisI liixas J ll.i e
Mllsir XXdtihllI orctta Xlli

i s XX lia XIt EI nisissCi cago,
M issit i eii ts Broi n.i Waliii g-
1,1) s.;M rgeryt- akier, Xlga
1 llc clcrsan, A is X. Nll usiu uc
rs i titure S . "alii l tri loeu
igsiii. hunt; bissJa e XAn i lmr.
Alrs. A.iH) (tills, 1 '1111~
elsss Anne nXcu- Ati1)< igl :
(Osuis do.Pa e .

r I

Cli~l( atsc, liii CRICHTON APPEARS
Comedy Club Gives Final Mati-
F~it c~hli1I, tisissiti uee of Play Which Scored Big
cI1( tr(11 1)tr ititetills Success--Nazimova a Guest.
iii is hiss icili I islisuit('01111
rcI t0,11(, hcao i1c41 mi\\: \( c l111Sathae leEla iaii loa :liwi 11
ll ianat(s ,,illca"lct( o
c'II.11'1'r <I 1.. Cr1111 ii i--s tis a 1 m l S t s l
,Ili \\i-i i kfrii ten eyhu ~ (se n h - vl I r
l~yan I~crolt EliahctI ti~ (Ixl- °lit--lu p 1iti ililt-siit wI,
M a l-\ P i s c Ci c a o s a I ii i l ii sill 1 11 v t \ I II s t e :
X .iliiisilsilis(t:a i i-ill Ile I cII
J. ; fa 10rencc 1?<IrrI~h, Carn I- pang She a d liiis Oth.- 1( ](
Ct-sl XX.ln-Xii I()h li sdii ced I~I Iir -
ls is litills 1111111 sii) telcr t:i tsl ust

Glee and Mandolin Organization
Closes Round of Entertainment
in University Hall.
Fill 1 is _-i ve -111cariis Itilts been gis
s:)ills ii iii ccsiiiiittssI tt the Junsiiir
fie (liitlu trisp, he Ilsutsiialshuts its-
ill Idle issiti shll lito is thei iirgsstltoit-
ii :flatly iof t pices wicheltmuisdit
s lt t h ilts licltits tiht-t tiill bei
C b iii oipac T e el ae till tieli
I liii iliand th is ro is li e anii-
-i iii liimusic ill comri sehu t heiiss
u ii le lothn tash ," ai tiare Kil-
lcn vctcrc~l} hee ssiss to ibe
is ii tilc l te-c-i lsutb itill ssilt(;
iir islpill" shutsrThe situwan
ise ill'" sisilil g his is it " ansisi
Alt1w, ( Irlin ." tl con luioniii i recul
ictI-s wil be e t b bo hutlubs.
pIayis i ib )1h ii tItlist
stll,"_td ic just a itl 'l o e , 11(
I sr-tisIl lltlhcr fo th l gui- tish is lthi
s- irtiI ltIl ll a-Ic a l lezes tie-
i, s11-" to sake hit i tisig"Don't
Itl~l1 sips II ld C thatis slt ifis
j fotill si-ill.
I scas wil 1w Ol sae 7durng; ite ida
at -l((1Ii 1 i il he e c sI sl l t the
I l isitiltiss isl ii- tit-ssit Itit ii 'T'il
XIlic til as ir etsIliii i ssifet
lslc s i i ec ct m yh etired.i
I{ k lg is t e p() tialt ilf l
1,Itls (i XrlIla . .. . . taIshlss
"Ice s Chit lb.

t ilt r i--stic-it (specially Isir thc "J" _ -sen s -icis I ii Mal
l t 1, on l I = nd t i li s sills Dalcc Still ila, lia
lit utu I iittcs stu its Xii I wolt, lie Jo i ,
hull sihith is tesi-i ws--s "The.i Rse Surmsess iz okfr, 1
Sontg" fromts"Culture,''p1clayhdsby Fscht Itiilt Jiui 11.ills ~el~
so.Iti "asies pecl fit ured -ib Xitree i scrr itn iii a lih
hudrdnaurIwii 'ssi rosesittbing overliSt, neXi GrandRapids.-uiiiu
baset siertshe cenitile-r s-iolf ut ics Sinaaium t I tutu It trlls XiiIs'
'le u uliihcranhstud oits ou eisit- I:\ "S
lowed c-iaiong te dac ers.iliii gi 51515Gull. 1111 IcfX I Xl oIl : M
hit Xisieant-oftilt i-- S . -\, sungcu hit iC icagc
d spli inofa age - iescas-itt alug isssnSusie 1,X I d m -
by rcolver hi t s lu mptsiolls itsdaciii , chlst r XX'; A -n ifrcd iii
situ ~ ~ ~ ~ B ISlonekertitsilil stltC i i toni.siu Ma
All ot hiss-lir's soits itill lie stung his- man-,ts ( i nsitulit; Isis c. I
Rot s is- msu istsorine smthise su: inn1111) 1 Xena i. lst 1 dhlii a;
list Pt c s.bli ng.tisMiacisetnie Xiis. ( coici o
'lur'e cess-u--t is1theur iSis i hsunb, Pa

lc . s C r i lBa hh Glady s i--tiIin si il c ph ii suisussiuli)1i
Cuc1 n r:, ,tic ll wk. 11cln hik. -i l istsef
[>yh gl m , { IRva XI[, i , hica o l aIl X o he p a m m d a e
l~ at c, ] ,~ n l ca o , nd an p o is I m isi l iii I-) . -h e l ls it e r m atei iind i
5 -ittc' It td I t shi hulisit sitii hs i s al w ic iii-ci
t,11, I l"U1t luhiuisti rIsis Ill dayi atuc is haer
111111"ssurd. T ect51-n
I 11511 C) S l tin ccci Als.F, al icliforsit wei ,wii il,
iii iiiii M it s 5r: 1)r Vii i-: A h- ra s ithsliet I iii us dii ii
G I iSTS (liiilnc Sunlit mcly
( ,B r a 1) I ri ietd s- s duti iihais ussi l l . ull
urrt ,P !lsss XSpringer,( hirdais ui af, te inet Crtc fr -
- it-tiuei iii slit iDcetrolustNsitei1iltic
\rhv Aclni loa et F heyn Al Is I r iii ilii lls itall" fro
cell. lc ti land :Nlar uiuisuiu Ke -- ]ct If tilth fth il
suittX.sit)us ofts the11mo sillra itic cii si

sit C 1
51 CIsA)s)-

'Iii sl -
sinll s-Ilt


N1s XXiliam,,siiiiecdid1 itsaslitniteof
fling11rosstthe s tills oiii tich was
ilit uhtachd i s-d eaittg this chills ofi
thi song.ss- se s orchitestra scre sculled
its greatesuc slice -sisitthi s isible
except issniof thisetit itsobnec td 'Tw
Thoass C s ii TIheic(nuts XXontise
listtioaltsoireccivediitmuchiiallse iss -i
lutratedas- t wa byminature c lie
iii ;amngthisfols,'sitthis sillmisiasit

-Not h
he ilatis

Itsmits 71silT . .s ...- - - - -.... islar
i(lec Cliii
dfitis islit 'lisle
Mi sait XXWatzes ... tr...U uss
.t susiusitC lubs
crtt~s .... ... .... . t.. e rssssgedt
XI iI Clu bhu
sssssu s XXt W shies . . .. . .. .hIi-ih n
Wece C huh
sttsa rm i imsis .. ii - JuaIn,
Xl uushuhs Clhuh,
The V ct~r .... .. I .... ... Il-h 'no
( uce hand 11111 liti Clubs.
diD 1(1
ni S softc es rrsen~stinsg
isis I shhipin thei( t' Xi .Ci-opis so-
ci this artiihaves thi-r tictc -s redeemed
at IseNo oftwetyfi t-(7)c its for
cact yer torut, dain silot Sttest-
hciWN spu yesN o eiiitirhu
dieaiu rsc-sllt reuceturatsss uioilall
uc-hads. his irceiptiususi o ickri-
ciwl ailsshu tg tus teuostiltosi
us resite 'Sits--
ipiy Stuns ;t i.Sat t

Mrs.C. 11.XXalhicsSi. Jusstll
iis 11.P ug . A is J. 1 AV XX lle
Alsscs Ilgeiuuucsusu- VC.'
DSetit; Fh-lraes Joluce ;d
titners Pooitle.Vii Isis 1,: '
XWileUia :J -su tissm
lcVirgi lsiia 3 uns t.Jus Cj
Xlilssisu lF-see GraedussLI
HaelI Woslcoss tits Iand ids t
GrCi ITopush, K1;is lz us l

Special Parties W EK isttotcozmpetedwit.h-- Michigan
Catered to __________________out &,dirzaer at the I
With MICHIGAN UNION. Open 7:00 a. ma. to 12 p. in.. Februsary, I U~ nio
Notice in Advan~ce 4th to Februsary 8th, to members an~d their guests. Cafe

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