ISpec THZ MICHIGAN DAILY -.. fi ;ilTrouser Salej ri NOW ON See window for Prices. Full Dress Suits $35.00 rwrn Ir' ii Ii J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St.I II r _ AMUSEMENTS NwWhitney TheatreI New BOTHi PHONES 4801 Monday Evening, Jan.,25 DR. LUDWIG W11E U LN ER The Worlds Greatest Lieder Singer assisted by CONRAD V. BOS Accompanist Prices: 35-50-7'5-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Friday Morning Tuesday,- January, 26 HE Shubert Theatrical Co. (41"E James Young in 00rotl xx xi -. xi~i (. 11 (xCo edie Brown o Harvard By RIDA JOHNSTON YOUNG Nxiith a tCat o(425 Cotenott Actors asid the [nintw at tato0(uction ax nsed for 00eea it) 5Newx fork and _2-1 ig(hts in Chica-o. Prices-35c-50c-75c-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Saturday Morning UNIVERSITY NOTICES Canciixhtex liirfrixhixeic c:teilxi an ieot he gmtx Si iodii at 44. J Flop committee mts toa, lIa. iii. xxlarptx iRaitdall's, fox picture. Nlii. impoxirtasnt irehearsaxii ofitheimanoiiniiii clxuixSsuniay, 3 ip. xI. at Tio lb house oiniiiWxi-tteixwanue iii. 1Dt.xV S \i xxires cxa seepio ietr n lThe Great Whitie Plaiguin i tit-Py xblcii xiichurch tiigti aii7:30. Meettiig of J lHoip i independnts a iiiiganC iiiiitidhum .1t 2 :F,.Sitix- mcory iarrungimeiintiioxatieiiimayxie lxii. C. IL Coiixey (wi i cxian ad- drsin the F ist Unixarianx chxurchx ax Labor Legilatin" otgl aixiaih t he ii Siixiix iil andx crinx tiilTishixeimie, xxnxxx I xihe Pr-y iii C. E.Ioiet hseiii to 6:30 xo'clocki. LOtST'-Pair f xiccalxein a cai e Tiiixrsixax ClPxxiii104W-5. njiniuiiii ixi)S xi lxxxiih iofikleis.xSitalel i vvrdif riexuriedxitoxthis ice. 8i7ii .1 sTIniigrsxiilixiior xx ii, Jixi. 0, oiin S.x~iiiirxi, Ftrixi. ll. kexir toii xDai~ily ofiie. dxxxi FIZii iENT-St fle rooimi-, welli xiiuhe. irie er irasoniablii. Ti i orllivesctigatiinig. ,to 1.Cateinex Si. 87 "Cxxturc- iimisic indxscoies.x "Three 'T'wins"x muici~. Evrtin(xig i pto-diat muil. Schexle ic& Soxix. i7ixix Speciaili ofitixi d 2,,ipitur tis xixeciklatxi;c, atxDaliniig i& Sixi- 1 ,: axisx. 87 [ITgI\Af5 LhSSNS Privatexleii osixDni ii liiiiiii x - iis anhearanigidxiorbyxalxxiniig at the xiiiiiiiiiioffice on M(ixa uxril sireiitxor 1i phonixi246 . 'l iii giixii-hoilxxIii li. FOR iii 5lixlxx-Two sarxtokxinii i Imcrnaioalall ~1m 1 and ievelpiienti Comxiipny-f Philadieilpiiiiixrxsnti-v-aluexx $7i00. Sfe lxxviiimext. Gi. dEinteesi Drop x itoCUiontlubxxxIlilmeIxrixr Shoipi Geoxrge V. Stll.SMg, 8-7 By speixcial qeixii illcntii nueiiiiitoii Hell aii NaxijoutanxiiiCixcuiaxixxbxlaket t is wuk xat ione-ouirhixoff. Daxrig & Specil lexixxiOnolCxiegc Cti lroiusers for coliiige xxxi. Alicn's ClthesciSopix .\iaiii St ftf Genuiix 7in e-exicnix lxiiiconixCumica CoxiiegeInnx. 0iif One-fourthlix cff xiiipillwsxi. win ix andhieirsuiaiti xasiniig & iixxiiaixxx ii KOiI,:AiC.F THE xTAILOR--ix)O Syisil-xGoodsi. Gel vot xxchiceiiiioxxx 110o1F. Hutronx St. 84-o JOE LENHARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 200 . Washisgton Si. k"Loop-ste-moop" returnss are the latent ismprove- msentinowolinig aileys. .Thsey slop speed of bali aisd ieaxxe it nearest te bowler. BILLIARDS. DOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 112 S. State 311 Maynard -.. Now is the time to select That Swell Overcoat or Cravenotte Tise weather is right assd Stein-Block garnients ate Isere ins great variety. Save money for the rent of yossr life by giving usp the antiqne tailor man _of the Ixast asdsitil lsgoss Stein- Block Stsuart Clothses, tisat fit assit sna ke yout look stylishl, modern asix LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL& COO Haadq-uartes for Modern ThIngts THE GRAND i- Billiards Bowling Cigars Candle Tobaccos HOWELL to JOHN SON, Props. M. E. RYAN, Mgt-. STOP! LOOK ! LISTEN! For the announcement of PUMPKIN CONTEST at TH]EATOKIUVM I SOON DETROIT UNITED LINES VAN KLEEK S Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and 300 East Wsahingtoas St. Limited Cars EastBaunud-xS:0 a. in- x Light Lunches p L,imid4Cars oxa xx Confectionary 1a. c. 5 x. andLoa Cars East Bound To ix ii, Ice CreamrI m. iTolYpsilanti, :1. xix(i. ii.}xiilfthourxiily lxxii1xi1 xx. 1) . n xalso iV!:15 ax111.12ii30a. 111.1ix:30x a. xx.xixitl.t1 ixe, iiaxigi ax05Ypsilaitil. Phones 78 L 78 Blue Local Cars West Bound-xx;i4 a.o. 7:15ia ox, ani vtythustoxx 11:1xiiiixix 5 . i . x 5c CASINO. 5c Spalial O.-aisastre.. Mmalc PopusttIlutatetd Songa Motion. Platures CHANGE DAILY Fowler, Stimpson & Co. I I I A RROW SETS THE FASHION fib CO0LLAR.S .1axei- xixoy, N.Y. Carriage and Baggage For i-anti imaaleto inaind fxriiipartle befare ixtixiloi $13.50,oaftiano'loxk $2.00. Fxo eichxTirnkto xrnxdanr, tie piie will be 25 Cents.5i arietix o ori ft-omc up-stairs, the price wiliibe 50 Cents.. Drovers ate required to coltca shl tat carriage n a ggage t seviieti(i. WASH ER'S LIVERIY ROB I tNSON & txs. W. it. sNARK WsArTTLES'sLIVE-RiY. Porto Rican Canes High gi-aide waikitig stinks xxi nativ wsixld, orange, satin-awoit, palixti.,x its tih-ce sines: $1, $1.50 and $2.,hs paiiurggisrySc extia. Addiexs ROOT & CRIDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Boa 424 A WORD TO THE PUBLIC Over my own signature I can positively announce this as the highest priced, most elaborate, and GREATEST VAUDEVILLE enter- tainment ever seen here. ARTHUR LANE, Manager OPENING AT THE ' ' MN DAY WEEK OF mVajstic NIGHT ian, 25 ENGAGED AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE * LivingMen Maxim's Model.andnWomen Posing in Beautiful Art Studies Reproducing Ancient Statuary. Gorceous Effects-Sublime-Entrancing Mvay ee~lle "IZRDOF OZ" and her SE H IO~ICOW AI DANCING SCARCROWS SE THEICOMIC Pl THE BIMBOS, ARIA BILLY MANN, Comedian Every Night and Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Matinees Next Week: DOOMS DAY The End of the World. 1 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR TIHE BEST OF EVERY THIING IN TAILORING3