THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY G. 1. Wild Company MERCHANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MIER in (Meniom, Lighf, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Greciao Drab, Light Mole Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pel- ham, Astralia, Cymric, Bllion, Federal, Empire, Raebrn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds, Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. HI. Wild Comfpany 311 Soth State Street F=PI3NS= Mose compete line in the city. Moore's Non-leakable Waterman's Ideal Conklin Self-Feeder tR1Y OUR Sheehan's Leader Best doiar pen on the market. Sheehan & Co. Students' iBookstre A. G. Spading & Bros 7in l arget .Mtanfacurers i te W~od isf Oficial Athletic Sopplies Fat Bal, Baket Bal, ee Skates. Hokey Golf. Gymnsumu Apparatus. 4pedigs".Handsoely listrated Ca. tlogue f allsprtscontans siom- ers sugg'stions, mailed free any- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yerk Chicag Detroit THE MICH-IGAN"' DiAILY.!iiheroic h estiiris ii lines hasshee, Rti li.IkSB \'i'iNGa itheArir ( ihrsscshe t? isth i ls ige s on iilin 'llOsy lsi, Fridy nsd Sasrdayiof ecii lenaigisng Ldiir ARiCxicRF. RTrCnt. ss ieispiin e"ic';silsssi isii" c scntitrrss issss ciin i y A HI- R ' S sis i iics cisis hat i no l-i - - Buiescs Mniger-JoHN F. WUO. ,oneswillle aile to usniereie1iisil iiwati. Sle ges Ma'lsrihanWshcingiincats - -- - oiler issaking adine,,andit ill iiiioni ly i.. his c-i sli. Florida I'ril C. nrt ii5 with th greates iiliciliytts ee wi iiiphne -7 57 I?. \W shingtcoin. Orders News......s .....Lee A White be aile t c t } oni iscisi-i i iatl lisis 1n3?-eon Athletics. . .C. ........ . Eldridge IThe iieretis oite biiletic .-ociss Excnaige. ....Robert Moutsier Ilion sait tiosroairissile i c ofi ichl-cl Missic.........IHollis S. Baker ian emsriaii it issis aethiiiii.sii's tter_______ Spalding's Dramtia. .RaymisoisilVisseher Iin eaismire gSnssiic ciiwayiie isp the Womiiei; Editor .Louise VsiisVorhis elirii ofii isalsip ndsil siis I isi~ysii'sOfficial tat, la, ir hai serumsii o esiist sndsiiesane'and. iisOWNESfrnlGerasptatmttoid hirs, wei isisshe L es isirsIC..Rid outlwhatistherstiirii ssfoisi (illi B A S K ET si1)'lit t at iriu ous. cirisc s li iiii i i n lap hea squ lt NIH - alsBALLS Mlicha~e 1. Mchugh tFred E. GeediglOPIlNIONS (CLA\SHiGLOVES Doisald IL. Kinney Dana E. Jones \sIONV; liFi A\Iii'lS Was'K1. Toers Louis Kraft - -and I,sssel J.(Crr (Cisstisni iriusleer,.,1.)Supplies ii10R~S hei~N5 irilaces itax ciaidIregvisisii ofi si aiss i Palsi rrec Sauiiel IH. Morris 5ote ''su s ter sll sugeted is ihe Siou,.t5ot- issiip\ir. slc r. Iloag's. I. G. C. Willisams aul Leidy iprceediin is ii r naionaisss legislitiisr___ D.ii . iiicics Ired LawtonTs he uticsii iiressing see mptu. iiion iii 1';ha sldsi ii iyour gran dfaher ( isslaiiiBal lhary Z. Folz risate property iiiin riiiiic ari as mlto hNu ahe, so let is sel o vts V. .-(nisllis XXW . . Elliott euggetedi by hi e pi riceedinscOfiithei l slisiss ii1838. lIlici s jewelry SX \. Daviid . A..KsilussIl Inurrinaiis . Frislt, I d otin!iss:hSlorc, 21(i . XisiiuS. edf R C'. . MA le ail i 11iiA. Mikeselliiiiit iiiesins delsiiig ii k i caI ci l- ______________________________ I'S cr Moi r 1itiisJ. i. lBrniiniisis55 lieraryirsii' r isi d. absl ensssti AM551ANC1thBeltiPhone 982R C.S-s i. ssssiisi scsriiiusces i i losePae 8 University Bookstore t- tISSAF uppslmeiinitsiucistins iOf c nIcIIiissu R. A. DOLPH & CO. B SN S ST F cn nii. uicrusiiuosuss l' l c. insic~os to 0. 1lastins ________________________ Car 11sr . AXdamis 1,.. ii (cssill esuitr i-cpar icum I :n i eco c is. eFneral Dircors Addre:;MICHIGAN DAIsY, ress Bldg.. 4imsci lstiiislic ssmsi. 20V S JtL Ae Aan Arbor, Miah. C.E BARTHEb Msaytard Street. .issiciws icthtil si ill Nrcxsills G O!O E Managers Hours: -2 p. u., 78S . . G O s littecon~cerii" d a i l y , e x c e p t S u n d a y . B o t h p h o n e s F . \ ' _ ) i l s h e a r t i lyi i i c i i i I i i t h e5 l i c ei i t , Iii i i ilr n It , , h o s t'i i s' t o ri p u i iOK th_________ qiuestsios ciciiiere1di;a deieldTHE T. J. CAL CO -ticey iwiildibeImocinterest c ciin ta bthRos45 Rosland Bldg. DETROIT S Vii1 l NAR.JX\i.lY 2.1. biebatlerisra'nst aiidine tist ake ssa U SoLawv eisi11s . isi si ii iii''icrN t is . ipointin imiiosiof telis t es.ii i hinkiii 'iic si cscii cii-uc li' ~siiiiii lruimler scopiiicofiinsiiicin sissiisi doi siiic isChinese Chop-Suey RestaurantMeia mate isficeXsiu n'iicssiisu -su'i s rest'iinn ss Ite siliisu'sul noon ar:.t Mx;is. After hawiinge S \'C ) C'l Ci l I 'Cl.i' III G a t is isuniliihiue siu sA isur. Largest Stock its icligat isappo iiiint uici is doi lievecis- --314 S. STATE STRECET SecodHand Law Books mg hehar.o con irol, 55555rc'tiiinotl The liii ut' eekl y ti 1 VoX ssisus's Icciii sis'i iis s i ithlsidrsft si le re-isry yeserdaisy suw sssiiiecicsiiihli e Porto Rican Canes awasledclDcitars ha 1 il njc.conscerueilie iatXWellsleico cllsgecwss os agsatin-wood, pain~, 'Is., Comsplete lite New andulSec Thl ici Ii bjesctisin io the firs r - giveus' i Sasrh sil xsiu ll bAnchll ll nt re ie:$1, $1.50 and $2. tusst ot c-ad. eri ss i i c o h raduatessssi - L iiuian iHodge al iiisXl -n licu't i d t a {oe tr. Ades iir i, p licd t oo hiiisIc igha homer-. Ioltl ias tel isg cssracir is erc ROcc OOld ooks takens its xclatge d ise smihod51 ci ng Is u ssmbs 1 o f i cha'ruminug sindi entesrtiings. ''liii, sus1OTlRI E Il,-hod f onro wihit pi uropss dsitslsuciugflloiiwed he ]stry. Co(' [ilii Myaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 .r rT is i;ii'sfactsiryiil htiswi cll mueansi:I wafer iere serrecil. C. E. BAiR"T'i'EL, competeWeerhoad, s ta asthe ill TheWomui Leaue ancewil he3265 TATE STREET (ilsnt membersi;ir e -cc serciiid-il.fuer echlivS.n Fbru a ssry 8S.ansuit sis sin pre-si Second Floor Tel 761 ineschlsi c ii ls 555 iand askii talssi iii ~ r I PIAIC mnage! Is ti is arguss'disthsat iu-tuew rk ofIs) tiiis ieported sussal tcgei'iHl-sms X. 1 * eahifihe fiesiiscin ughslfuss' sns. Cari'}, woisissiitedstheli( ISdivssil 'lsi Notice to Students Ouluiif it ispr lysih done sut. uiay, usit i ie s I lisnd idate furr-c t-iions Popular for , Two for- c']esrrayI1csusgeat deslsof foIsrie in asnliheisosirsiofiregents. Regent CI (rey TWO SEASONS u.25c. 'Wheunsiyu want gateed u lises arineisi isshill they isoinst er- hisisesivedi nithe bordsoi r ihty rs Imitated i hpbt h Ptliuuial a eit s sttois s i i irasithri ngsis ossic ii heswhlsts' dsitss inses'probale that hess ix611 illbii ened Loch Front"' which avoids plaein Anu A bors whie rue collrspeadig, an b ha onl in yuat it TauisANOL'S docssmsssti if lte te sre resl sobsictiosi re-ne ce dii. cla pedncnh a nY inOptical spte. Its in cag toi l-cusingte iafuessiIsusiid bnd iif$ro,oo - (~i a speiistoneeefects sthe siures"cussasilsubslie caugedultoiite X.XN'lDi q 904 i icligsriuiesissu. r lng u Oint e yiu pioipr amunt.s 1Licsusame masiy behrulHis,. 6(ea19 l siurorS.51 . 87-S ' I7 11aII(Ifih