THlEM'I'CHIG'AN DAILY __ .1r... Special Trouser Sale NOW ON See window for Prices. Full Dress Suits $35.00 UNVRIYNOTICES So0)1 meiii clebal team iveilc Randfall & Pack's _studio odyia t t t I ; O*ltara. Junior e(l-Igaicr iiciisall lo.'n andi clasofficer' ficniaiita loll'sSot urdoraysat 1:Co Junlior'law fsotball teiam)meeti aoli- sty at t0 isclock inagym o fr Michigcan cinsum isictnrc. fibne Meetrinig of fNewsc Yosrk dli itdu houise F ritfa'ctcssi' gat7 'lc; E? crrr houct. I )ppert The Convercsaition metietinig ()t1 1 fi ciad fcspagstisf ill ntt toncigh oni accoutlllCof ills' tiarmSti of iicants.' Comaedfy cilbehris~l Fr5idafyiat tirec cast reiot.ats2Ls not preentff511 Iwune-str-ired.~ iitli O f Prfis. 1.' . Coolerwillff give ill ad- chcsinsthe HPirs 1. ia aichurichsli Susnssae eveningsit' l n VI~ii Uniariuan a andUivoscilstsluiii andthef' irfrnas retinvsiteto iualf f chucfsappe5r illfte Fillrsii Janucary 22. ittt 0 ,s .i n th, iii in roomof te chrch.'ricets t ih -lo- ; Cenits. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5E-MENT'S Now Is the time to select. That Swell Overcoat or Cravonetlo 'Pi o cotter is right otisf SteinIffock gotii- fcn tIrec fere isiat lvariet.Sv e t ir iliev for the ccst oft