THE MICHIGAN DAILY Samt Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfield Q,. 106 & ..Co. EAST HURON ST. (ioI t UTLEi& CO., 308 State f1. I I i l ( 4 i HOT WHEAT or BUCKWHEAT CAKES JOLLY'S. aEiSi- '-1E BRIAR PRICESN $1.00 to$1.50 PILLOIWS and BANNERS AT Iarlinlg & Malleaux V. of m. B 4RBER, SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. i iiiT oal Itt() t ( R EI(AI\ N I HOT iAXND((('tI) allOWER B tATHS' (IR StFAt SPECI ALTY, 2)i T S 358s Staes'-Ann Arbor,ich. SCOPE OE DEBATING, QUESTIONS NARROW Writer Trhinks Subjects Are Not Broad Enough---Appeals For Greater Diversity. Wfith ititercst fil\lichtigant's IclatitigV lieyed at lthe presentti(me-to a hitclh ' ot"i-at it higher thatutiaial by the re- centi Centrcal LcaguicConitests,,ti word Iof getncral Icommenitit ott techabactcr of tic debating done in lihistunivec-itytmtay hist article te ltatedfbel coivereiibl ttheoul sljicta iof tdclate lbe-e.= n toi see if othcr fielids if discttss-iotitimay nt prfitalyla aid oilticithis- puttiv tletiiof iiirestutids. Thicopiportuityivof lieavecratge t- dert io laitke a debiatig teamittalitiiteid t fiiii suicccosiive years. Let itsexatm- anet-e sfutbjects whicht have b1endebat iedinte(Cintral League dintg the Iasit ifu ticiears. In igof i lie quetioti debiated V fStecrceationasofti comtissi ott witfi powerc to fix cailroad ratcesit inf97 the bnftio lie paricatis fnotimin ftiiriziinfg themnitwithi qucsitins if cuiii reitt iteresi. but in tining ftieiainth hadig of econom-sic facts and u siceic. I doit tabto ideplore. however. thtc fact ftha no tleckind eti deftifit isat pretntci beiig offercid to the stt- detits of thtis unicersfiy. Theccttitio as rcgretle, I tifrftmathe- atad- pito f botihi faticifants-andfuiecs Whta tteil fintecust fteeiin(at inerenowic i-fetno t ainteiiftitct - succec--aof ftt-ieaftieifthemseIves. Ad looking t te iiitatiuonfiomthe(tand pon foftesidteif sitit- apaf nt limitedi, kii is callfedinto patt Set al talts tt- yti geatly evenlaiain td t at tat-to lianstiliiithiis thu a ecilti itracttiton mIfayiobi entiel outid ftis cni-c-Irintoina iiitfate gii iace'Ifor tislay ouf iathet (teran lrgrtialenitsfnthe-iparfii I c-ving(i of a ictigrivinheiriiitanice tax with nittnefof te cxattion(( hich - by te fedel goernment;i o ttiboghtibyfi arigi-tanid stagfudt c aWfethie orsnt all iiifersate comimerce - - - -- -_ - -- iopattttaitiohulid tc-eceqirto ftatke FOfRffI I> i-ieasoiabl, frot traitc o a ffediral cmcher;afdtiis (ftrear athe if' ortre. N>2cc-h I tiiili t: all qui-atiouias ith cl-efeece-of a 'cite- ttciii fi hattguaiiiitedci. warncitic enccuacci iflitcommrccit1liftpeto (((((at- 12a4 Vttlitiitnea-ic aanrt(ium ote aeciredtbytond._- c t timeow lookat fteatsubfectaof lie tat II If IKAl IIGa l(-Amr cup~ debteicaifurisng lii-samieiceticd. l lIisa iFr( Iitty andtilSai tilidav fatcti f Wtih en -ilacge-ment if onrana itwas-eel;ciaf((ternoon nd eveing. fiacussed-inilis907 f tth ile sdil 1v titi ia-t-caoaotIof thec ittrclihtantia i -asiat, Chiii a Fat ing i(a t r- fat arc tcaitujeci t-ferirciit(0the cap ugsare b aHis ~~l lit t S.I tirn of p((vaticpr((city ((1(00(iii-highft e t.Igr trs Ott I f lt -c-u- isn tai of (i-ti: andth t i et-i flit . od-, f~ctc~ sth(ftc-ption iofiiotite in i ittat :icdrferuenuuumtby -hfbitates avet (iri uiomapered, piaitan all isuuueun tawhoii trcued ta itiblictdti c ititt (i ifaindti out fitort a tifiat fo t}sigcnetinthfu istiiait~ i cftit itinthe teji iorHo.Spectil pricy unlafit fat ftour ycearsm-ifstcv isuacseadote ;mm;tmtialif work is dount nat.-C of (tc-csatslbjccts. liiiscope i iced f;.luajac fitCo. . F. Washtintion.i by tct t -e igb(ttotica, it wiill ibe iteadilty itot fifiotita 2,17. codil ",an.isieteey lititei-tMost-iof fttia _____ __ :nc abstttrseccuoo(ic(queatst-in;out or fDot putafi at iride till iftfgetas(too twoisuchcasfiat asn(t-itthittititectat, cold.fiticrIhorsaesiarethe k indttut'sa - iffc- opportwuity ft fortetdiscacuiiin ofitpleauc- toridc behindii. IHolmes' Ifit- -ma- ge ~at- ri cipletitof jutfici:. 1Ea is try- 528Ff . I f f i S-iiSt. Beil K22. ltnI kcre ithtoevrfi the iijust~ic. (ciied it;3.t0f ,!n ectoomic justicetutand i fitfar th ulk - - - -- - Oft-tfebatfintg onte(litop(((ic-ihaitad 1ii - ot sandwtltichetadelitreit titColleg- t dactithficouanomtic ipracticabilita. jin. foh phuouuc1078yL Ianditino; titi 'fIti cotmtpiling of sattifcaandtithfte mecmortizaing of figutrea, ha cilfa c- CULTURE SHEET MUSIC ANt) OFFI- cuintdI tiecciutetats. CIAL SOUVENIR SCORES FOE SALE I tiome anseirtame abllilethceftcAT SCHAEBRE & S ON'SMUSIC imptfortac rthe((c-tivti itf auchdislit HOUSE. ((it CLOTllING SALE On account of change in firm, which will be known after Feb. 1st as the J. F. Wuerth Co. The entire stock of Cloth- ing and Furnishing is included in this Sale at 20(f . Sale closes Feb. 1st. STAEOLER &WUERTHf WALK-OVER -DRESS FOOTWEAR FOR MEN and WOMEN ji, t rivrt antIittptimentof N triotis st)-ies in Pumptoft - stidti oylav a et tces(It Patent, Dull attdlSitueeLeafthe Prices: $3.50 atvd $4.00 See Windows Fortt cxclist l f, il kWater-Pt uoff Camapo ffJ tauidlOxfotrds aiii Taitt Rttsset~tlcltio a-t ethers-if WALK-OVER SHOE O, 115 S. Main St. j FOR EVENINC DRESS itAT i ghu sitk. oItt at 'i t IX it S nltAT (Suite, siiale beiteditt. Sti ((AS' Slin S it c u t?(fit-i ed CH a nav t it- ic, tli tai. ii tat -earItt l iksand(111tudsi. IWAGNER & CO. H Iabrashers Corc Situ ht al a A o jFOR HOUSE PARTY * i I t _N lltDer Sitabyt. t I~ ' fl~io.flai t\It~at te wIo u ll it t.1a-1a aol)it i', C A A T Bn )ded, a a c r<~e sl l(1t;1V I ttiti- ttluuLink- a d T i tt dtst. t i ,*tul eut& lecture 1ssociation Noted Magazine Editor WILL SPEAK ON "bCI (1IMahinu3 of a (1Iaajine" Cue'ap, fcbruaro 9 University l ball Single Admissiom Tickets--------50c Tickets for All the Numbers .--$ 2.00 On sale at Box Office, V. H. MAFRESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE S CH OO0L OF MU SI C LIVERY AND ]BOARDING STABLE ab doand Ifaffgaf Sinlan td lDoaulie Ift a ast li a l sesacaall atewsstock. Phone foreyititt nsotw19 13lit1ft I50 Ho Wi-en in nend of anythinkg ilute iterin e, piteate g s ica ll. O fli fiae 14 N.SlateSc. J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 -utlly laaua(irte W~tath ROPMI-ila MLSPaeOni.it3 Rowe's LaunrrT THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Avea. Nea Phonea 457 1Bell1Phone. 5-- MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Haler's Jewelry Stoi 216 SOUTH (1AIN STREET Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware For fraternity and soihrity tuuiac toml student tins. Addres Miss Florence S. Bfabbitt YPSILANTI, MICH. FRED C. HEININGER _ Im STUDIO- ,,.. / 319 East Huron Street