THE.MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Company Thielargest Stoc k in the Qtts of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentleeu's Wear 1 ,erthinrg 'eq~uiredt tot Suits. Ov'enats, Pany Vesting. andi 'inr-useitigs, and of high tlas fabreicstand special'Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty THE MICHIGAN DAILY. keei'n"O\ictitgan t i i thela i l the coll__ ii> it 'nw o f i tthtiticste. 11aiiigiiig IEditor--ii citittF. PReITCHIE fitii.ttiti ?i D io 4ic - "" it iiin itie attiriiiatii'c, aod 'iis 171)]iiORS tthroiigtithe efforts of tiosenien, n-ho IN eirs........Lee A White are also iwortkitig fiie the good of Michi-' Athletics .......C. E. Eldridge gpao. tiat ainewi contitution tias beeni Extchiange..... Robert Mountsier tritict. Ththui itas its faultsis cutnite Mutsic........iollis S. Baker protbtble, btittbeforecit is condemnedin or Dram iti.......RaymiiotiilVisoctier apptrovedi it oughi to tic- carefultly coiti- St att dior., 1_oiscViii 'Voorhis tparcit i itti tctie-ecent con'stitution; it~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~w a itit~ii iti .Pi~ the ineeits it"tic assoc-itiiiiti ant ulic it an attmtt(i)icme ito t fair and nat n ititis miotiliti isirclf sitedi fohits pilipiiicc h-ithitit fl ins a tie'- S011ity jl Osit 'iiiiitiii ivthaft ii1iiiWatcti. i-itichefisteier ttiiret the tecttical sitde of 1its iii tic 'iuccectfs in creating fits effects, comntding intellectual atid eniotiontliresponse oaithite part of the ti-ocies, iwitoit callinig ttetitin 'to tic ite1e micaiis of c sprecitoti;todiniithis his ac rprcsaiitrivof the highest in Ge riii yri c ain. htiiin r's itipre- ciit( exipe5i5riecconiiiththite idramiatic sioert ic stagcs stantis himin igocod si tt. trovidfingtig tuu witth rarceqip- fat. ieis ootiift-e torent'i tof ti- inticrprteris utf(Germtant soit's, and WAH RS Spalding's Off icial BASKET BALLS and Supplies It ... ........ n iia ciicitlnlontil thei ic icrts ofitheiis i~recitaiisconcoatfileicmtpfortanitt ittit cIse. tal event" isfitheticseasont. Mticthaicl f. Mciulctgti Ied E. Goading Doal 1i i ,.PKiev lDana P. fJOnes Isltr . Twers Ltis Kraft Lowie ll J. Care f. it. I itctid Samituel ft. Morric .5 Patti Leidy lFrcdtLawctoni flares Z. Fate Wit. fD.Elliott ID. A. Kattit ft. A. ithikeceff J.tX. Brto tiw, jr. IG. H. Wild Comupany 3t1t South State Street FOUNTAIN =PENS=1111111111 Mose complete line in the city. Moore's Non-leakable Waterman's Ideal Conklin Self-Feeder T RY OUR Sheehan's Leader Best dollar pen on the market. Sheelhall & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Bros. Foot Ball. Basket Batt. tee Skates, Hockey. Gotf, Gymnaslum Apparatus. tiataicigitet nitallipotsta.i nits tutu- cresos Suiggestiions, tiailedl tree aity- iwhuer A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York cttagit tetroit BUSINtSS STAFF Carlt1f. hfait " 1.. f. arn-ill Adtdress: MICHIGAN fDAILs, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. ManagersfHours: 1-2 p. rni., 7-8 p. m. tinily, except Suinitay. Both phones Iilii c li 5 ill i ii it ii igotithe u t- lim ;.: ii i iti iit to c h(tl ic s ua o> ihic the ft thetifi c hoarlied iii l iiic if lilm s o ti)is ainctilltic cif t1tbo r . cha lictiacittitiiit Mlusic alib Mwamar ftil J.o f " idi oni " y. izaititta fttt vc itt it t he Fcu tcit c t as t Iila it ri n.ti fu Aren cl.i" ttc e titan HeryJ.ttter ci th r q f i re] hci l I wicii h itas lr fiats ei r i f5ti ic ttf lutup n ttitiner w fesitwhihthey ar i sag.iti uss ari ''Cf lutittit ituttis cute is csfii go ,\ie gti Cpin. sonittiaIwcsithemotieru nituc P s s."t~ t iiiyifct \ tssn the tute' ,am tit tt ctic'lszo wifi kttcrc like 'idtastsad artss fidedadteitwottir ii o byiClarke re cifeighfiuit. Thei liat numbeitrtt'o-i an(fcretiat matduteg icit t:coftehtt (; ut tilt'gam. : i c'arlinreg scacdud iiittRses,-fyercetu' ier.trcttgtft ilnic \ashly ett fi tin'O. ttei i t 1fc utcr . Th ss roti1tiatimitexiend- ltitl,i,P. tStE'liN\G ciithe .\ritiory tt' 1si, Fridtilr'ittndISaturdaif chf You can pay the price of VOWNE S GLOVES and not get.Fownes style, fit nor service. We 'cbare calif to ititr r grtdfntfter citic it oyor fltter, so let its self to you. 1tFsiatitistiell 18,8. ,_fitter's Jewelry Stire. 2i6 S. ':Main ti.i enod-tf AMBULANCE Hell Phase, 98. 2R Homne Phote.985 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Su'cei'sirs toit.M. Martiti Funeral Directors 209 S. 4th Ave. Ann. Arbor, Mich. GOOD MONEY W5rt ite or iariicitlirt. ;staireti iix'ri'nei''- THE T. J. CASE CO. Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DFEOIT T h a- PATENTED rRA~r BAND, AND oars BO SOM DOES IT 'DNBRAND" r r l ., i IWAHR'SI University Bookstore K O Some Bi~g DBargains D Irv Second A Hatnd Slightly K Used Kodaks. S LYNDON 719 North University Avenute I ]WI~llt I i i 1111 ioti. Nort cli' collh'ii I i Allicitr 1. lc 1 , to "a\ ItlcIcait.'lig ltciat at it hi ii ti nd onl aeis' it ic-s c-stilt pfitct i-if Wet t1-' do inot dtt ha i affi s C' c k it 'ttht fii i l t cIifh~ it " t; -eIlt Iv attletics. Jus ~-a iisthe cseof t'e lofht it il ichteI'utd1111ci st 5 is aqusto thti l e stt led slottit orl t er. let 1ter, tnh(we ill ftIfully. The personnelt 1111111boaduot irtotir'ls iffte'15511 cit(ii ic thai t itmust bead ited fault i not W the o fieth. they iare tis i ito1accml ilishtetedtalcde sire o seeatculhtaie thit of 'ii i ii' a l BAILEY & EDMUNDS fportinO $oobe 121 EASIr LIBERTY STREEIT Notice to Students atitun iT-tutu etiut ust: o nei tutu in iAnntiArtbor wheire yitu git it.'btit 'cSARNOLO'S Opttcal System. It iniiag oust titu uitit tiull telityi-. ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store ABSOLUTELY NO BULGE IF it's a patented "MAC-HURDLE o FULL DRESS SHIRT Uttetn Shirt & Callar Co., (lMtkers) Tray, N.Y. I WY PAY MORE .Adva.nce in Prices lFe t/i th/e libety of sttfl'es'ttfl tht res it i priices'antot iti' qaau/s btic ist o ttiutttAhe/.t" 11 s l :if I l/i ft. SEE OUR. WINDOW! THE - SVPPILY 1.T -ST ~T OR E i I ". Do You Pay Hig h Prices for your clothes bsecause you cantt be - atisfied with ready-mtade clothinig? It itnt necessary. We wiit fttntisht yott clothes tmade to mteasutre by Ed. V. Price & Co ., of Chicago, fout your choice of 500 handsome fabrics, for ! to Y2 less thtan anty smiall tailor's charge and also give you the additional advantage of unequtalled workmtatnship and correct style. Our Tailoring Department is doing an excelletnt business with those we -have learned how-to-be well dressed at all times at 'a very reason- able cgost. Lbook, ovefour cloths Bnd fashiotn figures andi yotijll see why. FFee-W.' Gross a dsa 123- E: Liberty St.-- _._... LUMIERE NEW SIGMA DRY PLATES 4 i 4x5 5x7 50C 90C E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South .State Street _. f . ?--- 121 Washington E~. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pack Props. Phone 598