The Michign Daily
-- ., - ,
Varsity Shows improved Form
and Runs Over Reserves, De-
spit Stellar Work of Freeney.
lDespite the asene of Ernbs and
Casey fronm ycsetrday's game against the
srttbs the Varsty isplyel something
like the style that Yost will elpet of
thtert Novemler 14. Several sifts were
made int the lineup, ut allt11wmenet
worked with ecouragig zea, rollig
tilt a score (f 28 to 4. Freeey scoring
a godalfrom~ field for te reserves. Te
mot ecotuttragitg thitgaot thte gate
ttas tat ittivittal peftrttanttewa
stbtmegetitt a geteral exelletteetat
lrought eery ttttt of te elevet into
tte lys.
Dottglas sdisplaycid tnustutal getitsfor
ldtgittgtattd etttttig trotgtbrken
fields twithth~e al, antd he itterferei
attd tackest wit a viciottstess that puttt
several of te scrtts othle "tite otf"
list. IHis speid takes timttespecially
valiutatle for lotg ritts aost ed.
Betilrook hs developed a [Hesto-
like facility it stlkitg galwarl witt
allte te-Itett ottte scttb sqt[t
clitgittg to Ihitt. Atd is size rettses
hut, atvalable oject for fitrtard lasses.
Yeseriday Ie ickedltso ortthre ott
f te clotuts, ote of wtvhict ettel im
forty yards totard te scttb goal.btt
ic55as5 totwtetd ttpottte Itw -ari lue
byaLiliethe tteoutnger, ofwts-ttttBet-
rout's itteferetceeail faiet to di-.
Aleriices oot ws--tcint titg
toi fitre ithet~ sctirig. ad it tworel
w it stlentdidl coisistetcy ll ictdiy,
itsver failing lto net piints it-hitt callei
uipoin. 14He kickei a ga frimttihle fortyt-
yacd initceely ithte first half, getitig
te tll fromttDouigasswhto sigmalldl for
ree ctctitttictite scubls tridta
shortitnitde kik. Allerice tre off
ittiumtie itt otg ittuns ttheiltelt
IetthIt-hall otttofidamgeriusteris-
li te ext fewt-ttotetts afte te
gitl Its-Allerdics- ail tes-ntchalked ti,
thintgs littiteidecitig fr te va-tisit.
Freneyms-htatd tsttsedl tIetttrobe lit-kick-
ingsftitWsttkinsu clesrto th le gal
lieeand thbg setir tas stopel
inthte twtenty~. A kick to H-ardigre-
serte fill, 'ws-runettback tity ysris tt
the varstiys te-adllitis- it-tre Ale-
dicutlt get tte rttiner. Btt hee the
tarsity- helt fr dwnts ttmtd, gettig te-
hsll, ptttted ott of tdttger.
Freetey's ptttting kept te vttrsity on
tersots ige. Two srthIteec tities hr
hatdpttttlesdfiftytie st,teserstncec beitg
blocki-tedtl twhvlett he set a sitl sixty-
five aruds ti Wstmtnsld it tas conitel
uotas goodl as the dlay colsit hos.
Tthe fisttocdosnittte gatiesas
mtasde y Watkins. Bettbrook hal tade
filte forty -yard rtnmen tiotet attdlVit-
kits was set thrtough. Alleriice gtiale.
Settee, o-.
Onthle ext play it totik ott Ale-
lice attd Beblrook to stop Freetey afte
lie ad tiate a sixty-yard rtt thtttgti
everything Yos cosldl sedtit it ti stpt
hinttt Attat le got to ttthe tetty-
yartlue andtlfrott that poitt kickel
goasllonttteIntt pIlay. Sette, to to 4,
atti the first half over.
The varsity took a hrace itt the secotd
islfatidl witht Ettmtnds Ostsistn attt
Lithie stpplattittg 'Watkins, Brennan
anttd Ranney the scoring egan atew.
Doitglas scoret first ithtis haslf, getting
the htsll for a wide etttlrttt. Wsit thle
aidl of goosditerferene atisl his on-t
ability at dogitg, he got trotglon
fielt for a towt. Allerdice agait goal-
eid. Score, t16-4. Later Freeey ptntet
to hitonot the varsit's 52-yard line, atd
Ilie stme skillful tactics nettec another
five points, followed by Allerdice's goal.
- Sore, 2-4
The last totuchdown was Douglas's,
too. Sutstattial gains hy him and Da=
visoti ltnded the all ott'the scrub three-
yardt line. attd frotm there, despite a
visible stiffening in the scrub defense,
the alsas pushed over. Dave ooted
foe the last point, and the game closed
witht the alt it play ott the varsity's
foiy-yatrd lite .
Tthe linestp:
Varsity. Scrubs.
Raittey-Lillie.tLE. .Madison-Feld'n
Bretinat-Davison L.T. GLawton-Smitht
Ctlly- --... ..LG -......Wells
Jeffries-Benntan..- C- - -...Doren
Priiestit -...R.G -.,....uhe
Bemilristk-.... R.T -...F. Lawon
Greenie......R.E -...Lillie-Selzer
'tatsttttttttl-.Q. B-..Cutnningam
Watkins-dmt'tls -F.B. - lHard'g-Weager
Alleruice-...R.H -....Freetey
Th thsttletic association's attimal fall
electionittcstettsnext Satttrday at t1:30.
The offices tie filled at tis electiott
are tttose of aseall atd track mtata-
gees. For the foetr position Art Scully
is a canidisate. lHe was a emer of
tie tiaseball cotmttittee last year. Foe
the tratck tmanagership tere arc two
casndidatsJ Mithell Watsn and
Sayle. Biothi neec ttembers of last
yesar's trttckciommittee, ad Sayles was
imemte tfte imersefolasic coty
Thme idoors of Utniversity h-all will e
ctoseiduipott the eletiot at I1:30. All
swhiiareemtettters of te associatissntare
quamlifiedlt cote tpottpresettation of
mmbttershits tickets itte door of te
Tthirta-six antd si half--tatd t qua-
ie Ni, its ot a clotes sho,bhtt
Keeite Fitzptrlick, Dr. May adtth leir
assistatmetasttritng- tp te fressmnetiss
tieysreptoit fr examitatiott at te gyn.
Woirk litsasett startedesattdl sill e co-
stnedery sftettoon andttles-cing tuntil
tll first-ysermm etiareteastret. hDirc-
tir Fitzttatrick htstttles tetapenieasmre
atil ID). May ttakes ttedial examita-
ion of itose, throat, es-s, and ttlttgs.
Fifstiytienldaily are looket os-r ithitl
tesy. Ntot otly are measuremenets taket,
tbu t t etin teeqttestiotetd as to their
prev-ioits sthletic trainitg. It this way
atlitto possile stars itt track ad
fielctitshtletics is ttbtaittet. It is retortet
tat slready mtnty good tett a-cc
stiswss-tit), bttt as Keete is a-erse to
gsving tpsise before it is earnet, te
ntattes -tee sithhiels.
Old i, tejos-al gtiatdiats of the
gy m, is stll onthle jo. Si stated in
the spriing thm-ilh ittendedl to resign
his dtiets this yer attd retire o quiet
lift- inithis fatrittbut te ltrof te
cattmptts hapilythprov5eu too srong. Si
is wtalktttg-tasout wi-tlip ot. Tis
tumtittt hi slet.fixig ote of te showers,
he ladduer slipei -ttd Si fell othet
stonie dfttr of te gytttatd sas laid up
foe somttmtte. I-I has ot yet eniely
recovsered frott this mishap, huth is at-
tendig to his dttis
The letters in te gymt arc ot goig
with tic rttshi that has een the rule in
prevsious years, but thIe dttatd is steady
Diespite imnpopitiotsn-aler, agoodly
mbn ee of girls apeard for te Girls'
Glee clttb tryouts yeserdy afternoon
at Ssarahi Cassell Agell Hall. The
hltnstf thte sociey for te cotinitg year
are tot eitirely formed. 'Last year the
clutb gave a pulic concert and two
daninhgIttrties. Besides tese the girls
satng at variotts otter social functions
of te uiversity womtent. l'iiss Nora
H-unt, of the Shool of Music, ws the
director last year atd will act in the
same eaptacity thtis seasotn. It is prob-
able that Ite program of the society
trill he simtilar to that of last year.
Mkhigends Authors Submit New
Play--Composers and Play-
wrights Invited to Compete.
Michigendas successor is tmmdr seay.
Roy Welch, author of Michigasmaideim
effort in the comi opera filu swhiht tas
staged withtsmtchtsimccess "last seso,
has te mussic forIith ee prodmction
comtpleted. The majority of te seutk
sas fitishiedh last spntg, andtdhte fimis-
itig touches auded dimring Ruy Welch's
EmropantrIip. tDonasl Hasimes listswsrif-
ten lites swhiht will he subtmitted it
-cottpjetitiotn. Seseral ote mem ars
writing somgs sw-iihttill likwisslie
stibmitted to ithe committtee it chirge
of jutdging the selectons
A comttttiee sill bs houssmn thimh
sill ttake asostihmely imprtilslestmiuns
accordintg to the meris of thus snuk
subthttled. No selsstcti Ithsyt bemm
mtade, atid those it caelteswshs to
emphasizectat all scompstitmotmisms-n
litely opei. The best opent smitted
swill he the ote produtesulIndidvidmal
songs till also be considersd.'lhe om-
mitee expets lto meet thistwek, po-
ably Satumrday.
Hal Stevetns, of Detroit, liss already
signified Iissilingess t give Iis ci-
tire titne o the Iraititg of the choutes
atid the stagitig of the opera. This
metansthat te LUtion opera will pob-
aly agai have thin smupport of ft C.
Blesideteiicprodmctioit of aim opes,
officers of the Utiomnsre planinmi~g tut
niste the clmbhotse sll that a mitudel
cluhtouse shoulud be. Tot this s-mduha
houteecoimmiittee has beemi appited,
hesdedl by Joe tltisley. sehici till lists-
charge of the clubhotuse. Tie sitler
memubers of the committtee are B. B.
Veidder, J. N. O'Desa,sttmd Walter K.
Tloses-e n hmaddhiitin to their getersil
duties, Veddercwill ae chagsf te
library ansI resadimg roms, O'Deat sill
hcaih the enttertaittmiemnt commmitte, adu
Tosses till act asitpiulicity agemnt.
Assistig ODea oth~e smb-commmtittee,
wthichi till conuticmtthu receptions simmu
eintertainents, sre I.hB. Jones, Aude
Estes, Dati Sytmomi, ammul WV F. Zasris-
Socisl cintetaintmets sre lplanmnehfoe
every seek throughoti the sasom.
ihigenida tiill hun reviveud this seek
by those of the ol compn~smy swho are
sill its school. This till siford at op -
portutity for newst iuets to ean the
Michigenda Iuicsl. The resival swill he
the featitre of ai getersl soial es-ciing
opeinto sll. if tneesssry, lesdiiing
rooni till e ceaed to give spce fr
thec performatmce.
Au cfort it beingmigiade t secure
prointlent astmnmi to gie informal after
sittner talks fromi time to titeduhring
the sintme.Is this tay it is hoped tat
the alumni andi studsettsay bhehbroghtt
itto toumchtsihm each oiler.
The miembeslhicomsmitee,ittde the
leadership of Jaimes Wsatkins, is carry
tug ott an active campihaignm for umeu-
hers. The comtitttee will itiet ii Tap-
pan h-alledtuce routtm this evenisimg at
7 o'clock. The following membes ae
asked o report:
Literary dpartimt-~-C. J. Agnes,
Benti Eggeman, Suser, Brkduill, Man-
chester, Mountstie, Botsack, Heket,
H. Jontes, Cohurane, Good, Stii, K.
Arthutr, Bryson, Crissy, Lawtot, La-
uerback, WVedekind, Fuititaim, C. W.
Goiuld, C. A. Bowmtan, Car, Don
Greette, Hortne, Got, Craig, Benton,
Artmstronsg, Textor, Lee Wshite, Gree,
H. S. Hal, D. Kiniey, Pomutd, Sits--
mnos, P. Donouvai.
Etigintering depatmett -.Make;
Treat, Smith, Wiggitis, Tiuthill, Alliger,
IBrodhtead, Boltont, Small, Bolte, Kelly,
flaxtcr, C. Lightnier, Davock, Ctushman,
H. Patterson, Wesh, Cress, Jamieson;
Leger, "Zabsriskis, LRKnissrn, imthi
citit, Wseager.Bhonc owti Ids e, tWash-ti
bturns BouchadlWiteiiiHaskims Sul-
som, P. Kmnisken, i otuilss fQuinntu, Fe-
guistumi.Oh-ea, Sayles Allrluss 'Tam-
uer, Atkinsomn, MNameess
taut- depattent-J. 'smuntdeChurch,
Hlaittlimne, McMartims A ) Pesre,
Pigsey, I. Wolif, Bisbee, B.IDaly.
Keefe, Lawske, VissshescWVt asonOlsonmi
Ardis, Dumfey, Goddardi , Jackson, Olds
Moody, Prescot, 2M. Shannoutn, D. Wa.-
Msesdics-Stanka, T. ). Grdton. ,L.
Shseldhon,Pinschuard, Paticks More, Js-
cobli, Sullis-am, F. N. Smit,A. N. Gui
sings Cit, Brcutse,'Wour, Hull, Fotr
hamm, . Jonmes, . Basthlolumew.u-
Hosuuieuths itellemn, Rhsvuitlttse S.
IB. Rusllims, Yeomanius.
Denuts-hBtrr, Beckwssith, Doxtster,
Foretmn, C. S. Fotsle, McNatmaisr, TI.
Mtesdi. F.Orser, 1. I. Wastsonsu.
Ptharmtics-turb, Elgsr, Fsrman.u
lie1ani uemoucrats a sre ecalleId tmet
a Nichuoslusll tonightut i7 :30. 'luhmi-
Isu ueb eeluig df-gemneralt discsontentl
atmonusg the Bryami mie n upnu theecamplus
becastuse st-lure susmay entuusistshsasndt
followers f the "Pesrless flue ae
congregsated, mittorgsniziaitinihisisbisent
formes-ulto arouse sentusism suforuthei
catuse fore shifch lie is fighting.
It is felt tat all thatu is necessare is
di get togeiher tt stir ip i litle sn-il
thuusiasm. It isIlhs uroise uf te ti-
ganifzers to get thiings strtedsul tnigh,
atdeth is rsqiuestedultht ll itersted
inl Ills-formaustionruuof su trysausscli hte
presemnt tomnight.
A\ mmov-emnt i tutufootonst the ls
uifferentuivtus-sites t usestluishlin-tui
imrcolgisue Biyniucl. RgsiS
Hor auiHti- a tsrutd smn, is mutute us-ead
of thise uuusmov mt. lresdytil eIlsec rs
us-sus- t-cty oft hes ctlubs.
It is ipropseto m IutemiIthis leu urtue
Ilb ndBracubhiorderiht is lslte
mays orkogt. s herIlc. tFtsmbeauis, lust
rd smith od-fashinmetdIcllgu-polticlsl
siltescles utill us fsstureus f thislu'
"Fore~stry tdasy mesmu isiiess. 11
reqluires at, unurgy andiul terevcu-ic.
It muas-ttehiarmult-trk ii shol tandiuumonies
outmsite," saisd lmitf. Rhuh atIaimeeting-
of t h ore-.stychiblasituuvscinitg.
hFireear-sr agot thin furesIy schoottu
strtedl sitshstio ofusinmmtheclsis.
''odayts-I sunrolle heli-forly-foutuhiest
manim. We oss-hlsts-cfory iemsutu.
swotuking ini lefilus,sdoimg gots d r.
Anmithwe probalyhaveluts-nery- ia h ulned
meittnioutstr lubliiatesent.
"Whienithis sholuo wa tsuopenueut lure
the gous-cnumenutthltis fifty millionmiacene
of forestry preserves frommiwhlici for
esters werec exclumuedu. Manmy sttes hutu
dh isclle of tate foestel, simd furestry
landts, bust tc titlc anduthIllnsumsshadnist
got togethie. At present the gtverni
muimen a-. tio milions f cres ii foresi
prsres in cotroul itofutoreses. this
is atm enorsmoiuus incriese usmake mm ies
Thtree cities, atileasusi.eill le isiedl
biy lte Varsity- Glee cli dsrigthe
holidasy svicationu. "Atripsisasisured,'
said Manager iby after tc tryutu
lasultnight,"amd IDetroit, SagimisisadI
Tledohiannet hecareMihign's wrblrs.
1It is epecetedh thastout six- conmccts
will be givet ielseecti cccmmtlir 8 ads
Janimay 3'
Thelmcsecond tryoumt, ystrsday afe-
noosnu, hbrougt the timbteofasiptiramts
up tusoinehutsred. Fcw olu memihivc
retti'tscsh howecerc, anth is the chitb will
be utnttually large Itisyean, it is hoped
that matsy more aspirants will tomie: to
the' flush tryout this evening.
N, .
Wetter and Wiser They Wend
Their Homeward Way-Truce
Declared Tonight.
'''LeInu! 'Lessen! 1H1lp t'esen!" and
"Twselve! lTweslve rashithrotgh the
umoumumng siliness andthutrublue peaceful
Fr c thu de tutoolauttie last ight, the
inlt fresh-sophisruggle before Bach
Fniulsus -fs ircere tanti cs-r.
Squas osf sophls sere swaiting arountd
lie Coulege Ito hiile sssigned o dity.
Nuwts hodnustusof iunishmmenmtIwere aopit-
edforl she-micesvitulentfreshmen. A
srge ssel tankishosding about ten bar-
rels itf t-tter lias buen istalld in te
cesucofithis'"Hamulrgr," authwithout
a dut htmantuy first-yar mes reirned
tutue esrythis tmsirmninigmuchmelifrshed
by their coildip.
Esarly yeserdasy tmornimg, after The
IDaily- hadulgonme toi press, aout fifty
freshmien gatherced a Sleety islow.
Iledt by sajuioutr, thin firstyearmunu
mau~rchuedl tote CuttgInnhisandtouok
its sessionumfr a shrntihe. Der-
poern iittighit'ua,iithey lucytmithe bods
ofthe hp risonercs andutmidie their escape.
The mauusiniboduy of ite sothouumres
wtas husu-ving i liey struggle sithi the
freshumantipostig squas tsuntof the
camusi. hut this cn ttlte sptihs cap
turd asoeteeof irt-iy-ar mnu, aul
usere' hurins-g thems-teirIlciheaduqar--
iescsoilt Iiiety- sres-. 'sWhenuthey Imt
the trumphan freshen ouStae street
a fi-ce sruggle tensued. Fh-tuaine
liii ty ug inithe hlsusiuu, uhts mre
sop skeptur uinig i, sattrcd y te
utiost fueshmtuu-t t-ho coumlsbroke
-tut Ifthudi Xliiout sve-ityitenrenmaited
ini the uut Ians oftheit-soplhs.'The rest of
the15 imoriniig wistie st Iitsornmenstminitg
titusapu sed mmiland repustinig the
sir alasuhllightl pitlue.
Set ecl smtuall patie-s itt freshsmienwere
able, itil t pa mnumberusiofi ptiters utt
int is eriodi.butulasll itectestectidownes
befiure 7 ot'clck.
Lstuight ceitesitheiht lsiitiesmmutil
te ush. II t s hlttthuecustom to
citsethle struggle theight before lthe
iinasl ceuilsIt in Iscerlusat the two classes
titusobtinutsotme mici teuededlrest
Its seistronger 'tushbhut-iepeptisted
fori thu fiusle-f t fall undeurclsssshhut
1lhiN 'iRhi NOTlWANED
Bonufirestusongs, marshimmalos,tpop-
corsummi thmuer tinmgssre to figure its
lte-"stunt pahuty"tole given tonight in
Sleepy Hllowey lie Women's Al-
ltceasusociationsm. I is saidh that Ihhabod
Cranetis tretunto i his old haunt at
8 um'clock. Ateasi thsre nill he aidens
stitsill far oudou ihose that tchabod
tnest,-foicsll Ithc girls itt tie uiesity
sre invit-d mmto uihisry, swhich is the
fiistioita sers-ie s tbe givenm y the asso-
cuititusontuts mewsasilbeti fild
Thotse ini chiarge ifth le saffair swish all
lte comie,-thai is, ll excel-ilte"gem-
tlemen." 'limewmmmvaheici field is to
get its first haptismisoftbonfires, tuars-
masslowss, anmdi pretty gfrls. Should the
weasiter he unmfsvorasle, Barbommr gynt
sill t ~tak te splciheofIhao's haiut.
Am 8 dolok tonight, tht c Saniavian
cli will coummmece te I sconds year of
is exi stece, y holig a reception for
sill unuiesily miseummitScansdinaviamsoni-
gim, at thme AlphsasNi uoss in Unmiver-
sity HallI. t is prcomised thatl scveral
umembers itt the faceulty will lie present
summithte commmisitee itt charge ace exert-
mug every effort to mauske time evening
tia leasaunt one.