fi Ct6A41 A A tL Toilet Articles,. AT Quarry'_si Money Loaned On Watchies, Diands.LanwiBooks, ordoterperonalipreperty. Watchf and teweiry repaired. ,Bargain, in Watches & Diamonds Oloi atresidence 31 E.Liberty St Ann Arbor. fors 8ie to 11:30 ia. ..Ito4:3dand iiio 9 p m s i Ii e1TSnF ' 8CONFIi N neAL JOSEPHI (. WATTS JOLL.Y'S 1308 STAiELST. Oen Make BEST BRIAR.. PIPES PRICES Mviite - - $t:75 to$5.00 Gv1, , 01)lass lP5pc PILLOWS 1 and BANNERS Darling & Malleaux V. of. M. B&KER. SHOP J. R. TR0JANOWSKI. Prop. -l.1 diitii.(I)dl O C 'Lt dAl V T..1ISi 'IIoll ANiD C()1.1 4f10iidli Bl' iPni Ladies and C ildren slir Cittiiid, V~MSSA 5 A SECTYdire'25dOCENT I NT1RCOILEGTATI NOTE."S. Thc Yale Rifle cliib won the inte- eelleiiaie gee shoot for the fourth eon- secueiime. The U niv-ersity of Jcna receitly cele- braoed thie three hundred and fiftieth an- nitversary of its foulnding;. "The King of Konig" is the stiking name of the comie opera whieh is to be presented ad the University of Vir- gilia., "7-20-"is the title of the sotphomiore play ad Stanlfordi University. It may tbe niecessardy to slate that it is idol a foot- bill play ThteUtivsersits of fHeitlelhtrg lhas a Joutrltdlisti-eltes Ilibliotliek. swhich offers Nt) WOfRD EXISTS SFiR "Vi'ATFRE: WdON" IN (GERMAN 'Fit'lereenl t wave of itroiltii tilt tittes no semtoefec te Te"I7FtI~purl.Conklin's Self-Filling tin eodaamn hmo~rteprospeet of losing the right to enjoy The CollegeV their cetnvivial tCtstoms. StandardIFoutain Pen AXt preselnt tiley ihase ciilteli 1111sen111 0111 a collectiont of quttionls; -iistrieal ADVERTISED IN THIS- SPACE ON referettees andistasti'esteiltdi tig to crave 11111 plrhibtitiontidliiwotrk gical inttdilYTUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS IS to t'ecausde of tempdlerdance. tddlie ttteo, . Sldin Ann Arbor by \\aleroi. reititde t dgdddsildiidG.O. WAHR'S ZTWO BOOK STORES :s a letrntil t o I i edd atin, tese A D . lIetitoiie it tltiiitseltiery theiti'lail iop- SHEEHAN & COMPANY titti adets, ttsiigtg hir t a ddtemnt oil t l e i dlecrease inl incomdlles of tide state. ROLLER SKATING at the : jjw j excellenti opplortunlities tioe resdeairch lThursddvFriddy aitdISattirtday iofeach' is irk in joiiurinalisim. drilk, aternoioiiantL Ieveinlg. tf lie Engli'it clibiof Stanforid Un- Twotilare'pleasantliromtot bteIusedii crsilt' is ilanning do publisht aytar ibooktsinigly oinilsut. 727 '.. 1 ive r ii whiicht Isill c('ttaii thle test litrary ssorbk hittt-. Ofi Stanfotrtd stdents._______ _____ \Whien tile \eriedan tee was enr-ued- put off thtlriude'till it gtsto tafinertil dSyudiey, Aiistiralia, ai basehbill uti n etsi'td itli' teamtifroi theI 'waisipiNebraskaide- pI asuice 10 ideh'indit. I lolitits'fiv (Gde tradiiofiiSydiney University. 8 rfeittti.;el 201 fei As the resuilttf tile plansid tf the ladris- sit dc1d iicia\lsiigi ;iantiistder oif eduicatiion atndithe CU- Fie agiient aaWsidl'ki hingtnSo. eie Fouinidation, iidssdchetsellshi leFehwel FoiaFntC. phonelis 877, 117 1.. Wsindigtoini.IOrders tite if ITeehlotgy I is I ila'tdill I- 1 d.rc(r ill Grmiian 1fritthdll'Royal rielivered. -o ii f i~riiur.Ste ers, Steic:gedat. Ifldg's. iirtii 'litire vt'drl digioolegtetielt ad wo i- uiiti intereste'ddiilliithle sltidy of socialisti) if i dii ddide ot r optical witch dite atid i 'lk-'' dyoid iill he satisfiedi. IHal- cn-ii d -eInitercolle'giate Socialist so- iety Thre re nw captrs a Ha- lr's Jlry Store. 2-10 S. MaiSt. icod aretsrluceonicennsyd lvaiaolumb diia- itt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h I.Ailrnnt Fuis sdtid o 111iti li'.ii A-irid'Pem Pes'cclli .11 Neii Situk Uiviersity'.iSiiitutIde-i fcuiltrdtltddig netilldeignadll l I thetie inidanctin Iheticsoftoltingite iad tile 1 ddibj etbttl y rogi'dt~ts. dCaili ant ;c )i fatalk tiveni by ialrincetondi pr'fessori. 'idilitiniig tile's potliitia d arty. ivhichStNtd tI'. just as trediaiincviitunleiss it is bolti- 'dig~~~~~~~~~ tii t'ritbitu it. irilig dneitili Jltliffe & /etaiiski's. h rlIndiiithUnisversity if 'litrottdi'oii li iiiiSaeS. tritalhatthey' call ''plper chadses." This Ioes't leainl i i-dce iuin aing uig rlns Si.di'de iir TSiidr'.i tgs -th papers, il iutimeais a real croiss r~ct; at tne'.fog dliinlrrutilAfitecrtine of teir cross iodwt di-dd tidoidi duit, $t liii 1 g's ru}ruisth ie)'dwed'reseuedit tlea. TheiirItraiinitg'rutles dresvcry'stined! - 1itot sad ii'ies deltive'reI. irrlligi I li-tu tu liidi~s--'r107&-I, ad 107itI bluei. Geinuineiul' Slesit-sCh(ili con CarneiatIi __ tiullige liar(. itf CULTURE SHEET MUSIC AND OFI- __._._- -_-- CIAL SOUVENIR SCORES FOR SALE Saifters' cal-santldprns >Oceaund AT SCHAEI1ERLE dS SON'S MUSIC ;ce Exsellen vdales. f[bags.30-eod HOUSE. ttt i I I ..Buying Opportunvity AEnormous Price Reductions $28 atnd $;o0Suits itow $28 atid $2j Suits' lOW $ t8 atiti$20a SUitstIOW ,1anti $10 iSuitstuow $1 itnmd $1 2 Sttsti os $20.50 18.2;5 14.75 12.75 8.75 OVERCOATS $30 Osvircoalstnosv - - - - - $22.75 $22 atid $25 Overccoats toss- - 18.25 $10 atid A2( Overcioats tiows - - 14.75 $i~ tS mlsi tl Osercoats 1now - - 11.25 MENS' FURNISHINGS $iloot anit $1.25 Shirts - - - 80c $i.3 MnattantiShirts - = $1.20 $I.75 and $2.00ttMiianati Shirts - 1.45 $1 .-5 aind $2.5oi Matnhattan Shimris - ' - 1.65 HAT DEPARTMENT- All- stiff andr soft ha ts eceput Kntox 25(/, less thtati regularc price. A discoattint nicasvywool uereae r, itnclunrtgA.C. Staley intl Superior. Rexade, Conlin (l Fiegel Mack's Tea Room '[he best Service and Cuisine and Pleasantest Surroundings in the City. All home cooking. PcIces Moderate MACK &"kCO. 22on 59toll1.Ann Arbory, Mch. -i Have_______you__________ d a i indme .clthc'.,ridfit i d0tidi ed wa , :irc~~a~efl ani thegat ev nJ.seL.t CHAPMANf tJewelerer wtu"ent& I ecudied 1seoeiati of tVllAoVIk;.ur aES IVAL LARaCLOKS'1.7 MAY F S r VAL ALARM CLOCKS $1.0 Plly Gurantied RESERVED SEATS Wtalth Repsirinag a pia4 c eNOW ONT SALE Rowe's Laundry -(Voted. Magazine Editor THOMAS ROWE, Prop. H LCiF [T7'T ~i"326 N Fith Aen WILL SPEAK ON S C HO O L O F MVi S. 1 C 1. 'ew hone 45 eidl Phone 4 --t "tbe!tahiflg of a (Eaga31e" MAKERS AND DESIGNERS auesaai , jfbruatg 9 FRED C. HEININGEKM OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Ctnnesi,2lhttLIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE Haler's Jewelry Stoc iu ieiias WII e iii I r 26 SOUTH lAN STET (l hs and Baggage--,Single andDoubitihie is-IFanty Ir 1tiing _________________ SigeA risoaTickets.. . . . . . 0 Ilrse5,al newstock lPhoni formely us6itnwd U99 [Sll ilt LreCllcin' -Sn l d isi m 1ik t 1.. . . 5 C0 oe hni ned of anything in thin listeir lie. pe a-e L rg oleto Aniues~o inn "Pcesfr Alte N m es . . . $ .0give usu call 1)uic 114 N'Stat SIForGrass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware Tickets____f__xAll__the___Numbers___.__._.__$2.00___ For fraternity and soroity hourrers anti *" Th~ H N N B R Addrss Florence S. Babbitt -I YPSILANTI, MICR,. STUD IO- 319 East fluron Street