- ll VjC ui cAj Al r . - Proud iakin tiotlfi-onfidenit. You tan't 1hold yo-t headt up or ido your best if mur t-ni mets liin'It i rbecomie you. We're tailoring specialists. w 're d t loingfor theihari-to-pieane.T hLimore p artclar you are, vebter iet ry s ere ou. crii ltrosnart uicriinating men. dew shades and ptterns r ht fr nt. On' range',iof farcsi wide enough to suit thems -rtc Thr'S a dash and distnctivnssaou iu'ii?" 's in is* Il apr eiate keenly. 'Ihere's alr bout otpie o a o eit It's iefit pinking tiday oo hirg v J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5SEMENT'S New Whitney Theatre BOTH PHONES 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES cunostengiiner istill eain and clas s uiiae' itr t) in''fadiall'y. zat undayet 1:3.. IV Inns furn sinli liss pip'smust Lc s o hum witi niiw'ekliooitalke iilian- ill fresh lawsiwomexpectst getgillo th"casbskeihall tiamiiiuiiiiigyimi do1 anyspi mntn et iniheitrop- Smeior v tgncrtrlay ise))))tiy-uis ii td tonce thatiipiture'mayn betat-n Meing nof ijunisr ngintesnswuill lit id isnight a) 7:f5 to 8:15, Rom 39, ew Enineinig buld 'ingto1let mtu- ill ii isiexpincm'sin tcfrsr cnic n e e is (ficc o lieto[ i li class admn :gc o th atlei tems meet at Petclstdy at 12:30)10ihaielici-i luetkn u iciganesl.Ew ut \'t .\ iii)--10{ iihignissim. it sigy i su oine. 727 1. Universiny lilies moc.,031,. 83-g. ;tic- orthi 'Ii on tll plmm, e t 1 iiiiiiis ;cud Isis iit )al \I llsat's.t8,i-3 TI 'iiRITINi'i ANI) 'YPE.- SVit.I' Fit S 'Vn will stl 70)) a i slim'typi-irent yoa ipeitt-He, or do rum' iypesrting fr nyo- isliffe &. icsismmsil.310 S. Siate Si- edf - Nilchigan pli s osandiiisoisiiin iw n 1 tiu.is's'dsn.,, 'at lli's ! o yStr,26SViii)) Si. rd ii T \ lelli i Shi'l" hardware '''ti l1 oi mifor I11nim 7 .\'giftms.20 wi ti hetleto o 5:)) lollny pm limS n SI mlit & 'ifaiiy coIor,\\'nlisainmm. ~cdt ~ .Pit is ,l-217 "i'iii3i SlIadainSi ity or foor poi ifoNil \ law'iiiiiC'inaiPaSillti'g i itts a I liinparier maffoii spiiiiis ad eoiIiwnry itIDalig & Shelenxss. t-i35,1 Now is the time to select That Swell Ovorcoat or Cravonotto 'tme sweethuer is tight aiitl Stein-Block garments are here iii mieat variety. Save money for the rest of iiiir life my givinutp the antiqite tailor man of the past muld ' tting on Stein'-Block Sttart Clothtes, that fiu anti umake you look stylish, modetrn anti easy LIONOMDAPFEL & COe Headqs~sarters for Modern xThings THlE GRAND Billiards Bowling Cigars Candlie Tobaccos HOWELL: (a ;JOHN StON, Props. C ~M. E. RYAN,. Mgr. "4 Monday Evening, Jan. 25 DR. LUDWIG The World's Greatest Lieder Singer assisted by CONRAD V, BOS Accompanist Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Friday Morning Tuesday, -January, 2 - HE Shubert Theatrical Co. James Young Il t ut ilsiii'isseii i)i By RIDA JOHNSTON YOUNG NVithi a ist (f'Ciii JN liit Aictor-~ In tlii' l it ine Pt-iiiit ion as ais' d froni' te) s -i 'su'ork andi 5)1 igliuin 0t'iisssi Prices-35c-50c-75c-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Saturday Morning CO 5VTRY SHIRTS F IND the pat- tern you like in a Cluett Shirt and you have found the shirt you will like. $t. o anti itore. tieF i', 1'isninmY \ . r oy, I N) . . STOP! ]LOOK! ]LISTENM! For the announcement of PUMPKIN CONTEST at THEATiORI U OH! THOSE GIRLS! Detroit United Lines 6 OF 'EM U On tnloiiiatiin t iis iii mu Sierin- M 'su t endeiit Allen,NYpsiantiof theut'iroit TONIGHT Inittd ines b.ii) o ffiiliiieesoitVNrit or-0) ganizationsof0 tiens emneot, be7yinS HAVE YOU SEEN the capaniiy iii Liii ogidari service, of " ain F she'any group of stoilett irsrm' iiAnn Hazin a Frsh~e Arbor extra cars and extra service Matiee ri.,3 ~ M. will be promptly supplied. 5c CASINO 5c Specil IOr'ahestrax. Musate Popuars Illustrated Sosans Motrs Plctunere CHANGE DAILY Powler, Stimpson& Co. BANKS YHE FlAtRMER~S AND MECHIANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Oc ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $50,000 Surplus and Prifitsn$90.000 General tanking tusiness. a peersent paid ipres.ut, ttice-res.~ o'1 oi Tinie and Sanings Deposits. Safety Dn- eosit tunes tint e)O at .Oi and upwards S. 0'. 1 'LA Rif~fN, Cash)er. R. Kimoes'm. W. C. STEm nS. Vie-Pen If. A. Inai .~tM sani sli inn I".. iN 5w u',,Ass)' 0 CpitltX100,0e0. Snrplun and t'ritits. 060,000. E I KOLLAUF I' -1TLOR AND CU'T'Titt in E. Hutron St. 68tfI DoaiN pltoffitialtritle titl it geis ioo oldi. tOur horses are the kind it'sa pleaurn to ritt e hind.Stotlmes' l,in' nt5, S28 r. Jefferson Si. Setl; 22, Itorn Si. 29t f JOE LENHARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 2od E. Washington St. Doyubowt? SIt's finse eercise. BILLIARDOS, DtOWLINGI, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO.f '12 S. State 311 MaynardI The Ain Arbor Savings Bank 'enln mericaII a'n s a~i Capial Saoiii'0, lso Surplus j5ax,000 ities' ks 6:2,60i0,0(x) A Denersi IBaekiag BuianesTransanted Crzxrlx1w.x sri meant Chasn. it. tisoeh, Peens. . .vng darimn. Vice keens.:M.J.Fritn.Cashier Car. Matn and lberty St:-eete STATE SAVINGS BANK iN.3.Beit oeT'OnS: MOE'S BARBER SHOP i .Boh Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Or. V.0C. Vaughan 705 North University Ave. Tat. It. Wade E. i' Milis O .ME Johennarer Jeo. Knoch A M 'eef. H. S- "nehart OHery W.Dounglas OhitiannMatitn DOneFt. Zimnmernman 4 VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Waahilrgtans St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 18 L 18 Blue Carriage and Baggage For eanhCoupltonnand lerm parties, Velure 12 o'ichck$1.50, alter 12 o'clnck $2.00. Fon each Trunk in or frani dour, tine prine wit) he 25 Cents. If carrted in or from up-stairs, the price wit) he 50 Cents.. Drivern are required to coilect canh far cartiage and baggage service. WALKER'S LIVERY ROBINSON & C0. W. it. STARK WATTLES' LIVERY. a ALWAYS AHTEAD IN STYLES MJJ-41, klARJDt IfF, ATLf) R THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING