T t tHI A MAILV S Barc1-fil .'s Fie Tailoring Trade J h fr t} ti h tt a i ti l> ti fl l r t Deliver The GoodsF T'IR1 LPIlC TOEFIRST YEA:R (11112fF The juatio medact'arc ermianneud to [ma cretlit for the gaoodlauthrkf thir freshmtan year. During tihe tirst year then placed a clan metatnial in the ana- tomical lal .ortote anwhich consrinted of a largeun atrnrtoftpictures which they took fromatthe Solbotta aad Ic rieurrich atlas etf anatomy and tad framed at a costt o 6. It tas extaected at thte ittett th aatmpleu wtuildlbufollotwed ba thte ftttue rtaln classes attditt thist' vtire labtoratory atould atithtitna fvwea rstt' a he tttippedl awtit a goodl cal- ettinofcartsanattpctrttes. The goad to itpe"te caaaittg gcuaratioarsr at reara~ntttihieir gitt, a talettwill a'e tlated initttredissrecting' ratta whlich 'Aill arocltaima it tth ar a tafalarth araltaalr Lift. 'LV till IS 1hEll)FOR CA\T OLI~~C STUENT FLAY 'rThe tay-aout tsldlyesterday far thel altar ttabe ivenactbly tiar, tatiholic Stua- a acutchb erery-atcreaftal. AS yeut IlstatrtsIhavetate atrssaignrera. Ilir rlv ude nialaratiaati'"Sweear l:erder,'' Itvy intant, Ertglaraa' t a'taa- rattata r riter. 1lhis play tact aXiti grorat aptiraval aboutt ttfire carSaraao ' tite latrerialta oleair. tatactathac leada- tag part 'as t'rh ake y 1EalaritaTerry ral "t ae fa1aa10aa 'frtryfaamily. icr as rrote -Meirely :Mary tAltal" Sam Burchfield 106 &Coo. EAST HU RON ST. Hot Lunch A.t T.tti "s; 338S s:tatg JOLLY'S BEST BRIARL PIPES at a ttttli t .1l t)(I)C ako t ttta PILLOWS and BANNER AT Darling~ & Malleaux v. f 'M --BA. kE SHOP J. R. TROJAN0WSKI. Prop. tatat artar' aA tat ' 'a. L ade ' tta j ,hl'rt* a at r '5 cat- ahne t ateSt.Anni Arbor, Mich. rr1 i , 1 1 ( t r' Il 'l'l.li{ t1 ; I \tl f DI+ 'f'E )irtatc'iteutts nituteir of rTecnl og as attaBIritiahlt nir llb art year tire Laniaers ity tof taris adaari an urralimefrt o4 aver 1thooo sturdt:t: lairlasat tire niverity acrif iraan ttaake "la"lay' gettitng tartehtarey atar baasketallatetatns. -Thlir KnightataofthIea BurnrrirgPa tl: itat I e iPreetedr'rbIrtieaElishrit f frittetartUritversity. ITr' \t'at Yor vint gPttot s'l attacksr teac atiotaoftthe irL I. ars' iy Prea c' lubir,)f Sintattotttis fr 'asi ta' tpresairtacytheria'Untversity tfI Mirt- airtu ottat atythintg trill a 'tartof ait, atbu t a te rifthe'"itsaniaty" of tte ,Sita- it rert ais atheageiitt fr iot rrrr t at a' N h