- - ______ '14R MiClIfA TN IL TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY. it hi swi, 11,1 lc c ~tt-I - t0 hat oldtoIi I t ccigaidfathei- G H w r uo n nv * IdiA ciiiiiiic ccci a-' iiti- c cl is d c ti Ba tilers jewelry ~ J ~ . I V s r ln I \V s i nj. theis enii l ears i lli\r~thl I'~[ t n ,> n 'v-_. the Cityir- } . , i at I eticX vl aee;e. i~ ~sNews . . . .ellcA White grtu atit cud t h cid iLoin S[ 8 ofAthletics. . . C. P ltdridge lIWsele Ishild cIii he idi old.ii Exchanige... . ..Robert Montseljr ciereiiiii ccii iic ciio c i ExcusveStyles iii i11 ;:. . *.*. ... 1li S. Baker (schene .adecided siccc-'' se- Spaldig's \miselli ~...locie iri Vorhis 1 o il seOfficial 11-UIII1Ic i i ii ci ii-~Ii CRcilclGLOVES B S E W OO EN i _____________--''-''.-''-- on the man who doesn't ai iiiiiiiir t nsre iuclauc11 cliii ow y ihat's what-B A L Foeeeae r lec i 13 \ct li irc hE . Gooadn s Ar. 1\Vlis.Iit clil rnl.i irii tore sre to see theni Dontald I_ i lne nal-ts its I. Jones iri. J c' I. - ~ uc ,:-$ 1 $1.00and $2, 1post-Seo s- isu ttuiiciltMayge,Porto Ri EoxR24 A lihtly cc ):1I ,1i chIii 1-s\tcwcll uiii I CutuilucG i i suit1 IS Ke GOING AT iill liihom i tt cid ~uSit C tIiero, 5.08 ~se 111 ic ,I cc Iiu til ean \1'131,I~ r /K odak . 11I1ct i ii tl1 ,iy. u l iii tI i c c mIitt"ct 1 IS VISt;) R. A. 1I)OL)H .& CO. ]d i iIIk cl, c c ciiiThe s;lI ((irrSi i nea Diretor .111111,,h a t lc t ' tu uci dtrs Itiul. t2tS - t c. An Arbr,Mich _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - tuuiuuuudliMONEY 'WHILE THEY LAST I ,I ) i -c GOOcict1 :i).1 1- a h ' l ,t I tii I I 'h0iii(p i.\ 1 , ll dntc 1,,11'.u I u ~ r I n1,1h11 t g tliii rialnt n ,01 hutn, I --us - 1719 NorthUnvriy Aeu ,di heno htirusotue' sl)iesforhutoVus less Iatauan small ti clorc s citrge- and talso give soti the taddeitiona uteat uuge' of iteututtllect X4 SO veu~luck itctsiip andiolect Vstyle.5x Our Tailoring Department 5 0c isoing; attuexcelicent businuess with tiete we titi leaccirnte howbt be wel11 driessed it alltihuts attau tct teasot-u tatle cust.V Look e u r- uecloths anud f~tin'iu tres andtutciilItseey. Ed 1 . 1.CALINS Frcd: We Gross DRUGGIST 1-23, El iherty .St:EU.Y. ICF 24South State Street 1Washington E Randall Studio , Randall&-Pack Props. Phase 59