- -'-'--~ THR MICH1c4AK fAMTL - A Sudden F ain temperature will leave you shivering in a summer suit. It's time now to choose an Autumn fabric that will raise you in the esteem of your friends. We hit the high places in the art of clever tailoring. Our garments breathe the priceless ar of refined exclusiveness. Y'on need it in your business as well as yonr so l llife. Our fabrics are correct in shade and pattern. Onr styles are the essence of good form. Our prices less than you would think possible. Let us prove these three claims today ity showing you. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5EMENTS, New 130TH PHONES 480j UNIVERSITY NOTICES Thei.Cerdle Fratttcais will iteet Frn- (Ito at 4 p. It. in Room t T. )I, -to elect a director. All out. Mleeting of general mtembletrship -pin- mittee -of MichigaitUntion Thursday tight at 7 :30. \Vatkitns. Tfryouit fttr girl..' glee cltil totday at 3p. itt. in Sarah Caswell Angell H all. (Ole twetity-five mtembters tee to be cent. All those wrho wish to try out are utrgetd to cttme at once. 'Te'sec retary of titeCUnion ttetttber- ship committee twill te it thte Union dlaily frotit to 6 p. itt. Cotttitttttette are requetetd to hood intttottey antd secure ailditiottal tickets at that hour.. Young's tats., "college styles." ottlsle tty Alleit, MXain street. 8-ta The Palais Royal, 209 East Liberty, alwrays tasthAe best atid mtost for your mioitey, in IT . of M. peitnatls, banttners anid pillows. Try ut attd see. If f;R.N GR'S ORCHESTRA. Grantger 'o Academty Orchestra rcani be eingageid for ai limted ntmicr ofcdani- ciuig tarties. lookings. of academty ot' orestra etall he tiade at tifficeittn Xlay itarid 'rct . 7-8 EXCt.RSIONi. SUNDAY. OCT.i, via ichigani Central. Iticla ii, hoc GraonlRatpids, $a.00. 'ITraRinravest :oa aIll., iretriiug sat1e idar. 7-itt Flannitelshitsani s w atertrestsont wtilt' Iy .Alletn, ,lin itteet. 8-1a F'riday, Oct. 9 TRAVEL WITH LYMAN I. OW[ Personially Conducted WORLD TOUKS Ira Mm'.rmg Plitu..-e Made Suts-pemety Rest To India Italy Sicily France England Niagara See the Thrilling Steeplechase Brillant Military Pageant Unique Bird and Animal Life Beautiful Savoy New Reedham Orphan lDrill Sulphur Mining Physical Phenomena Many Others-Real Comedy Prices: 25c, 35c, 5Oc Seat Sale Thursday Sat., Oct. 10 MATINEE AND NIGHlT Cohan and Harris Minstrels WITH George Evans e~nd his 100 Honey Boys GREATEST Minstrel Show IN THE WORLD FREE STREET PARADE A PARADE NOON Prices Matinee 25c, 50C, 215C, $1 Night Prices 35-50-15-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Thursday REMEMBER ! FELLOWS!i Our motto is Fair Treatment to All, Therefore--no riots AT' THE "THE1ATORIUM" GILLARD BROS., Propa. Men's Furnishings For the Particular Discriminating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. LAW BOOKS 36th yea.' DICTIONARIES j 36th yea. ire QUIZ BOOKS sip Amus Ar-bar LEG3AL MISCELLANY JA"=m Arbor Callaohan (Q Co. CHICAGO Atk.n.sArbor.- B.arsels. State St...t. Opposite Law Bldg. W\AN'fEl) TO SELL-A flnetenc imonthsr-old hull terriet' (house liroketn). Ptrice $2;;. Ctall at 'NeWeWYhitntey tlieatitr for inform'atttiont. if tsale tby Allent, Matini street. 8-Ia It tkes hut a'i innie to sloh inion ytur wa'tifromiclaett s andii i ie t Salz tros. fouiintin ties islayero at Calkinis' drug store. 8 U.p-tea-dlate shirts. collair,,andtie s on saile b ly len. S'ttinstreet 8-12 'lTe cistite of a lifetitme to hily' fottaiin tiel fot oine-hatlf of its rteal valite. 'Teiitaiy valuets it manote-ac hirers.'prirt's afford tlist opporI tityu. Ctkinst' gretifottntaitilet stlt-'ntw on. Noew is the tite to havte iii'tutuom tiuted. tiaiteredl antidIdeoa atd. Stpecial tie o fr.30 days. o.Ithtlihottes. 237. C'. 1-1. Major & Co.,8..It Fltinnel shirts andiswteater trots on tile iy Allent, Silaito street. 8-ta WA\N'TED-loo hbtariders at Avenute Cafe. Nettidinitig rioomt, gioid' board. cuck service. Board_ $3.50 tier week. Five sweeks in advance, $13.oo. 3=49 l. Untiversity Ace. 6-8 Ymoong's hats, "college styles,'itt sale bty Alleit, Mttint street. S-ta KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER tio E. Hutroit St. . tf Calkinto' fouinttain peitsaile ltiots until Thursday onily. Buy'ontim odaty. -8 Y ottig's tots, 'college styles," Oilistile hr Allen, Mai street. 8-t2 'We are sole agents for Regal shoes. Heitry & Co.,itorth of law builditig If *There is a difference in billiard tables. Wben toit-play on a Britsitock-Bathe you kniow .it is the best. We tote ito other' ntake. ±ILARDShBOW ING1 LNCHES; CIGARS. CANDIES,, TOBACCO. .12 S. Sate - 311 Maynard SIR: IF YOU 'WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN- BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. THE GRAND Billiard Parlors 220-222 Souath Stat. Street Opeitedunuder inew manageiment, entirely renicdueleid and tip-to-dathe. Billiards, Pool, Bowliij A complete line of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy anid Smrrokfrnig Tobaccos Reports by innings of Worlds Championship Series Also all Eastern anid Western Footballt Retuzrns by Special Wire Howell &. Jolifstoll Props. Phone 459 M. E. RYAN Mgr. Yeo. Can CGt w Hot Lunch At Tsvttle'e. 338 S. Stat. THE MARK ________________- OF THE LE_-ST BANKSSHR THE FARMRS AND MCHANICS BANKI MAIN AND HURON STREETS CLUETT, PEABODY &CC-. taplt'S$5tthit Surpus and Profits $85,t00 MAERS O Gleneral Banking Business. 3 percet paid C T N RO OLR on Time and Sviago Deposits. Safety te- posit Boaestor ream at Itifitand upwardsNE 8. Kpsprr, Pes. W. t. STaVt X49 Vie-ree _______________ 1 .A " V It I m , U s i r F S T W ;, s.Th e A n n A r b o r S a v in g s B a n k " N O -N I C " !Capital stck $7,0,000 Surpnus: .'tOiiii Reouree.,6(4)000 A Ucaral Banking Business Transated ?he OrenaEst Chas. E. Hilscock, res.; w. D SANITARY PIPE OF SOLID COMFORT Harrinman Vine treat,;sM. J. Fritz. Cashier ________________ STAE SVINS BNK Cnued oeidm snpl noaeoful STAT SAINGeBAK, ytit ihmth chin-enitieh DIREtCTORtS: ehndevryowundcairaefeat- re1ppeiotigf W. J. Booth Jnu. V. Sheehan OUR -reoasip!!--kng 'isnuonr wni. Arnoid Or. V. C. Vaughan oeNosu",nsai, Taas. H. Wade E. F. Mills FREE no niotine ueches tmhe John Haarer Jnu. Kuchsmk'souhyu into. H. S. Carhart Henry W.Dosugl as OFFER usmokei'nyt maoe.o Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman ______ sohunohewho _______________________FPshionedf from ike FIRST NATIONAL BANK $.0, e hil fr- ot, ineoa OF ANN ARBOR, MICm. ward prepaid.onen1f shupes, straightm t.0 iON, ARIO ~tL, these pipesifoncfhve und nurved, Pes.Ve-er. KN ARIO OL, dunetial, nnd if name is with sultan' P .es. CARSNVCsicer. pnt elfwe la in i inbe, irod rubber j a . CARKSN ashir. risepsay he returned und mwonuth - Capital, $ii00,000. Surplus and Profits, $60,000. money will fir refunded, piec0. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., .$ German American Savings Bank tilPerdeeffgi lidg. Isilt,N.Y. Comn>acserosl aend '---_ _ sfava a MOE'S BARBER SHOP 700 North University Ave. Cos'. Matn arnd Liberty Streets 0. A. MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, TUE. TAILOR THE BlEST OF.-EVERY THING IN TAILORING