14'MtC141GAN DAILY Feeling f Proud is kinito sitf onhetoiie.You ican't holit toi head up or do your boot if yourist it ~y roats don't fit 01 become yoo. We're taadoring specialists. %\Vre A ooking for the hard-to-pitease th Ihiorn pticlarisiyos are, tie bttetrtweilike to se0 1 ii Ol. cur1patrons ire diseritiinatitig men. New shadeosod patternos aeehere tot IV' ot-v. pOet sop- +of fics iwidt-te enough to sttit the most eritical. Thtere's s dasohsod distinctivenieooabot ourtitti irit vimill uppre cia-te keeniy. There's a litre shoot out-ptices you catiot rcesist. it's test picking tttday-. took thitig- iier J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5EMENT'S NwWhitney Theatre Monday Evening, Ja:, ;; Tu2sa, - January, 26 DR. LUDWIG WEDILNER The Worlds Greatest Lieder Singer assisted by CONRAD V. BOS Accompanist Prices: 35-545-$1-$1.5O Seat Sale Ftriday Morning -THE Shubert Theatrical Co. (41,4:P James Young Iii I itttiusititisit5tit iio Clit--ie l icoe Brown of Harvard By RIDA JOHNSTON YOUNG Wtti a it iof 25Ittiutetetit Actoirs intlV th e t tici-si ti-sucitin s used tie one Vier iin \(i~York sant 250 Prices-35c-50c-75c-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Saturday Morning UNIVERSITY NOTICES A opt li sttltr ili bt liv-i t l ii ULo tiMsNotday n it.. ger"-tI at tiocick SI titdusAll philt tllt (outtititiclto relersal mI ocl ilt \\iiks tmotit-tcreerslof \Miaiioiniiu 1Iitctrad tte ctutuwitl meetiitii I ii Pi ii ti, Januatiry- i8iNi tt ito IiHll F-ii t litr- sketal pii ic upla utiiuirter ntiVe d),o Sno en ieer itii la team I iii S tt \V dusdi &t i ttt i to i i u tilt se- Icc-c aitiocthNit ictr a e tak lt li iinav niiclu i I n lit ii a t 7 1lp it ,i itit t t the -i- iiNu ioo it t rut1u , lt I t l i. 1tiltseii;(ttIt iartitittanlinlude mcli t\ ii it I I it%% ia dt t he I"( 1 ,,n- cttlutil -ttii-.ii ui I Ai7i o'clock.i ,I I S tat t l t1 Iaiiiti Thew.11in lityo i t itiitiii)ill ekin S t I'm i itFa iirh S ma m~l" )7"Ih Nut 'it 12Nili 1ti o I( man M10i tutu i ,,,sit uk ls 1stneNt sSmils tt \iittalilt'i dtil t tveati of itstfoelatl i t is ii tutu aho( thi s maree ttut it 1,tlakei i meii ttole ooekttiim o tusterps'Iit cill on12meffteusoitySt. elt 2. itVti b8 r. si8 MERC\HARN TAILR examinat ashingovr.Ton S.& "Continuioussllcys are built right in the howling roomis; ase solid sod lsot- inig, atid levelt as s billiard table. We tisse ito "see- tiontal" alleps. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARtS, CANDIES, TOBACCO.I A12 S. State 311 Maynard Nowcvi S the time to select T hat Swell Overcoat or Cravonotto Theitthelir is rigut andt Stein- Block garitetits ar ie etiziigrtiel etts Site tmoney for the rest 01 s out tile by giving utp the satique tailor mnnof thatiVs'-and1 ttitig On Stein-,Block Snmsrt Clothes, iihat fit itnd iinake syottlook styliishtimoderni snt LINDENSOHMIDI, APFEL & co. Headqgsisrtnx-s for Modernt ThIrkgs G RAAND Cigars Candle Tobaccos HOWELL 1a. JOHN SON, Props. M. E. RYAN, Mgr. S Tll t .r eitltti ."tie, tittlmbi nor tempjer i51c- - -2iio'-it Co.' - IT[ o .NitSark Porto Rican Canes igh ra dePtltwalking, sitiks o iiit i Nvow rnge stn-woil.paltti iniie ie:$1, $1,50 and $2.,pt. paid eit Sc xta. Addiess ROOT & GRIDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 VAN KLEEK'S 300 I-mtxat Wxx tttaeesSt. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blue STOP! LOOK! ILIST&N ! For the announcement of PUMPKIN CONTEST at T H E A T 0KI UM SOON Carriage and Baggage Detroit United Lines Fiorieh titupie ti n td trtu parties, On in iforutau tin to Ottilion Superita btefore 12o lckit$1.50, seatseo'lockl $2.00. tendetit Allen., Cliltunti. of the D~et roil t oereei Trui to iior fruoi doer, the Unitedi [itinesb\1officers ofVasit Vor- pt-le will tie 25 Cents. If carrieti to- -ir fromt iostirs, the price wilt he ganizations of thei- tootenent, iteyond 5t Cents.te Deivies aee required is collect cashti hesapacity ofi thei reidtlr service, of for selr situ tiad aggage service. tintgrpt itof ;ttitlotis iitt- orttrtiAnn WtALKERR'SLIVERY Arbor extra cars and extra service ihiOWNutON & 0(1. tV. H. STARTf will be promptly supplied. WtATTLES' LIVERY. 5c CASINO 5c Spelxl Oraheste. Muxse Popular. Ilutsrtetd Sasnjx MotIoee Pleesre. CHANGE DAILY Bowler, Stimpson& Co. W. S. BUTTERFIELD, :Lessee RAH RAH THEATRE ANN ARBOR ARTHUR LANE, Manager Big Singing amsd DaiichIs Show Week of Jan. 18th HEADED BY Morgan and McGarry And their Six (Count 'Em) Rah! Rah! Girls Visions of Lovliness Dreams of of Delight THOSE CORNELL BOYS EUGENE and MAR A Musical Comedy ('HAZING A FRESHIE" Bunch, You'll Like It! GEO. FREDO German Musical Comedian MISS ANITA PRIMROSE Dainty Singing Girl Matinees: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Coming Next Week: -- MAXIM'S LIVING MODELS ALWAYS AHiEAD IN STYLES MJLWARDl TH T L R TiHE BEST OF E VERY THlING IN TAILORING