r i G. H. Excu For Ge P vtrythin; Overcoats, TProuserint fabrics an iTiuF MtCIOAN DAILY ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. (1t' t xl 11111 a3 leki 1lmcstt.tllt ) Bus.is Mantogcr---JoosN F. WljOL. I not he better Ito elve it ui .1111 11111 ix I -- Frt be sure ht 1 1 ar rgn (ad 11I'Iottletils1 thfatl1.0 11 h ve th1 1eI'e t 4 1tl thNit~ewcs............ c..Le A White 'tett.it111151CIIH th tsAthletics . . C. E. Eldridge exjprill 51' 1f1thes.Lin1and C \houl ti:changc....... Robert MVountojer rfrs" t to see it repeated.1 siv Style Mutsic ........ . .Hlollis S. Baler' 511fthenlc nI it cd II 1 h151 its 111 '1 ii 1sveSyls n Drama. .... .aymtondiVsscher 1terIlres ofitill' 1555 f all 1C1 pableft ype11 I I Women's Edle itolr. I ouiser Van Voorhis andth tl'ilpeasilto he Ill te 11' 1 n It it1 ldetcid 1111()tshouIllt te llxt cit / ti OLENS flle totli I~etac : eI ttl. et '.f1t.Iworld1pur1ueIifel 111 Fl crt lIrd . boin 11111 St. N I ll 1111m t (ttl 11 Itt l, l 'cx . zifsl electri Ii 1 1{; itl:i >>, . laic e's n-ll l1 T11 {t .\ D 'Y E- Cf ttil yell tylu a type- t~tti * 1I)O icer, ft or do 3( ,sSta te St. 51111-ti WAH RS mtelell' s wear ig required for Suits, ,lancy Vestings, and gand of high clas. d special Styles. Mlithael B. tlloglt Dttnald I,. Kinney Wa'tlteri. lTttters R 11 i Dana E. Jones L outre af Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street MICHIGAN ICaleildar lt< ti tGee 5111111-1.IMorris I1. (. C. Williams taut Leidy ID. A. .lliiikfee Peed Lawton 111 trI Hll hi arry N. talc V. T1. Cmnklini W.'lli..Eltiott S. W. David 1). A. Kahno I'.. il kwl 13 tttt . K. Beli stll F. F- sitat, Jr. B5USINFESS STAFF Atddress: MICIGAsNDAILxY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Managers tours: 1-2 p. n.. 7-8 p. in. daily, except Sttnday. Both phones -- -.The glove store that cra- CO N etT~ltI. IT.5''' INI N. rirsuagonot line of herlinte VL. setttts .and1 111- taking .,U 'ES ito he depended en. If' soiss Ii f1.\1 Ill ill listlcri )Il st.findIak Spalding's Official BASKET BALLS and Supplies HOPE SPRING'S. I'TC. nai l dIc iric°ilds rzi thc, StIldcli Ir~ - ';I i t -1't ' ' l~vl t il 1t}' t i'ttl~ ' t ,21 1L11S i l d l - IT 1 l' R'S 1.A L' NI I R YitsIt IChinese Chop-Suey Restaurant II tttts (45-J. Up Stars, one doSloe Rutonontss~,314S. State St. ()lltn thtt off o111n '\ tvljt 'f ctt't . Et AMBiULANCE tBelt Phane, 98, alt 'tomr Phon, o lil" & .\allsattx's.C t-8,A;OL'H& o l'.tttittcsss Ipltel s aly ad r(. tFuneral Directors bm1111i t ;Sbittttse20Q S. 4thAve. AnnArbor, Mich. I itt I t 11a11 votll'1 .( ttitsss'ti f iF R e n t ills Juno 1111 lop11. Sptsiatl pi (i abr Large single room atlttttteittl if ww-tris e.It~ owC well heated. Bay win- Si. AIltjfte NCo.. -c 3t':.t V ahu-ti dow and fire place. 1111111 ~ ~ On bttls f lock su tof Campus, 715 Monroe GOING AT 25c WHILE THEY LAST Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Bros, TeI.aro.tt Manoufactureo n 0thto Wotrld ofI tOicial Athletic' Supploirs Fact Bat, Basket Bal. tea Skates, Hlockey, Goit. Gymnasium Apparatus. Stligs 1cn taonloey Illostrateod C~atogue of ottlesports continslnuml- arous ugestionesemaitod free anoy- wherer. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.- New York Chicago Detroit "i lt11 111 11(mr (Colincili lcin cs 1tll,,\Il'eIare'pullt ishling;in all other col- f til C~ll< ia '. 1o111 h II wit1%1 dot i n te ay If tclct aIi 111111 Ilals inst of1111 111b1 stII i tt'lal11 o think ht . a11 t p c itt 1 1lt at leat. llta 1 cl h c icl I 1 Iby 1,the 11ittividual sa a\\rdatths ietin 11111 itott heil ca p igi f 1111 11 i it n e llt y ta mine. It has alw s ilsaIrle1o1 th itg sea-calileds lit 1 ia. l In t I Ill thlttt' hieI reusd 11sat '' il a ls 11111 it~ (1111i I II ft I ansli cl il~is iotes.IlThere111 11111cilt lltoihela 11111111 i mpriessltitonlabou t the Camps thttis I sorl t of thinl'Itast bee ;;in) o an h s tn rt i edll itntsI t\* lit undoubtllhe dti 515u t tt'tttte Mlicigan5 pills, fotbs, aottti l",il Itt. 11111 exclusotiv dsignts. at GOOallerNE's JstslVSi t or'tls 216ttS. IMain tI dt - --i-ttt---ts ittt ii iiIi. tItsi .1 1 H ii 1 litas III 111 1 i I ,,' s lIlllii. 'Iti (> I t t' t . m er ,) \N nk L IWAH R'SI University Bookstore K OSomrre D Bargain's Second A Hanrd Slightly K Used Kodaks. S LYNDON 719 North University Avenue IBAILEY & EDMUNDS sporting o ob 121 EASIr LIBERTY STREET Toilet Sets We Have the Silver Toilet Sets of Design Quality and Price. $5,00 to $2500 BHurry WM. ARNOLD, JEWELER 220 South Main Street. W1e tate soltd to yotur grar.dfattier and11 ftItettefathere,so let tIs sel toll.u~ Estatblished 1858. Hller's Jewelry- Stl-se.216 S. fMaintSt. erod-ti '111is tshetm' to1hlylyour1111 1111 l's siis''t"tI5 sttifancy colrti speciall p iced aitt 5c I ,ll .1111 Il ll' s .lttl L~ibesrty, 72.1 s ar ....... ...... I The Season's Only Two for NEW CREATION i 25c. it's revcrsibie. Madill with "Easy tic-sliding ',,pace " and " Patented Lock Front." Quanei" Sizes. L t J LIn Loll/dI UNITED ,;IIRT I COLI.AR CO.,, takers),TrcyN.Y. ,I Ii' WHY PAY MORE Vs. Advance its Prices ° I 31eo tcilsv to'libelr'ifty o Stf/eo'stitlff flout tutu pricet's Ito1.10oa lls bf a Oiidivitot elayof." SEE OUR WINDOW!I Do YuPay HighPrices for yotur clothes beattseyott can't be satisfied witib reactsittade clothing? It ist't necessary. We 1111witt iiisht ott clothes marde to mteasusre by Ed. V. Price & Co ., of Chicago, from yooar choice' of ,boo hiansdsoome fabrics, for to ?.: less thano any- smooll tailor's chtarge and also give yott the additionaul advatitage of sonicqoulled wotrkmnashiip and correct style. Our Tailoring Department is doinig ant excellenlt businecss with those we have learnted lhow to he welt dtressed at all hties at a very reason- able cost. tLook over our cloths andi fashion figures anl yous'll sec why. Fred W. Gross 123 E. Liberty .St. BANNERS and PI LLOWS ,ac57 anner .50c Baners 9pc now......... 38C $3.00 Ptiow~s $29 n25)Pows $1,95 +1.00 Pillows While they last E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street U THE - VPPLY VNIIsnlnITY n5O00. 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall& Pack 'Props. Phone 5