The Michigan Daily Vol- XIX. \ANN'.R Mld NIHIGANX, SXDA.j\I'\ldY 7, 1()()(. OBERLIN LOSES TO MICHIGAN'S FIVE Score Was a 'Te at End of Each -r HalIf; Extra Time Rounded Out Score to 27-25. 1 1I~ .- ( rc . ' 2t \f > sMfisgiss i1;dc>. 11°cnl~tr ~a 1r11h111ll ICSISTITCANDIDATE SHFOR clas" rela' loam, classtrack nmanager. STDN ONI tnt!s list year. 1I .Wahrod tot is t pintth enir° dct~eSSi \ ebscrrsociety. JosephliPristeau, var- one isse. he ala ce illappa,-i1) -sit ot b l at il i thfits ye r, esel's'es 55' a' ad \ dc d ''if paper111)1f1latstyar, vice-presient of ciliss last Representative Men 'rom All V s. iCerls Israicaits, S. 1, S.trustee. .Ir.1 al".Departments Are Nominated-(s 5tl o il 1'Thestameifsis I ass oitatio lt stl ii i, Election Conies Wednesday. staff, clas track manat'ger first year. G. t :athileti c ssciatm t he ltctttlsstemberthyclias s otbll attid'ibaseblsl ssit itof \ficiitte m,"c sit " I.Kel, o tbl lsifiusft t t i t C ots cin i tl t stc sil I I ic t fo tal fr.II / ltl r. c(IW t;sd t. h )(1< \II e i~t;,et' iristi e r eelt~s lst yeair. tis. .e lic ltc ipst hat ll b ft s ilt i~ts i f>rs i imfistste clas lI is J( sic las ic s i t t first ks ids, (a itv" b soit.Atv ~ri- 1:1cvr ilhv er ls otiltall Icasts. ftmerhi 51,11include s tsdeits, i i)ff a 1 >r 017 i,;i tls t I tist itus :5W.1F 55 tisc .F . I C.X Hydes. te d p rm n siofthe L. ifs , c- d an i~ic tith c '~ff c -'stilt_'s tlts. ttmttticctt sis fits ft liii lipaiits sihhif 11V pt t i t cd Ai ff ft 'I s.' S Off. I iill ann al netbeshi fe of ,.o, . ww 1it : 'h~rlcs ,c"(x inerchoa ftc iJC I IN f1111) S I Si illditiS fisti been is aits s thrs1 fic ia i -M.- 's)),s'''i'r ifcata iils talta~tfrt- Issssciatic tntsfirshst is ]1ilul t ilt yar ltf sssf nhSf p nd t~~m~is I n fits 1eit its ti st htls conttestedl ele- it fist fists\\-1() ftvcspid it ttthe nul i iitc ' cus ~i ti~mtc,(III tituns 'ihldthe flthClttie 'Cssricist sseslss fst i $3ss 'ss s t's I esferilsy H.i 1' Gaslup, o 30 . A scae 11'1 tr tt I011 ,l )n~c . ast.Y , tiS ft CHICAGO CARRIES OFF THE HONORS Each University in Intercolle- giate Debate Loses at Home and Wins Abroad. Afts'r 51t t s ea sit u iii ttiti \ii is soites sites' Chisc''ago si', s'the g*, i t i ii fibt- lng teamss is flo ist t Ith ir ffpponetss ause dliy ntighi t s In ithpattw lvii nt't lie tisel sits tc IIsitsitssuiseight soflt'c dlebatses. MhiaItshis Iseta5cor sssssssg thes Iargs uivrsitsits, othlls siri the tpropot ii i tn lfdsiba t n siwt ricss'f' cestsi its n andilas to te immbcrt I I I' i succeessitsnsiithottoss 'ihe -'ichtigt co p s'ds f'i Arthusr J. Clilsist sfR istardI?.5' "fitittissits autu han I. IFulic, dfenddtheIffifs stive si thelic ustsitn. lRs oived, that bankt Cissuescsicue bymrcssiIt ist i al i per 'ste preferalto tse wcsurss'ss by sfbis nit ,i . 1'lis Clshiagis taci ti a lrne A liils's, lPauil SI. Ill Dotttti11anitu listesi SC. H'oovsser'sal siotr lagsvvis iegres A~rthusr J. Abbttt osithsis' Ic sf a ists sas itro ueb r eslse i'isti sin(&i ect iots. ir'Liev iiisou. Ife s fits v ees sall fiste no vice in hem il firakroc sits no svice or vsitseIatits mci'ifii' Si's' ' I lie Psitssi ' ii t sifee o u11Wsh ils1 ai> c, r shall it Itil r m ets i me f hits I) 1 ,is Ss' ii}arih ll lii>i"l~il inshsill cosit o ii o lo ircos hil n lca comix~sed of a graduate ssicorfist- lm hs ;1 a hal m nae.ahi cal maa-rt'1d'lolnc~icsi ntifeisis c it it ft I f ,. . Ii 1) 'i: l 1 (G it r - i' tt 11 1t eoe te w ist tlisyto its managers t f tennis sis s sdf(ui thesIt es, i sis i kii Lif sss i'' 5f5i's'c- irt ori ifs s to rp isets te v ro s d - fil te haldrq ha suaeyits u p s fithiis iet it ,s halst l sit heiii i thr i lch i terlfs.5 I ts' ts ss'fo ls'soneiisisdieto iis t h fitsr ald \ih t snrc alsts ted Itilftron iitth lit listy departmt milsi the i ils eq ire that if this lirt or i~' tso u fhe lle rt tee gn yW Sc. slit heussistitls ot h sert y -ane it th vrsty ndsh w- salsl set igeep ithe ius'ss of'ss'ahll iftI tale wok iiIlgig Iosscri ngsfail ndii'other sit chill t iesa1 s suit su atlt Id uw s55' 'scsIv el t o ht ffce.s'15'55s tiii ttii w o w s s i ift ssfro e.7 h uss f t te tresurer, e\elpons maeb M cian a sd fo athi t i surt s e;ad t a titis Iiijs i tr il]. gradNuas di s sil it t ilire tr fitsallsuts i receivts lceic ls AISasifcs a so ft i i s intle'sisihs. Thei t ra re 'is ittiPerli.'ds f is asoit ion.ssts thessssst its ''iti titif is !i' 's c i' tc i u 5' as r f('liilitlt- ~ r S11itU c la ssil iii lal ii tilt sll <1n s tlt I is~ tc"r.ift i ii ii i1;1 T sItiti c t I is' i1 ;i t vkaI-, f sft'r l) C~lllllttk C, it'11 Isw stir ti f'''fo shal sisticr, ter ur1< ti 'yte m ll majorit y ofi' livevoes li 1 5 was Msissil 155'51s15 for15 thei otits tdii's and5 Inansimus o te ss erIts st I ,or . K (rod, iii, for >he 5pitin to utui silsm ss40 sssfo r m itsiffr. 5 f is sitsou Ishundred men lis ofth : r ° r: IM1111 r ni lst srs; flee d l) tltr cst. f(:ol~al tam, lasi l stif t' Cliwr reetad er he mn hosaare rtcd sie isd Cs ic p uceis < I itttt sitof sstiasibrsIiff (tcf tus is~ s sdthe C t tial'league lsisiyeafi es is1 I t s pre st l cts tit gst- 'lir. Icitul lds''\st e s eei's fistIssue. sini rfills ,I C. Joclyns if thc an maits nsts lii t, t stltftor - sPul . \,;;> > utit1sis etsi sch oa i ' l nl (tltssssss l lChsicagis iets hlsit hesits' I" ;w.( f iot1~ s ssssss s'sssssits'' p~e stiltslf ts"sutl ts iele de f tilte M ih) 11 cs it f alei m d K oa team, c'o'''ncl 555 uitste its itssifs's,;1( i, t ; f's' i'ci'5151 matlii ofitile ChIic's'giotsm list(ladIris th e '"pt~i'nstc fit ir Ic sil's'si itcal ' btilss' s i>n s l tsca is iii _!adlac irctr 5 ls sgg s idTse c thela eIs sl l F ulleitsI, siwtstskensis cc P td ite 'sstmanas'gs'" allt Its self 5justice. fe a n bet r)I i silt s 'u it io ftse soffic oss .-p t s ci eb ttal sill S 1t S ttiitttssts hI' d '''ivs 'suithe m asre cir: 'rhis- lae il's its list te ill h schoolssl ss'',r t stls's ii's'swese Jason . arer t i.l t al lili i'i t s's' 'l s i"c tle t s in ll sit Issois , and fi t i; J-s ,l 'titlist''l sis'dtto the 'n ''he 's cs uaOnull ofT o s ldo.'s''ss eis in tca is w.isceanig th op liti f Cua cCim s in ti I its isfl list us] l iiint hih i e i sts c lg, iti' l' ut su js ut ~ se ii' lj Its s h h ar a idy g 0 ;,tiff d''isonswslit if st b t v rh( stil siirc ett t .A.C iii liiian hassttis Ii 'Iii u ll t(s x is's> hei n(,\% suussss siititil III It Prof. 's'Truloodus ssaidsattar the (suit tit'' l ° pi tted l t he s issueiis o itsii u s ts Itt w s a ir e tm.l'' if ) 'tittl~ml ha bccn onsid red it wilI bi'Mis uller s tln ss Is, l w tich d os > liii. fti SN 5'lll Iii eor hem mbr elust dsitserncinrs' trngh. fNPt'RSfI 'N 1Xl '51 SI fN te list Chlutegut speakfei, itspedtlit(,C(Ill caocultse ralanit ufssll dsam S I)' stirpr'is'e ussa s it slt's sir the ' 110515, argumssens." blrd of > en s uindtheii sntills is scsi t-.f Hllister, wilis t tithesits s n it w'1-, ti11l't555 thaIis thills univessrsity toucesis f1ts iiocal teamsit asid t rtil heit vva yt n , osiio suigt:thelsg'overn-deae I tusmslu t i iioe h I ntforestry sellsper im tal staion a tsl. Is s tot tat s :M i chuganiihad slolst Iticeldsbslints amI w i lhst Noithif tssi 1ch ceflit ttli 1ioniaus dstuhlatW~i s s'weste'ns ati Evaston r uited ts stsl- ''tutu ilhadIfaiedstruovtedfistuse/,but slit' beainsg' t'e sictoryus'a lii'fsIw alr'ls 5 s were made t tiotus aveS'S thi to one. iThe ume SIes o heii n itr "'si Il etuu'[l ' Iheluc u tc'mess'ofI teS' rs gl rut l Pr sussi t Cssgs'iiissiused 'a sall tithle slebte n nsoe lots sittt s t fors I'llch ti- luis uco iler c to smectlins the secreItuslar' subf- dcsided. ils stsuuus ssu iii 55l 11(1 ls I' fs <11ts ~ ns fehnl e r 1): ) IOt5555 cl55 sshvicc rsitu u t C K eger. A ss r lsitsm. lausstc - n r eco d Vi ar. I Ic b( -1 ( Jn slutI lliam 11.IHuIey, CIeCNuCIIof IlaIs fie'-resi itt En inee ig siety. Ali lu e 1om i te. 10'. 1i0 . iulitfsi. J sf site ussecl ss si foit . I'.ll "'f;.le f.'suuss titlist 'S''tt'sunsfs1-ci'r;ts Sich i1m)Il fai lrii Iis liii suit ((siseswsu and smse1s' As te Ies as"T'ctylist, sdtillleyste- vsed.'f A'commiitteenIs>has bensapinsutedl sts ioto SS slusgiusi lut teIresuslt of thir uuAS w sill nutots be sknsswnbebfor's Ibr ci titni Inl themestnittime tile cis' tiils 'sars'eulgoitsotks'epsbsuys'osithsts glstiltssitfistwssushun mottnetys t'eysCas hut ik the 1)fi t . I n lopu meing''ssut SigmaisChii housue SI uit i at >5us'sloek. lill. Is'ssssUDE 'icCOUNCItuss. HitS rEst' 'h1 Stili'.> lisnTs'uttle, 'oige, wscusslsecte'df ucusfissss sub sts' Stsudents Cuncssilustosuecd Ifm'silt K. WSatkints. Tirtieeslntsenswere grnustsedth filet sail. '"as the Untisersit' tub NIfinttct t Junsiour romsisw''ek sit Coumbsuuufsiategin Musonday, Febuart' i. MMLAHAL Dean Hucins SUNDAY 6:30 P. M. OF THE LAW DEPARTMENT JN1