V- - - . TrHEMIC.HIGjiN. DILY CASE'N COMPLETES M ICHIGAN REPRESENTED AT WOLVERINE SQUAD I WITE PLAGUE CON GRES S Sam Burcilfieid'sT (tetitimd fhomPage 1.) Thse tniversity was well represetted in t8 jjOrjflg but the freshmen may always spring at the internationial tubercutlosis cont-. ! surprises. ress at Washington. Besides the lab- Tirade All in all, there should he seen some oratory methods and the means of treat- good football in these interclass con- ing. the did-ease wvhich are ttsed in the tests. In most cases the: teams. seem medical d partment of the univiersity, eivenly matehed, and if every class puts sshich sver on exhihition, twvo of tlte Canits best mnen into the struggle a beteC members of the medieal facuilty- read Cantbranil of the game than has heen seen papers before the eonventions. fo some time will result. Dr. Vaughan read a paper on the D eliver duIlty of the government in coimbating TNIS reNTRitS ANNOUNCFD. and curing the disease, intl oiiesiltthe The In accordifnice swith the announcement ceimistry of thse tubsercislosisbacli sniyeterditay's Daily, the annual fall ten- D~r. Wartliin read papers -ott the rcelt- ills tostrisaneistitry list is now posted. lion of hiereidity to tie idisease asid the lidsEtrties mayis te made in botht singles pathology of tuabereislosis. aisdfidosubles. Boilh first-class anid see- The conveiition swas the, sixti tri- onit-ctass singles svill he conducted. The ennial meetiiig of the eoiifereiiee. It ~~se * 1 1 scoiid-claiss tournsainent is open to nien ssas tieled in tihe unfsinishedf builisng S aimiIU IClh led ttstoIhais never sson a secotad-class wihiis to ftc ssedf forthe iiewv natiuonat tournassmciit at Mtiichigan or svho have nmuseum. ( ~ 1 0 6 nis isrticipa-teid in tthe first-class tourna- Delegates to the convenitiosncanie & o EAST HURON ST. sites ts tsere. Tthis second-class fotirna- froni all over ftse sorlid. ,Mainy of thtese nieist permiits everyone whfo enijoys the sdelegates are imakiing visits sit the Ami- gisicmesaiace to einter swhere lheswill ericans iedicatl sclhools. Prof.; Woodf- sit tie outclassedf conmpletely. The first- head, of the University of Cambstridige, ctliss toutrnameint is opets to everyonte. Eniglaitd, seas itsAttn Artbor, Sundatyt, J 0 L L V " S Thtcesintry fee is loss, being fixed at anid slpest the slay with tDr. Vauighani, twecnty-five ccensts,to pity for the halls visitinig tiefiospital. andt tttheiteicat 308 5 STATE ST itit sdintotusrinamtenst iatchies. Entries scihool. He is head if tthe rosyat costs- B-B-B Briar and South African itsys ti stade at Ferry field, or in per- missiona for the studiy of tubterculfosis Calabash sit toPtrice or Leicdy of last year's and soificial dlegate frosmstnglatoiitt "ti ieassorsy sthssne at shone numbers ttheconivenitioni.- PIPE S Are youlin ne ied of wattltitter, paints, it CROiSS COUtNTRY SQUADit0tiec ACAiN. sils, glass,vairisstes, tbrusties, wsindowss Imported and Domestic cigars ni t sc turhnted out with the shades, etc. Catl pthose- 237. C.. Cgarettesaand Tobaccos 4:1icross couttry- squad yesterday. Matjior & Cit. 8, so Thisotier stqtaid, svticth leaves the gym t >t iS, ws somsiesvtat simaller, only Collegians rainicoats for cottege ssess,. tieity-lsiivmen ruin1g. The course $i5 to $25. Ott sate tby Atteis, iitti PI LOcan fr thesrcsenst is attouit tsso antIonie- street. 8-12 PI~~~i~u w~~ and hlfti letsuit ltoig, aisd the pace is ais UeOintgilsfotia. Lot cisyione.CapttaiiiDulltittoutites that UsOlEnihfoo wa. Bt BANNERS the fsrst iiss en isnlishing ini the east- tptonies 237. C. H. i,\tajoC & Cii. 8. so sitNE Sicrss cosittry ruts will recise tract -_______ Ntl'," pov idting Micthigani wins the Collegiain clothes for college mtens, $uy Ai ce. to $30. Ott sale by Alleni, ANIaiin St. 12 II STIIeathier watch fish with a Engineerinig sipplies at Mituetiig &- Darling & Malleaux bra ssNsss ass a '07-o8 aftletic pitn, Sttinif's, 205 S. ?Mai St. 7- .is s-ceit5 enginseerinig buildting antI Wash- - - scsisna ictisinCetil Sotith University aind Thtink it over! If yott doiit buy your Cthusrct sttrcet. hiinder please return to fuirnishings from tsii, sve botls lose mon- V. of M. 8B&1RBE]K SHOP R. IL HFidey, t126 Washtetas Ave. 8 ey. Henry & Co., 709-71rIN. Uiiiver- J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 1lAT1 ItOOMS-PORCELAIN 'riis sity.If 110'1' AND COtLDl SiOWERl BATH'Si LtST-fonsdasy tight at College Inn, Ladies' and Ciltdren's I at iiCattinc 5155nsA55A1E A SPECIALTYv.'5t CNTS a itass pin1, intitiails on back, E.L. Re-- Collegiais clothes for college mnt, $15 322 S. slatS.An Aro 1h urtoDiyofc.$ t$3.O saebAleNinS.2 Phone 330 Bell AnAbr Mich. 555nto iitDaily office.8 to$0 OtsaebAli, tiit.1 FOR SALE-Butll terrier tpups five JOE LENHARD Large Collection Antiques 111 ts oldti, ears trimmileid. G. Stoll, 834 MEIRCHANT TAILOR Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware Browisn St., City. 8-1o REPtAIRINQG AND PRESSING 'or fraternity and sorority hotises and - N UE. XXastiintgtott St. ddss stsident deno. Colegians raiiicoaits for college men, -- Miss Florence S. Babbitt $t; is $2,;. Ott saltr hy Allen, :Main Collegian cliothies .for costlege iseis, $15 YPSILANTI, MICH. street.8-a t$3.O sirIyAes.MstS.1 The College "Air" .. .J rt 'o . 'Tho nAYo S t' br(li Ces" not only distinguishes in preeminent degree our "College Clothes" for. Young Men, but-.everyfhing else that we sell. It breathes true refinenment and possesses the -style thaI is real, because it's subtle. Von see, but you can't defite it. We cboose all our patternts and models wxitlh putnctiliotus care and aimo to preserve a treasutredl exclusivseness, while lbarring rapid eccenttricities. Ottr lites are big enough amid broad enought to mleet es-cry purse and pref- eretice. Yottr patronage is courteously inuvited. hi ne line of Fuurntishitsgs, Hats, Caps, etc. STABLER & WUERTH CON 211-SOUTH MAIN STREETI WALK,-OVER SHOES and OXFORDS NEW FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE Our Specialty : College. Shoes for College Men and Women t (BADE MARK REG DS PAl Off GENE KEI(RCOMPAfh( SEE WINDOWS for Exclusive Styles ttn Tall atid Winttter Oxforc s in I'renchi Calf, Tats Moose, atsd Ox- Blood Cordovatt Leathers. Prices, $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. Our XWaser-Proof Cattpus Hoots tttequtaled at any pr ice. WALK-OVER SHOE C0O 115 5. Main St. q KEEP SMILING, I WAGNER'Kh&CO,'State Sret sell shoes. Stisgusof tbig whitshsosit. _ J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1 .00 ~II1 UL F M U I CALARM CLOCKS $1.50 SCHO L WA TEDALARM CLOCKS $1.75 W A T DMAYNIARD STREET slly iitiauitiset - Watch Rp.irtrd a Spectalty Special courses in all branches of music for Solicitors to sell tickets in all departments University students. R w ' Laundry of the University for the Students' Lecture If you wish to "make" any of the Varsity musical R e clubs, or wish to acquire a knowlege of music, call TH-OMAS ROW, Prop. Association. The opportunity offered is unex- a h fiefrifrain 326 N. Fifth Ave. celled, for a liberal cash or ticket commission New Phoe 1t7tBet Phe45- is offered, and all desire to purchase tickets for AKIDLoM ERADDSGN S the best program offered for years at the Un- Chinese Chop-Sey Restaurant anFaggbAER N EINR iversity. Chinese any DIshes, Americas Lunches of Carr age O OLG EER all kinds Eveyhlgfirt-class for lades and gentlemn. oech Copetai nl rns paties, H ie ' e er tr _ Chnese and Japanese Bric-abeac. hfr2o'coch $1.50,afir 1 ocotk J w ly tr VoSar.stdo .letoBo. 1 .SaeS.Apply at the Treasurer'soff'ice in the Aluimni rooms;ihchtTrunk toiorefromitdeorrthe,23148.oStilt Si.S$2.00 prcewitbe 23 Cents. If aried to ___________________ daily except Satulrday amd Sutnday, 4:oo to 5:30 P"m., AMBULANCE Bel Phoe, 9, 2R , rfo up-stairs, the pice wilt e Saturays,10:0 to 2:oo . m.H...0haCent9s. SaudysUooot aooaia., 7ltm hne rvrs are reqared to coec cash R." A. I.OLPH &GO fue: riae aid aggage srvce suceesors too. M.Maetin WALKER'S LtVERY Subscribe for the Fueral Dia'etors WH.NSTARK°°.DAILY H.SV R ATT'LES' LVERY. . . ..120 . 4th Aes. Ann AbOr, Mich ST.UD IOw-- ? r l 319. 1EastHuron Street