THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine 'Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl T 0* 10o6 &Lo. EAST HURON ST. Hot Lunch At TuttlI.'o, 338 S. State JOLLY'S BEST BRIAR. PIPE;S M VII i2,tl ° - $175 to$5.00 t ct a('1 I,, iltt 5 1 C(),1. \il' iTT',7'ANNOUNCES A\NAID IN ESSAY CONTP'S'i A ardSxin teres'cting ii to tudl'of x te Unxivesity oxf\iMichigant have benmad by i omitee of economts for toehe best ess-ayssubimttedi hy coiietp-oil-a toteandxtud tx~ents. hour pximin:11 aggregating nearly $2,000, taxi heeo Theli~t pieewastaken iby Osca> D )oglasSkeltoo, forerly= of the Uni- tersty of Chicago. andi tote professrx at QixeeixsIUniv esity, Toronto, A woa irs.Fdivoeti Siteexto-oaiitre, of ixixiadetlxixpxhx in te exox x prizer byx ma kintgt tudy\ xf the aricoiturali retouicesLof the xinit titei. Site is tetic o m - txttx x t to wn m ioftix pries ci t itt stx reixxi - i titgiitt d loshp at Brynxix a nd ixxt xiithe Lxxixcx- S txtofIPensylvi a. Exi si ays ittre itt)- xiiitt xxfromalllver heiUitedi States. The counxxlxvxittee xxxc awrdedithe pizexsx cxxnxsitixxofIPxxfiJ. Laureni-ce xxx lxixxx ofI thei1. xxxicxxxixxxi Lhicagot, J. x1i C l xxxiof xxilmia xxivr-itt yi CityxxxiiPreidetixiCarroll.ii1). VWrighti 0,Cakxxollege furheiixonoxe ofithe pr i'i-- ize r ess atiSrltxtlxxx- it& 1iii x ofiChicagx o. Theiaxxiiiemeniiofte iwarittis Clati A. I aduatin esxxi:-ei.Te xist xxiz Ofxxii$ tixt OscariiiDouglxxxix xxi o iii uxx-enadxax txx: rau fie sud(ntxx teUist y xxix icagoxxPi.D.ix (Cii- cago xxx xxxC profxssor ofxiiioiit clec : xtxtl xdi"ihe xexex aginst Sx cili smixxxi" Og \xx1 eN (M1k lward Sherwood1 iiiit xxxICA.1. iax), 190:lxix fxilxox a" l I xxxl ix1897-: itllow a U i- lIN\SIK iciI lI,.f--Tniglt at S. thei c lxxrit ixCentl txi l ll xi ilt lxx- cextx L'xtxx xii. 7x0ix-x Lx ix rsitC)HIllfoil hai iviii iIxh' ogto jolliy'.axxiiroitherex-icto Ffth ii xxi en xixt \Villixii t rext. lRcwardit fol iii- i-iitti ti thii oiffice, 79 xIi) ' : li at xxxii iixil ItixIti ti i t xxii F htPII -1ueto-nih t iiixtior car ri-gS oI Ji lure-xiis . 1e1 xxx,1 oue xi I -I?- Iii i-)l' x Iii C llIyld fo i i ct r ofiii xi anti ng xiitat", (10111 t ex- xxi tI lIiii iis le-igixi w'X i ot ph nei 21.i.xI 1 Ii xx-i xxxiii(ltf MIigi Nl icixlxix it. ,xi nxxxiii pIoit ,in x new and ex xclus xivetxidesxi-in,, i--tt-air' SCV'I- Ni o ezixxxi Ni t. e~ - 6LOTIIING SA LE On account of change in firm, which will be known after Feb. 1st as the J. F. Wuerth Co. The entire stock of Cloth- ing and Furnishing is included in this j Sale at 200%. Sale closes Feb. 1st. STAEBLER &WUERTH CO. ,I)cs I11i ixt'-- iii-- xxx cl xilc a IiS I-- xxx.(.F; xx~fi - 1t SI:t > tt Skit cs! tx : li iit an xo li xiiati N llet '-s s xlcto -ite FStix h 18; . cxxiiiJeel-) tore lti lit iN -xii xii' th x' i d Stxtes- '' xxxiii- iiro i n C xii -haiii lxxxii PILLIISand - ixxcgxxxxx--i l. no - iii 3 BANNERS iix11,1 iitdxioo, fr apexxeintitlet e;t~as nilpat fcty 1t1 xiip.ii cxxi u i zo iii> ti C. . ii bi-ili& C -l If A I ixixiIitutBO t x-l ''.Thy-Lt-i-ondpize t I ih~k ~ ~ C S i D ring & M alleaux t ta ieslitxudets ti o wish Ii cxi ais aned toordct- axI -S Lit ae i. c~l ______________oo____will______he____atlix-loed tunti i x e tto I Siiit rh" dcxii- cree.iii hi-u; V. of M. 1L.BE3CW SH1OP xxx ln ltlx xxi xxi ii i - lxi 5 loh 1 -- e 78-1 xI, d 107 i1)111e. J. R. TBOJANOWSKI. Prop. 1ii ii xxxii- lit( E \it I ii i- --i -- - CULTaUE Si-tET MUSIC AND OiFtI- It ' andi ixlii xxi flaxirtii ' ii 1x III xlev ili p anixi runt i xxii lxiii- tIAL SOU~VENIR SCORES tOO SALE xxIiRSAI:xi- A i xit'kIi - -t > ()ENT.' ,I'xi llxx-lit iatci'Han I\ ilt iiI i tjAT SCHAEBERtLEt&- SON'S MUSIC 322 0 Siate St. nn1 5 r i~ lii i . t OUSE. i'iTane 359Buti"! 0( AnIroii~i I WALK-OVER DRESS FOOTWEAR Folk MEN and WOMEN Jusi arrive ew osixpmeint of various styles it n umo, Slippvr axxditlwii cxelet lies ini Patent, Dull and Suiede Heather. Prices: $3.50 a ftd $4.00 See IWindows Foreclustiii vesixelesin e~ater-Prooxf Ckaxixiotsi andxlOxfords xin Taxx iiooxe Ruisset,Cordovan xxx Itlix x WALK-OVER SHOE GO, _ p * ia l 3uijr [ i it i i g Ii l nxac b~ 1rxhx(' $500 N cl&b Cvae. lad/. Zp hf --t.._ Q'J ta-it 'xxii- sI / HO SNabeti bter ioe adx-at xxxii-rici.-SHinS 11ct ir i. atx n aitliriitMisixt, ideieaiuaiixei V I / I TJ. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler M __ l iVA ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 Studenlts' Lecture AssociatiollMn F S I A ALARM COCS $1.50 _________________________________ulR lOCKSara $175 OFFERS FOR 1908-1909 RESERVED SEATS Watoh Rip Speoitxny FOR SALE A LIST OF SEVEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME OnadatrJaurR1Iowe's Laundry THOMAS POWE, Prop. JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER S C HOOL O Ft iF I UcSIC 326 N. Fith Ae. HON. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER ~j v - New Phone 457 Butt Poe s:i , JOHN MITCHELL S. S. McCLURE MAKERS AND DESIGNERS IDA M. TARBELL T1 TO RN AIS O OLG EER JOHN HAYS HAMMOND IFIMFT1 ~lLf bD~C O OLG EER BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA HEHaLiIer's JewelryIIIF Storeh For Arts anal Crafts Furnitre HalrsJwry MfC is wel adapted to furnish students' rooms as well as 26 SOUTH tAIN STREFT- the dein. We have a inice line of these, also carry Single Admissiom Tickets ... ....50c everything ini the line of Rugs anid Por- Large Collection Antiques in tier . t snae aroomcoz andcomortale.Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware Tickets for All the Numbers .. 2.00 tes tFxaeoronscz ndcmoral.fraterniy and sorority bioxesait- xxxiiil tBo fie . i A T N untr. aptadDrpr treAdesstdn es FtnnniltnroCarpt and Drperyiten Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH,. STUDIO- y II i 319 East Huron Street