THE MICHIGAN DAILY _____________________ __--- THEI ARTISTIC )ECORATUPS '., CAN, SUPPLY YOU WITH THL LATEST AND MOST P= ro l)AI WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RASILS, it E)LAPS, PAINTS, OILS V'ARNISHES, BRUSHES, UiLASS WIND1)0W SHADES, ETC., ETC. !1 Ouri specialty is fine Decorating;, s- s a Ppxr-hanging Paint- ing, iinte rioi and exterior)Viall-tinting t.Kalomining, Fresco- inigetc. etic.. Iietelpoi mit -kitlx-(l ork iien anil guarantee or work.(Goods I liiver -d toiroll iii ix olthe iite. 8OTH PHO NES 237 203 E. Was~hr~tors St. 31txyear- JDITIONdARFIES 36tI y~Oa- ira QUIZ 175011S I.- Aa-bor- LEGAL MISCELLANY Ana~ Arbor Ca1i ar o. CHICAGO Apra Ar-bor 8a- l75.-axSt.atc SStr-eext.Opposite Law 1HldE. New hitny.hetre BO0TH PHiON ES 480 Friday, M:1 E Ja, 1 The Princess' Amuse- ment Co., Inc., Trail with HARRY STONE By tle Authors of , The DTe, Pla ce anx lhe Girl" "A Stbborn Cinderella" "The Girl Question" 60-Comedians-Singers-Ilatlcers-60 With the famous La Salle Beauty Chorus. Prices Matinee: 25-35-50-75-$t Prices Night: 35-50-15--$1-$1.50) Seat Sale Wednesday Sa5uNay GMTINE Jan. 16 SM S. and LEE SHUBERT INC., OFFER THE l)ALY'S iIIEATRE COMEDIY BY CyeFilch One Year at Daly's Theatre Metropolitan Cast and Production Prices Matiee:x 25-35-50-75-$1 lxrie Nittht: 35-50-75 1-I50 Se~at Sale Thursday UNIVERSITY NOTICES :Mandotxlin: clubx rehrsal -itxxghti ai 7 an Frdu ieghts ax So'clok Class eiig of 191egieer \\ed iii-dt lxxii ig xai7:3. NewxEii nexr ig tuiliigi. Al dentsi itres tedin aktbll e All memersiftil Coix edyxxiclub-met-- AIii tiosehavingticktx-ifoxr thesk- x andx 4 ii nt. DtsxteiiiiN xxi) meetiii xRoomiixiA. Uiveixltty alxi, txidayxati5 x'lxock I- -xest .SeiiliI , MndaixixandxiiiVici- xii S ixxiiiiitil. xBoth t NIe i elini Roomxliili t8,xUniriiyHal.ii W. ixrr. Nt -xxxmake xa specialty xxf diplicaixg lenisilxx ixir xopticxl depaxrtmext. IHal- loi" Jewelry- Store, x16 S. Mci S. eod Nowxis the t xie oibyi lxix aln ;cmti il fixg coor spx ill pricd ait. Daliinig & Miiex.t i757 ,,tits devlop i ani d int x yo tu litils ,xxxx111,,.iixxmn & iliiamsii , cast- tile- ixixixi xoffioniibbonsixiixxlacesxi, emii I_ broideixrixs, blxxiiiCd, cxiii.. :iit Darligx & .Mxittxixi>s. 757 Gut ix xxxm iiinix its xx, $x x. it xg. \\xxi-rx- xxioait xxandi aproxsx roccani gaxix blotersi, clipp~inxg -xi-i-, gxxx- xand xaddirx-i-booksiIiiix ltoitr indxsachetsiatx Mi;-Iiovells. 7f-cil xi IfyIiii lx youxxr opiclxiwoxrk dxne at IHaxller, y u-ixx xillxe isatisfii. H lxi ieri jwelry- store, xx16S. Mi Si.x00i jutrcii xxanewxipment of xii xi(lxxxi Sx Ptxi-cStlPlexatidtShirs ilxx icixiixe patirnsi Altprices. lxxx - iC io. N. 1)Al iii() I i Lxx0, xxxNi-xxxxt , ibeyondl tiltiiof'Ct iii-e i 'irvice, iof - xiii -xiiiii ix- .tb , lxx t ixo xxxiii Ans A ix>m extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. 5c CSINO 5c special orcI~ostxe., Music Pouxlar 1Ill,,trated soriixs Motionx Pict-,a,- CHANGE DAILY Fowler, Stimpson& Co. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING