T HI UtCHIO~AN DfAILY F-eelin he--. it,£' Wt.ttk t r~, ti'1. ir patrons5are itt +rat-. , I f 0or tWtntr. Oa- tango e of -. . t aittt I tt t rt trtt tS yoo 11 appre *lit t ti < 'c i J. K~ MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES ' All tgto lits whlo wat-sitcltts- pps-e Baker, Flanagan, or Elliott, immiediately. Dr. Leo A. Franklin, of Temple Bectit El, Detroit, will speak in the Unitariast church onl Sunday evening, ttit "The Religion of an Educated Mats" Lecture on tChristiatt Scietnceity lick- tell Young, C.S.B., cfChticagtt, stetmtter of thse Chtristian Sciettec boartd of lec- ttresltipioftise First Chturchi of Chisit. Scietttist, itt tBostots clss., Stutiasr afterttoon, Jatnuary toa t olok, at New Wh \tlitntey tiete sr Adtsson ttttt Thte regular mtittg of tiheAsstociat tiots of Ctllegitte Msut cc011ibelil Satttrday, Jatnutary 9, tI 3 to'cltck, itt Yptsilantti, with "Mrs. Joefrsct tst 2tt7 Norttal street. 'Take tce : ottcr frtit AntnttArleot. 'Thie prgr-aowilb n tirely tisical, isurtisited bithelitPease~ Latdies' siuartet and th sles usosists-t muttsiciants itt Ypsilantti. A lagittegndsu- site-is teartnestly tiesitret. 'I' XE-NN LECTU'REit,-rtoi.Ctotees 1,. Rtbittsont, tf Cisicasgit,tt tht' eo~e- trittli-chusrchs, Sundslay t' s-titt i. 7A- Sissies !Skates ! Skates ! tt .Sltseiis & S sirtis, 20> S. MaJitt St. 5totio S. State tr 55. 55 'lYPE WRITING ANT) TYPE- WiRITERS--We will sell yout a type- ssriter, crett yott a typaewriter, or do Stttr typeseriting for yost. Joiliffe & Zecsudsisi, 310 5. State St. eod-if SWc set glass itn all Iparts of city-. Bth sitnes 237. C. 1-1. Majoir & CoS. tccdi I For chintg dishtts attt teas. try iti eit lig & Slcids, 205 5. MaltsSt. ;qttt LE!ST iNYOUF0IJT-Ciii 1,'.oil re(t(-J, -uponsstshr sligitest rmst'tt frasicttire ttf attyit i tati's c~u co-Itt Now 'is the tume t select T hat Swell Cr oat or uravonotto " ac.Isee t is at rety. 'avtsettt o i frthe rest thtf t t m ke sottlook-. ysis ,t ttittn attI LINO E OH 101 ,A PFEl & 08. Ileadlqsaarters for Modern Thngs 'S Billiards Bowling Cigars Candies - ___ ___ S Tobaccos HOWELL eJOHNmSON, Props. M. E. RYAN ,Mgr iit 3 ewWhtnyTheatre 13OTH1IIHONES480 i III ..®.. :I rdyJan. 8th HeaxryW. savage The Dramatic Sensation of Two Cotntinents II Aid the oiilew York City C~etTh,,afre Cast and Production - Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seait Stile W5ed. Morning Saturday, Jan. 9 JULES MURRY Tthe Great West Point Drama "Classmfates" With NORMAN HACKETT And a fist class supporting com- pany, with the original New York Production including the famous" Jungle Scene." Prices - 25c-5Oc-75c-$11 C its t sr'. titttt tt m~n stittits -$1.50 - o e . . . . . $1.50 ttt a'i ttttt ursditoay miorning. 1 SETS THE F.ASH-ION 1 CLLAI -S I 0"_ Its taclage'. its tt sto . oh Set-le lslig & Selsssi'rslttste\istsdstt 1t: 2is S. MIai Si.si THIS IS IT NOW lEAR',TilENEF' ,WSidIX lit(W Ci IEST"IRAXAT Till',CASI NO fo'2-.js gieanwshpltofim 1et, twIAc W e hisSt. itieated Shitsin5e0x0lustsve _______________________________________. pater s Al rices. lientics-& Co.,- \. E ENTLEM'lEN- Wisest '.uiscatotth oss e tht still satisfy ---both it adiw'situ llit Gsestiantiknit, to seamss 05cs lir te toes. ' by thsem tss st ftsielt's Shoie Storet itt S. lais St. 68-76. . - - VAN KLLtEK'S 300 East Washte.gton St. Light Lunches Confectilonary PtnsIce Cream P Phoes78L 78 Blue GOOD MONEY 11aii t1 ttit i-ilst' 5 tt i xktre r THE T. J. CAIE CO. Room ia5Itowlantd Bldg. DETROIT R TOP! LOOK! LISTEN!l 0'the annouacerinttof Pl'2I( IN CONTEST at SOON OF iNTEREST TO ALL EEY ]FRIDAY -'--3 0,cock MTAJEII DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detrott, Ann Arbor at Jackson A I KOLLA I, TAILOR \ND) Cl 'ITi'FR 10Ii, . [i ll-oil Si. (it i I Limited Cars Fast Bound a.iS a. Limited Cars Westitond tt9t5s. us.. "':'4 Local Cars East Bound.-'Ti l(txtit.t6:15at. Locat Cars IWest Round-0:14 0.a... :1i a colleg-s'11sis. fiStf i. Y Spastiat 01-restr's. Music PPalat- Iitxtos-atad Sotnga Motion Picetse CHANGE DAILY Powler, StimSon & Co. r. i Io' pus' t off isat riede till it gets ito. cesld. Ourc hor-ses are thte kindt it'sa tleasure to rule lbesinse. iHolmies' Lii- cry, 529 E. Jefferson St. Bell '22, lotti JOE LENHARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 206 E. Washington St. Doyost boswl? l t's Star exercise. Il.ra it. BILLIARDS.,ZBOWLING. LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. A12 S. State - 311 Maynard ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WAR D, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY 'THING IN TAILORING