THEI MICHIG AN DAILY ow THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ignrnf. It l{h t it ititing fr- Fiiki >tyn 'St-itS iitarit. IS'S o ral taar- and each e itttaeicemto t< <'. "ittia . g c a t an it a -ll itttga dta R ae F i amit. nae . callingtit aStnaurl Sppyt at'. BusinessManager -JoxN F. WURz. 73S-;ath ' tter-m -; - - h e tyini ~t ttt nt ler t h itt Larp'eat Sackin tiiTna teaatnp irstrda-. A fhi ltt't mu - 'ft']lI _. f\ r dncana- i a To begin the New Year right Nehe .'i.......... . . Lee A White --siei thatirthe rtewest ittliitg onithe tin . r'c'aftatt a tt. nitattit Bttsc- atyou may need an ofAheis C. ...... E. Eldridge Icampn wo ou ti-tn a flock tnf dt 1 tt \i il at i o (i n Atchane ... . . Robert Mountsier cas iifar nts ant.a cct d n t;tC i lt i t l'icI D. tns. it l att it ttter. hel E clir D iy o ExhsieStls M1u~tsic... Hollin S. Baker 51 - ?3.- Desk Calendar Exhsy tls i ramat_. . aymond Vischer .l utttll tttoaiently ititt i 2Iletter fie Women'ris REitr.Louise Van Voorhis 1 a kaittll gaityt rd says roll do't 55 5 ' l{D- Siftlen ititporiti ti an leder, Journal nautittist, tari'hae t ga ta the tik ttto njymt 'A'5 t ,t tto hl aIns f tie tt'thilrughi as B o I ittitit t liaftnltni r aieo ardi C. gRid tin'. fitti . I.73it n-1 al iQuart of Ink W5 . Latn erhaps Ftctrke (takr tottmtiy le tle Pint of Mucilae tnN I nEITRS itotlIts linw the ptole. al i tei e 5 hfate miiidt atr gratdfater Jar of Paste F or Gentlemfen's Wear Afutel . fin i .Ma gh Fred E. Goding rtrtaititgiteaiitnnta ~ tiiitn~ tttt i e t eli nt Box of Pens iDonaldf L. Miny Dana E. Jones -_- i tlifistdf18,;8- falen's jwry nPecl 5 'ktitanKis lowersn fros Kraft Itairke Cacranartitot. tik t now if t hSl n- 26 ft inS.Vu t. eodril-t D ze ~ " tr natliteil for Sita.inn Jpan.fepl"al' -intule It migt n t- ii-i [ilrg Cabinet iii1 eJ.'Caarancy stns tidall ita Sttti ittn.itt tttItia'ltis iit\ii' Bo of clips ai en ifand ec aStyliheus . " ,ttum , at ni ti t iittti S i i ctnutre at Paper asteners Paulia iidapGreetri-. '- Samuel H.. M rris It rtitier strtchslirt ttnitttg i t o tti1tttt itAlso reduce'-pric tnia Rubber Bands Full Dress Suits a L A C hWliatms Paul Leidy ttth ii ifMaytnttnfiis en-ndtti ritin - i 9 it hiiiF f itucs Y(1. 1d7 Specialty l V Ific ta Fred Lawton iintti these at Th most complete line ittI td.lIaltaryL.F zth ci . V55'nli 4 . L.Elliott 11,1t11 U XL' lTPOit ~S (Lots of people LI.I A . K a h n M 1 1 t:L 1 \ f (i )O SO . SC l i tl l ) 5 5 n e v e r w o r r y a b o u t s ty le af I1itiir. ttattiiLL___!________________just__buy_________ J"'r Dh . K.iBrentonTa e flt' u ti ll meN f idnit* \\ A iI S 3f Suth Stale Street f1. Shawi, Jr. iinttd itfSatindtith life re it FOW NES U iest oktr BUSINEiSS STAFF cu tof1ut t -c .m e fte Al GIOI; -~.,.,g l ~ S Ites icamta l~uc. res ld., ti akno u Allettis e ts arctf a tit i a d 'titriKt (SiiiP 11111 Maynard Street. tre le pragnatuu. \(ffIi(t1 ami' rid ti-14 1zIL Managers Hurs 12 p n., 78 . , t t m, IIni c' i andbaimg iii taialy except Sunday Both phones Stimte larin is ii -. -a dI-ituu l S; Ie sc d . 7-3 0 OF______________________StiNGS ON TiHlE CSINO ifi . Pi -m 153 tedmenu u iD ---i55.JaN R ~~A Second AA.Aiad I i)tliJNAR tilo ii ent-.ath toifiroties a t i. Sct latti,[ r it na i aoe i tay avi-ie Mit-wintte t hinttg tlt' t tti i Att'i Funeral Directors ibehii I iti t tt ind ta tinch g useftu., aniitr- suit-..ovratus ta ind titicatat .i tttie201 S4th Ae. Axe ArborMch. S h e e h n . Si C o . n t\I ndiii 'ti t he mit ntii .i " aredu ced i ces l le ,im the c lt ie Ala i tiB A ILE Y & E D M U N D S Students' Bookstore ritl cat'tttttt'a-. ha-ntietthea}egit to GOilt)V DR'ILLE, AThAT51121 EAST LIBERTY STREET - - ei nsa-nttd-itltie titia-ti-itofla TilSCASINOI')i 1 S V FRK t_________________________ (Y ¢,-aiterl t set~n titoit ttit tata rceive 1St aie tle agentsa Itfor te SVassaae A, GSpalding (& Bros,. he ~,,m-i;: o cn da;o~ i dc Swss ndewea.'Te-oly--- - Tit-oilet Sets sea . I ith tfim handlinta tfhi i n itg laitex& li. N. eletBeettiIckae, it it i - i tii artiula tuyiitohtlookTWO SEASONS (. 25. Ses o Design Qualiy toce ky, Gelf.. Gymnestunr iii lettf uu tljaiiititttl ii SiL)I g'NN f' Imitated in shape, ut the it at- and Price. Apparatusitbe 1Owital fcite it a ig aty totitof thinY ' t fTfIN ItCTURkSS. 7r- entd Lck Irnt" which avids tich t ita i trmen ict iin hetwtuttiseettoii -_____________collar -preading, can be had only iu $51J1Jto $2500 Better Ua ltgfaisos ntattisun, iia- it thtuat1li'al ittitititit ii I otittmtrttltat etbtetandttimost cpeteef$pitha'g sin aie re n- e1nues iehidfrnm'dsus htib Hurrynad oenwl b. r o t9®//l /1 A.GNeLwG&BOS ttli 'thftt hn ie ip~is W.ANLJEWELER A..s PA DN R S M R ~ Yrk OCiag LDetroic Iis new titut shtmettuouril rtehafs at Mait St Afiartagentsl-fr the era - 220 Soth Mete Street. __________________________t ulo ng atticant.tijustlylbe stick rubetr fr itt-ti 6-,6 UNITDItD CtILI £., iikeesoyeNY. Do You Pay BANNERS and REDUCTION!! - y PILL-Ofo 01n all lines of merchandise. for~ you clothes because you cn't be $1fluoiBannrs ssV ~ tf atisfied with ready-made clothing? It °j o . 00W -isn't necessary Wke wil furnish yost 5t- hastit-- 58 CAEDR,- - - 1-2 off y/mlothtes nade to measure by nw $ Ed. V. Price & Co, of Chicago, now. -38C JE'WELRY, - - - 1-2 offf front your choie of 500olhadsoie $30 Plloi~iws $229 Oarc o o ls hnayn". ."..... c INK, PASTE, E - - at 6c salltabrics u'lt"t3es iti at112i'llw $9 wthe additional advantage of tneqalled $110.Pilow so 1 Bo ks r7f workmianship ad correct style $.00.nw.(Pillows Our Tailoring Department Pillows 8 Buy now or futue use. doing.n..xcelet.t.htsi.ess.ith tou tuho or uue s.i oeg wehave lertdbusynswtohwlWhetey as dressed at all tines at a very reason-___ able cost Look over our clotls and E..CAKN THE VP PL Y fashioni figures and yo'll see whly. E .CAKN VSIE RS IT Y T OR E M Fred W. T* SDRUGGIST oovniK > v Y F 0 13 . i r S s 324 South State Street 121 Washington E. The Randall studio, Randall & Pack Props-. Phone 598