THZ MICHIGAN, DAILY ' - - - - - - - - - - II WALL PAPER Window Shades, Plate and Stein Shelves, Burlaps, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass, Etc., Etc. = = - Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. We sari do youzr work at once C:. H. MAJORI BOTH PHONES 237 GRANGER'S SCHOOL6 (rsouloor. tti on ynrdtet. Tuet sday and iThursday Enenin- New WhitneyTheatre BSOTH PHONES 480 Friday, Oct. 9 TRAVEL WITH LYMAN IH. NOW[ Personvally Consduclted WORLD TOURLS In Mooln¢ Ploturee Made Suxpremely ResA. To India Italy Sicily France Engand Niagara See the Thrilling Steeplechase Brillant Military Pageant Unique Bird and Animal Life Beautiful Savoy New Reedhami Orphan D~rill Sulphur Mining Physical Phenomena Many Others-Real Comedy Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c Seat Sale Thursday Sat., Oct. 10 MATINEE AND NIGHIT Cohan and Barris Minstrels WITH George Evans anad his 100 honey Boys GREATEST Minstrel Show IN THE WORLD FREE STREET PARADE MAT Prices Matinee 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 Night Prices 35-50725-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Thursday. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Scondiltr yot fo geulb at 4 pit. today in.Roitm A Cndtidates or snio engitierofoot bal tamtineirt at 4 oclok today ott South Ferry field. Michigan Linioni imemitlesip ~icoit- tee lease watch Daily- for anuonice iteitt ii geteral iteetitg sooi. GRANE;RS ORCH ESTRA. Granger's Aademty Orchestra cait le enigagedl fisoralimitedl ntumblerof lda- cinig piatties. Bookings of atatetiy or toresetra roat le titade att offee rnt7Mayt- naurdl street. 78 EXCURSION, SUND)AY OCT. 11, iia3MichigaintCitral. lJackso,(oe: Grantl Rapirs,$2.0.'t'raiilave' s :5 a. ii., rettrnitng smite daoy. 7-o INCREDULOUS, RIICUL.OUS, ATSURD-tite way they tre ctttitg the ricesott SALZ PROS. FOUNTAIN PENS a5t CAIKINS' DRUG STORE. 324 State S. 78 PItANOS FOR RENT-A choice lot o toie higher grade pianos for rett ott easy termst. Tuning free for te, year. Rot's Music loire. t-t-tst-sit We ae dintretxert w atht relair - ig sice 188. 1-lller's jt'telry Stte, 216i S. MaiSt. eoilIf If you Itove Your opial work ote at Ialoler's yoo will le satisfe.l.- e's Jewelry Store, 26 S. Mai St. cdl We tmtake a specily of dtplictig lenses in our optical eartmenrtt. Il- Mihigatn pis, foli, ottdtspoons, ii nt'wutandexclusiveodeigts, at IHaler's Jewrelry Store, 216 S. Malinu St. codtf \e tutor sold to your gratdfater atntd to yttur fathler, so let is sll tot yo. Estblishediet 88. IHtiler's Jewelry Store, 216 S. MaiSt. odo-tf its, gittars, banois otuany oter imuttsi tcl itstrutsit', swill idl atgooolstic atndl resoabtlleprice005't 'totatberle & street.e -ti T't'PEWtRITING AND 'TYE OR ITERS-Weo toill sllot ypet-i titer, reiti yot ypevtwrotitord stir tpewtritig' for siu lollilfe & Zetas lsi, 310 S. State St. eoi-f - WANTED-too o inet s at Aeute Cafe. +. Nets-dinitntg romsagottlod or. qutick. orroice. FBoar $.50 totr oer. Five seeks itodante, $5.00 549 h. University Ave. 6- OF COURSE you tietinxios t010000 off tat becastly Iastot-CON Make ii douoibly easy by butyig a SAL! ROS. $3.00 FOUNTAIN PEN for $t 9, or a $6.o self-flirt for $3oo IThey sae yotttoo per ccit ott ll pens itO CAL- KINS' DRUGIE STORE' 34 Stie St. KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER toEP Hioto t tf WVe are sole agetts for Regal shoes. Henry & Co., north of law building. f r~ "Good tobacco-kept fur*," our motto. JBroken goods anid kept "right' ito show cases and bulk goodo are kept ito two large shore roonos especially designed and arranged. i SIR; IF YOU 'WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about: our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style-: that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN-' BLOCK SMART CLOTHES. are all wool. and the'. best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings'. IINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO.: THE GRIAND Bllia rd Par 220-222 South State Street Openeod under new managemtent, etirely reitideled and up-to-date. Billiards, Pool, Bowlift~ A comoplete line of Cigars, Cigaretts, Candy axrd - Smoking Tobaccos Rtejports by innings of Worlds, -Chamxpionshi-p series Also all Eastern Aad Western Football Retuzrns by special Wire Howell & Johllstoll Props. M. E. RYAN Mgr. REMEMBER ! FELLOWS ! Our motto is Fair Treatment to All, Therefore-no riots AT THE "THEATORIUM"9 GILLARD BROS., Props. Men's Furnishings For the Partiecilar Dscriminating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY - MACK & CO. LAW BOOKS 36th year DICTIONARIES Stith year In QVIZ BOOKS In, Annm Arbor LEG#AL MISCELLANY Anw Arbor Callaghan Q Co. Ann Arbor Brarnch.s State street. Opposite Law Bldg. Too Ca-a 0.0t Hot Lunch At Tuttle's. 358 S. State BANKS T E rARMEIANO NMECHANICS- BANK MAIN AND HUROON STREETS Capial $50,000 Surplus and Proits $85,000 General Hanking Husiness. 3 percent paid on Tieand favings..Oepasits. Safety De- poemt Boxes to cent at 1200 and upwards R. KESMPF, Pees. W. C.OSEVENS. Vice-Preit H. A. WuittAMS(Casir I"' T. Scowe, Anst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock t50,000 Surpluss 92Ot,t0i Resouires$2,6000,000 A Generel Benking Busness Transacted Oariene Chat. g. Hiscoek, Pres.; W. D. Hiltrinan. Vice Pres.:t M. J. Fritz. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK' DIRECTOS: W. J. aooth Jno. V. Sheehan Wm. Arnold Or. V.0C. Vaughan Tat. H. Wade gE. HuMlas John Haarer Jo-goch - vrof. H. S. Carhari Henry W. Douglas Ghristian Martin Dan F. Zimimerman FIRST NMTIOAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. tE. 0. KINNE, HARRISON SOUtLE, Prers.Tice-Pes. .'W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $1i0on0n. Surplus and-Profits, $60,000. THE MARK OF THE L.EST SHI1R T CLUETT, PEABODY &CO. CLUETT ANt ARROW COLLARS iw . ?he SANITARY PIPE-OF SOLID COMFORT conuroodno simply n graefl lines,,ret with, ttth ingnunity thai eanevrry undesirable feat- OUR are of pipe smntig is..vr rotor. Norslugs", noaeiro, FREE no eiratine roaches tihn OFFER esmoker'smoutb, you ______ smoke only thesmoke. Fashioned flemntihe Upon receipiof f inteFrnchtbriar '$1.00, we will for- toot, is two wardpepid,roneof shapes,' siraighi thieeripen fee five and ctrved, daysitrial, and ifsaeuis with vulcen- not aln'eClraiit; izederubhee pipenmayhbeetiurned n muth- money willhbe refnded. piee. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., . 41 Prudetial Bdg,hBuffalo, N.Y.. It 6 11 /~!Aicedz~;;:i "- - lierman Ocnrican Savings Bank BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHBS, tCommer-c~el asnd CIGARS, CANDLES, TOOiACCO. r Ste.vines Mi S. Stete 3 .11 IMyeW4, Cor-. Ms.In and Liberty Streests MOE'S BARBER ..SIHOP 7OI.Plrth U.ikvtrslty Ave. 0. A. MOE. 'It. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES NJILWARID, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING