TI4t MICH! 1AN lDAILY = AT 1, Watch a t 0 fit at 0 rit 13 71>> _ ; _-_r : _- _ _ _ . F r 't= ,., , .,. i i T IlEO R C I IFIST RA. .__..- fll8u1c a C 1ra -The :\et(ei my Orchestra str~asorgant- a izd ty 1r;raniger six years ago andt _____________________________________ is tiindei his tstaiigeiricit, assistedl by "r1F I T ot 1 Xat" lEtgeiie Fischer. -'On several occasions., Wiho ase iiot read) iii Ifamous;athee part Ga the orchestra has .-furnished The College mutsic for receptions or :dancing0 parties, ANStandard Ii i I\ tlii la Jesieaeai~cetnent Itas tietsnode hy outide E~nt cr~il, d no nersaiiiththirttepaorties that Fisciters orchestra Iturnished t~itnert, IO~rrr i hirbenligtedtatthe ltiusic; and on other ncasion.,, it has. the tlerefes tothe e te tifthator- eetn anitoatce thlat Fiscehers orcest would furnies tto thesleader sofetheror- ch-ia in the Implerial theater in llier-stoidttiitttetiic rciiePat l1.i, t cried,niai-ie ly, liar isiiiriicho tIiti tak kIbnlace ata yltter1 lat;bilotschrhi ,flas ;hcleainig violint.'Eutgetie Cotir- ite-hei oeltM.Fshri i .1 ila wh -e~is t li fAcadeitiaorcliestrat oreby lilA; lon rri. iiWithiitheIdebatesliiitltiinidays off, lit yoiir taiishoes at Pirlicel's Shioe ',i lc oktlidoi to roiiiiidStoe. it1C S. Mlait iSt. 68-76 We carry e 1,*1csinto ,ali. EeFrom ii low ii ill- j dv14 he triglericinlest idrills Aittiotillo haskets, Navajo antI Che- wlid ' leaa. iaierlankeis, atIlDarling & Mlleaux's. Iiti c wrv hcy sate; at I ic~yirii-s&Ileres-skates at Selittoaclier -lc-Ilr«Ic hCo..to0, 31t0, ,312 ha rda;reCo., toi, 310, 312 S. Mhaiii G1-72 streect. 6f-72o Mac lltIisn1i1i fobs, ;iinilspootns, in hoIiliday tneckweiar, siftilers autnd gloaves'h cl~t xcni( esign-, at IHlller's (,itsale 1y Alleti, Ilaitistrict tiTh * - h2t(lSoMin fSt. eodtf - - Plea: - -- lMaiiiiri .laiii Fecuulits yo. 1 tlsiciiilCity ADVERTISED IN TI 115 S~e.XC TUESDAYS A^ND SATUIRDAYS a ' old in Ann Arboar by G('til. ASR'j,, TWO iB 0I TCG ..AN!n... -.ars-.1 M i __ Hera .. " est distributors of men's wear- iarel in the county. We special College styles and cater tote of college men who are alw,,- S alert for the latest prod uct ions. 'e have made a fine selection o"I' OvrotsadCly necessary for us to tell yo eare sole agents for L. AIM LI: & - C O . ' S f i n e l i n e o f t a i l o r m a d o n w c o t i g e a e r g t n p a i g t i e l Iline at the front. ;verything you need for a complete a outfit best Service and Cuisine and Lsantest Surroundings in the r. All home cooking. i F Y ^ r 'A N Darling, Ilkf 1P fl, c i5 oitI ~ f , 7 II ,c 1 .cid CULTURESEERT MUSIC AND (OFFI- - CtAL SOUVENIR SCORES FOR SALE 1 'I 1';I',11AA1ll,I,(l'IZ'l 'II?, AT SCHAEBERLE & SON'S MUSIC t l;; i)\ '1Ti[;I ',t hI Nit 1111.1.. r-3 HOUSE. O6tf Prices Moderate MACK & CO s' I 5jf .j Havenyuever noticend totwa swhite riot brightens tilta suit, eithieCutt II~i~juu ees IIlIU~U fall dress or cut totsecar wianaty suit. Al.Iiai ty I ills, iiica takes an aicceptable Xitusa git.never in the Itiatory iof otr business * hlave we made as niany full (resosails as we have this season. We thitnk that the reason lies in the tact that pespli are coning to itlsuiceiti piul tiiitiiisittnI- itisiraiiote intl mote. WVAGNuS f&i CO., Importinao ilors, Strate St. .... STUDE _S LETU 3RE ASSOCIATION WILL Oockran WgLSPEAK ON epeRule" - Studay, January 9 UNIERSTYHALL Tickets on saleattix ffce IU. H. Ottice flours: Thursday, 5-dpn Strdway, 4-6, 7-8 p. m. Single Admissiom Tllickets.......50c Tick ets for Al'l the Numbers... $2.00 SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD ST. Tfl[ IMDRI O[ GRAND RAPIDS For A-ta arvd Crafts FI trri tare is well adapted to furnish studenats' rooms as well as the den. We have a nice line of these, also carry everything in the line of Ruxgs anid Por- tiers, to make a room cozy and comfortable. MARTIN HALLER'S Fuarnawar. Carpet aimed Drapery Store J. L. CHAPMAN, Jw ii ALARM CLOCKS $100 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50D ALARM CLOCKS $ 1.T S tally i Watah Repe.- !ng a'a . rs Rowe's L au nd'rt- THOMAS Ro W!); Pro.s. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Ni's Phionte ut7 tiell l Io MAKERS AND i 1T - I N, l OF COLLEGE JEW~x-,s Haler's Jewelry St 216 SOUm IM'AIN SI Iii~ Large Collection Antiques ft Brass, Iron, Copper afdCilitAWre Fori fratiernity- anil eriiiic is l-c i Aidress Miss Florence S. 5hit YPSILAN 'F, ;-ICII r .w r r ter" STUD O-) , t 319 East fHuron ,Stee