THE MICHIGAN -DAILY PROFIT OF POSTER SAL Q u r y S-Today is the day for to take advan- D INK S ,INK Stiudent Council to eliminate'the graft nating Currents and Their Appltication," To toad a Conkttn Fountatn Pcn just dtp tt in any Prescriptions and Physicians' hieretofore praetiet by individuals in wbich commenced in last week's issue tuk, press the Crescent-Ftlter and see it fill itta own Supplies are our specialty In. site of fresh-soph posters. The pro- of the Western Electriciain. Mr. A. K. Th College. tanklitke a camel slaktng its thtrst.IThat's all there fit derised from this sale will now be Murray of the above publication is in Standard is to it!I No dropper-no mets-no bother. Do it Yewehvnofogte divided among the freshman and sopho- town and is making a most liberal offeranwe-ayti. to add a choice line of niore classes, instead of going into the of a one years subscription (52 issues)SEF sundries piockets of private persons as formerly.j to the WVestern Electrician fur $i.5o N LI S LFIN PEN Th le followiing notice has been printed which is one-half the regular rate, lie AJ~1~1~ ILN aniiol l iappear in all stores connected msay be found at most any time iduriiig "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER" Bath Qoods, Laboratory and w ilhthlb site of posters: the day in Prof. aPttersoni's office. tBc can he fitted instantly without the least inconvenience. You Microscopicai Supplies "This store has agreed to sell only sure ot see tint concerning Ithitnesscouldil l it iwiith swhite kitt gloses on withouit danger of those rish-sotht rush posters onl which suibscriptionts andi renewrals. 7 soiling. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writing *L the profi is beintu trned in to the re-v-- qualities iii the Conklin-tbhe perfect feed. Q uarry 5 s etv liss treasurers truhthe TNGTA RNE'.Leadingdataleshadle the Conkine. Iftyoursdoes neteder unutsersity auiditor. Any store not doing- dirccl. Prices, $3.00 and up. Sead at ocefoir hatism ew a talog this is esploitig the classes for its own The class in dancing will begin iers- The Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio g liii Intierclass Poster Committee." sons tonight, 7 o'clock sharp. Program ____________________________ The plat to tie followed is that all of dances, 8 o'clock sharp, Thursday poisters shill be bought at cost by the night; lessoit 7 to 8 o'clock. Class MvIoney Loaned inteirclaiss poster cotmmittee, consisting roomt ground floor Granger's Academy Onof Mlessrs.ltotinsack, Shtaffrothi, Gould ott Maynartd street, oite block west of OWtches, Diamonds, Law Sacks, i s ls r Ti cmite wl te or other personal property. n oae.Ti omte ilte State street stores.7 Watces ad Jeelryrepared sell the posters to the stores at the same arainWatches n &wlrDrpiamods. price as foruterly. Prof. Glover, the _______ itituiversity auditor, will keep track of ALNWAIOEADU Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St the nuimber of freshman and sophomore INTERESTING L.ECTIURE is rae l Ann Arbor.potrrsetvlsl.H wiltetobasoreokendlgthn Hoar,: eto 1i:3ia. im.. 1ito 4:30iane Ic iistsispceysod. Hewillthe gn o tasurciofhea tde9icutIMORTDt0i1Q4S UTj1 A SR p. iM. distil: lie profi mn tetesristkti oepit (vORL 0-02SUHMANSRE ALL SiUSINasscosrnamcENIAL ifthot se lwo classes. RED DWARF INK PENCIL. Sold JOSEPH C. WATTS The itelass postecr coimmtittee, which elsewhere for $2.oo. Come in andcx- isisappointed by Watkins, president of amnue themt at CALKINS' DRUG the Student Council, will not onily mats- STORE, 324 St.ate St. 7-8 a ge tlimintae private graft, but wil J O L L Y i aso serve to prevent she printing of a Geitlemen : Whent you need a pair 30 .STATS ST. ititude of tdifferenit posters by per- of slippers to study in, you wiltl fiil sums seekitig guilt for themselves. The them at Purfield's Shoe Store. We litre We nmake a specialty of caterintg to the wants a-a-n ariarad SouthAfrican freshmanit class, from the sale of its the kinid that satisfy btecause lhcy it- of college men who demtattd that sonmethting hit CasahOtI iittwl aeuotyitis$1.74 to $4.oo. cotd-24 clothes called style, it is fir that featitre thtat L. treasiury toi begiti the year as it should. _________- Adler & Co. Custott Tailored Stuits and Overcoats Haritold Goutld, chairmnt of the com- tI E itlte iswill receive cotmmunications Engimneerinig supplies at litirlig & have the reprutation of beitng thte hiest in Anmerica, PI Sfrth ie Iholers of the posters, at 5t2 Schmitt's, 205l S. Mali St. 7- We carry a contplete lute of Manhattani Shirts, Imported ad fDomneatic Cigars Soth ltatec street, phiolte It. Silver Collars and np-to-chair Ncckwear.' CigSretteo adTobaccos IT TAKES BUT A MINUTE to _____________________________ LOSl-A bull terrier. Returit to stop in on your ivay frotm classes atnd ,a,. ,.r,... ~aF 5oi \V'sashtetnair, atnd receive reward. tf examtine the SALZ BROS. FOUN- ______ ________ TAIN PENS displayedh at* CALKINS' PILLW S and DIUG STORE. 7-8 FUEI IOR SAXLE-Bull terrier pups. In -_____________ qu ire Ianitor chemical laboratory. 5-7 E eyhn n F rihn s frC lee Ae BANNERS th EN-FievyU ~~ NDll5 oporuniy ma e ertig n Fu is ns fo C lee M n FO ETA nwyfturnished litmiiroomts, daily frotm 4 toi5:30.,____________________________________________ ste 337 William street. 6-7 Liberal cash or ticket commtlissiontoli AT solicitors selling Sttihettts' Lecture is-' fTse Palais Royal, totg East Liberty, sticiation tickets. 7 T ooEth ru1w e Darling t1 Q_ ( ,lle tttutttwys a h etadmstfryu oei . of M. pennants, banners Think it over! If you dotit bit your itndIillowns. 'iry its and see. if fulrnisings froiti ts, we both. lose'itioni ey. Henry & Co., 709-711 N. Univer- We replace any tooth brush costing V. ef M. BAILDIC SHOP C.\N YOU1 AFFORD TO HAVE sity. if 2co vri tsesisbite J. R. TROJANOWaKI. Prop.' 25URo PvNCIi It NOTESitWORNstTO BATH ROOMS-PORCELAIN TUBS Ill IN'AI IY we o et.wl tOT AND GODi SHOWER BATH'- ,IY wtnS cns-wl JOE LENH ARD Ladies' and Cihldren's Hairtlinetting prchtase ti $2.oo fouttain pent at CAL- MERCHANT' 'TAI LOR 5'i55A5OAOE A O9ECiALTY. 25 CEsTS EEC L IS Dugs,3 4SuhSaeSre 32KINS' DSRUG STORE, 324 State REPAIRING AND PRESSING E. EyCLKN ,Drgis,34ot State Stree Phoae 359 Bali Ann Arbor, Mc.St.7- '_0E.WsigoSt ... "'1 -m I Do you knOWwhebther your clong i made by jour tailors or under lbs factory sytanm? -her is a vast difference in reult. All our 'garments are made in our own shop by lour tailors WAGNIER & CO., Importing Tailors State Street THE_______ _ J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler OF M USICALARM CLOCKS $1.00 SCHOOLALARM CLOCKS $1.50 Students' Lecture Association ASCHOOLLOFKSMUSIC ALAM COCK $175 MAYNARD STREET Flly Gurated Wtnh Rapati-ag wpaninity OFFERS FOR 19081909 Special courses in all branches of music for A LIST OF TEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME. University students. Rowe's Laundry IDA M. TARBELL ~I you wish to "make" any of the Varsity musical TOA oE rp IDA M. TARBELL ~clubs, or wish to acquire a knowlege of music, call TOA OE rp BARON KOGORO .TAKAHIRA at the office for information. 320 N Fifth Ave. JOHN HAYS HAMMOND New Phne 451 Belt Phone 47-L S. S. McCLURE HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN WAl KING Loo MKR N EINR WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON Chinese Chop-Sey RestaurantOMAK EERSANJESIGERS HON. CHARLEMANGE TOWER Chines anyDshe, American Lunches at Carriage and Baggage O OLG EER al ind Ever thing first-class tor JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER lde n gentemen. Frcr apec dta ateHie' eer tr Chinese and Japanese Bri-a-bra. hetr e a teou $1.50 and trom pataies lef e er tr PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER UsStauirs. see doer S.5NotsBrs.m, 314 S. Stae S. $209. 216 SOUTH MAIN STREET JOHN MITCHELL F_________________ or each Trnk t ccorafrimdor, te __________________ price wilt e 25 Cents. tf caried t i and cr team tp-stals, the pruce will be Large Collection Antiques i Donald Robertson and Company of Players SCTTSADrGiCAEM verts. are reqired t collect cash Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware 351 Soth State Street taror cariage and aggae srice. oe fraternity and sorority houses and ^100 Claaa atrdyw10A.lKeEdR'BSNLtVR Addess studnt dens. Tickets for All the Numbers .$. 00 G s3td 0 A. . H.. TARK MiS~& O iss Florence S. Babbitt ____________________I Assembly 5 ohek. ____________ YPSILANTI, MIC. STUD IO-* -319 East Huron Street