THE MICHIGAN 'AiLV __k_ Sam BurchfIcld'S Finle Tailoring .Trade Can Deliver The SmBurcl'fid. & Co. EAS EURON0 T At Tsxttle's, 33 '%.S t, e AT Reduced Fares For the Round Trip On sale Dec. 24 and 25, return j limit Dec. 28. Also on sale Dec. 31 and Jan.1, return limit Jan. 4. For Particulars Consult Agents M ichigan V. of M. 8B,% IBEK, SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI, P1rop. tailes 1111nd 1 '1iild 1 1 w I atutiN 322 S. Stote St. ArrinS Phone 359 nell Ann Abrlichj.ij Ii \ 1 l-II1 v l ( lii_ 'i I 11 a I :i r' It ; 11 c rt i)e ' i ii __________________ of_____ eA most101 511111C1ftil electrical effects ever- shownii 1on1the Stige'.. There are ant) Irarna son m'1111 111tiers. iiicltiiii"'The ___________________ "___ o_____ Nigh1t,"m.'"'('ddle Up a Ilitle (Clos- e 111 i: JE5 t sir irl-d maiy t haiters. gil s anil pletnty 01 themi 1111 5er Chreitmias ic, I'0""T--Choral tinicnttticket. Betty 11 111wat iiltiimanage- Itice ],02 ilt St., irititeni alit. Re- a: the mttil ab orate 1t1rd) ioi321t 1. Amyi. 69-70 t}i-i I. ' Tilt atn It.lOF' N \NI) \AMERICAN lit i1 ent sirlyiv iit of PtI N-On itiilafter Suinday, Dec. 0 111c hig~ act1 humvi as the C(ok Ioitel Coi. will ritiun)nAmeri i." a nlns 'iit lattil ii in caiii'ii ti riitian plan. SpiecilChrist- i ltrr as c): in in nais dinnurci 75cents. ii0-70 Ii~ ~ ~ ~~F) RE a 15 dlNTl-One liege siiigle rioom, intt~rantfeaure Sp-set1 fiinishcid, fir onie ir twa. Price 111111 teCotie115witt realsonilible. 6no _Nliiiroe St. (60-70 hat 151 1ling1'atiiriycliei riii tN;fo studteits;veridesiratile. Iiiqaire conre _hc o u [ irshors. 1- i\'shtixt ad 1f. lniversity. 6g-70 eccentric danc~r, and o; G0 I) L' I;-12 1 SouithDivisioni. iicti llhiuncehatiodiah a1ii nit liepiitell.s.1_\ I'even lI (Dl I' S li istmciii,3eto mu ritweek. 69-7 ht v5 otr talii sholes at I'lirelu's Elioe' StrIOSlat (iSt. 0S1-76 il be " rse'Mi l- kinls it tilt tell is 'uuand liiiiin'is, tilted illhe eenat ite\V it- at ss I ol I's. ''Te eaiteiur vtiehave [11111 to I3 i . I il l atitiafode, he be ter w cky u wl rsi()tb Vn hl m t 5 iFreeric I llitimjsi siwit's,83 gte . I. oan's. 36u'ua tclarchrate, ndII,,' I;' III IlNG AND TYPE- '1111iii iiii ta upothr1til W ITlt''1RS WvenXiltsell von a type- runs Of th l ayli iii Nc niwri tiiit run t n a typewiiriteror do willhe een her. viii 111tvc iting foe you. jollifer & I ()f 51 -ic~s1 "s N I ill ml /ci tta t iii1o State St. roil-If w ()ci()t t, o cl~ct 1 rdeic'Ill Liso i se p ,s iiiltliiiartsaf citi. Both nant ran i) hs ~ttIt lullis _,,. t. 1.s-Maiue& Coi. cod-if 1111 lii I iiit hashasii i ina I lla t1 s n tia ev Y r< 1) is it s atl iii a lii tN- iilli stilts t~r; n nii";-1rm till i tuaskCls, Navajoi iid ('le- ii clakbe dam 1,p ln es at I tsitiig & M alleaiix's. It t t ims. iwill b iii I niv ern-I skates it Schiumtachier 11111 ii()n the111'htof I nki C1, 3uS. 310, 3i2 S.Maini ttin te eiii I ill a p a trIt t7 ~t N II 1'11 l. tita y1i )I I%-1111ne c er, iittfllees atdglot's -- (mtal cAlen ,Main tstiet t \viihilittapp11al-i 1ere CULTURE SHEET MUSIC AND OFFI- iill mienoe eau CIAL SOUVENIR SCORES FOR SALE