T fE MICT-f'A N DAILY G. HI.Wild Comfpally Che Largest Stock i the Cit of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS, For Gentlemfe's Wear ithiig equiired fo Suits Overcoats, Fancy Vstings ad I iouscings, < and of hih class ario anid special St leo Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I. Wild Comfpany 311 South State Street. Michigan Calendar FOR 1909 Now oziss.1et AT Sheehall & Co. tudents' Bookstire A. G. Spalding & Bros 'ir args dI iiiai dfalii iiersip iii Foot Bai, Basket Ball. ee Skates, Hockey Gai, Gymnasium Apparatus. G1011" Hadisoimey Iustraed r : rio fal spors contains nm- ,100 ,sil.r si ', naisied free sny- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. N York OCicagi Detroit THE-MICHIGAN DAILY.' )03i1r >. W i1ll i iam 5t ild Cranlgcr', [-tln lilaiiogglIitor--ARcisos . RITCcHtIE pc-aeDiir\vth '1fc l buiiiness Manager---orn, F. Wont. I.SJ ulp~elcck ntesEIO-btC:f -lld'j~ n ap.News.,..... ..Lee A- White cr4 ccii 'irii Nify Pi Eli C to 1De Athletics.. ..:... .......C. E.. Eldridge house C Exchange........Robert" Mountsier - Music... ,....... _. ...Il'ollis S. Bskei (1 1KI lit>il Dranma........ynmond Vissclher siml, 11ro1111 iij n itho1ut1im Women's Editor..Louise Van Voorbis 33 ;Dvsion. 111111 . o n (7Ie tsisoiosi iSAFF1 II 11111 676ii\33ltiu . (' iu 011 Bioiceri LeiiiiarilC.'11 liii is 3 'rili'iWasuiugiuucoai- (I Fres'l h week(ly.i Floiriida Fruit Co.. P 11 877 11 E.Wasiton. Orders h 11' i a <;2-cod uionti lti. SI Ooh 14011'. hai1 11 sold11ticyour granidfather I II 1 1to1111 faiher. so lit issell to yoo. if l' ilii 1 1 8a8. (((icr's Jewelry 111 1 >() "Min iiSi. cod-if 1111 BUSINESS5-STAFF j C'-. iliiiiili Noi'iiiio11.hi ll aAddress : MsCHI tsn DAnLY, Press Bldg.1 Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 Pt. t., 7-8 p. m. daily, 'except Suniday. Bulb phones SC' Ni) Ci'. l)EC1,'E.\ I/lI 21). iiuiS. 'riii! 1111l 113/iCrj'i/i iti iiiio11li1111'i II ii siii iO 1 1leeled its Ncil cIul- 1 ii' 111t111a a ost siii Il ci iiii ac u to , 11 11mus 1111 iiit f .1 iic l l u or011 s u iiginal. It11111 iiiiiiicn t' a t ildur 1 iing elst iiieckiitiiie s.lislg t-c 0111 11h 'c 013 0 evva,-h111hit 33 .'l"iui C'iii. 115 1'iCI pl'ili luthel ' ' ii'itoniagii\Of Cultre'was exec1- lent. 'I'llhopelthe imisneaii-ii ll Ial lhs entrpkss r fr lic Uoiusi' ilriiie1iii Ill-s.tecamuiinkClier'us, erysoui is. u/ac f 150plci. 's tuiidcs. H's z 1 . , /11 sli' c:18Y. 1 1 c 1wlySl-,iu _ ________ 21t, M1 inllS51 c 1 '3 1 0ct11 c~iccdii c.C' 11 FOWNEiS I'l'1ot 11 n 1 C8 I, nl10178hl . GLOVES GENII 1 1 win fashion's races line()f int l ipp011111111 c31311111111C' I ''Stbands down"' 1111111'151'lill tChililll /111 c1111. 'll> f 1 i C I'lls (-'t a' 11111111c1p :l in S l t. ll't , ii 11 i/ o ents. 1/i ilain Si. ;al 111 81 '11110Cafc \ii -T, 1& (-) I ii I liol higa I/i .fobs, andI spooiis, ini 1e, 1ie% iud se iisivec hesign-l;, at Ifaller's 11117 !.Sto1r0, 2161 S. :Maini St. cod-if i1/ii'N . uSES. CAkRI CA\SES \Nl '1 f_is l.i 8lie =\i/cigaiiSll llveir l 1111 tc als. 1 .1/os i alhldy pi eta iss iiyelis, 332 61o11h Si. d4- 171 !71 I- , PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. davsin iliA1h110 lroriad iii 1 1d l I.ik er' and1 iiuli ii va 111111 1111widc \-11 ftoi calion81 J.iiJ.iiiN C W\,11oil, g-C crl ail C ii CALENDARS A Few well selected designs from particular manufacturers. CriStmas See..s anid Gift Dressings A finishing touch to our inexpen- sive Christmas Goods. OUR WINDOW U -THE - VPLY NIVE RS IT Y TO0R E 1 . A M Do You Pay High Prices fori your clothes hbecause you can't be saiufied wuths ready-made clothing? It isn't necessary. We will fiurnishl y0u clothucs msade to meiasure by tEd. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, friomu your choice of 5oo handsome fabirics, for 1 to lean than any smsall tailiir's charge and also give you (lie additional advatntage of unequalled wolrkmanislhip anud correct style. Our Tailoring Department is doin, an excellenit business with those we have learned hiuw to be well iressed at all tinmes at a very reason- able cost. Look over our cloths and fashionufigures stud you'll see wvhy. Fred W. Gross 123 E. Liberty St. ICIluyler's Candies I Kodaks Xmas Post-C;ards Michigjan Calendars SE. E. CALKINS .DRUGGIST ~s.e I I .1 121 Washngatao .TIP? IRandall Studio, JRandall & Pack Props. Phone 596