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December 20, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-20

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1e M1Clgari Dally

Vol-. XIX.

AN ARBR1,11MliCI I Ci iiWI I11) N N 1)11811 i 1111120, IoOKl.No

A u. 70.

Final Performances Surpassed
the Others-IDinner Served to
Cast and Conmmittees. ; .

;ii, Tclaliii cciii.
n.cii rrl l : 1rt l
xiii ~itliicr" i

W.. N



\ x 111 ii i rti h d ~cuiiil iii t
iI Li lecii s -iinio~cl rh
\ ixite li fndclx I lS c;hc ., ll
lc si st1 mui s i ii ca i iiii ccxx 1111c mii
ii xci a " e c cdl)x i,-i the
thanked litheiiixxxiii ofii ',1xi :tuip itx
for tirx hrd ndioniill,~is
:11 th n li ii lfoxthirii xiii niI
support. x cI . -Hil ad "I a
iii ii lic in ix ii I ttik I i ii rn
ig f ha ing i ll th t . ; ci p ,
po - xiiiintdxus o e f i clix ii ,11clat.
I ps d a p itcl n ii' ii w, 0c1
Tighthowcicx thatlinegot go
laugh, o mm 1111 pe iii ap)."EzI
\Iirorc icil hlk- i e cxml ix xli
I h nI l, c p ca lsch i 1
cNtccli llxi c cirl c6 11 11
as happy.ixi ii'x I iscc-l c xx x
l xiilt xxxiiho . 'iiii, c-ic x N< r, Ii
,ley xxxiii, lccxa, ccxxx xxxt i i' 1111o:
Cc(Icimil c xsisli . lii x x i
xli ixiixixtill matiine lxx i icr
lxxiii xii th li 11,r t c o xiii x i n{,txiny
Jams K \\xlii i, actxiasII i~w ~c
xiiixxi. S lxxxiiccae ~a _icnt, k
'c-plxiii xxi cr fth rol I~
1ilicslm i" tcpecnai~ eh
Th t"C lxivei a cn,11 11I
qai-xix'i x' cxi, ura ix--i-r'x Ishi
ge di lxxxiif c 'c to te mwx imt
cen w rk iii\ xx an whihaihll
ihr cgh-c hersa afer-cicII.l xit1
iili n ci ix x iii cixcxxxxxxx lxike .'i ch-Nix
cci iii' cplxxix of x c l iiiiti 'c xit
ixixi-lgo fxi ii px~.xxix C )I J xxx xx-xI
.n .P rof.xici, xix cxxxx xi Ickxxxii J :I xx

xx-lljl cii x xx -i ciii th

1'I "I- as- - rs cluiiiw111i ibaxnquet1 at
lxx xxiii -iiix--xxcx N xxiiixx cx- lx 'xi
AN=xxiii ii li clxiMondayi xigh.Iisi
ani S\ill NiattniedLiy allli nty-ivL
Nipls. \rN.Jn Lii. iheed iillNiact
.,utue.. i x lxxii, Anders n, oni
"Lo at, Je i 11.Sno, lxxxi "Thx e li
-iiialW- irxiii it," andxii-C-rl 11ciParrxxx
cxxi ii c-r In;; c- ,i id eNi-cxccc-- Nci x'

Board in Control Authorizes the
Publication of New Periodical;
Call for Contributions Issued.
Nii ga ix i sxxc asicc ured - a ,rccal, livex ue
enoughi cilitix-rxrycxcmxgaincct-o iccpcirc the
the clic I lnde. The boardI i xxii cnrl iof
pul ction ofia- newxii- accixci e whx x ichc
will cccxx i t ii- ilixilxxxix bcclxxi hexlix - i
dent iiiody cxci lixthe ccimid-le fJanuaryic.
und te mied icc biix- , liii ccill icc-cbablyi- lie
of college'- iii ,January.i'xe- N whix i le- thei
huntii for igci hlecic- ascx icsi cii lxx-
ini ipxogress'c, andxthe idc- rs of Pgci asusxxix
and the ccccxw cxers i- ccxxthe xin wi lxex-c
-cclxx toxxgindxc ouxciii proiccic on of x xx mccxxii
11c Dlyii icill c--cicve xiii guaranxteel

h,'cc lvlxx ii )ilit (1{)1 ()11 cc li
ii rut ( Iiiu , ech ic cic- thexii
i iici acx dw (1i thicixixicm s.
al - --c - 1 it t e alh f1N cii N -'
-i have'hccu xriiii' -
lac (lxc NN lrcowl xix he iii- lx I
liiilc: r;il ]r,)1a l he l'tc ])l d ii
1' ii i xxii ii" lxi &,N ASii
-xhcu ; the ii c xII lx()I-i Stiii ciii
- i, eilcll -i -cxxii c -i i-ithat ithe
) - cri -i it11twelxx th Lx lii i(ii
Ie- i c ii- "Culur. Wlcthilt
ci lIii 1u111 1 1"itN N I Liii Nil\' cu
NY th t I('11' lli t Ihe il )IIIS

ii'I')!1II~,iii huh SillIlLP
Th c cu ln;is t I ' i ic-icc ofiia'
ii c iiiiii ix lxxira i n c mp sd cf xii sc
xect i \ tex dparmen ofiiiiii Th
cii ci atem adxxi~ W etne
1 xrixce i pubic ii cn'. A rn
xxxiii i i n om esi accsile t
Ann -ciclic-for lcturecoures i ii ese
t lxxind c i xxii i 'dvite. chc-i ofithec itl
:Ir sent oi t itxii, c l xiplaces -nlyiafte
cxcreful e-i'ici lii I
I t - sii ~i a i n - i' -; Ic i
f i iiii -r t i tic cccxccietii I -
t Nicc- puroseiscc'i vec tox lxix - c

i ic I 'll ci ili xiii lxi ltIx lii i-il i.
-~~ ~~~~~~~~h 1safety, icxii 'xxlxxx icN of ai illiimanus ccr'islxaddNeised
ratini t c tio i 5 to heixixcxil ic cx cci lxidcciicrin''xcgc''lxx ii
xciii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t lxN'ci x' i xi cxxi i iiiiciii lx ia;zi xFi ccg", dare ofcccxc.~iii-C'xi
h; - cxx~i}scxicis ecesar ctha allclc

t(1 n cciil
Nit liii'Att N
lxx tt it t "
c i tt i c-

II l


I -to rt l
Nil c L
rcits ii I

cIIIt( I-( t ceI Itci- x()I
--Ici cxClxxx
Nil(r i ci lxxx
lxIIt at fix. .Nxxicc
a-lx ii i i :, i llxc t.
xi (w} 5()11( iJ i ii. t

clxxxmiii cixi f ccher in I Cxxicnh
cii ( ~ fnnlti tl"wih Tuhw
lv inx . ( >l t r

cii I ix c c t i () co Qc x- i xti
I-ili clxxi x c i xithe xiiit
nII. II 'iI snd ci i :
an, l~rcclnl, ntcr"tln xxand 1)ir
>r ca< c ii icix xxx x xxxiii

- C'ixcc i
cclix Ic x ill
I tl C C cxxi -"t

.t re n)«i' ihemicc- cc-icc lxx- - - - - - - '''
icicentxi' toi I lxxx cxx cicxxxic xthxe cxxixi
he ogi zain ,t r hn ht i rse d I n the' iccmioi
shortxc'xstocriipoemsc essaysx peticc cxc
'c-iccdasso na possible 1~cxiiccc-c ix-xx'~ii xiidi
tln .xd i c s i o n s ,x c r itii s m sc c .,ix i ll b c a r e-icx
O Lxxxcli 1cc xxccxx-
+ t i c h t n n s i aibo a r o f o ni xl lxc xx. i i i i xrt i nx x llxa s
iii -icc-c-c-cl ciciThe c cccxx
ill1). et in a xc id ys.' I'll( iix)r i lxia l hitsperso aloiii xcxjc-c-iixxx
hu ~ --oLI -xih irtsofth idNida
atcccxcii x i cc-uthes. 'hi a ra ge en ill clx
Oi-c I, icc-nhtcl)) in Noliiicff i icul c cicilxxxt etiisuccxxix
.ic c~tn s t> w sc' b t e cc v iii ii iii cxii
xiii i,c itcis lit-h sde iim g zne ,il Inai b u
mi ii xiii lix thecxilciasii- xxxii aie fr , cxxiiiofl tli
cccciil_''x - cl xx e p itdbx x tsa v isc ingi spcl c eii-wcill lbe jiust
d' ii -ii-c-.u c isic necessary li tI nsureiii thexi ost
liaicc-cc itiCon.xi )f publ xi i cat i hei mary ocl bjectxl ()f thei
he i-c~l~i 'xxixi nc xxxial i mey re ccxxxperxodi cal i nC3' i lx xxi-cccx'x
ii~~~~~ tloxi offercc xx lx- - 'c toxii lxii hex
Ilx 1)ecdecxxccccxccc, lxxx axliircxmcl wrtrln edes4fteivsity,xax
rt c hexii-xxcxx cxxI i iiiicii xlix-iteiank'cx'cxcifx-thecexpession cf NO 'ar
chex ccxxx i lxx l iiixix xllxxxi' liii'pnin:fo xm al theiiacazinexi
anItginzi i iinii orte i od liiicl, whichcx cill probably
1 ,Nix SxiilccA'- 'xxxii CK xN ieivda welsth vrycessaryxxxx lit-
xI, \Jt' 1N'iixxY lkl dxii ctibutxioins.xiiiiiilii ii
Mr.' Sutt(Usxxiiicc liiecentiicicmmet l xxxi ci thexx
tritcxlx x lxi x xckm Ciaoil- unix ivrsity's xcic-l c-fcc;xliixulicatlioinc wasx
lxix-s thatC inxxx rder lxioNiest x lxx cccxulixforchi lx-chxcthexixxxxstident
tuden paxx on tlxxxill xxii maiintali cxicx iii' cxxixaitd eeriiclrdo

>>t \l
"'1 13i'
cri tl!
t)i l .i
tt)(J11 :t


1 ccxlix- ;crv cc xxm,
cxic cf larf r , wxil
tlcl iTis cocx i- i ll ixl
I -~eiii '. pi - 'xr, Io-

'ic- 1 ii li
Icr -c it I I I(.

Cix* lix cccl11(1 111c T1+x ic-
111 r l l(I J t(i i (11c

trrli<i x
xii{1 k

1i l i<rk-x
xix l:

it c I

\ti th )x 'IiIetig, Iec e
clcolli Cc cc-ila CarJixi~ "~c)
II 'xli c x«-ll ta enI n-i Iii xi
Nina lxii xxiii andi an] llusii ix
Sooxyxxiiit K tv5, pae

i ii' iii I 1u lac {2)i11 iiC1 11) i ii'
CornerState andlHuronxxSts,
HEiNRIY WILDE01110011 .Aiixte

()Ii lllI(
\\ 15,11)1101

--I E i I ,\W IIi Ix , c i iiO i ixSNM .
10.30l ax. xxx. lxliicii serilx'c c-with Thl el lw class wcilxxxiii clxxir firsti
11:51C a. in. l'niversI'civc Sitixud tsi l ass, xiiday I x xii 1 ii ccc )f cul tyxil m ncx
lii xc dcte , ,tcixn r.- l oote.x''' ix'iixxxxu ' 1c ( I tatld
6:0l).i n). ,Yol 'ing oi l eiis' ixxccx-i
1:30 1cci. Ix'vccxuxx- csore ice wiithl adxiii I c ,lh I iiei1 cia i sal ,1(d x, dat ,3xat
drcessicy lDr, .L. N-. i-Icccxx --I, Scxhj-'cct: I i lx Phixi U a bt luc' . i icicici xat 7
'li'hM i c xxxand I hili in.' ' l), c111., xxxiii N, C xixcl crs ItlHll Recd.

ccDR.ccxc ccxLKSTx 'Cxc-cxx xcc,1S
Ilii'Sociailist Clhlxciid one of its ducsual
iicilslsic meiii's'i SatcuLrday'iixv xi'i'iii
in tlix Clxxxiiiseinaryixix roxoms.ixii ACxwarmx
dis Ccss inofcx l occixxixnx cxxid iis cxxaii toi
sciaismhi, -xiiildx'Dr.ixcixx'c tlionxiithle
socialistic stcm i«ccccx the lxealturesx- cx
liii cud-ei- x.

.. J



TO-NIGHT -ittlMcMillan
6:3 ~.M.I Bishop Chas. D. WilHamsll
6.30 P. Hallrrrrr



a ,
'" o ll '!/ I \Ilw' / C I q l ll l lllll lll . ll MYI rq l

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