1T1 P, M~ICHIGA.' !DATLO G. Hl. Wild Comipally i lh if farigit Stoc kin the City of Exclulsive Styles 1in WOOLENS For Gentlemlen' s Wear rthis.required for Suits, fix ixaiats, Fancy \ 'tins, and xxtouei o' o, ad of high class fariysad speialsiStylfs Full Dress Suits a Specialty G, Hf. Wild Comfpanly 311 South State Street Calendar 'ORd 1909 No0W'oui seklee AT Sheehan & Co.- Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Bros. fhexLr-c-(iNlanfxiixtxnsin iitic' World oxf xi iiiilAthiixxii'Supiesi' Foot Ball, Baskiet Bail, Ice Skates, Hockey, Golf, Gymnasium Apparatus. "ixldixit' iifaixiixxiieiy Iiiostrated ('itaoixtoxfxxiixsoritsx'otains nui rxo'xoxcigeiixixi' nmaifedifree any- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yerk Chicago Detroin THE NIICHI(IAN DAILY. iliiiuit i ixit~ll~':tlx e ttt!!l Ii anxigingfldxfor-AnixixtixF. RrriTI1e. lxxx xiii ihaw nfifi xxx I I lx Nexws ....... f.....ee A Whitex fix' i inxe Aicliiftixi 'xxil xxt: Atltc...... ...C. B. Eldridge housei andthexif fi t xx xxx 'xit filuchonge.......Rohert Mountsier xhxavexerdifa grexix deal 'xii xithe Music .........Holisx S.f Bolter xxo iii iffirinig a pfac wi ii i O irarona...... Rayixonui Visscher ianxdfteachers coui f ld iieet i xxii if \\oni' xEditor....Louise Von Voorhis fIxwt-xhxace'seen littef it i llx fair xx Isit to he efx' pectedi thaf I ' II(.) x l Lani Cisi iesOariitl' ii'a. Ili[ 1ff liclixaif hi MVcilnhfirted EK Goodig for s'iviiii iiiiii'1x iii iii ii c DonialdL . Kinney Dana E. Jonesx I 'ixixmsxxxsiiablefioix xikxxf \VhrK. ''owrs Lois Kraft s'ial"ef'I W'iexsei xxxix' - ftlr Plxiihreer ar iuelci ii Morris iersxaiiisiidinti'itikinxi adx' xiii xx L, h. C. Williamsi Paut Leidy xoppxxtnitytxx ctaeuin "' if -,. incixiciiedLosstoix exchangides._otthttir ix waixiifo -Lary Z. Cole f br ig ifbxxiit ifall i fiofth ei -l x ii 1r. T Conkin)'.D.Elitllxxitweiien futyandxif xiiiii I i " if h Sixt 2 '() 1i xd tr{c1i i11 lxx i l r~ ii t loI * )t _c1 )f l' cantxi c 1a i l I'l th ilr2' t'x ii f I111c c)( 'I if c y CrisMas BOOKS Our stock is larger andt better than evei before. The M ichigan Calendar, 1909 IS A BEAUTY 0 Price 25 cts. WVI7A H R' S .\'i. ii C. S. i icllxxoi Rfixeit f fxxix O. A.Kahii if 'sA .M iicsctt J. K hBrentoni iShxiij r it NVIxiiffhfe a fxcgixiiixx g ,i-d i i UIINf'fi~f iN i I !h( t l1 ' 'IF 1 ill . l t-i BUSINESS STAFF hC Af if rm Aifoxi ilorisbill Address: MICHIAuN iDAILYx, Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 P. In, 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones lic 'sfudfent lxxiii. Theiii' ifiisix the volt iscusioniof xxiii xxiii harf'monyii efixts betivi tlcfault'xiiis'andxxthefx' i- a hacetoconsuxxx lt ifhtir visors 'C if'r l )ais- hoes toseextis systemxi xxhe lxxxiient xxxii ixand ii oile talk to sav ifxith xit m l xxiii xiil i'fi'sies xand Thatxitherexis xa xGeneirxal atitidexif' atraw iibif"itanyLxiii yxxixeet ig itieveryixixi weinicet.i\\'e 'xxxiit iifeel thatxyouxknowius.iitlexast. :xxrtxattitudx suciii sitflux 'fixixi fle iossi- J l i line x of 1 i se xilii - i i'ii'i' FOWNE S UniversityBoktr ic' ti - t he oun ikiti t . Ix(GXLOVEs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fild's Sho'efx Sitor',xxi SHin xlii ifi -o wtn tashiton's races xxxiii ix-iaial x' xxxi xl "hands itown" C. E. BART HELL 1< K Schifdxxii 0 S Liaix t. =,t_}xOl iLe i' ak axxiscpxcixlxty xxid iiili iia ii i \ I '1 I Ii'" t' x c< lii xat'i h L a w fix' eix i~eri'Sior(,ax16 S.NIMaisSt. xxii' ' I ' -1 7 tM edical l' 1L,\ilii'5 ifl'i li" ( OII)MOiF.YDental - it xi xilo