~Pit M . 1C~ f~ Feeling Prroud iakin to self _coch ccicYourn 't hold yeoir head up or do your best if sOiTree-i ro rte don't fit or become yoO. We're tailoring specialists, \\ r i. looiking for the hard-to-please.I ii is ii particular you are. tie bettee Iik ticseveol. tour pairons.are d iscriiuinatuig mne New sbades and patterns arehreIm-A c te. Ouc range of fabrics is wide enoogh to sai the mstvtcl Theresa dash aco idstintivnesabot iuraruet':Yunrril appre eiate keenly. There's I lre atot orarie rcurianot resiit. It's best 1picking today.Lo hn;ovt 1 J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E.-.:Liberty St. r UNIVERSITY NOTICESf Iiiportiaiit iicciiig of \liciriganrr':rr hoard of control ci officc ci 5 ioday. M°anagers of class fooiball tcams nicci ini atiletic officc ci 4 O'clock this acftcr- nocn. Clanrcy. ThicAricipiiandiie\sclr soitle wiilllri jioiit meiitig ini thei-kliplri coinsithe.ircslcoFridra teriicci aiii. M\icliigrriiir-iarrcrc~ustlipike-ifrater- niiesicwhoravero i sgned anre riiei itie coiiictsi.seiitlto iheiiiby hoeilic i- ness n ricrrrgcr toattndrltoisamit ce. 1.1ST---Plain' golil handri - na Aljestic, Nfilr ay inighii. Findiilev at l)iiy oiiihce. 66-fil Olrders fur ihand-pintedriCinaiiiic,1 1ceithr rok. we-cii co ci:. nd1 all kindslofifeIli pilowi-s cand licciieille at Mi-. Icicil'-.. lheiearcliir-c cileav eros. ordler, tihe beier cccl: ruli wil gil. s0r-clo I.\l)II'S-Youicanciiguitltanirubbrs toi fit -iourcani'-lsh.o ie ricl1 sShi'ii Sin()I*(" i g S. Macii Si. li8-76 Sweatiers, 83c.greaci. 1 loar'-.. fcodi ihiii ihaitlullty iiiightlrd ciecr'oii c cc ci(e-yr fri I I Irircs. Bell ;;22, 11(>1iiii 18.. 52 1 15 JeffccriiiiSi. fin-If We scitgiass ini all purls of ccty. Bothl Illne iuc.237. C. 11.Brie-irc o)i. -i-il -tf tC';ISlLENII?1\- Itircu yr>iwnths that wiiil-satisf-.v bhit carl iear-all Germankniit, noi seaiiii vris thieos, inny iticrriit'nurrliclil-.Slie Stoce. 1q S. Mcii Si. 68-76 KOL.LA C TAILOR AND) CU;lII S i1o 1F. llirioiiSi. ir f Now is the time to select That Swell O v r o t r vnT e w e a th e r is r ig h t a rid S t e in - B lo c k g a me n s are litre inn gteat variety. Save inoney lor the rest of your life by giving up the antique iailor man of tire past andpuiunrg orr Stein-Block Sniart Clothes, thai fit curldrmake you look stylish, modern aiin easy. INENHMTAFFEL &GC. Headquarters for Modern Thing~s THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Vnder new mnaragement *ntlrely renmodeled arnd up-to-date Complete line of Cigars, Clgarettes, Candles anid Tobaccos HOWELL en JOHNSON, Props. M. A. RYAN, Mgr. AM U5EM EN,,T;S I 4.. NewW W.hitney Theatre BOTH PHONES 480,:'i Thursday, D ec. 1- Frederick Thomnpson Presents EDWARD.:*ABEL ES4 With an original New York CAst in; ~. By Winchell .Smith and-IRyron 9ng cy A Dramatizatiosn of GCeorge" Barr McCutcheon's Famous Book. "A Scenic Triumph" "A Laughing SucgessI." Greatest Ship, Scene and Storm Effects ;Ever Witnessed on the Stage. "Mr. Abeles' Portrait, Complete and Convincing:'" Same Cba~t and Production.' Prices:-..25, 50, 4 1-$k50 Seat sale Tuesday, December-29 - Watch this space for a new feature at the T TH EA TIORIUM ScON r" 77 I MOM i DETROIT UNITED LINES A Regular Circus ___ « Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Steiner Trio JacksonThsWe-_ Ti WekLmtted Cars-East Bound +oia.n).i.'t} MAJESTIC i Maled Cars West Bound- 'i'Sa. Ini:':2 MAJESTI }C . i,,...)ii .1 a CHILDREN SC Locl Cars Wes Bound6r14a.im..ir)a. M.. n(] a,- r rro ir h i to 15.' in. Buy ryir CC'CfGAR CF SANID P 1. irirwere ycran :ii -rrhmost fi:r oron riiey, at IlitOlIF \ ci RkIG STOlRE120 1".cibet S. 471 Nl'flICI,.-Tier u mCai i e Ii l (;pen dliliiiiii'yith e -Iol iay. 5 r- s tcn to one'lii rnd al ri I lls anii ta- tiryr Caurirl( lovicsi forliithirs cek milt $1. lcIrIery & oS.iricstyAe 1i'11,1?I\1)f ANDMAN ICCIE 51:'S. ire asonrtimentri at1tirisprice-.,nil 11I \ INS I IRCE SflRff. 120 l