CHf4 Mt( ILA 'INLA 'f11y G. HI. Wild Comfpany The Larest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles il WOOLENS For Gentlemfel's Wear Evserything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpanly 311 South State Street Michigan Calendar FOR 1909 Now or% sale AT Slheeh2au & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding.& Bros. lhe Lrest Maufactues i the Wrld of Official Atleic Supplies Foot Bats, Basket Bat. ee Skates, Hockey, Gatl. Gymnastuma Apparatus. paldings Handsomely Illustrated Catalogue of all sports contans num- eros suggestions, mailed free any- where. A. G. SPALDING &c RQS. New York Chicago Detroit' THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. i i.ttoitilld weteiods(«:,d; Maniaging L dior ARcI izn E. ReITCHE, oahc c l ltl ie : vIhentother conk--c'; 111.(FO ,tua<"'() Busines -ManN ge - f3' u . 1al nit ctntf itt I t tii le1111rs ill wa(,,iI ~~l1n tr:D1Illa; .1\1 lii It o ha ii,, News. .....:..Lee A XWh11111. lilt 11111 Mliig'n-lc ii--p Athletics..C............ E. Eldridge : Id ustla111-1 i t h f .cl," Exchunge ......Robert Mouttieri liii imcttho liii al;, g~w cl Music. ........ .Hollis S. Baker ftica tiill poiitionbitt \.]!I , IDruna._.. ... . Rayimond Vissce lr till liifor1a cliii- liiif S . v e I 1( WomeoislEdieor. :.. Louise, VaiiVoorhis " bcatncefor tll N: i"M" ii if tte liill hit lit i t o oL)TU I.1 TA T tolitalt 51 ci tl~li>it ii. c cn! .7131 ttl'C l '. i1 c orcft. cli iii ii N itt eC'1 IG:11 :ciaitlt l;I 1;".t sJ ie ittiong icineitblegitisesi arcii. sponib i liaor thel:tratrparto.M gad delieheis onei itfactirehais t hlitil liifo Nibtallewi l iht l 1111been1 lvied aindi Icic titiugt itto ebewi- iii befre t des urlle iccinj fy. uratisinl Ieardt 111 clii ht \i irtti lit- tevast\g Ict it-g (l (.. tecittic- ci 111 of1 c ases11 inf tell-,""tancitfole t a p t1taint o ake fit Inijsic o ythatil i s licit I to1 cal I purposestit ii the tlcaitab le tpnt iIli itii licitifit becinl sar-. tasl passelitheil stg flldliscrefti11n1.litHO of 111111otba ll taisi buneIni aarin is -L asthIireiIllac alaysfiten alind MaifniSi. 11111 ii11111ifTti'_g fit I Scv I-ib- it o aiiitvlit cctrtvhuh itititlfoit yo. Zeastiifc3coclS.titii-at Nhl. 1111ly,1III ct-til ro ~ t. 111Niclii c tla7,Cii u-C., cc31?.ClIrf tlii-t lin. Sirta -ire. aclar iii~ Ta atiAlt i t art Ia l-111 itt.- Phoneii for raSte s. uluu caillal I - t wors adl'-,.i.1 .5 St. .t I r , i .f ific I - ist . ;,iit It c.]' University Bookstore 1111 if I t' f (, \ t' 1i t- i t a ll i t lilaIt . . till,11 ic cl I 1a FOR. lzl X( a P , > : t Ei n iti I a I iili .i 1)r, Xl l r i +t t tl l t ) - 11hlic :t 1IOV x~PICTURES GO DMONEY Michigan View Book I'I' ,t c~i, ku 1 s t( e,,xri~l,(._ 54 PHOTOGRAVURES THtEaT. J.(AlL CO. litlit-i1-lull Ititirial BII 4ilit. tenet o Rom4. Re I andIBtdg. DETROIT FOR ONE DOLLAR c'c t A;N511 N1 al Bell lPhone, 08. 2k .S Il 1;ll i IR. A.DOLI5H & cO.n 719 North University Aventue Funeral tDirectors t 1 let 20()5. 4th Ave. Ann Ache,,Mcip. 1111o1pil, AI.LEY & EDMUN"DS ---- 121 EASCr LIBIERTY STREET Toilet Sets 1p 1- a=ot ' T cfo We Have the Silver Toilet ilttil « ' TWO SEASONS / 25c. Sets of Design Quality 047 1 i ita tin 't,- --Ithed "Plll. and Price. iola ^T ai .1 - b a ony itn ci }f to 25).0lf Better 1 t)l cul $ .00 t , U Hurry price 10' r /rs'WM.cRrOLDJEWELER otufi tu Ilt2201 Soth MainStreet. 64-7 I UI1 TED E 1_'. A.- ' '. Is(M kees,,TryN. CALENDARS A Few well selected designs from particular manufacturers. Seals arnd Gift Dressingis A finishing touch to our inexpen- sive Christmas Goods. OUR WINDOW V - THE - UPPLY VN IVER SIT V S T 0R E Do You Pay f:High Prices for your cloctasibecaiuse you1can'i tc satisfied usuwictI dyiadlc eotlutug? It 3 isn't nicescacry. We wlv furiisli Iyiu < clocltheiuuadfc-to ulealul aby Ed. V. Price & Co. , of Chicago, fruuimiyour chuoice ouf 50oo lhadsolme faburics, lfur 10to -less thiuiiiaou suiall tailour's cflarge ainu also give you Itle audditioal tdvantage cof uneuiatilled woirkmuanishipu aid correct sty le. Our Tailoring Department is doing an excelleit busiiiess with those we hav-c learned houw to be well dressed it all limes at a svirv reasoni- aulce cost. Luook over otir cloths and fashiouni figures and you'll see why-. Fred. W., Gross o 123 E. Liberty St. Buyler's Dndies I Iodaiks Xmas Post-Lards Calendars E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South state Street 1' t 121 WashIngtonE. The Rand-all1 Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Phone 598