THE MicIGAN 'DAILY iTHE MICHIGAN DAILY. 0. H. Wild Coupany The Larget Stock in the Ci of Exciusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Evrthing required for Suits, O~vecoats, Fancy Vestings, and Tousring, and of high class faries and special Stefsc. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpaly 3ff South State Street BOO K S Save half your money and buy Second-hand Books at Ube tu~cnt& 3)oohitore University Text-Books -for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for En- gineertig Students. We carey all tec bcst makes ineoaiasdcd fy the professor. 1)1 friceesalsas.the lowest Iltccal Jioolte, hBfattitg yheetnne'sLeader Funtatn Pe 'h est $.toll Pe tn the World. Sheehan & Co.'s s C'11 1ST111E'C A G. Spalding & Bros TeL~a-e'5iManufacltureilrs i till too Ball, Basket Batl tee Skates. Hockey, Gall, GymaaSlua Apparatus. .litiii '.jli . i ldoiilely illutried Cal ... <" al sprts nu i ial- A. G SPALDING 1& BROS. ManaginglEdior-ARCHEta F. RerITM Busness Mnatgr-JOHtN F. Wis.' tDIT~ORi News.............. Donut H. fHanes. Athletics ..........Lee A White Ahletics, Asst... C. E. Eldidge Exchiange ...... Robert Mountsier Music .................Roy D. Welch Drasma............Raymond Visscer Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis tilTORiIAI. STAF Chatncey Bocer NIGHEtITORS D~onald L. Kinney Leonard C. Reid Michael IB. McHugh Fred E. Gooding Lowell J. Care J. H. Prescott Walter K. Towers Louis Kaft Paul ree Samuel H. Morris E. G. C. Williams Pant Leidy W. M. Abbott If. I. Armstrong I.A. Iinckley Dana "E. Jones BUSINESS STAFF Carl H-. Adanm Harold P Gould Address : MscstsnAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : I- p. i., 7-8 P. im. daily, except Sunday. Both phones TUkESD)AY, OCTOBE-sR 6. ios. u tGSat se TI.' t e tus We lve often beets asked to publish communtiatinsliltitouching matters "of curretnt iteires ott the campus, bt we are seldloms askel to print a singing criticsim of oue owni stories ill our oni colmnlls. Coseqetly the experiece twithi otr orrespuondent in Sunday's Dailv swas as nosel as it was srprisig. To ellter into a disctssiotn at this te as tothft relative merts of Sleepy Ho- low ss anil athletic fiell for the girls iwoild le as useless s i wsoull te til- tnterestng and t)1 of plac. Sleepy Holotlw swas chosen as te girls thllleic feld bete Girls' Athletic asiionll w iitotit-liydicittiots or sug- getioil fromT'he Daily or anybody else. 'Ttey seemed to le very swelf pletsedl swithi its locaiot attdland latishit ill their prises of te advantages it offies. No only are te girls very muci elated itver te aculisitiot of a new fielt, huas is sowttits today's itervies, Deit Jordans tttd Dr. Stesart te very swel satisfied wihsis locatiot. Ii would be entirely out of place for usto atempsft to shift aly respotsibility for lilhetthoice iii the ew feld, since we- 11a11 lniisay itste matter, ettee v wou111 refer "(ettletmat" to the office in Barbiiur gytmntasittm wih aty cii- cim tiecemilafllitltse imaiy ave to tsake. THlE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME to bity a fonttaitt pets for otse-alf of its retletlue. The ay vales at t'atuftcturers pcies afford this op- potniy. CALKINS' GREAT FOUN- TAIN PEN SALE NOW ON. 7-S STUIDENTS, OLD ANt) N-EW, HEAR PRFSID)ENT XNGELL Alt 1111ectiig gtsett utnierItse as- pices of the Stitdeits' ,Christian 'isso- cialtiotn, Presiident Aigill ilelts ereil-his aisnsual taddress to the stidetts-iiGuii versify Hall Sutiday uaftet 1101)1'Ptresi- denst Aisgell spioke cottet itig the sswirk' of te Sttelesss' , Clristiati ,issoctaftpts, declarinthIat tiecoinsitderc iit se *iif lie msosttietneficial irgaiiatioins ill the untiversity.t 'To the newi studtilus," ftc sail, "I catt say tat tileeiiitig iseit at thue head of this associationshsvebieniithrouighs thse struiggles tbhtt you wvill base 1o ets- coutser. My advice to yiit is to tsso ciale yourselves wvith these yoisig tmeii at oisce. -'lThe new stttients who hve citered this uivusersity arc e eveen thle ages 'if eighsteet andtwe senty. You tee at a period int your lives whtens iiaoy temptya- tiotns will arise. You wiliquestiontihle religious edcttatitniys-hil avtecreceivedl. Now isite iti elihen youl 11m1st lecidec sht sort of ile yiiuiateegoilng to leadt. Settle it svhile your htabiits arc still fiirii- itig an111yuare surrouitteid by iiotiaiiy anid such ciongeniial frietnds." SCARCITY OF ABLY: -MEN FOR GOVERNMENT POSITIONS "'T'he chief obtsacle toi the wvirk oii ite interstate commserce coimmiissiiii. is the diffictulty of fittditng mci.itsuilistl stile fiepfatratio," saiiil.Priif. tHoaury C. Autatiss inian. intiecy sterliar ecil- 11g. "'lTiere aire isiauy fifsiiti -iii the governmttent empfloy ipei toCiritaiWith tierighit trainlig, andtihl~ere is a .reat tieeidfor sitecI teseus No ose is helter quialifiedl toispeak upfonl this subtject thatn Prof. Adams, ishIolets tienthIte head of tlle divisiont of statistics atnd accounts foe two years. Ie Icadded ithatieacih of tiie itew phasies. of gos-erismsetciintrollte liiii c ii of corporationis, thedipirtmlenti'if 1aboe, stil the iitestate commerce li opiiiissiots. lois crested saitemaside 101 111(11espcidlly educated for swork of'ian itire. Severaul ofl t.elmenl111i1'simortanlt position ll' ri Piif. Xdaliii it zork is crc men fromttihe'Unitversity of Mi chi,,ani. iregairdlt10equipinetifoii sub dtri liii itig at thse Utniverssty of IXlt~lilgak,. Prof..Adamsts itated hll sillil tie Itil qi rervily 1h a a ooulbaiss fir tiisis;iiirk ini is ecoiliiltic cour ;es, yet i is n1tiso iself equliedl as i sholdible -lonugsfie- dializedline. Whesutuestioned1uilaisto stuidetlafairs. Priif.Adatils saiiilthat lie considered the grotofs tiifle Mielul gait Untis o vemeiirlstlltble isost.lilifoit- tl dlevelofpmenit duinughis uluttiuti. and the opettitig of Ille cltubihoiise;ioi"real beiiefitto utiisersihy -mten --- Musnic anb Brama 1'Ihe $.icly'Tuncerts, given ecohe year. iiyiclilti is of the facltly of te Sloot of 'jilsic iswill-opei iex Thurday cieninigt in the high school autditorium. TIhe arranigemenits for ths year's series udifti ftiiisi thi formler series. Bit eight conlcetsiwill be gieni duringg he yer anii tesi- are one couttse, tu tiakig lst deitinds iii le are busiyenetgged ii teching, adstl so maukiing-less finncal ideisandtiof the cincert goeres. Th'lis year's srines promises muuci of intlerest. Besides te regularfperforn- e-s. Abuet Lockwood, piais, Samuiel ft Lockwoviiii,. ioinisst, tandtiWilitm olan-,sitir.tneueyoiige embenlers of tle faculty are sceiile to apfper. The rcetrate, ishose success ail year wis little siort of phe'ooteal, iil gie two brthee cotcerts onthe regulaur Faculy conicert series. 'Te fiacial support wichii el iiretrs iiitheSchool of Mlusicyprotmise the orciesra -thsfs yer will1 sre1oincrease its resources situ is abliity. Auliiheoncuts re held i the1 high sciiiilauidtitoriumis. Sesun tiiets at a hiss-price aseeto ie ad at tlhe oiffice of the school. FOR SALE, -Good secod-atd Rei- igonlty-pewsritr. 543 Souths Diisios strete.5-7 FOR BENT' -Elegnit suie adsitusi- ge roitml. ricts tu. 24 N. Ingulls street 79 G~et ortrhssupilies sad toilet s - tidecs t Cushing's pharmacsy. f For fie cuttlery, try Mttuehlig & Sehmidi.20 S. MinsuttS. 7-9 I still hasve a fesv sets of fie second ltiil tdrawinug sei frstle. XW . S. lH.hifs. 1237 Voltand St. 4-8 Banntuers if al kintts atu Miss Lovell's, 332,. Sate sret. 27 -Frencehi crushlers-thec most oulta of cehtgtihts. 'fle kinduti iucantputt i your pohcke. IHeitry & Co. 709-71 N. , U'iiversitiy. tf --Best gutrauteedl $u .00 pen it the ciy at C'tshitug's pharmattcy.- -tf Hardwiare atil 'ilhiig & Schmidii's. 20, S. AbIinStiiS. 79 Stetuit tutihthy-. cleaig-Miss Loseli 332 S. Stte street;tgent fr A. Peters, Detroit. 2-7 Miichitianusttusie auth ate operatic nut- sic al Root's "Music House. t-th-s-sut Wie carry te Iturgest sock of bath- riibits andt pajamsas. Hetry & _Co., ail- lis, funihers. fats atd soes. tf CALN INS' FOUNTAIN PEN SALE LASTS. UNTIL TH-URSDAY ONLY. BUY ONE TlODAY. 7-S STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS Fob LawM~edicaland all - Unver~ty Text'.Bonks New and. Second-Handta - Drafting Instrunwnts and Engineering Supplies aspecial prices Statuonery and Dhvtk TBoos. Ask to see our Solid Gout Fountain eni for $u 00, Call and b eoovncid thuat oat store s the best place to ti-ade int the u its WAHIR'S University Bookstore C. E. BARTHELL BOOKS' Meical' . D1ental - Larget Stock itsMichigan Second tHanaldLaw. ooks Law andt Medical Ditotaris Ouiz Books, etc. - Conmplfee l Ne $il See- ond-hand. Old bloos akeut i I xehs'uge C. E. BAR THELL, 3265S TATE STREET Second Pone Tel 761 WM. ARNOLD, COLLE 220oih MoinStreet. M A 'Knaako."'Frb. hut trass, copperur e ii ul FO S wish raised h IiiI( it.,seal or lumsls s. H0 u~cuuutu' u tnro r drstgu. Price, 50, ?75.,$1 Largest Stock of IM' Pins We t'compiartecotir $1.50 Wiith thue test $3.00 cut X' 'tctieeitu's. Pninu~hu's. - othllentlt scqee. e tuttade, Swveaters cut' oeer 11110 swetater'estls at Mliss Lovell's, 332 S. Slate St. 2-7. L adiles"' gymusas3liuns suits at ;Miss, Lov- ell's, 332 5. Stale Si. Orderearly.. 2-7 -14M Law, Medical, Dental, Literary - and Engineering BOO:KS NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING2 INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry the most complete line in the city: Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT THE U1NIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Street Call at Wadhrams & Co. for your FALL SU ITS, Cravenettes and Overcoats, Sweater-,. Slickers and Unaerwear. Shirts and Neck wear of all kinds. .} 4 I2ref' Z3'So uth Main . .s .- . , 121 Washington E,. Thne Randall Studio, R40i4l11& Pack, Pro-PS<. he59