wr THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH tlib: LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL P0APER, PLATE AxND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VAR NISKES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW .SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating. such as Pap-r-fanging Paint- ing, interior and exterior) WVall-tinting,. Kalsoipining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled wsorkmni and guarantee our work. Goods IDelivered to all parts nofthe cits. BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Wash~mgtorX St. LAWBOK T149MICIIGAN ATLY UNIVERSITY NOTICES leetiren neer ne 1'i.t nigt t 7 in 5Ic\fl, 1,11 3-11 Tipl lect r- eie~t 0 c(jr( of I ipfo tt: subjectoltI'hitic, ofi 'ticb7it0eP. n t X11 tose wlig ( ak a -h 36th year- DICTIONAIE~S 3600o yer ina QUIZ BO0OKS Ima Annr. Arbor- LEGAL MISCELL.IANY Anna Arbor- Callaghan(Co CHICAGXO AnmraArbor' Barach, Statc Street. Opposeite Lawrr1B1d¢. GRANGE 'S SCHOOL DANMC"o ,CW it ococ . 3 p 1 kri; ) i ; ti-offic013Pris h ttiil, 11m s tod y t ii) . 11 I pi . H il Io Iilo oe State antl Jcfforsonsic it i~ Cll 11111 i ccl l None Now is the tiue to, select That Swell Overcoat or Cravonette The is c tlier isri ght 'it, Sicin-Block garmnents arec here II'. e it ittrlets. Savesrneyes'or the rest 1f' ,iu life ly gis itt- t7t the antiqne ltailor mnitof thec past in I tittl 111'Setit Bli ck SinairtClothes, h t i t anflu makeii )-oil look s tIltilioodei it aiitl LI IENSCHMIDT, APFEL& CO. Headquarters for Moderno Thigs THE GRAND Billiard aild Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Unsder new managemenut entirely renmodeled arndtip-to-date Complete line of Cigfars, Cigarettes, Candles arnd Tobaccos HOWELL (a. JOHNSON, Props. M. A. RYAN, Mgr. BPANKS THEI FARME[RS AND MECHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HURtON STRtEETS Or ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capitat $50,0100 Surplus and Profits $9tt0t Geeraloankin BSg inss. 3uterent paid Es . 1CNT1,VRI('e-05'1's on Tim nd01( SavingosiDeposits. Safety tle- re.ic- esPe. po0t511 e lc to en tlai t 200and upwards S. Wi. (CtARtKSON.,toalhler. to. tKsmpr. tees. W. ci. SHVFNt. Vice-Pros I. A. NVii.iJ1.i l ' t-hie F. . S5'oi'O % 1A--I. Ciapital, $1ti000.S. urplius ando f tit,, .00o We hatviie 50111 toi1our and t icou fater, so let ito, E'stablli'shed 1858. ltatlle Stare,. 216ftS. Haiti SI. i-Il to vou. 'sJewelr eod-tf New Whitney Theatre 1BOTH PHONES 480 Thursday, Dec.:51 Frederick Thompson Presents EDWARD ABELES With an original New York Cast in By Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley A Dramatization of George Barr Mcutcheon's Famous Book. "A Scenic Triumph" "A Laughing Success" Greatest Ship Scene and Storm EffectK Ever Witnessed on the Stage. "Mr. Abeles' Portrait Complete and Convincing." Same Cast and Production. S licli tti clcntlti vI0? ;()vl*C3 l 't0'. 'I 'tl for cent.,.ll 1; &5 milS,2; S loilttS. d f11 your11 mon1eyiati 1101 155N'S 11101 OII'ICEO.--'lie Cufinn C c Ilal l' u int he hollda%11 51'rr SM ic ti N1 iewcFools. IIcl . c Ph( 1otn 11e0 el breo o : il111 .1 ci, VC tl afel Bell 1 11 6o-1I,.li'0 66-7'1 cco teii «- booces, ell 1(7 p .r. hum Prices:---25, 50, 755 $1-$1.50 Seat sale Tuesday, December 29 Watch this space for a new feature at the THEAT OK I U SOON Hiot. ~tle C'. N ttitrol1Si'.IThe Alin Arbor Savings Bank AmronC~.. 'I' Al'.NDl'I i SIC'C'101" Sl.'t'S, A Geoerral Baoking IBusinessTransacted C omxrnmercia.1 o2usd iICis-(totm111 t1 i w tiii icest at OroICEns: Chas. E. Hisctek, Pros.; W. D.t S ngs lPt0lVWN'S )10L 't'1110]",120 to lat Hatrriman, Vice Pros.: At. 0. FritteCashier Co,.-. Ma~Inri d Liber-ty Str-eets -- ~STATE SAVINGS BANK j la-e & Berry litokot sktes a(o t DIRECTORS:t MOE'S BARBER SHOP 5.-Iittioto oo Itolcr( o Creo.. 30.. 110,11.12 15. J. tooth Jno. V. Sheehian ft Wmn. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan 705 North IUniversity Ave. Al. i Sii t i. G - O-Tis. 01. Wade E. F. Miltt ______Jtohn Haarer tn. KocetOGA. MOE Proot. H. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas c 0t(1 ,tillter tmeans1war11titt-i-wttear. Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman OWN / . Shows may come, Shows may go, But the MAJESTIC LIVES FOREVER Record Breaking Crowds Must be a Reason Detroit United Lines Ott it' Itttmtioat on Divis'ionitSuperin tendeilc In. 5'itilattbi.oftO ho Decroi 17It ttii'ic Itofftiice'of V arsity or' ganizationsofti hrtito ('toctt, boyond tny grt'itt f tI tt-. t St orIfcornAnn Aribtr extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. ()ill toc lhi.is coompleti'. lhenty &Co i., N. tivirsity. (hiotfi 1100 0111e in11lain 0r fancytttoltlets m especially good ctaluesati 111055 NS D1R CC StORE. 120 1'. lilcrlxy. Cc4-71 tree chili coticoatte. Ask for trial iht tCollegeInti. tf Donii't Putt off ttat ritde till it gels too coild. Otto horses are ite kintd it'sa pleaisure to ride btehiitde. Hohtcs' l~it'- cr71 pSgF. Jeffersono St. Bell 522, Hortite r83. 911 JOE LENHARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAtRING AND PRESSING 200bE. Washington Si. Brunsiwick-Balke bowl- tng alley s ate the best; tnd otirs ate the best- the l Brunswic- Bathe Co. BILLIARtDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS. CANDIES. TOBACCO. ,12 S. MState311 Maynard It' eollej bredetnsttia' Jitto lo''I l(est tO peopl nay ts so (11,(leftimlreritte lit ttis t 0 s 1 Bitd itireiwlotnees t a tt ji Garfield and Beveridge taid tmatyothcrssnotrkeed their way through colleg. Must you ? IThen tsrileos anid we will send you the nsittc.miitd addressesH0of5HI itiy- 1fi1e1111 it who ttatt in commissions an average profit of pe . 1( ria diring lune. Jul~y arid August, taps. ton the saime perieod Itetit ooItti-re'd itt t tlean avoeage profit of $C.98 peildog. The Explanation These tmen took our tree eourse in SCIONTtIOI:C SAIFSSIA1NSIP. baosedion stilt'1t0Opagn hook, "Instructtions to Salestien." It Will Help You to sell merehandhise. make friends, practice your tprofession witth onc- 'tS". Ouir otew cost mtthod nullifies the onpleasant feattureo of ecan%,as' ill. witetodaiy i oi al ott ttor re'tresentativ'e'at te'ity 5'. MC. A.. Rottom,.312tst flonr frthet.''ttatls-of-tFoai't"1bultiOnthichivteis tenameaddess.and 'oasamat de byit Isachinofs20met for thetsummeof190x. Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company PITTSBURG, PA. VAN KLEIBK'S 300 Erast Washiragtora St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blue r Carriage and Baggage For itach Couide toiandtfromeptot loies. beoee12i'clhiok $Stat. aeter I'io'cloc'k 1pr1.e tiltlitt'25 Cents. If earried to tie fromtip i1-s1It.r,.te price will he 5S Conts. closes lar'ett(,ittivto It llece ash fore t'Orriatt' ttti iooaeservice. 1V. 11. ST'ARKt W5ATaTLES'ctIVtEY. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES ILWA , THETAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING