THP MICHIGAN DAILY XniaS Toilet Articles AT Quarry's Money Loaned Watches and Je rvre1paired. Bargalas in WaItches & Dianord OM (,pi m.rsidence 3 I. Liiberty St AntiA rIr [t n . ii n. ii A:,. i i-NF*, C I NTI AL 104 JOSE PH tC.WATTS JOLLY'S 308 S. iTAlL ST. EST BRIAR PIPES ii iii iii ll I rol ii e c~rl li ii PRICES MIl maktil -. $1.75 ton$5.00 $1.00 ton$1 50 PILLOWS and BANNERSI AT D larling & Malleaux S'l'Ji FN'lTS SHOULD) CO)NSUT'lIF\(Ll CJY (Continueiom 1?agePiio1.) in veon itie Diudentis aiiiauly" si Registrar Halll. "andU I tinjk we ire well started c ordiinthe 16 er cv idepairi- meontiatIi Ii i IOf i I lii I NO.11100 iM icier Cii < pini (natteris0 where itie Nihrty o he fl tiiii i retihiii p- manyioliereio iliii'ofithatiJkind.I II svea oiiol has1 ilbieen Ci cosltedi'landiitake11 seii sl i n i Ito iiiiinsieaion. e rili hajre lilnl elioii;mw eldaredet dac t fitr- N N i. i lieJ1,1f1thelawiertmenti Ig.-otccrainly theif r iholdi'h0e th mstcopltecoopeation," aid 11 w a it. SIi iigw1of no srious qiues-i ar110 o i ni aciori. The funea l of Prof.iJuson G.iI'at tnC~'C i lteinipaIC'l o11111.ASiC Arbo chu c illiji 1111 of.' ranvile, O. ( Al~aig1tel''lfIi I iii ec el n Forest1 1111ill Ciiitc- S.I 1 I fr flolmn& Vlim Ffie. 111 1fF 11AM, 01 MoI d 11112 ALAI ROY.1l, say tillCI Ii i to 111 raiseactin511 um011of money-'anSin BE(UNN I G hSe > 't, end 1g1101 duction jewely, 1an 011rk i'1 lul 1111 0 cluniui'iiii C i. 11e"'h. 1 .(iINS For twiii - Siyad aura - ils i lls b nnr1r illo - Al1hiall pisfob, ind spo ns i It\ i d ii 1111111 e1i1nsiatll 1liii lest lrr St~re, 21 1 S. i i ii e(Sid-i Il w SaS" Iiehs l is re . C1 ie Ihr' t , :at . wts1^y + 4L i sx IVL Al 7 h7tCh C7Ji S I IC .,e.O. ., L ,:,,} a vq { t , M i .x ea_1' Le 'i i It Il' tle utpletc diii ii Ci~l f Sil Chllw.11. C . __________________________________ I lenes in 0110 optiical departmnent. ial- ''1-y \lnillli &I C di id'slla-idlii ii 1 1 IsJewlrliIStore. 216 S. Main Si. cod wiii Ol IlllJil; i Cr(Clii 1 11T1 I iiC. 2() V. of . 8B4KBER SHOP aiilie i11 J. R. TROJANOWVSKI, Prop. _S iii consCignmentii IIIf 1lCeatherCpill -- BAII l111111115 li iS 51 liiws, 1banners 'C andiltalbi'le cver civedIICULTURE 0HEET MUSIC AND 011111 11 A\D (11110 SI'>01113, IA ii Lades ad 'hl~ti 5[Ialit t ll'itD rliiii & \1,11eatnx". 6;-77 CIAL SOUVENIR SCORES FOR SALC vi'111ACC 1114SICIALTYi' 1. 01:5111cC ____rs AT nCHAEBICEI.E & nON'S MUSIC, 322 S. State St. AI Ar"o- Mi".h 1'1I unionsits,1$1. ba's.v HOUSE. I Phon259 BelItMAnn Arbor Mich1111,11 C. * Have you ever noticed 1111 I'dssor Ioit tiwe1111 Iviihi 111 tlfillt 3 iiliii'ii '1sf 11makes an1 4aceptable X artsils ill.. iHoin teii liti o v ()Iwl '-1 hare e A mde is>many iy IlI 110 1/nailsaswe iiai'i' this 'C sii'itil. ix , the 1r00011 liesill thei'failt I hat ol p1areii1110 i 1111 to Illiil rCii I IrTt rr'a~ 011(1 1101 101 b l'. I>.I(LAla 11 (1:,CLU. Imp ig ' 1iiif i11C , ,uill 'S Studeilts' Lecture Association r, OFFERS FOR 1908-1909 A LIST OF EIGHT SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER HON. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER JOHN MITCHELL S. S. McCLURE HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN IDA M. TARBELL JOHN HAYS HAMMOND BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA Tickets for All the Numbers . . . $2.00 Single Admissiom Tickets .......50c Oni sale at B5ox Office, V. Hi. r 0 E . Work in All ' 01 ' lIl SCHOOL OFMUI Will be resumed after the vacation on janu-1,1loy th when new students may bear"na Ifl[ LINID[hRI [ i~ For Arts an~d Craf-ts Fxxr fr'Altrc is well adapted to furnish stdenis' rooas 's x<~ the den. We have a nice line of these, 01311 C 01>r everything in the lisne of arndPo- tiers, to m~ake a roonn coz'y1ar i oinlifort l'It MARTIN HALL FuntrCre adDae = - S1.00 10150 -11nd ry WItrop. IJISINERS L EWELRY Sry Storc C a: . iBabbitf I L NlMICI'J STUD m"W*tO-"- . . J 319 Es