T~I{ZMl HI ;AN SAtLY Feeling /1 is akin to self-confidence You cn't hold your head up or do your beet if your gar- meots don't fit or become you. We're tailoring upeciaists. We're AWW lookiog for the hard-to-please. The more +' particular you are, the hetter we like to serve you. Our patrons are discrimioating men. New shades and patterns are here for Winter. Our- range of fabrics is wide enough to suit the most critical. There's a daub and distinctiveness about our garments you'll appre- elate keenly. There's a lure about our prices you cannot resist It's best picking today. Look things over. TRIADE C C C B1At[C J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. ._ . ._.. ___. _. _ __ -,... . _..... _ a _ _ .. _____ { UNIVERSITY NOTICES 'Telbasketitall gamettatween tthc Jun- or anti senior girls tastbtacitpoavtinedl indefinitely. Executive commaiittee 'if sophilit class meets at 4 l . mintday ini Rooti.tti A. ii vearsthy Iall. Entuttain. All titose twillinig ito tke ittp-shot' for the iqag :licliiga tnuit l leascal atth It'office, Presittilittg. somiiti tet 'ITirsilay afieit tutuliftera 35ouclock. for int iructins. 'Thera will lie a metiniiigu(u all in- ilepeneltus wholtiecet i to itite Juntiir Hop iiinno im H this afternoonut tit 4: 15i. 'Ilaosihtcanniteeet: slhoutldilall goo-h,. Cullyt. Squirrel caleitdar' a t iii il,0l-, oiily in cets. .56-eii Iln l piilitledlMieligntChinta, \lichu gait hlilters, clipipiugesi. guies.t ni aildlesIboiks,.blilttersuitii cheiti 1 is invell's. fclii'" Use Old English floot is as. bthi phones' 237. C . MNain' & C,?. cltf Stile agents Martha Ws'inliigtoniciii dlies. Freslt weekly. Florida Fruit Co., iphoines 877, 117 E. Washingtoit Orders ielivereid. t2-e i We have dune expert wateh ripair- ing since i8qller's jewet'ry Store, 216 S. Main St. evilA Wsaiteis'coai' anii prstir ii' a 75c. Excellent values. Iloig's. ti-cd Buy yotur CIGAR CASES A Ii) PIPES wheirecyu 'nicti secure the mustt for your montey, at BROWIN'S DRUG STORE, 120 E. tLiberty St. i4-71 Now is the time to select 'Fhai Swell Overcoat or Cravenetto Si Th e itlier fs right attit Ste it-Blacks bit ttent itre lire i.~in v s 'tvrials. Siaettitie}- f)r the rest ofi ytotr life b itsat gi-i tip the anttique tailorie it of the pt a n dtii uttittg a' Stein-Block Stiitt Cltithes, ltit fit intl nt ike gait lootkstylih t it t itn attil IINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CON Headquxarters for Modern Thing~s THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Vnsder imew mxanagement entirely remodeled and usp-to-date Complete lane of Cigars, Cigarettes. Candles and Tobaccos HOWELL a~ JOHNSON, Pi-ops. M. A. R'YAN. Mgr. AMUSEMENTS 11 New Whitney Theatre ISOTH PHON916 480 Thursday, Dec. 31 Frederick Thompson Presents EDWARD ABELES With an original New York Cast in Brewster's Milhioft.s By Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley A Dramatization of George Barr McCutcheon's Famous Book. "A Scenic Triumph" "A Laughing Success" Greatest Ship Scene and Storm Effects Ever Witnessed on the Stage. "Mr. Abeles' Portrait Complete and Convincing." Same Cast and Production. Prices:---25, 50, 75, $1-$1.550 Seat sale Tuesday, December 29 j Watch this space for a new feature at the ITHEATO RI UM .ar OWA i NOTiICE.--PTe Cittinig Cafe tiuli ii miain tipeit duriitg thie tilidayis. w ex-ss DETROIT UNITED LINES 6,- Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and tion.if7 Jmckson Phoane orders delivee ill11 ittiues. Limited Cars Fast Bound s0-a;-mi it A ite t le.eBelt lviii -1.. hI -7r 1 Il- ),1, Limited Cars West Boun.d---S:-'4it. Ill See the tew branches. lieu 'iis ti tl Local Car's East Bettnd'l i ii.117. gins tutu hat gits at Iitteliutut .5 \Iail- tiiie~ lutSi2t.i tt it iii a.t .,t utne liati ei ii l siliti. Local Cars West Bettnd G t4 a. mi., I. Gatuiuiiet gloves, for this wieekly, m. a>l er two i uuuis ii tS1 $i.oo. 'ileitry &Cii.,N. Unileiac .o e 'IiLET AND MANICURE Si 'PS. late issortiett l winst ice, t ltRO\VN'S TSNUG STORE,. 10east liberty St. ft-7 tartnet & iterry hoaked:sktl t Schumaticher I ariltiarc Ca., 308f, 310. 312 S. 2laiti Si. 71 -72 Citlidieatither tieantssitwamunderiwetir. IJR (tir stock is comittiee. H eitry & Ca., CIGAR] N. tniliersity. (in If Perfuites in plain ar fancyc5botliest.ii htainisoutecpackages, attill picesandtt especitally giodiieluies, it .llRO\\T'S DSRUG S'PORE, 120 :E. ibity. 04-7t F1ree chili coii cartie. Ask for trial idish at College Innt. t Donit pitt off thatt rile till ft getlvtooifu cold. Our hoarses are the kindi itsa pleasutre to ride bhiiti.tHolmtes' Li ery, 528 E. Jeffersott St. Bell 522, 'i ituie 183. 2i0lf JOE LENHARD fiit#OY MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING anfi E. Washiitgton Si. r7: / TYPEWRITERS Rebultiby ther nafnactarrs prices hfi le i y s ..1 .t nt I~ EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. Slate SI. Slate Phone 12581. '4 EM MR I Whitney Theatre Orchestra DAINTY DRESDEN ALBERT LNDrco C H N A Can be secured, for Dances, Receptions and all Engagements, FREE TO WOMEN 00 dates other than regular Show Bookings. Any combination from M AJESTIC two pieces' op. For open dates ____________________ particulars apply to MATINEE TO-DAY JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. ______________________Bell Phone M1' 113 W. LibertySt. rI~SHi When a college man dis- covers something really :ood, ,the "word" soon passes around the are a striktng example of this. If you will smoke a package you will be greatly pleased with: " Fatimas. " 20 for 15c ,T a A4 py , r' a n i. 1 5' Vaudeville this Week MISS MARGUARETTE McGREGORY SPECIALTIES Speatal Motieos Plat ores Lsast liltetrated $50esa Orekeestra. Musico CASINOtc Afternoon and Eveninjgs -I Do you howl? Its flue exereise. 'Pry it. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. .12 S. ei. . 31t Maynard :u P C ; $ . ,a 1' I k - I 4 Y T il .._ ... ,. _. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLE~S MILWA RD, THE TAI,,LOR ATHE BEST OF EVERY. THlING IN TAILORING