The Mlichigan Daily itsN X1iZI))I- \Ni CfiIGi. tN ititFI)NI'SPAY, DFrC. BFR r6eNo. 66. No. 66. Voi XIX. FITZPATRICK TALKS TO TRACK ATHLETES Fifty Candidates Answer Cap- tain Dull's Call; Ineligibles De- feat Regulars in Basketball. ":1 hisi>> tlk a cii tihe faculty is- cr cli at y' cia s acctcis rc ot, ai Dir ct ccc itciiatricialasi i;ght. III fiat (c h t is rg t, 11 cllrc sonar( f ii>> (i>>;>>> ciii to i m-kcait ~ Orkhard the if (tt sh~tlll hapen t drawa cmditon, Iol) -oarond cii n thtvm avn >c'lteae fiiv (1)11 ti k t e e i a l t e fc caccsit> tliotket t ciiictabititcc'lCccc.c it> crigl thelcci chaces forit itfcain ii- of the>sciii>duariic:sim but itasic aic> iiic i> to ayafter tithebicfiiiii of ticranc beforetuthe>season clo>e. MICHIGAN'S SECOND OPERAIS READY "'Culture" Finished For the Cur- tain; Last Rehearsal Goes Off Without a Hitch. awtotldlncver suspci that tac beantiful, cailiing, beitchcing charus> girls cotnld csmoie sari; a htorrid thing as a cigarciie oracorn-cot; pipe. Tihc chairman ofte inance commait- icc reiporis ibon> 'if>tycceits left for Wedniicsday'c show, anditiohcrc for lter performcances. ThccWitncy iboxcofficc is citeicfor iihe catic every day front to unitil >2 cnd fromt t> o 5: a30. On the taysa of "Cnutue"perform- ances ladlicscaho are guesic of mncccicrc cof ihc Michtigant Unit;nc aay >diccat itic cltubhocisc. Thecaccfecwiii ccrve> itnchc after pcrformnanccc andt will clay opcn uintil 12 a. mi. for thc remainidci ofrtifh1c week;. Cf)SX:IfIPOI,ITAN CLUB S WIL L~ CONVENE IN ANN ARBOR _ __ Askedl ifificherec >>> any>' truthfintheli rceiort that>;hfi i igcaii>>ifghla;iy itf MowNicfo~r theigc hw e h et iii clrnm coi>ci>ccinootbalii icx> year itcictan~t ccii>> wcrcicicdy AhlticD irec>>m Ritcieimercly>csiooic: ITisclac>ratcion, ae tic theii>ciosc of h is hea neticveicly-, i> tthe ccsi. ;i-t>> et>> list rechcaticli ITiuesdiay eveinitg, parenly he aswll asthe tdentsicis trsely expiesss thei>clim;;ax if >t>eiccrd becoming cdisgusted iwih ife>> ilca t worki ofiaiihiidretdlmtic for ihe pit> stris> ha> ae> eig>tafotic i c the iicc s ixe s.Cltureis> i-tadyi sticht>- provcation>>ior iiiiwitotanyi h ial futll diissc reiicarcc -songc, proocti>1a>-t. il-gue, costumecsctictkecup,; orcietcrai. Xc"As t iis w lll > V a id Mr.tRitchtic, ights---allcompleciteccciii cff awiticoutta if>he Cocciiicecolleges-areciiind>by s lit>o>aitich tcienitic curtain> tis- ac>>>idithatt>hiyic'>cnii ttly lic;higanc t'tiicon iheiliracndcii>altic '>aliStcphcns, whie1e ae cut f >heConf;eiren )>;c tc>c.cthi teroitprod crwh wotc"A Bro- l tor>thatic>eason .ii iiacc i cif o oote>ot-kn ll"admu sae AKntighti ball> gamce wif>hiscontsin for cnexictiear forIa Da tic heavediaighcif rcliecf, anti tee i ittle>>> ciiince thatc cciiischetidle I'mc>glad >1he iifirs:pcrfiiimacccis nt> wc; i beian ccargcrticanccthis year>cAita>liter>ticaccctomiorrowca-night," aitOfMr. miatte-rci of c- fa tct, ipe ingofcollegea Stphens. ciie buysasrticinfirstc-clais week la1iit-ic-i>>->keitcc cessarycc cc to cct1> shape ; ciii>nowthir;>ines, t hcy knioiw stail cit i-ihf>>" ()tie ccinure rehearsa ii would tactic>it sitle. _____I'mc tltasedciiat>>;thei>boys-mtighiiy TI ,' N CULiST-f FFR peIasedi.c >ccIif Ithtveiccin a littlecsecre NItICI ItIt NNI fi-\ I \>> it was cciiiy bicauset Ithin' t witt hc ________ ailicc> ccc ay, I'Pretiy-good for an 't'ell ien>hav>ah-cad tad v c;vicamateurshow.'It'sba cuse Itccciiithem tacgs ocfcithec -new ii>plan c-i-crtcsele ccti ic cm;sa I iThe ctdii k>eiprofcsonalsc' fie'>rs i of iitstff rct-->> augura';ti ed> byi > I luk>- >1cc showi, tiidlI hopc ihey'lli like tic- it i ich it-eniait iOf >1cc-cc-tice-fitsi iithe 1 icci'. itWe-vcc donie our ibest-now iesf icc-c>-tmecici climsc cciii>icaiaces, >; iiupimIthcit deliorthcici icct" c-ic >>> . Theiic-i>rIicincludesssolcicting tic>t I liceiiboyscknioiith>1cc>>necccEarn it>> it>> - mc han 1>itscforc cci-ti;ements;- i theyi icwculdl foigit ihe taorids thcy and c>'> cus > I >>>ccwith> busicness c fl> wot ld 'ti t cc--i ci , beciusce >1cc>'i-cgot mt ie of the c43d% > aTh>iis i titi pr- this>> ii ift ti ngii, cc' if C~i sisc >acquintancewith>thir>worktic>: ITicy knuowtahei> icusic Ii'm vi > sccedtoth>saf,>recciitlyclascd i itiltthe princuipals, tce ife>takencitr of justc asc « l itt'>';>> ,>;Hc wardtti> i tic c lc g>1ccrcciciiairtman The ir requliiredto> eepthepicureA Cutlt;>>> C "p icccaithiiiieila t commiiiii ittebsts> >>>c thti the depar> tic ticlays t ic>> rk iofithei sevrarl ccir- ' en rtclsar i.and helinc theic cciii>>> ca ccciio' lesincdecc>pndcecnt, \1ic ciii:t cccil~t ii> cOW c iOld ic-icc>> i ii ii> th ii>ff crts ii viAw ifth o cciii>>>hdtc r trct:teall c'S t1c>>toCapii>taic' c t c(ii>c e i lcrctciii fitc h-cc n~en thir cma cc cilli n ii> tic Flt~p trll- ti' cccIIIIt cc(r h cli i>> lllCIII CcI actve raling or cheIllc-c>'orsasotc wil h gn i i.I ciii I II) ()ini t he re-ci cpcn ii if i it c uiit ciii atr ie - ic-icc>anngha ee ape oi tic>>>> ee M nic esonibi>> cl ciith rangedic ascl> cciii i ccli iaucposiblcc icccci cccli. i"cinh" l cccccc ccis cccii tosi coach cth cc> tific and > le i> cciitic Alciit'T yi -iii> lit c]civing> ltu iitil c i>>' crit thecic>- if tcieco theic ti ccci tIc lit 3ectil> was iii iii>ccedi utill ifcec itcit Rinfcd byc; Ci co tic> has;bews ad etc it,cist fic icceligcibls h scr>ii'tit latic>'ighiticcpliaied tlilyarof tiv ceuofahin cc 1ciioppinets , tpeic>-eacic ng if>1c 1 L' i c, 5 cr :-, ti ' 11 5 5 { L 1' } li li >, s n g e cccciaiocn ofi the book.iIciC tic>>> cotic- :)cci>;-cccc'cctiiimamo g can iatcs iustim;; utd 1)-i ,ui ii> i (i> tchIl>acll util 1-1iYI> I~l of ia'prtiof hei bo kic' c ciii>]hac l' ll (ti--ic s i t iictoll)eac till>>>>> ill-chief -cit nextc-c eari",c- ic ii> c-ic- i'tcc .i liii>> ii1dtor ti il cciStt iii tiyond'allic>pcciitio ythe suii iii> dof t1 new >->il liYo ccantcuccatiii the 1111) cc astics-accii s>> h>a>1e>-' icc' ichi lilt IsCrierhiln it-icha I eapere it past years, o tic ''ite t i, tetare cging> to i>pIrodu c teudlies t icchic> icciial i le i' 1 iri ith>Senin year",;," cciitc hrrill'ccc- ;clast cciinlc ccthir ci icac-; lltice Pres'sccibu iicli>>'toiii ii tics-ay "Illn, ccc w>>lihichcisccoc be cpreseniticdc ct'ieruche a tioc ioff l ivcuicci I1ti Allct'icuuccc is CtcIcs;>henli tiuicive t ccoutlook.;procisesiicall cciiicllcncciis'. thelas cci iicliic f.hic cittma; ete icyi hiut ioccitat hicpriu cionic is complecit we cci>cc a s tccece iac 1;has cointribtedc an > > itnt>acciiiscciasci factri. %vhit fci; amesic thic ctcorsclice csi, tiechacidiccthe >1cotumeity1ccc;1cc iii>pu- taic itmacagecrsthe propecrty committee>1c, tice fina;c itt rccctrs, it-ta- c c-tl our ccclyi; ii;; th>1cc cc cl iii ce; oiccorroac it cilshicia; dl.hitpchentis tic- accica c- eedccc rccii>ie it-s dcnairgeact The performnce last ciaucgiht itad ai ii- ih rarcciiencI i lic-heiprouictionu of anuy Ibut>aifirst-classc iprofessionaclicomcpanyc Ih hipc el ctcric aice'lights ccerr aced bothifrom ice gcaliery tatu cfrom theu wis. c a Icii;;, >1cc cCulitreccphcoicog- tica;vitw blmid t>1chececsicbetweenthe -incs preectsc ac;moa>taunteestig sighti. hl iiciccisltaea nhry : staige hcands siihcccciitig cxy, ropity;>imenci>carryig armricc-c c to '-cti> >cc cig tic ccciifro. i,\ittitt>huteia' wigsccciimache-tip, the shwliri' isicandl broilt>sa will>thiriafiat- eryi;and lacc.,are a aught icine. Btt caethey> dnc tic;hie grc-iccpict;,the roug, lad ctecwgs, it's abocuti cs Earl hit>;n theii>assis>taut mutsical direcor, sail nighcte>;>"They'are saceccl rnotugl toks. Asrange~r wcc' inc ato lice %hit c;;> ait a Ciultur; lieurfotrmcte CU LTU RE Seat Sale Monday-Saturday WHITNEY Box Office, Regular Hours. TICKET NUMBERS ARE: 48 Wed. 49 Thurs. 5o Fri. 5i Sat. Mat. 52 Sat. Night D) uingtheii>'ChristasicIhoidacy te' hitch>>in chaptcer of thur cisociin ofi Cosmicopoltani iClulsnuimbieinag forty-I twoatucativetmembescilhit thue crst iii thicc- ndt l acitual tatu ionlcvionici. IThit ciib acill icc ic scssioniathree-tdcyc cut AiAtrorititPteidcii> >ConritaRaisls f the> ilocalcicht>>riwho>ic promuiet i nat ional ciCousmpcolitacutcatrc, bunit one> iof i i- a- t ;e trio who'organized ihe rubh ciiivemcuct; i in 106, illiihatt carge of te cen tioncthis yeca Folloin ag s a listhf thelc-clegiccie chaprs ihto a rersentdin i;At >Arotr iliac moth :ti Wisconsii, Coricell, Pr- due, Iinisci aOh; ; Stat>, Chicgo, Iwc Siatic Iotis>ita Stat>, cielatd Stafor, Coltumia Hairv;aidcivt;ersty of Petit- tyaic .i Gerg iit'ashinton, Utier- ii;v ofiSoutherntitaClift;;ia t Sevens I- lituuc cif'Tecehnolcogy, CaUnversit of Whit gon Univctct cc;era ;y of Pris tof Puace>tudtuhe Utniverity of 1Xiciig tic Besxtidesithe chapttu>>amediltcabvetic> assciationii aill -sttancha;eiioterc, asthec tacit of chaptetr torgcnizicatotis ion acity'eacatidciiit ihe Out>ario Ag>>- cultualictlegeiiof(ulph, Cnaa; tit t thec Unicverity of> Oxford, IEitchauth a; German uy aiitheCUtat;rasiica ccPle;in,; Lipzg ctai ndci Bormt ;>Saci>17>>anditt the LUicersitya f Zurich, tdicnticen-u mark>>at theUnCuiersuityof Cpinhcatn ThightcieccniCoscmopoitaclttccubsacru>aty tutue tatIci > icctlcnai mmbrs rprscnting fity-twocuntcc;;rics fruit tll iaris of thur wold-nu vealu uuilcu ieuuiiu ccicmi 'meshiup of ocver fifteenc hundureduiveuuarsis sta- dentsc Presidentit p, ta-Ic;;sccii lcsinight, madce ;that'folloinitg scatementii ielctie to thureiiaimof theA ssociationoiiiCicsco poliianCubs : "xOtt>mttoi'Econoici dooruicndiio>e1in >'a>thcsslier s >5pt riie trut leiiracue, justtcerad cciizedtiii laborat s mcati; fprogrss i;lift s at expresces tieiaim;ofl the>associatioin, scidhul i. Ratis It is oci;objciiititautro mtthe ic-nterst adt ticnd-theu in-ii fluence o;;f thecvariousuieccitesat hom andt-tuucii abradi;-itoi adi prtcti foreignc studenctsc comcincg It; the uier- sity,acti to promo; tasociP itrrcure betuwen tiemara>> Atc me~rcstuens; tic prteucrthur indivial welcfcr cal >1c membeuiurs ccl thecclbina;thueirsevalc countuuries, -and aieta atcrdhf tr- der, fustier,'tutu Iiaittg; adtotapurmocte thecuorgancttcian;;atf sa itis awihcsimcilcr aitms ini ctheruci ii;>;ciic. Macnuy proinent>teica> uingc Dr0. Antigell,hvtaiken at i>;eciteres in the 'associcacrted clus iucctic- hsec clii lua-ceaxri ecntappirecitins ccfits cc-trk Jta;cobu GoculdiSciurucanticof Curncll; Hon.>Joh lt>airicil diector f hIcter- iatona''ueaxof mianRepubl~raicis; Presiden;t CitRitVa; Hirecclthe EUni- versity oc i isconintani cd Prof. lacul Ciccttt, tGricant ecantgeprofesscor at ccic(n.itcarr eutnUDGTicICcREAcec11 lice regeints, haing ii; uminc lie ridiu groat>; ucfIthe sumimecr schiool for th lust fray year, havue icrased te budget for nexttmer's esion ietween $6,0o anud $,ooo oer itheamcontciepedd last year SIX HUNDRED GIRLS WELCOME FRESHMEN Barbour Gymnasium Was Scene of Lively Freshman Spread Last Night. About tsic icuuaidcor; nly';e girls, dressed inI;iatuay udifftutkiats it1 iHuffy' tucru-tin-ows macdue Ba rbour gymc- naiu~ auc pr ttcu;'atut tity cccii>lst tigt ci;ticthe annual Frcshanta iis>ead. it I 8:30 p .tic1ccgricditicarchictited le hy iss iMararet Adacmsithe ot;h; omoaur vice-uprescitanthMissicaRuhn nu~cld t;i; in theu Puhutlok "XI-formtiton.t Therre xcas conly tutu;lit-ir ti-tier thur hird. Thitswas all e fettve rchcfunr;a- tiou. PTccfaavcus wccci>eaccanations. iuusuaclyibehu utiful.Theii>gymniacsium, whereccther danintg toouk pac iswac rnc>i immed tuicundtec gll;ry ath;fes tonsuofucean dtitwthiti>cbutingthe ccii crs of ithe csa f'2 TeIinulinucg ruicam wasu aChristmcs sucn i>Theuplas cd otheur arits f thiro>wreu de;tckedcu wii; stritngs tf eergreen ;ad ol; whiilec twcocChristmcas tresibrillint with; titnsl, glitendon ; bothc tablta.Ti re- iccsictucuii, whihrl; csecred at 0:30 cnicsedicflcreamichicenu, rls, ik- ic, caei, tatu eoffee. Threicaperons were 1Dcca;;Jordacnt, XMrs. lRnea, Mrs. I-Iisdale, MIrc. I cff, andi Mits Itchns.lThe gnecrclcchai- man 'ws M'is Maircarctndams. COMIEDY CLUB itiILL GIVE J H-OP i>ERFO~iMANCL: cit secoicdlierforce rrof "The Adu- mciahle Crihot;' is assured. The main-- agmenit uof tcc Comtedy nlubi, followingy the custoim of preious yr~s, iac en- gaged the theacter fr ci pouciition a; II;Hop tin;>,;;nd tic>mis- >1ccstle cf ai sufficienat>numbiercccof tickets is' guarac-t teeid 1 to iimak>tcc phy an;;uqudalcifidi suicc-utunncate>y.l Practically all of tie c nrry aidcorus- tuimets for tic; pity belonug tthie Ccm- c-il; cliii; hivintg ettnitatde expessy for tic; IBaci paandutah ati cx ctenci thec expensea>of thatprdctiioniwill ha; redu~ed. IticiiiI;>necesscry, houwver, toi icynewurnoyltis Ito rohauu, thce Nrew itork pouce~urrchoiCntrolu;ccs iihe placy. Mr. St. Johnhacs cagreul;ed cntiuciu cis dicctor ofte performcae, ntl c- hersal will cntciue a;ibfor thu frsift appteartnce in; tiner that eey pssilec defet ay heeracduictei. Tis ya te castis cencoagedrI rier its scucress tutu is nudst eirious cfiexceedciing te- rxcelleiceoftufistc; nigc. Photoiugrcaphscof lie turinpial scnes will breImaete lthtler lar> f the -wrek icy- Aexanduer, andh suvenci po~stcrdcs will e mcadehrofcc;;themu. Theyure ccio li he1cmiot crisiceplitures thuticni be> obt~aied. NEXV LIRARYCOCIURSE hi-ILIE P-RCTICL IONE- Thericaewcuse inibrarcc~y woruk ahicich the r egntsct theirclas tmeeting cii- pendetoii iithenstuiiiuirchoolutcu uccieuia; will bhitiiis scid, acve lllscpac iicicc a- tical. This course ccis acirtottypde dcl tae cchiciharhe iicigani stctenlibraciy ciim- miassioncondeuuctedie st acsuimcmeat Ln- sinug. At; thcc tiime thcey wcantedirofPu. Koichc toi tckeichrarye iifit, hi;;> becaus nil thur cte tdcte axhurt>thin offerwacsicicade it was>foudinadivctiisablec-toi bugin tIc; iTheracorkn;cctls~uuu erwillt hrrota- dced bhy Lciircrin Kotcch andloiur or la-c assistants. Cources will hun gire; in; r ataloguincg,ainexingy, andueranbuoki- buindhing. Theucwor;ktrill in alii probcahil- mty b i viicdedlint10seva-cl two-huri