T HE M1.C HITGAN2VD A IL Y c.H.MAJORM' Co THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOUd WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNIfSIES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papar-hanginig Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washmtngton St. LAW BOOKS 36th year- DICTIONARIES 36t[" year- in QVIZ BOOKS In. Arn..Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY A"S& Arbor Callaghan 'Mir.Co. CHICAGO AnrL Arbor Branoclh, Statc Street. Oppositen Law Bl1dg. GRANGER'S SCHOOL DANCINMG (:on lo, on Nluynard Stree t pesdyad Thursday lveig 7 o 'ln oc~k $, prtrm f 2lesos I UNIVERSITY NOTICES III i.i Irp i o l) [ till I 1 1 .\l ollt..t\ e\111111 11 -(11 1( 1 I lull at ;'dock ' 1e ida , i t- ha 1111 ll i iic t i (: it Y- \1. I.I \.. 11esay1a p111 . 1111 IMgr (I II ioli 11111 1 o lc Jntr1 it cd t Ir - (o t I II.., )() 1'1 .k r stee. 11,111..III 1 11-11 30 ctclck Now i the tmet select That Swell .lb!prcoat or ravonotto Tile weathler isright a11111. Ft-i- Btock gari~elits are here ill 171 Lilt variets-. Save moIlLev 1or tile rest of 50111 life hil giviig up~ the alltiljne tailor nil of th1111fit -1111 lmake sOitlo11ok stlsh, i-I l er lI ll 11 Headq-..arters for Modlerrn Things THEGAN Bolilliard aild Porol Pr"arlors 220222 S. State St. Vender newnaesagemeiaero etirely remodeled and t p-to-dante Complete line of Cigars, Ciaarettes, Candles and Tobaccos HOWELL ( ftJOHNSON., Props. M.A. RYAN, Mgr. i NewW W.hitney Theatre BOTH PHONES 480 Thursday, Dec. 31 Frederick Thompson Presents EDWARD ABELES With an original New York Cast in Brewster's Million101s By Winchell Smith and Byron Ongley A Dramatization of George Barr McCutcheon's Famous Book. "A Scenic Triumph" "A Laughing Success" Greatest Ship Scene and Storm Effects Ever Witnessed on the Stage. "Mr. Abeles' Portrait Complete and Convincing." Same Cast and Production. Prices:---25", 50, 75", $1-$1.50 Seat sale Tuesday, December 29 Detroit United Lines 's O1 i -aI ~ tii i1 ileri 1.11 111:;11 llt1n 'p lili I. lc et 11111 A ilill extra ears and extra service Iwill be promptly supplied. Rilt b h m nfctrr I i li ' i il . 11 1)c lzl , lC.rli- li EDWA DS BROS. 320 S. SlatlSI. State Phone 1258lL X11. 1I c-sex 1 II.,. 3 110111t fCtll,1 ,'I NDI-MN \i:f1t BtlON 'S IDRL'G 511110 IF, 2 litneit i-St. NIS I Watch this space for a new feature at the T H EA TOR.I U M SOON 1 1 Dainty Dresden Ch in a Free To all Ladies SOUVENIR MATINEE Wednesday 2:30 All See,.ts - lac MAJESTIC Wltneyllieatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Seas.n19008.19009 Can he secured, for Dances, Receptions and all Engagements, on dates other than regular Show Bookings. Auy comination from two pieces up. For open dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47L 113 W. LibertySt. 5. 3111111 St. I01-72 CdRUG rathe, 1211s1warm itilrie 4 7 Fre chlili 10con lcarpe. Asik for trial i-Il at Clollege 111n. tf Donll't 11111off lthat rile til it igetsto eold:l 0111r horses alee lhekindlit's pleasure t ik e 11 h lindl. Holmles' ivl- 03.5, 528 1. Jl-ffersllll SI. Bell 522, 11111e' 183. totif JOE LENHIARD MERCHANT TAILOR R2EPAIRING AND PRESSING 200 EC Washinglton SI. koIp0011 loon0011 retulrns Ire 11the1 attimprove- mlenlt 11illIowligsalevs. 1TIey slop speed, of ball1 ale vei t Illarest the hossl1r. will try ne~itherY tie. thumb nor ternlrIf VAN KIFEK'S 300 Cast We to: St. Light LL.._. .hes Confectilonary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blue WAI KING LOG0 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Chline FanylDisheIsAmericanl Lunces ofl all 1,0105. lIIetllinlirst-classlfor Up Stairs, one 11101a. HusGon Iron,, 3141S. Snane an. BANKS THE[ FARMERS AND MECHIANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS O ANN ARBOR, MnCHn. Clapital $510,0001 Surplus and Profitls $90,000 F. D.IINN, IIAiIilON SOTC-IF General Banking Business. 3 per cerat pall - Pey, Vice-Pres. an Time and Savings Dleposits. Sofety lie- I & IA~S .Csir posOit;loxes io renlt lt 12.00 and upwards -.01lAILIN alin it. Ifnror. Pres. W. 0.OvovsVlVce-P re s II.~~~~~~~~~~st A.I1.. 10 1n, II .lvIs .Pu.Capital. $100,00. Surplus 0111dlIroits. $00,000. Vaudeville this Week MISS MARGUARETTE McGREGORY SPECIALTIES Spooled Notlon aPletueres Latest Illutreated Songs Orelotestra Muasic CASINO 5c Afternoon and Evenings T~T. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank A General Banking Businesn Transacted 0 1120051 Chas. IE.Hiscocek, Pres.; W. 0. Ha..rriman,. Vite lPres.: AL1. F ritz.Cashie LNHSSTATE SAVINGS BANK BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LNHEW.1.IBooth Jno. V.Sheehan Wom no11(10 r11V. C.Vaughan CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. las 00 Wade E.F. Mills Johnaullaarer Jfll. Koch .12 1S. Sate 311 Mayna-d Ileaf. 01. S. Carblart ilenry WP. Dougias Christian lMalrtin Dan ti. immerman Comeenercieni n .nd Cos-. Mae,, and Liberty Stres MOE'S BARBER SHOP 701 NorlhBUiversity Ave. 0. A. MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE LR TIHE BEST OF EVERY THING INTAILORING