The Micghigan Daily Vol,.. XIX. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1908. No. 7. . . . ........ .. - - -_ i BIBS RETURNS AND DONS MOLESKINS Arrival of i Escanaban Brings Joy Into Varsity Camp-Cross Country Runs Begin. The arrival of Big Bill Embs on the scene of action yesterday varied the ' monotony which has characterized te sork of the varsity football team, te A,,big star's return being the signal for unlimited rejoicing both by the coach. and members of te sqtad. Embs has been expectedl by Coach Yost, hbut so many reports ad gote ott as to whether (r not he intended re-entering college that his returns sas te subject of co- siderable doubt. Casey has also srittens that e will reach town withins a day or two, and by the time the teant goes op against the Aggies at Lansing, Sat- urday, it is expected tat Yost will be able tn present practically the entire strength of the team that sill face Penusy and Syracuse in the important games of tie season. Coach Yost is still stndecided as to where he will tse Eambs this fall, bttt the chances are that te big Escanaban will be given a chance at end. le played guard anti tackle last seasot, atd ts brilliant work throttghout the seasott ed Coach Yost to make the remark ttat Iambs swas the most valuable gmars -for the new game-that he had tad sincrerooing to Michigan. Incidentally lambs' work in the Pentn gatesas one of the consoling features to wol- verine rooters. Embs could be used o advattage at either gtard or tackle this seasot, bustilhe dearth of varsity material for the eds has caused ue coachs to place ins at end. In hisi first appearance of the season last nigt, lie was ssed at left eud ad~ for at least thesextcs tso games tercsil be no fsrther shift. With the exceptions of te excitemett cassed by te arrival of Esmbs, last ight's pracice wspdsevois of featres. 'The placing of Sans Davisons at ful- tack during Iart of tsc sigal practice svas somewhlat of a sessaion, as it has eensthougt all along ta Davisosn sas slatesd for a job at tackle as soons as he sas able to break actively into te game. It is possible even yet that he will play a lue position, as Edmunds is perform- ing well a fsll, bst Yost took the op- portunity afforded yestersay to wor Davison in the backfield, The team that faces Michigan Aggies ext Saturday will look very different from the aggregation that was scored pots by Case in te seasons curtails raser, and Coachs Yost is hoping for a muchs more creditable sowing. As h iat, lie is far frons displeased at he *wsork of the team against Case. It wasnt a qusestions of pickitga eamt for that game," said the coach lit talking over the gane; it sas tp t uso to use elevesn men, antI we had con- siderable difficuty in findisg eleven mer who were eligible and usinjured. O course they didn't all knowe thc signals bst tat sas to be expected. Te met shoswed lack of experiensce, ad fumblin was frequent-conditions that sere in. eviable when all of he circmstances are considered. The reurn of Embs has taken a big load off sytind, as Emobs is one of the fastest and movt sersatile players we have ever had, ant it will be possible to use im whereves he is most badly needed. For the firt time this season prospects look fairly bright." Thse practice this week will conist for thse most part in acquainting the newv acquisitions with the signals, and in correcting the faults brought ott by the gasse sih the Case bunch last Sat- srsay. Lass night the men were let off siths a stiff signal practice, ut scrim- sage sork will probably be resumed tonight ansI contintuetutil Tursday. '.st,. TEN'cItS TORNAMN'. Tihe annsal fall tennis tosrament entry list has been posted at Ferry field anss insications point to a large and ssccessfsl tosratmett. Msany of last year's players are back and several good freshmsans players have been seen ott the cosrts. T'le etry fee has been fixed at the ominal rate of twety-five cesi its iotis first assd second class singles, ansd fifty crss per teasm in doubles. Entries sill be accepted up till Wednes- say evesisg by Joist H. Price and Paul A. Leisdy. At a smeting of last year's team, Price sas elected captain for the 9g team. As two of he four men on lass years teamssand several of the squad are back, te varity sould be stronger than ever. Iis o be hoped that a large entry list is secured, becasse the inter- est its tennis can be o better furthered tan by a good fall tournament. The fall tossrtamntstwill affors great pra- tice for ihese nsswho eter, and as there is strosng probability of a good eastern trilp inthie spring, all men of. ability thosulsd aeil themseles of this oppor- tuisssiy for somse excellent practice. EsGHT'v 11;N OUc FReCROSS COUTR. T'hscfall seasons of cross country races 1opessesdasspiiously yesterday, eighty msess turning ott1o participate in the ' first jassnt. Fromnowvott squads will gss out at 4:15 andsl5:15 tdaily. The lat- ter hosursas arranged its order to a- comssmosate ite tortn svlo were kept by tclasses fross getting out for the runs. ICaptains Dusll sill leasoe of the sqads acts cay. t Ons ''hsurssay a fast ad slowsqulad till e sentOut at the earlier hour. This swill esable all the men to get aseqate traninug fsr this year's tryots. -losst of tie veteran distane met w sere out yesterday, but, what is more ' promiising sas the fat tat a likely ' bssunch of freshmsens appearetl for the prctice. Everybosdyswas in high spirits +asss it requsiredl susth argument to get *te en to retsurts to the gymu after tht rust, swhch covered a course aot a mile atns a haf long. tEXPERT STONE BREAKERS * WILL VISIT CAVES IN OHIOI r~Prof. H'oisis' class in elementary geol- ssogy sill leave next Saturday, for Put- it-Bay, Ohio, where a study will be msase f tie rock formations and aves 'lhe party will go to Detroit via te }Mchigans Cettral, wthere a boat will be takens to Psut-in-Bay. The geology class sakes a studsy trip earls Saturday, bus tse Pu-it-Bay trip is the principle ex f csrsion of te course. oxenAo OL stsu'S ADRSS CANGED. g Rev. Washington Gladden, of Colum- bus, Ohio, will deliver his address it sUniersity Hlall ext Monday, the 2th sand not tonight as swas planned. Or saccotunt of the fresh-soph activities, as t well as for tecotveniene of Rev I Gladdet, the opening number of this rcosurse in religiosus research has beet t pospotned. CITY IS PATROLLED BY POSTER SQUADS Sophomres Employ Military Methods in Battiy-Activities' Restricted to Uptown District. Military methods whicis would have douse credit o Yons Molkte sere em- ployedl by the sophomossres is, their mon- light poster canmpaign last nigist, ad as a result of tieir torough orgasnizations freshsman resistancer sas kept pretty sell tn hansd amd freshsmsan captives tere many. At the ostset of hostilities, the sopho- mores deisded to avoid anly complica- tions atsd ortdered te cptains of tieir diffrrent sutads to confine teir opera- tiosts tos the district bouselsit the west y Fifths avenuse, thsss confisiing the battle of posers esstirely to the ssniver- sity sectioms of te city. The sopho- mores issusedlhe dictusm tat no0 fres- mats posters passedsosutth of tis "dead lte" wsoulsd receive aye notice rosm their swarriors. At a late hosr last sigs, he isdia- ions tere that the t91llmnethiad tie situlatiotn pretty well its hand. Their forces were dividesd ito sections, and te setiolns futhser ssbdiides init' siasds, so tiat every- district sf he city itswhichs any lposter-hanging might occur uas thorosughly patrolled by mns clad itsosds clohes ansi ready fsr os- tilities of a rather violents natre. To msake matters more certait, the sophotmores sdivisesd their swathes so that astlshose hosurs of te igt ost likely to witness 'the offensive efforts of the freshsmset,to sqsads of sopo- stores intsead of osesere on dsty in 1eachs sections of tie city. 'T'he diiting of tse city into sections sas accomptlish- esd by tar sitmple use of a fossttain Pets atndla Iadook. It sas anticipased tiatusthe freshmen eosul edeasor to hsag teir iosers about 3 osclsck Ithis morning. To msee 1sthis effort, the sysema of overlappitg *watchses sas arranged, so tisat te oler mess wosulthsave a tpreioderance of nuumbers at te critircal smomet. Te sophsonmsres platstedl to do teir posing -betwecenstheours of t ansil o'clock this mtorning, ands te indicatious at a ] late hour last nigttere thatsey wosld sbe aile o carry ohms their plum. tThte sophomorc scouting parties cap- turesd a goosd ssauny freshsmsan poslers alturing the eveninsg. As least tiry vic- tims, paintesd atns tatterd, tere se- curely roped and poographed in the rear of he restasrant ott Liberty' street suring the evening, anss oter clsters of te est men tere srrounsdel anti iesiegesd in fraternitiy houses .ad pri- vate roomsingihouses. Not a few 'of the prisoners sere takens from their rooms e ands carried trougis the streets o the -prisoners' pen, whlere the poogrper's e lashlights were busy, eThe well ostlinedl plums of ecnmpaig sewhichs miscsophomore leders ad tapped outsid ot stop siislst sigt's activities, but providedi for patrols, etc., dusringte remnsder ofse seek util Thsursday, whirls is "rstce night," a brief breathsing sell in whlicth ie under- - classmens sill prepare for the great Istrsuggle of Friday night. Owing to their apparent lck of or- Sganization (or to a crftiness whirls ad sfooled their opponents and spectators a s well), it was imspossible to get much s of a line ons the freshmianss metosof n procedure. The only msebers of the 1912 class who were in evidence were securely bosmnd ansi ins tehansds sof their foes, ad up to 12, o'clock lass igh, steir plans, if tey hssadsy, ias sot bornean sy' visible frsi. 'ITe sophiomsores, iowever, iredictedi tisat tebsusiest perisos wsoslsbe smsae- shere arounsdi- 3 o'clock this mosrsisg,E asnd sere preparesd for ipithed battes aisout thasussr. Tise estire iattlegrosssssioS wicthte scesse of msinicswarfare swas aries ot s teas csmsparatiely qudiet, ots sises gss issg abutsthseir sorkersesty'btstwit-s out assy smetods ssiackisg of disrer. UNIVERSITY GIRIS ARE t'LEASED) WI'T'HiNEWFIED) Althousghs he personsosssigses imtsss self "A Gentessias" its-Ssssssay's isse of 'The Dasiy seemissiely cssscerset abotsisitse lscatiosssofsthtie woen'i new((s, tisetic fieltd,ihis views'saspprestly fssss litile 'sy-sspthy wihitheusensiersity ws-ss "'Vise lscationsof t' s'omen's'adtdsetic irilh is esstirely stisfactsryiso the sssser gradisate' somess 'assd ssissssa,''sad DesassJsordass yesterday. "'Thse distassec frsums Btarbosss-gymsnasiusmsdiigossally throsughs tie hisossopasthic hossspitsl grosusisossthie cornser 5of Bltsessavnsse anssfosrteensth srs-t, whiich silt fsrss osse entransce'tt the field, is osly as fiv msinusts' stalk." Ti'be fiNe that SleepyhIlois's soS' nea adl thast it cuss ie recies prac- ticallyty-hirstughssniersity- grosuds-ison of tise cief reasosswhly- it wsas-.csssess accordissg to Deass Jordlan. "T'hen"sshie cosstinsscs, "tie grounsssisvshersfed a'. tisey sre by ills, level stases'sansss woisos- esd tracts, sre valussable unss sssiy fsr gamsses isst fsr a gesser-si rereatiosss isak." After a contor ap y tser- ensgneerinsg tdepartsssest, tegrossi still tbe lai out siths te said sf te lansdiscape gartdeser, Nsir. Sissoss, assss sone persons yet ts, be selected shoessbs- isasispelialt raising usnlaying ost(sisy- grosunsis. Ass oldihosss, w'tictswiti serve asssa temsporary ctushsthsouse, sil thenseustrmuosesdby te ssniersit- to tse' ill on fourteensthistrees ietweess ttss to ist spassces. Gysssasissss wsr., i- clussingbisebiall, taskestial ssssdsositsy bstll,stittlibegins sos tsc fledsitsonse. Dr. Stess'st, discgymnasssissss ires-tsr sensasskesd her opinionsoftss fi eis, sis: l Ithisnk Sleisy- Holslowssis sas isdcal ilscc for the grits' tslrtic fi. 'hl'cevecl spaccielows-tseoservstsrt is jusssthe pacser'for a hoscksy grounsds Besidecs (iis, there sre othssr parts ssi- stile for tennuis corts sassd bsebrasllt grssundsss, asdthsuefield ssa whesrwsilt smakeakcsgososignl ors." bliss FlsrecscBailsekr asss Miss Esih Tasylor, seio sere as the scd of te comsmsittee itscargc f busyisg tsc firsd, bsotha cxpressed staesopisiosntatas a stissle the unisersiy girls, fasr frsni cos- , iseifing stesmses ahsssesi sssd bnisecs frssmsthue ctaps, arcsas prsossd sf teir newe athletic fieldassthe iensssars sf Ferry fieltd. CORRESPONDENT WOULD) PROHIBhIT'SMOi~KING Esdior IDaily: Issas mosre unoicesuisecad the gamse tlst Sauurday thsans at asy oher time prssbabily sdue to the great numrssiiorsf maess givens sisde lissc priilegs, tsat Ismaokinsg was inssdulgesinis to sa greti extent. Thiis is a buestorm ansi soti ibe stopped us osse. A positive rssle fforbidding smoking on Ferry filsd' ssusd be estishietd anti strictly efored. '0( ). SOPHS MUST CLIMB HIGHER Freshmen Wil Defend a Flag Piaced on Greased Pole Thirty Feet High, Re r-sui -s r srinsgth fis resh-sopit 1-1 Ncr, ased aisl-sssting sf te Stussiesnt ('sssssri lteS undaysssss(asftrnoons, is ss (ir s 5ssss sssss s it w ssrcidd sisha e e flsg onit grsss'; s-s posls tiirty-fr's-iasbssec t e .'round. 'iss fsshere to' ssgathes ,rud si p n d'si de.ssi fesndsithes' e ssbless of ter cfssforIs ir(ssy- sinisises. 'T'ie cons t wsi ll,, iske lces-o M\esdiceetss--at 57 3o nosss'lc, Frisay T en vri siaetheii resl-ilt( of tec Studint s (-snci i's ends evo'r' s s aksie ts 11i ; c i- -- a tc iscrasses diffiultie in rachin i -hefla sill smake thi hats- iss nit- - ( n Isssi ss''firely Som u roble 'ha sbe sepeisntct'-d ill Gndin ((isiispins-shirt 'et so g san chage:Iclrc ha oe il ie fsusnd "Dad"si' Sikin-irih; ' s-gre id snssssak' the ba nri i s iw i ss u i t t ((is' fres- mans clss. l - o ies t m k ino nertht mie ni55eetisexcited Nnsreis-stiossisssicu Wa e is vei sonss in ;sss Ii 1,. ls sdisg, mor'tise s-s-snsigno s iiiii s ( isghsntsefsr then rshi. Fisis er(si-s i.-' will be ati- ranedlatr llthewek.As yet a re m iin has n itfoundis . 'hiss'list . 'I(isis-sn g s h alibie' n ile o h intm et f a ny is ndisi prhibi iuite, in. The'fis si-s1 (h u i' r t ( 7sis30isiscio(tin sins iit'h ssesoiomores mstiii~nt Psi-g dent sCuini n i hl aecm teii chargee 7.Se aru-ts ie ndiclosift sigassi shalDii hera-istlo yt hei reif feiisns r' is ' is F I Sis siYOUT Il.5, (iis sn i's elil wasiiy ls es terdaiyfin firnoissn- iniU ni sesins-HiL f bme s 'reass ill-sr insismsfneshmaini throa((sisis his is isprob- ab si c su o i t mss is ssistaiodea th tish ' insyouti ws fo th iii h a gin-club.ia Anuexn'siesd iitris iii ( romsiisedl tihis yenar siwsiish isill isidigreatlyiyto t sc pleaure f te wok.sAothr'rtryout wil is-' elisris is -afteo-nis-st: t-ssmse Cmslsa ns -s -i usss tth o e'is'sathleti te gym(na.simi1i isi re spiit: at sncse for ex'mu ntis on s'. ichsins ilsitlas osly throusghsOitobier. ' I .. ,, .: ,a .-, , ,. t f THE 'MICH'iCAN;DAILYY ORDER $2.50 Per Year Phone Business Manager 960 TO DAY DEUIVERY STARTS IMMEDIATELY. NO BACK NUMBERS FURNISHED MN im