THE MICHIGANtIfYAILY I T I I Cilltillo C . Mfr ilj r - Toi let Articles AT Quarry's AVo n ey Loaned Osn(atches, IDiamoneds. Las Books. or oter ipersonal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds IOffice at residence 331 E. Liberty St 3 Ann Arbor. 5 p. sm. ALL BUSINSS CONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS JOLLY'S 308 S. STATE ST. BEST OnMk BRIAR PIPES PRICES Own cott tt - - $1.73 to$ 50 Seconds = $1.00 to $1.50 Ge titClss ripe PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malleaux V. of M. BARKBER. SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. BATH ROO(MS10 lOCELAIN T'is 1101 AND3101)OLDISOWER t A ilis Ladies' adCildrtensHir ICattin- VIBRASSAGEA FCA rlat 23cc ttNtrS 3225S. Statr St. AMAr ~ich. Phone 359 B ell nnAror, 1(31,1) OF lERA iNILLiS The gratitt. le ititof tile Itrrst trarvtmtttinttdof tte teatrMotndarnigit ati Newsberry -fali. Miss Harriet R. Cong~donispoke ontthie "Oipioetutnities for Amiericant fratditate Students at fix- tord," andilJ . F. Afeleictatitt telitveredl ttt addtress ott Viori ott Cttntetrationt 'TseGradutate clubt.compt~osedlof ear- didtates for tedtor'strdeigree,inttends to tateasoicilatditiiterarn progtrattt snt th resutttts of tiheii-researceiI FRAA \G TiSt. S DEi iF~INEiDI iE.OFIF FtC_1'I'iON Cit.Bi Dr. 3. 3 F ttttt-add ttrressed the its ii- Titetiries tre it ts ejudgeifbyitheitir 5033- lotirisht ofit-ordit." Afterttetirdtress tite memersco rf t eiciub tdisctussedr Fratltatisitt." tRItttt-ttA\C ar; TOR-Iatti \ iceticrs if tsefriffittsotiety ittll jouttieytothtitsCoutttr-luTti esd'ay 53ein Sttfoftr titeir firs triance of teser Aiotettf3ifteeit coupirs tillatitetnd. Spenceer's, D)cemttitr lo, ttitttt 3 33. it., ttsli tiol t, 37 ott ii, S-iss esireeeit :it fifae L ydTark \ei~etittt Ciiiftt 62-i=,t-c- sisttt.f ifca f-k sinitn U ofverittiHltidt Stutrta iftit fcr"titti, u tivcsit407 xNortih Inalsfanflitettt antti. iteting1011 ttttlittoprtniiiring theithtlitys. iii so- llso hs t io ss, co1Iede te totoe -tnttalli etrdiitlly anitt a- 3 adays-, I m ? ae a1l areer t n -if 3a" - tt e ttit ciii -i lty antd ititke ____writingt i . tl i , iiIi to cotix it or i fins ith it Iiiit i7, s. ofo itosseen- 'Pl ECPALAlS ROYAL, say theyt liteederfuifeel i It,1ft ii] it, tat. ty at the toi raise a certaini sam of money and in The Colee first toike - a tnd i c steatdy flow to tinier tocitt s0 it'sacrifice their gools. Stsedd th lalst iic.:a 11'-a i e ot~ f owning a ifFGlIN I\G1Dcc. 1;, enintg 14c 2j.x, r s . 1T trill scli all crotckery, glitsitaittitiret - CO.Nt PENN rL tatd Ptersianti brasses at 231eretsrec- -~ o r- I rs ie -tiRto duto ;jewel-ry,-fantey tiittk tund peti -y nr e t .s otrw eeyum y atittt, to0 tier ccitt redution.t xfV i- e iyor oot, sofctlgap well, ress he n innly fills itrit& iitis-Sold in Ann Arbor by Geo. Wa0 1 a i at Sa & Company. Vie liavs soldl to your grancdfathter(.t _j .., tatti to your father, so let itsisell to you. Establishedl 1858. Haller's Jeweliry Store, 2tf6 S. Main St. cod-if D -Slleltigan pits, fobs, anad spootsinii D~IIl- I 33e0 andttlsiie lesigtnsit HIlle'ti on Jewrelry Store, a16 S. :Maia St. cod-if iOperati.itttioulr tutdcltsicstic t The largest distributors)f 0men's wear- hlgas toesitansotutehafig dlubs. Schut- titceher I lartit-tiari- Co.-308, 31it, .3-, 5 Hain itSt. fi-72 j Araililti iaskets, NtavajoantdtuCite- ityo Dlttring l&t ialietuts. If toil litte our opitical work dogr at IHtller' toiu sill lie satisfied. I lal- ierit sin rvStotre. ai16 S. Haiti St. soil itirtict & hi-rn states at Scthumachsler tiarw re fit..lo8. .t;1o, ,12 5. .'Main Sipts, ii ~- bit. Wondtters. Ilug's. ing apparelinIllthle , 4lIf S -We spciBI ize in College st I' and cater to the tastes of college ni 11 l' lays on the alert for thel aC et rldtctiols. That we have nid&. oi11 of Suits, Overcoats m r v ites it is only necessary ksrR:us to :.tcl OU taweaesl giDLBROS. & CO.'S fine line1 do ade clothing. If you Ih103 tvig yout know we are right i sPgl7t his3s 5cel- ebratedii nat the fx We carry everything vci complete Mack's 3 e oom The best Service and c". 13 in ad Pleasantest Sir rnud ina~iftee City. All home ef)Okir Prices Moderate MAr &CO. - - \e mkea specialty iof iduplicatitg ifiS'i--A Cihralion ttu ictet stilt- lilts, itnostr optical departmtetnt. lHal- tapni lipitltihrtslistwetnsni- le rs l-Irt Store.,.2r6 S. Haiti St. coil -eros iitall tutd litckatrt. Retutinto 13 aheawAeAmAbo.6 oiattcwamflesadlze - - it