THIEMICHIIGAN DAILY ORCHESTRATED 1BY FAMOUS CELL1SI [Lose Song in Culture Prepared for Musicians by Bronstein- Special Orchestra Organized. Of1 all the (etails etatiledl iitepro- dutlitoof a comic0pera5heris (7one111 teiihctributes11177gretyti 7 o he succe of 117' '1ho7, 1b11 1w-lch Iha-rdli reeie a tiought rom111the audience. thIis is1 the wooitk of orcetto . 011Who "C i- turee isfpoy d at the Xiitohe'thstwee the aedi ee will no doubt r 777 1'tt 7as ttt it he orcestrapit, i goin 1lon 1m he ileat 1a tha t 0tui, 1117 helI I rutti fr ote r Tat'll'al it ilt --reit d in' t ile gow. tl tor c lt t7 Ltt77117iod, of te S tthool71Of tau1sic lr- it isMoortltastnthemeorsito bieae piao ofnti apoe rfordtiarytire Aoepaat pareisttotsinheniwrsitnofHver pee forkiever ittsrttttett h M.ock-h woohet di ootof teelCetra"tmtg. y ittesarratedotiteaottett of rdlt orasWts," that t ae," donts te DiffermaeNw,'n itNis'knowtha pt thgelcors toffle usee- oyt archie st ,"equ arebotitt3"2tt patesgrottttuicaerloforindidtie orsepa-ratiopatiofstte itgritte ofite ball itmt"of teoro hichratithev itgarrtedteenngofrusettterWite wThe WtSotng,"ei's'RoeSog,"aTI 1D1t711 ilig tat ifeniltll'ofeet Irettr7attonorfte bitio al eei ofitthea 'iteconlsttre-anoreoeseraoorgtti-t bseallyMn, forthe lsterofwshillbe aisyh- cogmpeost eekhn inBontintwtesho rtts Atbtdhrietdaylofs coty rt hefis pilerdoiito ellitathIeettirely ofaeiiia vttoiothe sore, s tineelin intit eatt playced foro"Miestigedi"tvero pi. e Toe Cotsuh Cttre" orc raiedta 'eelt oteshowtse wilieare"yo- photestraiatifonon malsal. Vtostbtsn patictintgieverait Jdur- lusard periciloy thMe frsto ellormact itilt S nirelyamti liart S.IitteoreflastellCsCiethIhesaiorn oheshot. tnCoro hattaloeyathtt tf oegKarlii.s,dtard otothettimanye tte compoeithgend "Cul ltr"orhesti-ll.t IThe1 membttrstileoflte tt"Cu flte,r~ Violins,-IWil -plaelhtttet, Jov er-te naslrde.po-resr.r'lteMe rtacfa.rettt; 'cello CKennithi' S.iteMaertihamieHoare, sF ; f~t l ui~g te ert L wsJ. Thle great httiof "11 Ic 1 rdr 311hft ii I "andIIiI os S Jto int"Cture"iariepecteif to leu l-ften ii Nt IttaIls" it populaity. WELNCH ANI ININ]S GS NT 'Te liniesitid lyrics171oftithellew1opera are7 biy Dll)11. Ilinies, 09, ofIivKtla111- btefoire, ,ttttith it e s too ." 71is 11a 711 'Cultutre" together li-ttspit;." 't were-latier chargd.f7 Dur1171117'th u -1- 1 7711117a repter onl 111tihe 17alamazoo Il I cittograpN.-arly till tte 17177s11777 ii int 77701111 ict wa~s tne oftese7. lege. Dl ii Ilaiti o andtiRoy NW'leh first 11177eachiotiher ilIg197 at itiform11a1 tmeet- 117gs held ice177 ireehkat1177111Seott flitts r o1tiott on1 T'httver street. After1'graduatttion lla11(1117expe17t10to do mlagazinei'andu iramticte'orh. ife tas 1110117 110 nte lans1( excep5titin 1- slsts that ihe's g o 1 spe1nd1 0111 thum-111 me.7r "fiolintg tuundtpitcig 11711 lit fa trmi niear -alaimazioo. Roy ick insootn W'lehwhwttirot9e lie 111ltue1 lia17 itiba17171 itt Dnil le',tlew NIrk, Ja11111 itt17)17His 111111rat1111 ethic-tio1711wavs 777111ed the 117it'' scho111 it 11111117 '711c77its ear7llythild1od 1My 111111"ch h1a1717 ken in iia111tie i 1171st1i 117nodepatment of illtile Sc11o711of Nut puils.ii Ileo is i'1171llof tille1''7111on 2111 ofii"itth itfoi fatrnty CULTURE COSTUMYES FROM 11QUO VADIS" Also, One of Edna nlay's Gowns Is Included in Array of Silks and Laces for the Actors. \VNd' 1 '77 it t he 117opie-iit 1acti of''Ciii- th nilce still withouttitdoubt ,,l themst gorgeotusly co-stutmed 11711117111117 117evero7e11 IlAinttArbor. The1 ,wa7111117e 171 t11 princ7ipa0ls 15re- teete choIruso httissix eomptlete ch 7t,, 1of 1cstum . Fotir (If itese ch(li 1 I wiili e e- J' inthe11 firt i tc, ? ;ti 1171111orteriiwenttiplto tihe "Cul- 11-7 Costum117 etieadqttrters, wicheltare locattedl abovte ite Ctaltitno Drug Store, found111four latrge rootms overflointg tit sirts nts 710 th iings. Sev-eti 110" dou1111be / siztruntks iwere filled swith 7117111117. lFromithie pte rtiil wichie, ofi "the c r-tswit h int l111 e1l1p1tile broil- ers t'11111dsh w girl ot11117 k1177 hit- retil hn.Itnscornlersof171hi' roomi swerce st,771,7 of 111rass -hieltdo, 1br'a'tt pilates, arm(,r and 1el 17ts 1 gret1eapsof Roth- er andls:dozns f ifctu1re' bats; '''71ri .17t1a11d g (Is f every- style ;dclrInthe center of this tmedley the , til 1ples of1 costumtes, sat i rs. t7', -;1111u 1the1"Cul11e"911111obe'is~i- S IW .1, lac iv , ' 1d ioll lie ot lt t 1111177 - 1 7 clici->ii a1tt7 -11(1 Bit itswc ttllay ;Y- 1I 1.t1 t'I t- Il th ( ('t1111110 I111ugh o i a iprofesonattl wartdroble 1117171 sill gto hefitte te footilighits a w eli (qutippiedl11ls ny rofessonailipro- dutioniIever77staged,"she stidl. 'Cul- overage 7c1m1117opera. ''NWihoecpi 7771111o llthe tattire that 017 1177fotr the shtois-wa11siarde expressly for Ite operai. ibis excels 1tion is.the set of cIotumies;111olietuseid ill theic' ini~g cholruso of ite 5second act.". "'Te cto tumestowe(e secured1fttr 'Ciii 11177" thtrotight the iinflteieofnIhir. 13. C. WNhtittey,, tile Ietroititetrictal potuter. 'They arc- frth ie $50,000 pirodution~t of QuoI Vaudis, titico (st the costumle 7(111- ittittee 577711n itiuicredl colltirsrent for the ivie tierfotrmtattces. 'The Nihoes ited inI 1117 ope17rai were proculetredin iiNess York. 'The tpeninlig choiruis will hiid the hi-oil- ers, swhichltare the .simaller itettblerso tf -if the cho7rus7, dressed ini ohortin1111 battieidresses.'te stow girlo, 70110are the 11111re conservaivre neitilers of lie "fc'iitie" haggregtionl,still 777717rin- c75e 11s to tutudpicture halo. Ftootbltl nd trak 11171 still b ld7('11i11regcult- 11011 athtletic 011tir.,7whilie eollegitiis still bte 11111971d011fttllretil ''rtil-rtii" elothtes. 1,-tir cotmptlete costumeii'chaniigesxwiiilibe italic'uiniig tuhiath. '1h1 1 p'ning71111chorus if the seconisiat, 5. iicli 'icnlustheo lid(7117ictitti ceremontiy inthe Greek1771 temptlcilshiiowi Greek soldhiers,o, mpe111tely' equtiii s- it tel- lits, hreoLt te s, shtilsttnd7spears, all 111117 nicel anditbrass.7'o Priest1s wiii appieariniiityptil at11117;ivhile Gr'eek dan~tcing gilhostwillwear01loing 11ro771177of sill:. 'h1, 111171on011"77717,71whicht conies' lattcr inii tiiatl iliilibe iper71a111 the mist 17111lboralteilln 71th wle rdugh tion. e 111 171 11717711 tic'laoateh 11'iiin ef- the7 C-lttlics w'il ii 1-1 1 g7(illtbriml- "1117115si-ill hte gots-ied its rose dresses, wh7c atel re write tuh trimtinecd x-ithpith Ameia litb1711 eaties- . lhcy still twear wte ieMatitdhiMtller tots, 11s0 triits ies withr ri-Cs. 1F11 the costumes of, this song119six thousand111s71117roses wt-rc- used, usic liatdtttbeeniltmad~e'in Chicetgo 771177" ittily firfr ecilsitit 7 etmittee. Inianth11 er177scente (1ig11tif the shiott girltlo 111 ppea17'r inigcssns of light titiu datrk greets, ts-endier, andthluue. These dr1ss7 areS17 triimimed ih 77111lietisyorieitl 17171' 'li,'sk1111s are tticee flosunie, atiitr ti'e 'timedh witht velsvet. OfI the turinciltstl,Hatl Ptteroni, wisl- playso "Aliss Frollsfroit," hats a very' elb o~rtesunarrobe, coiting, in puart, of ititw lrtes' own1s an tut hriieelpicturle 11711. Pitt'of thie impttorted goswns isa creation711of pi1th Briussels tiet, trimmedl'7 sst real7711Irish httce ansil withLoliifrty silk. 'hue othleriso uf wse la ee t, 1117oideiredh i it iiltaiid tedtallions. is hts ',areati lte LillitantRussell, trimmiuedl withs violes;tiafParis ceaticon ouf imatgnificenittiink ostilitplumuies ; andl a tbtackt directolire. The uireetoire was1 miadie at h-tek IC Co.'s, under tile direc- 1t111111f M1le. Vtl', andt is vatuedl lt 11 hundeiuad illy dollar's. iftrl-igliJacobst-, 17110i17"Susie," 11as h owus.n1e17 tress7 of whtite si117net,1, trilmus-it h-erls and gold heads, allth 1w1111 a pearl71belt. ils teond lguonIs of1 in c11h tiffon.,'titdlis triimtied . with re-ti ltace. is 17.11 halter, 71pla ylig ''hitry,' has 1t11 ittgui luet "11wn117wich sere 7w(171 11y -Aliss i-Ill a l st71seasonu. P1ex- 17ns11 tex c tile, tttrismue 110inmothter it itt-rili ty17111p77711t a tieylyihu-ttle tti in thechett'o rk 11oif Pais etostumers77. 1117 whte heast1is1101111ri ggeii 1out1compihlete, 7111 eser, itit"isrruadvfor thir first full drsseer sal -lt hSiutday'. Somett'of till bolys area bit 711ncomfortaible yetin thteir tighty laed(crse, '7 clhbe htting 11110- iii--, 111111 ill:-tiC 71, 11,7atutuhigh hteeledl 1177c1ing tpump,. b11utby tie tic'uf thut ti'll' 11.11thing;t-iteo 17mac fish ii' ! For Sale Wednesday at 8 1P. M. Telephone 832 122 East Liberty Street The score will contain 11 numbers and souvenir nearly twice as many numbers as last year, for the regular operatic price, $2.00. Scores will be limited at first. Telephone reservations will secure .the: first ones received.