THE MICHIGAN DAILY i 1 EASTERN STUDENTS EARN A FORTUNI Aggregate Rezeipts of Employed Students Amounts to Nearly $100,000. By Donald L. Kincey. More or less complete statistics re- cently compiled shsow that many of the students of the law department here are earning their way throughs college. In view of this fact, ansd that there are also many students us other departments of the university whso are dependent on themselves, statistics from one of the large easterin colleges msay not he out of place at this time. These are all the more interesting from the fact that C- lumhia is located in New York City, where, though the opportunities for em- ploynsent are perhaps helter there than anywhere else in thse country, the cost of living is proportionately highser, and hece employment for needy students so much the msore necessary. During the schsool periodof last year, students at Columhia earised nso less thsan $95,855. Thse ways us which they earned money were as varied as the ailities shsown, anid ranged frons tutoring to chauffeuring. Thse greater portion of the positions which yielded thec total amsount of earnings was due, directly or indi- rectly, to the activities of the commnittee on employment for students, now a per- msanent feature at Colusmhia. At thse suggestion of President Low in 1895, the university coumcil appointed this commsittee, and the first year its efforts brousghst is sonseswhat over $2,ow. Last year thse amount reported as senug earnetd directly throtsgh thle aid of the commnittee was $28,766.15, or soore than fourteen times as much as in the first year. The money earned hy students who dlut not report to the conmmittee is more or less the result of its work, sowever, for a great soassy of thse posi- tions have heconse hereditary, one s- denst passissg his positions down to a friend, swithsout reportisng to the commit- tee that msighst have originally securetd hsim his emsploymsent. Thse esmploysnt commisittee msaistains a paidl secretary aist tsas persmanseist of- fices is thse unisvrsity, similar tos the Y. Al. CA. sere. Because of the many ospportunsities afforded iss New York, hsowever, they are enabled to fissd a muech larger snshber of occuspationss iss whicts to place thse iseedy stssdests. Accordissg so she report, just issssed by thse rum- msittee, swhichs is exhatsstive asse filled sits cssmsparative tabltes, there were 38 recluests frois esspoyers, 323 of which stere filled asnd 65p lost. There was a total of 722 stssdensts registeredt swits thse comssmittcc. Of thr msany positionss filled, tutloring at prices frosm osse to three colo- tars ass hsossr swas, perhsaps, thse msost tsrofitabsle. Iss the lass schsouol assd iss ttse non-Ipro- fessiossal gradssate eshools, the earnisngs prosvedto Is e thse largest. This is he- cassse thss sssost of these are smess of ma- tusrity, scllege gradusates, assd oftess trassses teacsers, swhose abilities arc spe- csifc rae sthmt lass gesseral. Lust year, 41 lass stuesnests reportesd $12,848.o9; is) thse soss-profsssossal gradssate schools 68 ssudents rs. orted $s9,s88.ofi. The cons- 55555cc says stsal stssetess in thsese schools can usss-lly snake thseir way withosst dif- icsslty. At the sasme tisne, thse commuit- tcse admsnsths~al stusdests in the schools of ensgineering, smedicisne and architectssee do not sire tlse time to do both college andt ostsde work. In spite of extreme effssrts it ss diffisslt for women studests to sescsre ots'isde positions. IThis yesr the total earsnings of thse C.olumisoia -ttsdents fell off more tlsans ssssss wig to thse widespread bssi- sass stepressions. There sas a conse- dfsiest fallinsg off is) thse net retusrns for echrt psositions. This dteterrest the coso- miltee frsss moakinsg ssssch progress iss naew fields, lut large results are expected next year ansd the total earnsings may go beyond thse tswo hssndred thsousasnd smark. Bust thme smost isnteresting tphase of this year's report frosm thse cosmmnittee is thse eessslts obtained frosm ass investigations, msadte into thse records of all stusdensts Isho had applied to the comnmsittee for wvork durinsg the year. Using ass equal Iluisuer of usnesmployed stuidessts, chosen at random, tle investigation showed that the employed students had a slightly higher average than the unemployed. Conversation with the men showed that outside work forces them to more in- tense application in the preparation of their college work. ."In other words," says the report, "the higher marks mya represent harder intellectual work, but not necessarily stronger intellectuality." A second investigation, made in the first-year class of the law department, showed that the unemsployed and em- ployed students had about the same average. Besides fisding work for the needy studests, the committee is also ale to secure for them free medical advice rons the best specialists in the city. The studensl go to the private offies of the physicians and receive the same alen- ions afforded the wealthy patiest. RHODES EXAMS WILL BE HELD HERE NEXT AUTUMN. Not until Octoer, iW9, will the next qualifyinsg examinations for the Rhodes scholarships be held iss the United States. As is ssual the exanminations for the State of Michigans will be held here at the Uiiversity, being coducted by a comssittee of whichs President Angell is thse cairsian. After the examination papers have beess sent to Oxford ad graded, thesames of those who have passed sill be sest ack to te committee swhichs sakes the selections of te rep- resentative finns this state. Thse elected scholar will begins his residessecis) Oxford us October, 191. Scholarships will also be open in 191, 1913, 1914, andssd 0on, onitting every third year. Thse examisatioss are held is each state assd territory to whichs scholarships' Iaac eess assigset, at cesters to e fixed bytshue local commssittees of selec- tios. Th~is committee will appoint sit- ablse persons o speerise the examnia- tios, assd will arransge for its impartial cossducst. Is tsosld esclearly sssderstood thaltis examinssations ss not competitive, hst sissply qua1fying ansi is smerely u- tessdedt to gssveasssurassce tat every elect- ed slolar siesurs sit to the standard' of the first exaiminasion (Respoisions),' whichthls.Uniiversity of Oxford de- mnsds of all casdidates for tle BA. degree. The. Rhodes scholars sil Ie seectesdfsomnidisates who have su- cessfslly assdsi tisequalifying examisa- tios. Oseschlolais will be chosen fross easch state sssd territory to which shol- arships tsase 5beeniiassignec. Cassdidates'-mnustbe sunmasrried, asnd ssssst be cstsices of the Uiited States. Cassdidatses are seligiblse wo hasec passed theirsiseteestlsbirthssay but have ot passed thseisr ssesstyfifths birthday, on Octsosers esf lisayearinsswhich Iey are eeletesd. IsIs has bens cecisedethlat all schloars shallIhaeracishdIefore going in1o residecnce as Oxford t least the essdl of leirS'slopomore. or secissd yer's swosklast sosmse recognissed degree-grait- ssg unissitsy sr college sit theusitedh States. Casndidates mais iltctawhsther they swil appltsy fisr th.eslsolasip of the stte r territory is whishseb sy Isaise ctuired asy siege part of thsir sedsctisosamqalifica- tionis, esr fosrtst isfthe state. sr territory is whichsthsy hvsse tsir ordinary Iriae doisicile, bums. or resisdsssse. They msay psss the qusalifyig xaminsssatissat asy cesnter, but thssy must le pepared to presesntthsesmseles befoe. elction to the comisssitee in the saie or territiry tley select. Nos cssdidatemsap cospete is msore thsansose state or territory, either ill the sssme year or iss successive years. For the Restpossions Examssinatiosssto tsr eld in October, 599, cniites will tie examsinise nu the fottssissng ssbjcss 1 Arithsmetic-the swhoe. 2 Either the Elents (f Algebrai sr the Eementis of Geomsery. 3 Greek Grsassmsar. 4 Latin Gransisar. pTrsasslsitiossfrosssEnuglishs into Latiss. 6 tUnsprepiareh trasltioisn fromsssGreek issd Litiss. Or, Sispreparedh transslatioss frosssone5 of thseilansguags-s. ansi a bsook issthse othser; Or, tOss Greek assitonse Latins sunk. ~ITse texts ssed us thse examnsiaution papers are thsose of thse scries of Oxford C'. ssicat Texts, so far as these have beenspsbshted hyyItse Oxford University Press. UNIVERSITY IS NOT WITtIOUT ITS POETS Profs. Scott and Kirk Among Others Have Wooed the Muse $100 Prize for Best Poem. Perhaps the most striking thing about college verse is that in most cases it is the work of people who are ot poets. To anyone who picks uap for the most cassa glance a collection of real collegc rhymes, it is at once evidest that us very few of them is there any atempt at anything beyond hmsorous jisglissg. This is naturally the reasons 'hy college verse is so very plesstifu, for poets are as scarce in college as they are asy- where. But if there is amie wes. most meis are poetic in sosse degree, it is isnjmust that period of yoathsumnally spent in chasing phantosms of learning arousid a tradiion-worns cmpnus. So we have ini every university a fesw poets, a great massysear-poets, and numsbserless rtyiners. Any college man wo thinks thsat tsr has the slightest degree of liter- ary ability cosiders tteswriting of poetry as quite within the sphere of his proper endeavor and does not hesitate to sissg whsenshemis sood seizes his. tn 1898 is attemip was isade by mis Ansn Arbor publiher to collect the bsctI of thsr verse sicils adless Publised in these periodicals, aid it was put otl usder the title, "Varsity Verse Amosg thse cisstribustors to tilsi little volusmse were severa isess ow 00 te lierary facsstsy. Prof. Louis A. Strauss, '94, has ose little humsoros piece called "Thie Poet Siged." Prof. Fred N. Scott, '84, has 'a siussber of sssrt poens ranginsg over us great miasy subjects. Williami A. HeIcAssirew, '8.helo was toa.stmaser st tie last Mihigan ass quset, alsiscontsibu sites to tsis volume a little lyric casied "scstacy This.contributions b thoiemr sitho s arc widelscivergentsnltmm eanabsut are for thr sist sut typicit"collg verse Thmeuamesic h cstbocur msost freusenty are: I KPriedmssnits9,14Hsold MH Bowmnits98 Hands.Caldweoll Perry 93, andsl Elsie JonsasCooey 8,whose works arcsmreserious;VsW.1H.tlport '88. Henuiry C Portr 93 rturM. Smsilhs '97ussid Frankl Briscos,'; .A shorsiI timsefore."Vamrsity Vee"s was srnedsi i'istsn rbte msc coni of5 s eries'caled thei"Cp ,ssnslGown" collectissm wass pbishesd ithte eas.d Its editor Frederck1LawrenscKosls inclsusashiseapimcesu by i1shignswries. Arthur i\.Smisth, 11arolu lariss uBo miai, ands"E. A.sHIt se te mss stosm whousec iworks seres.choeanud1 (sic uni signsedljinmgl wws cpiedI frssmsshlesain- kle' Imm 93tthisisdnusmmmie sfthmes srietspeardad itdhesnusmssbem(fAics iganproductsie s israsd t s (31 theseeight acts. hisRicsardl hRay Kirk, as preast onmstlesahetoisific5ucslt, litstudisymig ts iolasris I sit Hr. Kirk ws uslhs first mtstrityMicis- ta osshdet who publishsledcl e scdcl-u sisses fIis woru.eTs wo smsll Isllc t hmavss Is encassiPusd11u AsssArbor, tu' frtimcinsssg is1ro0tansuthm scoscssss in 1905The is.rst o uf these, aclkul "BruthserTotier"mdiscsseor thse mstss Isrsurm ch sbjecs a s fusir macis goad swine sanss comfsin tobatslsccoOe soss, "A'oas TtoisusMichgn"which ws st to musimcubly Losuis Elbel on, is wll knsownimfrusnssius frequent rniionlssili Its 190u6 sit irks scosndsl sslsms apperared. Ituss mucshs mora srussoiu aims anmd contaisnus a nmbsiler of tsausgt fit orts. There s still a mcet udeal cf sees de Sucala bitt avssi that is dlcd edly' chatver assndmst of itlwsulblised ass msagazines of highs stadig sefore cehcte.tPerhaputs the most striknsg'amu isadivislal osf the tioemss are a fesexe- quisite nsegrsu lyrics, of very symspathetic extpressieusandsrul muselody. A-ichigansumIsusiomtlakedh sumgraduatatas swho ace proucedliteratuse, (dmt oslsh sue umsnssIsas gonesusa tstoIsdelvostehmt self etrelytyohsposetry.IThisi w assrgc Newell ILovejcoy,'6141, whsosh aasuccess- ful caireer as a writar andmsh ususic in. Steswart Edward Witseonsa of this most famsous of the literary 'graduates, us best knsown, of coursa, for bus storieslist the magazines have printed souse of bus poetry as welt and it is both nausical and interestinig. Charles M. Gayley, now teaching its a westerns college, wrote a number of sonsgs of great literary ex- cellence, our of which is thse best knsown of Hichigan hsymns, "The Yellow 'amid the Bluse." Thsre are masnsy other songs swrittens by gradusates. Prof. F. N. Scott has swritten niore of these than any other onse Hichigssspoet. Amsonig Hichsigan usidergraduates dtsere are mnsy swho aspire to gauin recognsision frons tieme se, amiddtse prize of $ioo to be ascarded foe thse best poemsthlis comsinsspsring'i will prosbsably bssits1ots massy suniknownpoets.Omse of thecmost prousinsg osin oicsalsly siclsssad stat- dentswo haveibye ncashsere ussrecesst years wias itausold Sriasn Stacla, mowho. iid dssrissg thec past sssss.sssas IHa sas si membesru 5of tie5Lanthsornes.ituerary clsub, ch'5sci s onse of thea casuas organi- zatioussdsevoted tl itersary pwork sn genu- ral andsuIcs specifsi-ally to poetry. From thea mesmssbsrshsspsofthsss clus fromsthle Stylsss, asimilausorgoaiutionumof women, sussdlftrem thsewolsuae workinsgsalouse thse poctsry hprizeus expected iso bringsaa sarsvest asf efforts slisaad hre. uscertains tas Iesa omtingi5 of ralaileeamomsg thsens. lla\JlSTI 'I1iiAIIR. Ih ldeuulsgacsarastidnsof thsuater-goers will resssmsss "sPIte"c'iskercsosuCrEs an5dt Ibcus famessAnnsArbritesussasims aoportsuniyss eei ng555 .5d((55 c5g s'uisaa withs Ba kerstius weaek beinnuusig Msoss- day As usa sioryptalleadiaseccdactoe, ands' 's igersaie'wil prisiasisy affssrsd sne oftebs ctofeeatsc theicatjestic. Anosther feasuecullisa theictci sf WshitusmausslDii s wshos ccl5l1preseist a usmiissrcomsdsyuas onis th-om tp iso daste sosngs.VWimansssanissl1-scis save us the pa-5isstb eas prominently identsifiead south musical -ansi facecouiedysi Ie aS't.iiasu iissu-o illsppa ishechcia- aciar of 5<155hihclasi elmys iii. PFor tisreccyears tiesaou sS'taeie. io usof grotesquesa'csroibat-.sowus sasdraw- in icar ithiihes Barnisshssi-si and thea samuisairitisc' s wllaper sduais" tse comsing" eeiunthmirscosas cr batsuicssu usus horionulbariscis. Mhousnss'pictusru'eisanea' toiAnAsi'rbor wil hesee a eepyperforansssuce us aiionot hesi a audvislls'e, andsson iWedi- is.da ta fist sf a sasotiofsansw sosuveniri futdses justrecaeivi edsfrsntiDresdeas wsillih iscsstosalllasdiis whto'itundisi tis'e s's'su- 5i a' Ie sassigaiss a nnounc- es as usauineeaCh r ssssiistm s a iusduihesill sf f, r Critma 'siic lisaddb muialciniii5..actsaispslsyisngfistiees prncpas ndchrsessgirls-us - ussst ea sissie tis;usisn th 'swpyuof a s'sislei act paesentein siis cat'. GIRLS' SOCIETIES FOSTER LITERATURE Omega Phi and Stylus Organized in True Acedemic Spirit-Rapid Growth Since First Meeting. What literary organizations have the wonsen ons the campus? What are they acconmplishiusg? These are questions cohichs msifht contlIe answered at this tne, wvhens we sre haring so much abhoit sue activitie of the iens along this hine. There are iwo such organi- zaations 'oeUnivesity swomen-the Ome- ga Phi ansI the Sylus. Thse girls of the Uiversity had lng believed that a literary oganization, wheree they might meet for social and intellectsual culture, and so promote in- terest along literary usnes its the Ui- versity, was a great necessity. There cwere several suchm organizatins for the mses, 5usd ushapiily nose for the girls. Ands so, beieving that they could pro- motuue iis interest by muua association anss ublic literary effort, a society knsownounuderthe uame of the Sigma Phi, cas organiaed on December 13, 1905. Them uinutes of their first nieeting read afolisows: "At a meeatig held at New- bessy fill Decembuier 13 903 for the pupse of orgaiinzsg a cwomen' s liter- ary aociaty Mss Howart, 0, acted as prsiasdent, andu Mss Jensen as se- retary"After Hiss itowartb had stat- cid the ibict sfuthe smeeingand the naees of litearay wok amon the women of tsa Unsversisty he officers for the yerwr lced.L Iatr onsJanuary 27 muio6,thec niaeof Sgna Phi was canugedl iiiOmsega Pi, and the society isis casnsiuesduhussesl that namse. Iheur soere mussfaculty memsbes at thiss fissmetinug, just a few of the lUiveasrsiy gunls swho tried mu Iis way t orguaae hierary spirit whelmh slurp flt sueexistesd. Thesmeinscigs of ue Onmega Phi are hseldi sssec oiler Satusrday at our o'clock il tihe Alpha Nurooams, ansd consist of ais opeluaurry- se eingto cw-hich they ara gladh to welcssusicall girls of thur Uni- v ecsiy usaud se reular iusness nmeet- ing' wch-onisuy heuambies atend. 5The grohs seuenhia pid dsring the 55sd yearusot ouly is membeshisup, which s lisatediss it',but alsoutu he way the isrkisis eems arriiamunhooawrd ac- comaishisag te ensu for which it was orgssani usasaplyipomoe literary cusli're-i'amonug i ssbrs =.1marssinr f Iilinteparysujecs are issclussea in thirutsork such as sippe- ciationf iithos, revews on teir work ainuilifuanussubje-~cs of crent inrssi 5hissfiiiths year the useet- in aea-la-t wtith curend evets, saskreiestandusisiiaat sories ifihcers iarualctehasasery sssmester snds:Itsithat5utie a~s ssarcsuaea for the ntran mcu i sof he cork to e c5ar isn huisgs ueheet five mosths. Thss otheissticsrary sssciylisa Sylus, tassosrgauniuzedh is ssrecutly anditunism- bueship supmsors sasrcedh.d W he the tyIsus ~is rsscusalip for girls wih lit- eraryusuiaubii i rscshsortethe Omse- "-i Phisfoustue assrslierar cultaure. "beievestsa tshthesre s a wis dcfield sassear wr frUnive rsto women," sidi'P isMissssom aue onizmler of tie '-5us h andiis crainlyp, when Vassar asse PP sihslct sosmenshaviswsictuutesn plays for yas, sMiciganstswosmnIsisve cvery rea- sonu tsi faelthuat tyso anacieve scsieusidresults isltg ths humu. -p s aof bringing together girhs of a ithuera.y5tuss of minsd to aid °[ t-mis(iis knd of work, the Stylusswis ioransid last Marc. 'The instarestseied-s ashamtishe firtt mnetinig iselsot tse hsimsuofact Hiss Doinnme shouweud cleaurlyytsat itsereawassainplace for ass or- ganuizaitionu of tis sae on the camnsps- iss fasct tse place adssiong been waiting. 'lis a isnifiau iss for nmembershuip iii :ue cubsire spiacific. No freshmnen are mliil.iadheusmembuershsip is linsited to ass susndergradsuatses, who must first Ises-a-ssssesihdeu IbispProfessor Scott. I'aich umesmber, unaturalnly, snust blinmter- estedh ins writinsg, and able to write. Heetin's are hetid carry othuer week ont 'T'suesday eveninigs, at the homes of the differs-stumesmbelres. -u - NH. Conx. AssuisuanttMisialsircesstsa rsum"C iiussrc p.rf Hensy -all Dyke -'a' sit tis giiu'u'a-s iit aisn' iss strio l~tares mud proifaessorsh'ni ai '' a ' s is)'y (isA llinsce bse lbheS.pirit of Amesricai." lHe wfll iscnr tt w ii(sice aseksotsarc mc--sithis. Ps c p i ia cin:hwilleteasi-' t hue Frencah uiv1sis i 55 A pusaa ariate cit faiculty audstsus- dhenstsiwass hld-ecentlhyat the Ussiver- city of Wssisgashsghistoarsesnt s hsusiamusu tsar mu fisotbssllgamss.