O M 4 16A 9 1A ILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Feeling Proud iSakin to SelfionfidesnceYuianthold youri head op or do your best if youir rW roents don't fit 01 hecomeyou. We!'rextaiioring speiaits IJe~e A looking for the hard-to-piease. he orci particiilar you are. ttfie ttrwolke o sre ios. ciuipatrons are zI 'xii1ilnating 01e1. New shad". sand atrnS r hr or itciiv. 0 ar range of l'airii - 0. widie enoughlsit, theru t riicl TliinI'i. adash and disicieesabou or"artiieits o ro]ifppro. iati' k.iniI IheresatIs bout oarp iies1ocaiinot resisi. lx l bet piking tofa.Lo.tin-so0 T:'ii, C C A C i J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Nil satsiet iiad fori"Cltuil"iii ialid for Niiiiiav wiil eho ld.1 NiMandolin clib rehearsal ioday of o' clock at Phi Della 'Diheta hiose. The Scaiiiliinaiatndclilxim0111 Monc- diai ni i t 'it 7:1iin te l h iNuiiroot. il ft clo xnick Tuediyi ill giirls Actllfreshii tttinetduin t4act\foii dci afternioco.Johntsoni. S'ctiin 111of1theJnoo Dus~ .1-ct 'T'30s Nil iiciii 730iui lck Fris ix pit xi itiivitedtil iee Ypitatit ritit 1iito ciub Nit th xxiiintt ro iioms , Yp iiN F 1 (1nhtcr 2r tic 7:0. Hw lo . hivthirtScmokcrciiodafueveingti1)lii lcitux atXcii1,inticyofIliccitto icii'. st. sroyloy aiioucitedcr i Shteiia Juirtittchr ere wiicciet i ifoomxGooo, 'niveri bail ctiigl1cctxucr 5 at tixoclcii Ohd ndc tiieiicy ld nctil ci xpeilal ctdti c i"iiugl tip.rherafretiecm lanynit ate7w30.itpctheatrtisiliixft liliiit lll' licei a hatrD'xviiht iic ztxi :3 x o. Now is the time to select That Swell Overcoat or Cravenette *Tite weather is right anid Stein-Block garmetels are here in great varieix. Saxve tottey for te text of your litfe by giving op the antique tailor intof the past sod potting on± Stein-Block Start Clotbes, that fit anil-make yott look stylish, tmodern atti IINDENSCHM1DT, APFEI & CO. Headqusarters for Modern Thing~s THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Vnder new managenment entirely remodeled and u~p-to-date Complete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Tobaccos HOWELL (t. JOHNSON, Props. M. A. RYAN, Mgr. AMU5EMENTS i New Whitney Theatre 13OTH PHONES 480 I I i IDETROIT UNITED LINES Watch this space for a new feature at the T HE A TOK IVUM SOON Whitney Theatre Orchestra Carriage and Baggage ALBERT LONG, Director 'oeachi Couple toiacitiroml prtis, dSeasn 1908=190l9 iiifoire 1toi'icc $1.50, alter 12 o'cloi'c C n b eued o acs $2.00.CabescrdfoDae, toreaech'iTraunkt lirifrii 1door,%tle Receptions and all Engagemtents, pie illibe 2$ Cents. Ificirriedi i rguatS o ori fraom uip-xtairs.,ltce price wil he on dates otlier than rglrSo 50iCiets'.eore o 'iie' 'xi Bookings. Any combination from Divesaeieure'ocolc cs oret aiati ad saeiaae setice. two pieces up. For open dates xy IKylls LIVERIY and particulars apply to ili)BiNtiN & CO. cATIL;: 1,1IVERY. JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. B_______________ ell Phone 47L 113 W. LibertySt. l J 1 3 (" I1t'l lif 111'S C I Ithl,01''IulS. Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and _____Jackson diii'Cht'istuticcx. inec to1111 clound illxc'. ii~ti N.'Dc'. 17 ilttl (hllLimited Cars East Bound- :0 a. mi.. 2:010 St_ cliii61-]711 Limited Cars West Bound-1:00 ca. im..°< 1~li't) t,' LSt \ I;h Ii] 7S Local CarsEnst Bound-icHDa.rit., 6:15 a, ____iii.aiitevlty lettlitioi:11). i. i. 04 i fine x'''. N~t itiii1 asormet t ow p ic.s i5t m ToY slnit>1ia trthlf ou y hr:1 p. iik. 301112..iiaIlii1:30 a.Iitt1°i3 l'NB I\N NNVY )R ' au OR? I ititi ctil zm.thlt.chnea,1pia i cii. arllxtviiitwoiho rsI'o11:31)pitt 110i 11.icc'ii T' IIctiit iim o.er . icsS. 311. . S.r Niceiek. As ig om 15 peciiieek.t 5oic icilcgc y cit Giii (q Fre hl i co N A?itnle. Axi for ial it ' its Covllge.Itin. i cc li nDiiSt rc ac tie k ti li a i old hea1 c t reanicsta rmloiticx' Lix' ' RIpeaIRNgo vAlNDatP RSSING dis at ooleg tInos lley ar Do' u f htrigh llttetsoln c l . O r o omes are t soli nd i 'sl asr to id be n . H l m s t - ir,58E.Jfesng at.dl 52as a hull /1 . CIGARGCANDESETOBACCO Zt o S . Stats ngton 11tM. y 'arl TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt by the mnuacatorr prices bfr c i k :1 k EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. Slate SI. State Phote 1258L. Vaudeville this Week' MISS MARGUARETTE MCGREGORY SPECIALTIES Special Matloa Pint-ares Latest Illuastraed Souss 0,-chastre. Mussie CASINO s Afternoon and Evenings __ ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARDTHE 'TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING