Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring 'Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifiel &CO. EAST HURON ST. Yo.s Can et eo Hot Lunch At Tutos 338 S. S~tg J OL LY'S Own Makte BEST BRIAR. PIPES it 0 1,1 : AGNTtS( ,1 O l wk. - - O$.75 to$5.00 $1.00 to$1. 50 PILLOW.4S and yBANNERS AT D)arling & Malleaux V. of M. BSItBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 1101'ANDt) (1)11)l C tt IJl . 'tIS~_J, Laies .,11 0 tic itteI' a ir. t OtS .422 S. Stote StMih Phn t5 ell Ann Arbor, vl. C Af1AltCP;kto1,FOI'.CCI) CONTA IN 40,000 NN7I1F'S Pubtlicaetiont of1tile genlt ctlo of the untirsity for 1910110-va ttllttir- ized by7 the regettts at thteir last me~etinxg. Prof. Doemniot, whto edited the last gen- eral catalogue itt-1901, will again have full eli-tee of the work. Fort somiietes the university lias pbihdagenteral catalogue cc et- tilly. Iti s i hook of getneral interest to '1 icttiott ttten , ecttttaittintt h ie ttattes an totes of ittnteest if Ithse ionetetd ittth tthe uiersity sintce ifs fottiiilttg itt 1837. Phis ictefs ljsts if all lie Ient tad tfhicers of tlehitter sits, the ttmt t emesif the fatinitor derot settiority, ttilt teirttcadtettie fistir, al thtcgratdtuates-ith le titiversite, uteeritgetd fcoriltg to datmoen ts ad lato s te hotnittrareytlegreswthIict hiave fteen etitferr edI, toaIlid tutheani earagedf upabtftttttt tftiatl pop-gradui ate Thiltl out tieblishei 10tiittnt ttlxifntttttotitirtythisandukntgmes. I itirstthos atet, matiegIttee foti-t et tudrll -il insthe it ee kta-et iltfgu tfs.t" s t rf .\ttttt mon. ui t i itt Itsof t ttit tht 1 ott theseii1rtt tottt he d tieaed. fnthteris facgts oftom siceeiflii nle to ire ond itelitifeil is ta thelstou hnraydIt escn ie-e ythe ufit ii i it f itisitl utul nl 1 ttitl i i tc00 , hxich etttlits ubeent athousandtiipatestwill tie aboutth fe sualte Sbsr1to,1(1liter it lie secctuetys o11cc. rite price- tiill bits ou- twodol fits. "1 s fisect te saile oft h le jt1 catfu- bWIii to Cies-ifthatiof 1ot1,iWfilCh to- tledfabottwety-f ire ft itoiei. Aott twit tutndletdIcopies trill lie set to i trtes ifinte Unitedf States iandtafroaud, "Circukirs trill lii setto ftallgad uties andil fotrmer studientsskiuteftig etii f ,teir recoirds, tpresentades n 1le-ttleiihfatnd iwill Iformitthe mtateriad kirth Iii mptitittil othle itt1 . H Mt Hxfd iAttV .'tti'arbotr, Mh~l.,l Dec. 9. tgof-. flrttdlee- lNIt 1BI Ilutrtes M~rs S A. luter use O Jatie lrtewtiJ A1.Buttsley Mis Charles, Bryan Mrs Claude, hell Mrse Florence H, Gray Mr Tout, Jones -Pros L IH, L'ix-retnce MIr Lester, Mfar- ceoan lAe J I~,Patilsotn I frked f alter- stil lr __71 A. Rehfttss ilIes, Sidney Mrs Dnltey-II, Stittisi i r fGlset, SmtittltC 1"", Thompii~sont 1 r No Wheelocek Mrs 1R If, -Witntoni 1)F.Skitttllet no 7N11-1 To11- I )roe ssiiCaolsteltwJe alyNI WrenIlayttnit MrJL, u sLipertipti \lris ftorrowJsNsOss I\lt QigeyA 17t I 1.O. Colest IHatotie roal N1 \lA lssennesil Plte it1ttsieyMrs \Jt 1"7. nceti 11 il P ittman, P. xl. Iii tyuu CIGAR C:781 S4\N1) PIh, P1 whrfere ycalsecu eeire te mittie feyu oe- itfROWIONS DRkU; -ST'I'O7t, 120 1". Lifberte St. 64-7t I,1 ST-.ti-iS. L. 7. tickoet, -umbtiferced eitfier 127, 328.tar 1211. itider lettxe at \Vofes ('11Statie street. 62-I ff151 fitwtis-itiIdwrand ttit ttt f&d SpesnOces, fDei--tceme 0to uti11111 P. It= t "Oxlid gill itcith, 17 jceelSwiss _ Denver c. Rsetrnto iDIatily-toffitande-- coivers-ewardf.6- ho s sosandcf initg diiss. Seliti machruHrdwitart- fit.308. 3l:t,3142. 5 'Maini Si- 11-72 Ilaiw - 8-BIfsry-skautes afSchutttmacher Ifartdwatre Coi.,ti 30 i, 10312 S.Maint st rict. 6t-72 sties. Hli-tie doki.. di rieitly- torlt of Liiw ixtilitig 6oif IJltiliik e tickwea--ur, tititflers antilgdiees til stile by :Aletnt, Matinttsreet if WALK'-OVER DRESS FOOTWEAR FOR. MEN and WOMIEN jutst arrived stew shtpmentt of various sty les in Pumttp, Slipper antd two eyelet ties in Patettt, IBull aitd Suede Leather. Prices: $ 3.50 and $4.00 See 'Windows F~ot elsivetstesylesto Water- Prt nttipts IBoats tatilOxfords iTatt Moose Rttssel,C.ordiar xt Leathle rs. WALK-OVER SHOE CO. 115 S. Main St. Spcilsae fstiff shirts, $1.50 txttd S1H1O11IIN(; If 712, C 71711 CIA1818 $2.t aoxttles, fir Iltis weelo0111y, 75 AINI) CR8178 -Cioict ltie iatright cents.- Iettry-& o.i,,direclye-northt of prices i f11a SIt DRUG S 11)111,the,a txxfidlhp hgo-if Ilv-set glasse int tllIpartis if xiiy.IBothlt 1j(.101 ies07& kit,, N. ttttirrsit l\\ee. plocs237. C. ItIlxajor & Co.ti ot ii i ________________ -- --5kONDl flitSoutitUtnirrrsity- 7cc,, I adtintedich liigaxntChi111111 ctifit is irtigitcotig athelacktltellater address -to, fblto trsandsxxchets, at Ius-e. Ownetttr ltyitavetttamelbycall- \1is L vl" od tii i i i flux thi ffixe. fttif I v - -Full dress styles from top to botoms Useful Xmas Gifts for Men Wile l Glo ,(" ItdeaftISho e,- U 11111 fI I II, I oe lhI ],, > I r siaud atdLitnks + Co. lix Ixjr Veyacetbl f oIti tylSin91o tebigxtwhit sotOrtoosxreup-s-date n syle J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelei pr p Cn1 nAAMCOK 10Studeilts' Lecture Associatioll Work ill All Departmfents ALARMCLCKS_$1.5 OFFERS FOR 1908-1909OFTEWthRp.rtjlSast A LIST OF EIGHT SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME AND THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC Rowe's Laundry DONALD ROBERTSON COMPANY IN TWO PLAYS Will be resumed after the vacation on January 4th THOMAS ROWE, Prop. JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER when new students may begin.32N.FfhAe HON. CHARLEMANCE TOWER Nw Phn Oaf ell Phoxn 47- JOHN MITCHELL____________________ S. S. McCLURE MAKERS AND DESIGNERS HON. W. BOURKE COC3KRAN O OLG EER IDA M. TARBELL THE OFFERING OF ISAAC O OLG EER JOHN HAYS HAMMONDA eaulaExaatoHal'sJwr BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA A eaola ~lolo alrsJwly Store A SPECIAL LECTURE BY PROF. COLER 21 SOUTH MAIN ST zEeT Tickets for All the Numbers.. $2.00 Sunday, December 13, 12 O'Clock Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware Single Admissiom Tickets.......50c BIBLE CHAIR BUILDING 444 SOUTH STATE STREET Fr fraternty xnd strority houses ac student dns Oni sale at Box Office, V. H. All Bible Chaie Letseen are Fee YOU ARE INVITED Adets I Miss Florence S. Babbitt I YPSILANTI, MIC., STUD[O 319 East Huron Street