I k tiCifiIdAN fDAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sudden( Fall ____ in temperatnre will leave you shivering in a snmnmer snit. It's time now to choose an Autumin fabric that will raise you in the esteem of yoor friends. We bit the high places in the art of clever tailoring. Our garments breathe the priceless a.r of refined exclnsiveness. -ou need it in yonr business as well as yonr social life. Our fabrics are correct in shade and pattern. Or styles are the essence of good form. Our prices less than yon wouldl think possible. Let os prove these three claims today bey showing yon. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMUSEMENTS Ne w Whitney Theatre 0OTH PHONES 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES First regular meetinog o f obart Guild at Harris BFll. llondar, 7 P.1MF 010 All roudidars for the crosco utry squad(1a re rrquested (to rreport at Water- mait gym Ftoimorrow at 4:15 P.M Anual tryout ofLUivrersiy lvOFrrclutb .511(111115aatern,14.. oock, Rtoml A. Unlivrsity F Fall. (underrsona)111(di rc tion (if 10.nl Killee. F 05111(11(out. Kirby,.,tanager. requesrtedl to(1mee~t (It 7 (o'clock 1(115(10 eeigat ther School (If 51(1011. N cm frm Ir((1 2 o'lock. tar and( chlain, rightlo lrepaw Oscared. Retur101o 9(1 5Oaklad L0S1-A bull te(rrier Rot))n')) \NV.\NTRI)-too 1boa1rder.sIat Avenue Cafr. New lin((ig rooms11, good hoard (Illickt-verr. oa1tl $3.50 1er1wek Five eeksin avanc, $15.x. 49 1a. kUojiroily Are. 6-8 FOtR RE'NT--A n01015'furnishted sute at 337 XWillk 0 stroel. 6-7 FOR SALE-1B111llorrier 1pups1.In quire11aior1chem1ittal lbortory.15. 57 1F1)16SAFOR Iwo setsllratiltg il- 10. 111ts pacticallyb new. 11 rgin tlt~r~e Sof~fletO 110(1s s~ltat . \lsli lolgtllllSt. s-6 FOR SALE.-Good s00011nd-handllRem- (ington ty1pewriter. 54.F South 1)1islo) s ret. :a-/ FOR RENT--itI1122 frmoan1111, fac- in~g ,11on.\aynrdt, second flor. Press. blinig. tIquireo (f Tlelr lPi1]). Co. It Use O(5111English 11111100 ax. Bot Phone11s0 237. C. I1. 1.1,001- & Co. 5-6 SIR:: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we : We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN. BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. LINDENSONMIOT, APFEL & CO. BRIGHTON ' Y Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk FLAT ALL web. All metsl psrts hesvy nickel. CLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Makes of Pioater S uspedrs F riday, Oct. 9 TRAVEL WITH LYrMAN IH. IOW[ Person~ally Consducted WOKLD TOVKS I"s Ma- Pictursar a de Suipremely Reed TO India Italy Sicily France England Niagara See the Thrilling Steeplechase Brillant Military Pageant Unique Bird and Animal Life Beautiful Savoy New Reedham Orphan D~rill Sulphur Mining Physical Phenomena Many Others Real Comedy Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c Seat Sale Thursday Sat., Oct. 10 MATINEE AND NIGHIT Cohan and Harris minstrels WITH Georjae Evans a~rid his 100 honey Boys GREATEST Minstrel Show IN THE WORLD FREE STREET PARADE AT Prices Matinee 25c, 50c, 75c, $1 Night Prices 35_5075_$1_$1.50 Seat Sale Thursday GAS STUDY LAMPS I L ... ROI,lI.UF TIO 10)1ANt) CUTilf 111 to P'. 11110011St. I t Ph(1o l 1 raillstin n la111010hobo..at Ftdce priesn Bth& pons 1.1 CollegrintOclos fot'college (1,eo sal by1 11 Allen,"(F-in strret. t1-6 1anmorsof all Stinds at -Aiss lore I's. Insstsre a steady, soft glow. Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Gct the best from the largest assortment. The ANN ARBOR GAS COMPANY REMEMBER ! FELLOWS ! Our motto is Fair Treatment to All, Therefore-no riots AT THE; "THE3ATORUM" GILLARD BROS., Props. Men's Furnishings For the Particular Dfiscrminating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. LAW BOOKS 360h year. DICT1ONARIES 36th y ear In. QUIZ BOOKS ;ot Arn Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANYJ Aram Arbor Callaghan (M& Co., CHICAGO Arans Arbor.- Brasth. State Street. Opposite Lsw Bldgj. 332 S. State st root.2- __________________Yo es.a caGt U.p-to-da1tearodashoery for 11101, 0n H ot L u nch K 0s110 ly Allen, Main street. t-6 A utes33 S.SaeAre. youiniinlteed of swall paper, 1(01011, THE MARK 1(111, glass, varntishes, brushes, woindow- OF THE LEST shades, etc.' Call phtone 237. C. H. Bff A N K S C T T U T Mfaj or & o. -6 S H ~1I UR I THE FARMERS AND MIECHANICS BANK Collegiatn clothes for college men, 00 MAIN AND HURON STREETS CLUETT, PEABODY &CO. sale by Allen, Main street. I-6 Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $85,000 MAKES OR General Banking Business. 3 per cent paid cLU1ETT Ass ARROW COLLARS on Tinme and Savings Deposits. Safety De- Fenway choocolates, Ihe best made, 6o posit Boxes to rent at 12.00 and upwards cents per pound, at Brown's drug store, R. KREue, Pres. W. C. OvIsVnEN. Vice-Pros IF. A. WFIIlIlaslu. Caohier F. T. STrOWSst.l 120 Fast Liberty street. 1-6l The Ann Arbor Savings Bank "NONIC W(e are sole agentls for Regal shoes. Capital Stork 1.50,00 Surplus SZ5011.Ollu Henr~ry & Co., 11ort1 of law builditog. If Resources $a,600,00oou" "~ ________________ A Oeneral Bankin.g Businras Transacted Yotuig bl-noebl ~rllae 0OFFICEnS:Chas.g. Hisook, Pres. ;W. D. th5 ounghat-"nne ette mae -OnBarriman, Vice Prens.: M. J. Fritz.Cashier SANITARY PIPEI OF.SOLID COMFORT sale by Allen, Min street. 1-6 STATE SAVINGS BANKI li cnesyednwthsuhn gerita Up-o-0dale haberdashsery for Hmen, o00DIETORuS: ench anevery undesirable fent- sale by Allen, Main street. I-6 W. J. Mouth Jno. V. Sheehan OUR ure ef nine snoking is ever- ________________ WM. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan usmer. Nouslus"u, nosativa, Taso. B. SWade g. F. Mills FREE n nicotine reschr. the John Baarer Jno. Koch soe' o h o A Pool is a veiy popular game erof.BH.S. Carhart Benry W. ouglas OFFER nthennuhys Christian Marlin Dan P. Zimmerman ____ _ nsuoke only the sok. E~NIUpoen receipt eof en Fn iar of oest make, all on one floor, FIRST NATIONAL BANK $1.00, we wilt furr uni wo shth espipeshavr five tndlear-ed, '111 yarnroait n On A RBAsOR, MICH. ward prepaid, enro hpn taght sutt. D. tKINNEO, HARISON SOU.LE, dayn til,and iftsni uwihlncann- tut res.es.Vice-Pes, net hitwecaintim t e, fedpter S.xv. CLALRSON, Caskler, nine emny he returned 'and nsah- capital, 0100,000. Surplus and Profits, 500,000. msoner witl he refune. ie. The__ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ~ erm an A m erican Savings Bank ttp.s tsueteBL L A Dttso~ NO vi ce o m.v.k %. CIG0A RS, C A NDIES, TOBACCO. MRvneNO'S BARBER SLOP " . 705 North UnlvereltyAve. 512 S. state 31t1Myo'Cer. Mm.tls and Liberty Street.r O. A. MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYL,-ES MILWAIWD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THIINGS IN TA IL JINN