t141t ltIICI4TGAN DAILY ON THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARtNISHTES, BRUSHES, QLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Pape2r-hanging Paint- ing, tiuterior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsotuining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washimiton St. I i LAW BOOKS 36th year ]DICTIONARIES 36t~t year, ten QUIZ 1BOOKS Ire. Aenen Arbor LEGoAL MISCELLANY Arane Arbor Callaghan 0(9.1Co. CHICAGO Aram Ar-bor - B.-cla, Staetec Str-eet, Oppnoite Lawer8Bd¢. ANew Whitney Theatre BO0TH PHONIES 480 'The Admirable Crichton Saturday Nighf Prices:---35, 50, 75c, $1-00 Boxes $1.50 tra . .+ UNIVERITY NOTICES A11 fresh lass meet in Room-i I, Mutt day, at 2 p. mn. Grimstead. Meetinag of Craftsmtn club ill Masonic temple, tonight at 8 o'clock. Clark. The Scandinavian club wiil meet Me tt- lay nigltt at 7 :13 int the Alpha 'Nu oomtt. All fresh Tits itterested int track work ri-purt at WNatecrman11gymtsat 4:15 Sui- \1'-dy afteritont.-Johnson. Speccialtaeting of Oinegt PhiiSater- dasy afterttoont i to'clock, int Alphta Nu rooms.Imtt bultsiness I to e trats- ateds. I~very ttetttber ceet. thte fouthl flute of Ciiversity']lall at 7 :30 thtis eveninge. IOutsidlers art' sue- dially insvitedi to be present \11 cantditdttes tutt lot fresh enlgineere bastsetbatll team.t Rcplrt foruracste at2t.tn.S'tttttday' at Y. '11. C. A. gymt- ntasium.o rtng gym toils. IBi-sell. Sige. ing ilNitchttls hI11Satrtay venig a 8 o'clock A11lettiversity studtetsift'tut forecignitcauntties tre asksed to at tnd. choruIs tittlotche stiat, School of lttsic', Abtsoluitely tnece ssariy'fotr al ltlbeprs uniivesity' txilltmeedttis cxveniing at Newi'berry Hall at 7 ocloick. All ttni- versity' ien and woutniwsho stre inter- estein antiy phase of ttissitutary 'ctisvity art' invitedto ttbe prest. FOt Ill I-TN'oTsetuites, lotan coild e umig wstaer, office dt'~s oul ldtcli beidt. Prices, $4.00, $475. 710o I). Ann St. Phone 71-L.. 63 t Michtgtte pins, fobs.,tttdlspotons, inl tess-aitdlexclttstve designs, at Htallei's Jeweelry Store, 2t16 S. Slait St. codl-tf ''YPP'NgJIfIsC. AND TYPE- \\'RcTlERS--Wets-ill sell you a type- write, react youta typ15eiter, or do yottl lypIewritintg fur yott- jullifte& Ze.Italtsti, 31TO S. State St. C 'oI-if If ttt tave yuieopticatlsworkslotte at I ale's aytatxililbe satisfiedl. I lal- el's Jeleele~y Stree, 216 S. Maint St. cud Optils, pttpularIt d laslsic ttn 15'ic at piethtst'll. Schelta tlt' &5-Sott. ttil FOt I I-hN'-tOne mlodl.ern sut'ite, 2.; Iter weekl. 51-uott sintgls'elttomlll. .5 er els.k u Iiig.ley I1' (t6r-64 _.. _ . a e ........... r_ - r .may,, e 41YT$°5 .. __ _ . _ Now is the time to select That Swell Overcoat or Cravenotto The weather is right and Stein-Block gartments are here in great variety. Save money for the rest of yottr life by giving up the antiqune tailor man of the past and nutting opi Stein-Block Smart Clothes, that fit and make yo look stylish, modern and ease. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. Headquarters for Modern Things THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 s. State St. Vnder new management entirely remodeled and usp-to-date Com~plete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Candles and Tobaccos HOWELL (CA JOHNSON, Props. M. A. RYAN, Mgr. r. Detroit United Lines. TYPEWRITERS Ott tnformetaton to Dtxvtston Superin- Rebuilt by the maufaturert tendeit Allen, Ypstlantt, of theDetrot Se areti ii i tta-specaty l titi I oiteeiL itnelbe fcrs ofVarsity or- itnd tilltingthe inrntli I r. the tnoxementibeondnsmort" L C. 10) 1) ganit/54ons o01h mveen11byod ndWiliamns, hutIvanI'uoIs n the eapscity 'of theregolar service, of mti. See-ourstockindIi