THlE MICHIG6AN DAILY Xma s Toilet Articles Al' Quarry's Money eyLoaned Watcests aodlsicve vy repairodt. Ia rga in in W 1rattcst& Diamondsa OffiatrIesideoo t331 F. Lberty St Ann Arbor. fots:tS Ito 11 30 .tot1:30 tnd]; to tt. 17. JOSEPH C, WATTS BRIAR 111 tt l(' Iioit Itt 71-ko I n rco lr, _ _ $1.00tto$1-t50 Ctot .I k- 11w Pr"ILLO""WSand Al Darling &Malicaux IHAMVLIN PLEASES LOVER S OF MU SIC; Aidience Remained Seated at Close of Program and Called Tenor Back for More Songs. ettsias eto at II li-t whic ha It e "1 vel a I l t t IU l est q aIt , It arcu 11d saslil ,tnd h han tiltit w ithtaI vit i I lit astot1 His 1111 1 t tl tti It lt'It tl~v te it the class ci oi' 11 11 h-)vte ec - 'oli~c(t he, it .11ilg 1)1h d trm nto fit talttti tot'1311 teditt o er a s~ntn:;_ ll W ich \r. I atti i xcls I mll - 1111 ott I Ity 111h1bert, a o h at it recive tat t he wasforceI to1 repeat it. tsenoest lfrs I sud11, h111 it a warmly 1 '1' tIt'l 1 it-s te I t repe t t reenIIIII rs, to, "H1o 11111to t' 1 ti ll ,l ot wert ai n" Itl~o t1 newit 11 itt11c; 1'-. Itll I~ l Itt'ni. , ;h- \a u . Ich p All 11)I,. tttie t It Itt 11d j ethr 12 , 3 8, ar t,2 . tt~1111111111 it it a \,:itttrI t tce. 0- I it ; c1 t rjlarhet- rc 312 ti. 1Tain li t1 11 11Il , ;titicĀ° tllt,1- i 1i1 ;I It 1-4 hc- aml I)a-j IIIIIt (g olcl I I I Its, A 'c IIiLV ;lil & Co., directly Ilorth of i I E; !1 ( t t t a r I oliciav iwckwear, mnfflcrs. and IOV sa1c by A14,11, :Hain strcct t, I tp c 'i ff 110l1111. -.0O 1a10 13. (0 t iltootit tIlto Ito tt nerc0 ncin rh lc intl ttt ill lit 1 ith 1is t' Ititliay 11 Sttt I'Shltd-.2o .Wll St0. ;"CA Throughout school dlays, college 0 days, business or professional career te Conklin Pten wvill nerve yttts faithfully atsd make wriitig a plesure. You don't havn to coats it or . fss with it to get it to write. Bncautse of itst won- derful feetd principle, iok responds instantly at the The College firsi stroke and maintains an even, steady flow to Standard the last dot. Another great advantage of owning a CONKLIN'S FILLNPE --you're never without ink. No mtatter where yon may be-in ytorrnoom,lectttre hasll, at the post office, telegrasph officntoc hotel, or on tile traits-all you have to do when youtr Cttttklin Petit begins to run dry lin t dip it in any ink- well,1117ess0thte Crescent-Filler and ytour pen instantly fills itself a11111s really In write. The name nimuple movemet alto clealns it. No mussy dropper-no spilling of ink-o interrupltiontto tyturnrasin of thtought. Handsome catalttg direct fromt the moanufasctutrers, Thle Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhttan Bltdg., 'Toledo, Ohio, on request. Sold in Ann Arbor by Geo. Wahr's Two Book Stores and Sheehan & Company. Reule -Cofllhill-FiegeL Co. The largest distributors of men's wear- ing apparel in the county. We special- ize in College styles and cater to the tastes of college men who are always on the alert for the latest productions. That we have made a fine selection of Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes it is only necessary for us to tell you that we are sole agents for L. ADLER BROS. & CO.'S fine line of tailor made clothing. If you know clothing, you know we are right in placing this cel- ebrated line at the front. We carry everything you need for a complete outfit M"ack's Tea Room_ The best Service and Cuisine and Pleasantest Surroundings in the City. All home cooking. Prices Moderate ( MACK & CO. it' I tetty-Mo c1 lt Miii i. (41117111 it lti;i a f(,\ h-idi' t ipmts Itd Ito 17o1r1I I1 tlbiil I St1 1 (I 7 sol "ii Ii V. Of M. SB ROBER. SHOP 1f l atiel.c J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. I tlo to i lo;. 322 S. State St. Aci Phoe 39 Bell Ann Abr, IMich. _titttt170111 ItIiotlt~st t Ittour-011111a'her I hi 'ts ' l.1717 lry 1181. Cod-tf C 0 rsmr 1g7t. 0 at.1 lI , l.1113 ,32 0dtt'it'r'dt. coll111001 11178-1, a13111078iltt ltr M1 u11011 17 117170 s,8,13c ti.t 11.0 Pull Dress Suits Nowhee in the m~imn of tailoingca Iltso 071111dreos 7 stteard111n oe1 il the 11111117t17t10d eye dtottttotnirityttat quicly as int a tul dlr01s0stit. 1Our0 gartltentt re all made in otttownotts , llun ~l- ter outtr personsuperv~171iont ntd 11y5competentrktrsmen. We111717qippte~td t I1'21 CIII ti'd3C., 1I,1otoItg [Tilttr;, Sater S. Studeilts' Lecture Association OFFERS FOR 1908-11909 A LIST OF EIGHT SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME AND THE DONALD ROBERTSON COMPANY IN TWO- PLAYS JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER MON. C ARL .MANGE TOWER .0,00 1. 110' *t Tickets for All the Numbers.. $2.00 Single Admissiom Tickets .... . 50c Ora sale at Box Of fice, V. H. Work ill A11 Departmfents OF THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC Will be resumed after the vacation on January 4th, when new students may begin. THE OFFERING OF ISAAC A PedagogiczaExpiasatioo A SPECIAL LECTUIRE BY PROF. CaLIER Sunday, December 13, 12 O'Clock BIBLE CHAIR BUILDING 444 SOUTH STATE STREET Alt Bible Chair Lecetse are Foot. YOU ARE INYITED. J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelez ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Vatty Guaranteoed Waits aRepodr insĀ¢ a Spy clti Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 320 N. Fifth Ave. New Phtttttone 5t ell itoot. 1.:) 0(0i ;3 a 7 l.. 21 61k- . 0I, lootS I o 110,0 Large Collection Antiques ii Brass, Irio, Capper and Chinaware .For fraternity a nd sorority houses soc student dens. Atdrvsl Miss rlorence S. Babbitt 0 YPSILANTI, MICHI. STUD tO-- ...... , .r ,s i 319 East !Hurou Street