The.Mich igaal
AN ARBOR, MICTI\ sU t)\ )1 1 2, 1g0~8.
No. 63.
Plan Under Consideration for
Enlarging School of Pedagogy;
IDecennial Catalog Continued.
ki-soltions it the UnitversityiSelate
soil I theiiimprovemen1111t itffaciitiesfor
teachr tcrIraiing were(CCpr1esenltdto tile
the commiitte 11l i t tille ofaffaistltof e
puliing ano-((((ther11 ec1111lt a i-loguei
ifte ni -r it tt'l e lasItictalog1ue
tppetredin tiioutandiindeisaibeteit
thiriths linames of itgttattiatslant
n011-raduaes. t is stim ted tatihe
be;i wwttii-lt I t lon is tt itt . ro.111N.
0)iaitiit- itinaottwo t tiyeiairst. 1111
si} prriitiyiiwtts preisen tdtandllyl
sitted. It i-il -itht tetunivesity hat
Dean Vanghan and Dr. A.S.itWar~thin
arc. giving -a sertes of letures thirouigtt
oit tile state in behalf o1 tile Sociteti
for the Study aiid Prertention of Tber-
cttlosis. Laist tveek Dr.XVaughianigave
talks at H-illsdale atad Jackson, andtil)r.
WVarthin gave two lectures at Amatt
iDr. Warthini is alto wori ntg to estab-i
listi a tubterctulosi seetionl in the generail
litbrary. He receently gasve till lit-tiart?
a tresenlt of sixty books on tite subjiet
frrom atoitd Germlail eoilection.
Several alitttqiiuestion '.ihigot's
athlietic policy illletters tthichiai e ing111
pllishiedini te Decemer A lumonus 1111w
iti tuehe essItite letter iof a Cieagot
aluminuos the iwriter sait in palet:"Ir
nit me to say thtat Miehigant ias sttfereit
irretrievably sinee quittitig the Coitfer-
encee, in the eyes of thti genieral palite
and as far as t ean seew n olitake nit
adiequiate idefeinee of ourtirtloganiitstaind.
Chicago aitit whtton I tiieet ttaily are
cioiiiletely tisgiistedlwithiiihiiathlktic
itilicy 11011being fpurs. tNlciat
arid do not feel like gitving thieir hoyit
sutpsrt. We tianit a e-tiliete reirgaii
zatlitoiof athteties, ttidtesptecialty a citact
it-i ittill reeognie tie caetts l tha
have Ctakeni placeiin the Itoottbailrles
Mte.Yostt itas ieiy siceessfuil ilnder te
tldt 'itlebttunlesslite eaves techange-
Aniotthe atmtus isrites-illhits letter
that if tiC would go tiaehkittotie Conl-
fere 1Cthlere woldlihte more iterest
taken l i ffaes it :in Arbotr ity te
Six pages are tievotedt t anl account
of tte'Miehigan ULilonl banquet antI set-
Serllqulotationis fromt toasts of tie sari-
h(lts snetkirs atptar in iithe article.
Assistlit IProfessori'Thom~as, 'o8, takes
t systein of thCeite-iadvisory boiardt (lil
Pictures of Cast in Picturesque
Costumes on Exbibition Today
--St. John Praises Cast.
evCII illtti (tilt heply w l ith h
I Ylii~l sn ped. uu iiero l hc
Itnt ure sce eslat 11i11and (11ic
aild (((((5 l tist (111 I1 1 tills ((irsl"
sate tC 11( liod ou c: llptit ,hsd
3 o'i-irk, lto g t-- i" ic l ls
Sttn f hI1 (;lllgo(ll11(. oes AHETICS CAN'T
Sina it< -l-'i- i t lii-, if thiyshIditt ttde j- J
sold (I'ise h ae sas reerdaerq etedito15caltforthemi tat \ titrs _____
befoe i )'clck. i tt il o il( Director Baird Says Athletic As-
ititt i Ill (Ii sociation Is Benefited But Can
_____ Offer No Financial Support.
S1(t111 NI S \. I St lt:l1',;
'111l1ittIl (10 U " 'I l( " ro lytsi th111 II iileici Illo i ti tre-
_ ic ls i i t it i1(1 ((I tttii I it e more beei tfro1( th1 ht t a nd ig thatnli
it t\itiatgrat sdeal of tfith n t m t her-lii .11( iii 1 ai iii Can the. liii- boiitt il
j( li It o t het i t u 1delit ibily 111 sa Idisa id D irec to 1 i i i y sitdy-uon i stl h
Regent iiChase l s. lisb -rn Ciyester 1ay, 1 il-id its 11ntI iti II it"lut" he ol- iti
I ieveto ii y lsls ilst co sie ( etilld, thitle iiitiltassoiioisi y il otS
proect iia c lilt1hre. Itt se minit IIa1(tp iiit itsition t misi tii t hetitoiid.t
i plutsilc hat he onlnons t~ltii " t(1- 1(1 iii (ii r s I-ot is a e titioisn
Scr te a spiriiit o fellowsh(ip a i teitttl tiand ittthato toie t lilloa 1(111
w ih w ib i rable. i AttttilisI ttde-iti a t so luinw ihpovddtaih
(tn rset c iill it C m tn I cainwol ep t hai t ltieverC
lii illtillhelaideIidetilts I511i1(iieitJM 3 ps il tltt t tteyiCould tt l
t fctoriy b te sudetsthcos l .I atli i tude, and-i thI the- reasuryii ts1C
theyfeeltille'itnecess ity and i ittheIlir presnt illdi( ti t i t o l iteiimsiblteit
(Ill till- ihli((is(anktlt t I ~ 1 ii t t - ttti e~i lhug eat horotC u(( lyi
it II e s ces. A he stdets tw reoftl aata( ge111lils o liltdiriv
arc the iimdiI((l ort ion oI thelit e- ron thehan (andhop ti t i i t ma con
(1(111sIttc. I b5 tutu theriiitihulle houldiulle titxiss
,iortant matters concerning tisl(illssl((-wiee l h ti~tiold e it l h
polic, an in caseof tis knd i seemiiiil ofrege ts fit t o id itt 111(11-
to metht1t(ess1it 1tem en irely.' realy and 1appoi t i ieifacultri-limesiberi
prsned v n i l n ill ii-(((III Ill/illo is1( lll il Wsly a d o te ib It A i
th oado rgn',ad feeOlte II (I Werclegshvetesami
Sllfcc ii l3iiedto make( a statei N i 11(1111 thtil i rii li (tithit isvt ilitarill
wi approached ois n (hi subjeclt. In1des tra1ning.III i tutes I icoltlile mlilsiiitill
Nusing it. di t i Itii I. l-,l sid i lr(l((- ((lieing irk iiinC , fotill ei m1(oshp fell
" I h te o iscIuIsed th oni o .Qiifth ilt 11(1- tit toit gelt-- i to -11( h01e
W it il IherN ;ai sti (] du i otfel an . Thiisfalit. ;endIbcauithtt p te re
I t s. t O ititte ciit' the c i u l III Ian (Ia stron1 fator11 in sI tdt i (~tlie.
u- tu((<l ( t -C C - ste ro "l phreti al
[# ho f'I(IN's 1, rdt _l/cr3 1' irr "_ l ftitircrt' 1
'rich oll % c rti Itl.
lolll ofltIllfacult thetl- Irealteset eilt. Thel umnus(1containsi a copytIoillhe
(l i n helc(iIt(l11Cii e tiofthe.liC tl i) I a iIimtti sarytue. Mrli 5, tttt (il . (t1John wilprIll 111cmi]
lis lii tii elli ch w(1 ieirC adoptted on N ovemertttc h itndt te scentes
irattn~~tl scicrrce~s.17 at a ieeingofthtie National A'ssoci- " cnv'tecarn ite aa
Ilitatilt o--l-r r of the.tisumoet sehoolLionstilfIState Universittes in Wa-shintg-0( ~l(I
tiltpilld in ~cweio sithiiLibrainli 1) . 0C. The resolttiios weC rettC wheo accmai-(esou t (the lord, atdl ie
till cl~om ti titmmer se ssio ITIhe oard of tiem Uiiersity of Illiitois. fteso . Iti h h ies it
aiprotr d. iii ait -tticle 011 geograp llt ististt iu tte rodl ad1Cryiorth1155r
Th tle , p th uut i ffIet thits yeartnlituont of stutdeitts at theite rites Iw
literary dooartnicnt b which a feeCrichton ho i (lt w od b a C!'
tile li U tip 11 byll N wX lih findut that bitt 53 tier centt of ottr stttieits
of $;5 asciargd cii ndi ut o d- cusitefrotmtMictigaiit whiile attailltutler tutCI tt ib , ic tcI uti11 ~
((li I ill i~iC I Ctlir Imne wa sct- te iuiversities the ipercentage is con- ots u (~
tended ititt t C liatmet. tieeally geater,.il s0ttrrtn, ne o i('h
N,\ illpppii n111 Of II$250 5was voted Alit interesting letter of a sttudet i t Ctt~i i(li
in (titsitsits dai t iccrlesat-h
t-e Y. St C A.utetsatile ittin carryingf '53 is pinlet, it wichiei tefintatstuil-t
ou (( Iitstsvitills1tin id~iing setsr etsi toeday-s 1paidlbuittitwo ldollars bca eIntale
Irf- . .Trebod it gatedla steek fur rositiatnitItoard.T.S.Jh ts '1li ,tecc-
trliitoad. 110111 Irofessor sf l- o S1TSv\LE FOR "CUILUE siiiti ii(1(1ld (
ciltin and Oratry hi tite hasbelttlde alithioil the its C issinlSt a
1 Ut111(1 its(thi it teh \VIiLL BE CLOSED AT NOON theteiricat l ittt(Yi5Cs willl (vscal a
chanitgedto iI (liiistiltof l to-1-ry. 1 TheC
cnig ya isthe pofsor's5te-ty-tife. Dos't y(l t hinkli til r cee
lfttlyarose- vice i heu isity Thteseat sale for "Cultitre" tilittcott-
ilht e t IfS~i((C iit e osoerit' tie today- at Univ-ersity Hal troum S _______________________
ittrn to 12 o'clock noon. Thtere wtill
FACNTORtIiES OF 1)01T -eito sale inth ie afternoon. Thirty-fise 1\ PCTDIYSU),N hnrdsasavnobenolad C LT R
ontly a few- good teats renmain.
Thei-sior ilcheil enuiogineer class Ly-tdolIlhas ibeentappointed official
leivssthi is tmoringli~thttProf. Alfred phlotographter.lie will take thtefiest S a
11. Wht ilt foretroilttereC ttey expecttf-aslighit at thte dress rehtearsal it te S e t al
tovsta numberit ovs1chemticailsworks. Wittney' Stiiday-afterntoon.,-
Nhc hfoltowiitg concerns svilIte visited Thte rehteartal today twill be iteldt at a
in itcclurs ofh~t d~y Cettet Sl-p. nm. at thte Schtool of Miusic. Properties UNV RIY H L
bry otmpanys, Detroit Chtemtical Works, wtill be usetiaaiud itis boueyncs
the 1itttpiy tPowser comtpanty, Cautaiait sary for every principal and msemtber of ALDY ST R A
Salt comptany-, a1111thte Vactuutt Salt thte ettorsu to be present wetitotut ftail. AL DY STRA
Evatuoration Works. No excuses wtill be aecepted. J
:; c,
,1. 7
S uvll (it Nt I i himan;uAN Stall-
],, . :\ . I~ltuit Nil. I): B iaui- iias It.
I. , -I e I&V.I).SmSiithIP. Leighton.v
tFRlSit It INS Ilt I G ti
ing(:Acomitt((hulls 111ppoiited-oin-o
Ii III 1(111the11u1sci on1oliv he(C onochitsoe-
105 Sweateris anditcaips 0wCr1 a11o11tedcu
Sti1.)1 t IIN 1 t i~Z 111XISl
N-ho al lowerui tthecord(11esItlitshied
byu tisi ner It Dily will be
Edtitorut I Ni 1 II I)ity:
It iltODaily tuf Iridaiy, ittIllaticleC
the (cr1-1(111fotloutst e xpendlitures for
oeyear is $195. 1 svishitto say thtat toy
shsatuvuutifhilthesCfreshtman it-cr
show in xpenditureCuui$177.8,, andi
titere e do vubuitless therv5st-ito cait show
tess iltntis. 10)01)I'.
Tlue regutlar t-omati's LeaigueCplet)
uuas hildiidatly itternlsuontrut 4 to 6
at Batrtbout uyiy 111 situt tir.eFiscttet
playediiforthe dinhgand o ala iurge nitt-
l her of gils usas prsr t. ight refresh-
mtentswere sCved.CI
WhitneyTheatre The Ad ira le richtion SEAT'StOeSET
Prices--- 35-50-I5-$1,00
Dec. 12 PRESENTED BY THE COMEDY CLUB Box seats $1.50