THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY 0. H. Wild Comfpaly 'he Lamgest Stoc k in he itv of Exclusive Styles il WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear t5 thing required o Suit-, tOvercoatfancy \Vestingasid Tiouct ig, and o high class fahiries andspicial Styles Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Cmipanly 3tI South State Street Michigan Calendar oR 1909, NOWono iS*1e AT Sheehan & Co. Students Bookstire A, G. Spalding & Bros 'h Laur:;si t aissfciiirer in the WolsO fi ciai t hi etiiii Aisii ii si- Foot Batl, Basket Ba, lte Skates, Hockey, Gl, Gymnasium Apparatus. Spdiig' ttaindisimey Ilstieid Ctutono f t ii s pos conaiiisniii- sseistisi, iiaiid ree ay- wihere. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Deroit THE MICJIGAN CDAILY- 11 lziiin Edilnr-=-XRititi iF RtCttt PiiIs si nagr--Jni% sF. W izis 11wi i t e o lcd i h , sl~rit hat "All ike held if what w s S md IjkIl thl must fl Ii..ntItha weishouli ucssib- Wie1 1 II limeN Neiis....... Aibletics ... lbxclioige.... I'tsis....... Drama......... \\iioriil'siiii.. ....Len A Whiiie ....C. .Eldeidge ..RobertAlounsier ....IlbibsisS. Baklri ..Rayniond Visscher ..Louise Vun Voorhis lhl iiel B. Mllisgi Find L;. Gfbihu "h)ltau clh i pod V"-cdiv 0,1 i oldulIL. Kininey liaaI.)Jonues a Waler . 'low-ers Loiiis Krafti PaliGrtcr S.-uiusnni IL iMorris E. G. C. 55 thuas Fatel Lecida Ro l i 0l111)1u1 I . i. r t l~ r 1. ]1 1 ei n, alfi- il e d ii I Iti, icn r paiinted iiiDiiieit- plyiasin in--i hroug part i-s riin ll iiiie'if ith TODD l) RINl'iS OFIFEREDI FOR 1RC0 N 0IIFCS lESSAYS Thei iHon.. A. .Todd;'oi f Kaitmanoi iffers twoiprizs-of $ioo echlitiiithe si-uenis of iheoniversity. Tiesepizens sour 1e suistnsd for by thee rratai sisiesnis enrolleid in any deparimeit. li sitsdeniswonaburrtaken an anadeicnsl dlegreei here or at unty oilier reiiiuaile cols-ge or uniiiversiiyaiid by sttdeiits, who swiltliprobaibly graiidiate froii itir ii-isrieslinto]goo.. Onle prize wi litb giveni for tli elisi essay en aplaii lbi wiiich ibe piiiilc emayraculire iiinneship ofrirasiitthilowiesti posibile cost, consistenii ii itli-justice anidenut. The secon iiiize is fosr lie lie-iessyiai- if ielegraphilindiielephrilonie liiies. 'Tlese essseshulinioti le iniulty expaiinideil ani ui t iiibileidepsciiedlwith Fresideiti .ngell on oir bi-rer'April i . igoio. Mcr irniier shiouldign ho is ecssia- wiiti ai uuuiiieunamsoir iiiitiiiiansi shiotiuld sn in with i, i a sa-elcinliipi. Illsreal lie assuiednil iior iimiiit n trun ilucsn- I s if lie sealenv-iielope. \oi siiidciiiis-allowied ioIcomeeiiilccfur lii iithan ne prie, anid noplize will bei awardedi sliil alyiii whchis-o 1 t z i 1 >> r 1 i I IChristmas BOOKS ()ur stock is larger and better than ever before. The Michigan Calendar, 1909 1S A BEAUTY Price 25 cts. W A-HR'S 4 BUSINESS SOfAFF Car 1 l iii1,.i so l "Ill I till Adidress: MtCnIANonDtILYts'Press iBldg., May-nard Street. ?Manager's flours: t-2 P. ii., 7-8 dlaily, except Sunday. Boils phones All visuu i~ei in ilt jmi lde -l r . 1c~est o more .f the sn il ii iii iss murI iiiii hat I' eIYO Siiii iii theiini: ii i i which l waysum i muilum ' \iith i, s sal SMii I yeteii ~ e o -h c a < reav i~cno w~ated ii sel acnvnil underr sillte holynill iiiyi fsterss tihai Colleg s ns ntso i nch frm u N\.11() Stus l-tlr i>ad lii;iI. I BAILEY & EDMUNDS Zporti n~ o oot 121 EAS f LIBERTY STREET IToilet Sets I fliam ti-i s hsi ' siani's srssuus i ll be friskS i yttrol' aley iis~islii toan scv n s1 o ss5 55i uuiK'iui fiorthe de and '*\\, et~cv- r1antnoti iedhi si irs iii frat~rnticsor therosiniz is tha 1)4-a i a i part of iih iiilan liiiew fur- nised o s o lei at t low 61t]IIn-i i- q ircĀ° ro F. C th rinV S., iu tre, t m '. 1urol St.3-6 The Season's Only F-41 Two for NEW CREATION 25c.. It's reversible. Made with "Easy Itie-slidisg Space " and 11Patented Lock Frost." 4I-ply, Quarter Sizes. ion ollrs UNITED SIHIRT 4 COLLAR CO.(Mkers),Tray,N.-. We Hove the Silver Toilet Sets pf Design Quality and Price. $5.00o w$sL5,00U Hurry WVM. A RNOLD, JEWELER 220 South Mats Street. i CALENDARS A Few well selected designs from particular manufacturers. Cbris tmas Seals arnd ift Dressings A finishing touch to our 'inexpen- sive Christmas Goods. OUR WINDOW THE M- VPPLY VN IV IER SITYST OR E ~IE Do You Pay High Prices for your clothes because, you can't be satisfied with ready-made clothing? It isn't necessary. We will furnish you clothes made to mseasure by Ed. V. Price & Co., of} Chicago, from your choice of 500 handsome fabrics, for 03to ', less than any small tailor's charge and also give you the additional advantage of unequalled wttrktmanship and correct style. Our Tailoring Department is doing an excellent business with those we have learned how to he well dressed at all timaes at a very reason- able cost. Look over our cloths and fashion figures atnd you'll see why. Fred 1W. -Gos 123 E.; Libeirty St. floyler's Candies Kodiiks Xmas Post-La~rds Michigain Catlendars E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street 0 Aux CO flYRiGN _ .. 1 11 - - 121 Wasbangton Th-'e Randall Studio, 'Randall& Pack- Props. Pone 598