THLE MI CTI! C N 0 FIEY Toilet ,articles AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watches, Diameonds, Laecylioos, or ether personal poerty. Watclhes a0(l.1 Jwelry repaired. Bargains itn Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 3:11 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Heurs: 8 to11:3e a. nm.t 1to "it:30nt7to JOSEPh C. WATTS JOLLY'S B S-]EB -1B On Make BEST BRI.AR.. PIPES f \"orttnatcr o o a (I Ii11111 PRICES0 Own makt - a $1.75 to $.00 Sct ~ id _ _ $1 00t to $1 501 PLOWS and I. \RE1 NUAEM (FR 'TR4' O;T PFOR N :tolt'till NIY 1'GERiION BMAt' I MOT IT gr Patclr itrest is itoingy 01111( by]lhr tho' i i stndc its oG rman ine tie. try-ouots for tI ' .i Fi ''Egrnottt twhicht till he giv et uttderCiii cards thie auspices of the Deoitscher V erin :rroh!ei 1to 1 cis att tstuets haeIt aiot oallho 'i i to oOtryig to t be oethetot lit oaherit th eeto fthe atttl sattttttttt lt ttugh 11110\1 i'o'rtttttpaitos tltWth i tot ttto lysloct. It ;ot 1"; 1c in ll tlo'tttt'it ott thei t rait]stO cat tas 111avellstudtst in Ieitatntinoite hit'.rary totdepatrt t o ocni ofth [) utch r eci. hli 'Itto lltttto i t i plcefo tudnswihdamtca iyadt o i 77k i .', }4Zlt 1 \t ' t' t ,t-cr<° I~ruoa N-- sooI days, coIle~e daysh~m aa professionoal career Itt'ii itt'' }o>,~ftti f hlly atttlmake u~i~itii it Yo ldutttttt to cota it or otfts-otti tit t tt tititte.'OBeatse of its won- tiot d rfl ,1 :1itst op t tttk0 toponItoittstatotly at the 'he College litrs t ti ttttl tit titlotttncs-ot, steatdy flow to Standord ttte ast thttt. i,th lotetiadvan-tage of owning a'T SEF = ' : 1r-^yEt xt ,I,9 ttito, t ons. ! of'ttter ooitotc yottmtty ji ae--ii ot office, telographoi i ofic i itt it o tado swhen your t toitot 'i tdit in anttytlt'- otlt-t C 1ItotiT'tn'tinstantly fills its lfm~ii re~i tc f , i,it C ltt ic ot enet p 1tilli no t-ptiliiitg tttitt -o-t directfr~finthe Tit ontoino Pen Co.,30 'lbI'titttt t lIi e Toil1010 El ttt tot requestt. held it Attn Arbor by Geo. W-ttttoTht totoSea a7t Sheehan & Company. .- li... ..... . . ollil I i S . nl hil (' 1 l t ' i c 0 1 ott-IF111110 Ri i"FA)1 FNS It t'iitmttttertintat soeiii 1111 i -:io' e0ttti i ttthe f o ttfl r s cmtat ' tetounc il p otbli tit t tom itltee, the' ititeItoutcilt tttJttt(t o iltt itttt tsit a t -h ;p osd te 2.00 t, ii I It I < :N I : {. }. Fk t j i I 3 i i The largest distributors of mnen's wear- ing apparel in the cotinty. We special- ize in College styles and eater to the tastes of college men who are always on the alert for the latest productions. That we have v'nadt a fine keection of Suits, Overcoats aind Cravenettes it is only necessary for us to tell you that we are sole agents for L. ADLER BROS. & CO.'S fine Nine of tailor made clothing. If you know clothing, you know we are right i13 placing this cel- ebrated line at the fi-0nt. We carry everything Tcol need for a complete 01o taLt () l - "it l 1: 1 f1 rI. , i ut i ; sit 11i~'. 0 1' f i AT,/ Te aivgometitt gti oo'tt th etr4 IDarling & Malleaux c ofgetig toottt ttt We to Mack'sJ!Tea Room . rlie°the ont m 7 Vitt tttn.iWtto The best Service and Cufisine and jI____otdeo,__lleh___har__het,__,___ (110110 S\k Fl leasantest Surroundings in the V. of M. BARKBER SHOP o ititosti Id (hotohe"ity.All home cooking. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. itt(tt 0 it- I)n01ui'.,y BA0TH ROMSbotti C('((It 1K near ot 0e Itnrhtol0 : ti ' Prices Moderate -s in t -rel to t tt -tot. C e l rv kms t 110 ht hIt F i ,l 1>M A CK & o. Pe3 Bel t Aten. ArborIVMich. rot 61-72____:______________________ Full Dress Suits FtIc~lls F soents or fall dresNe ar, co atifinootloot o to the I I it 1 t'tin aIful'Ire'sisit.lOmito deer0111 itersonal tsuptrv ~ tiso a Iby pt- 11 i t orll F-or i111 oervee 001. '"l Uf t l3f i'1T1Y;' {'flTl the Imlakiligy of' gnw ilife'riority as [o in our own tihoj,,-, III)- W ar( cI I i1)(,:,:' f , Coilois, ,5 htto 81. U _____________________________________ Studeilts' Lecture Association OFFERS FOR 1908-1909 A LIST OF EIGHT SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME AND THE DONALD ROBERTSON COMPANY IN TWO PLAYS JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER HON. CHARLEMANCE TOWER JOHN MITCHELL 5. S. McCLURE HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN IDA M. TARBELL JOHN HAYS HAMMOND BARON KOGORO TAKAHIRA FIDAY EVE, DEC. 11I Season tickets to the Choral Lunion Concerts inclodinl the Mjy restiv;,al $3.00 For Arts aPd C,! vfts IF" cr- itvre us bwell adiaptedt t torns tudenI ts'etootmtoatowell ,.I tile de-n.FWe letoe -t nit li eofthese, tl-sotcar1y everythingR in the httte of Raigs anid Pov- tiers,.itt i ,t 011tnlt ,-ztot t tolcottfoirtable. Ftxrnttare, Carpet arnd Drapery Store 4. 1 'tCAPM;:1AN, Jewelej ALA r"RM CLOCKS $1.00 ALA RM CLOCKS $1.50 AAMCLOCKS $1.75 Ially IG tt a t -ott S °T: ch Ro-te~r.' En S peaaltf row'sLaundry rI sObA S RO WE, Prop. 32h N.Ftttth Ave. o Itt-twnuOaIt, BellPhtonte -57t- M~kES AfD ESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY hailler's Jewelry Store 2I6 bOlTHlit.'tIN STREdET ar~e Collection Antiques ini Brass, Irot, Copper and Chinaware tut ot I 't> e°ztC dortority lttoussart tutu-uit lde. bitditys Miss lorence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH,. Tickets for All the Numbers... Single Admissiom Tickets .... On sale at Box Office, V. H. $2.00 50C K' STUD 10O-- 319 Last Ihiro~n street