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December 10, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-12-10

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G11. Wild Comfpally
The Largest Stock it
the cits
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemlen's ear
Everything required for Suits,
Overcoats, Fancy Vetings, and
Trouering, and of high cas
fabrics and special Styles.
Full Dress Suits a
G. HI. Wild Colpally
311 South State Street
Now on sal.e
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore
A, G Spalding & Bros
'Tce LarecstMaufciurers inithe
Wrldioi Official Aiiiicic Suppiis
Foot Bath, Basket Batlh ee Skates,
Hockey. Gof, Gymnasoum
Spadiig's tHaidsdomiey Iltiatdc
Caiogue of all sports cotatisnu-soi
roussuggefstiosimaiid fret any-
New York Chicao Dteroit

THE MICHIGAN DAILY.! ,\sssrll lswi, usi
ifigiIdio Acic F. RIacisit}. iisr fui
Bus'inessi Mainiger--Joiicc F. Wipe. jci iiwl
News.... ...Lee A White, 'sior-s( tasrIs 111
Aitetici ....... .C. NElNdridge lwllI( addto0c
[-,xchangc......Robert Mountsicr ii1r( t innov"ieii iii
Music...........iollis S. Biker I ''''c Iti 1c c
Dronia......RayoysiidiiVisselser :~t~rnx ftl ~
\Vomciis Fliior.... Louise Van Voorhisls si ott; c
II. I its-\ 111. I
Miichiael B. EAlcilugli Fred C. Goodin ogrti" I 'i iii' isl.
Doniald L. Kinniey DaaiE . JoissII-nar o1 re
i\'s1slie K. 'fosters LoiseKiafti ttl; rcn~s
Issireff J. ('air A dt i s III
Paul Grier Samiiel H. Mlriris ti sis r citsr
1?. G. .Williamis Pauil Leidy wl mc caa
D. C I fine, Fred Lasso cii csr~I 1
IfWZr sis Haifll H(irs Z. FoIclz ; ii ils ill (111iii iii
V.T. Cositkle i \. ID. Elliotti s~isacller n iii ii ii
S. W.I)i Daidi D. lahn;K lrsil~ci 11
C. S.ftVIf iail I.l. fijcesell I~ . Id cls
irle t It1111i1 J. Isi.. Bs itc~lI lassi 11r alld I
1" iF. ha 'Jr. o lrr m1ii

G' :C. llissiitiii Norman 1s1I. H ill
Address : MICHIGAN DAcIY, Press Bldg..
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : I-2P. in., 7-8 p. mn.
doily, except Sunday. Both phones
'If1RI)N (' 1*1 1 ltCf'Alill": io, icc'.
Tlw 'cn stant ci'slat~iiiiii'f lie sdc-
sighc :tm ssi rs. is 'ifis 'ieal ma 'if
tcrs a~fterci'isofiabsen ce, iiial
"Howthigssavecltansgedsl"'Si raid.ii
bar bee th~I: .'e recentileratioi:Ihsreill
mon t s tsiltie fsts'l ici lito alt forth
brilcsi~ ttd v ace rnt hshadow
o a toa cli pseii alliiii iiitli
is1-1 iiitsl -ifs presnt psit arc-ii ll
atte sprti ofi thailf a Idozeniyiars,
filint 'ifs. iiis hIis til l i"ies il lie l
of tt(' pro ose Ch tl s if C l i edsi
slogh iflsbwilerian cnfue im
is i e hall lists' li o l'it
llubhous isill hav eens restilt'osIs
bki, tutu tiiino one ths d11edtoil-
gctiaI tvilstucture strill occitthe
tilt. of telle sentif s t lt' \stl enti
up. A oli'sic-", G iirg tl tise ilsl ave
tict hee teoily a blimfisiisg iof thle
tianes s tiisis consfronit 'iiclsigatis ls-
slits Ithelijlisi f ltle lpreasitcampusii
ssondelrs wsill fitiae 'een sworkedl.'T'e
land oniInigaslls sisndPlThayrs-tcrets, inirtlh

lic d 11 ! < t

Ca l ih -. i lls.t
1''T knownll t1 iii
S(l nc \ i l 1 Sin
lilil I "-all)ra l l lC
(I Ie t VIiliw S(c
ih t.c (n c t ' ll
1 fm welit1
- lltummy (sluing ti 1
11 1 - iil 155p<}Sc i 5' i
Itt c itll stll v'ilscwIi
M c illn s1,11i '"1)(
"ai ng s Jt l ;., thise h
lee t ists' 'I'in, tklit'
Th\.e icc 1 sirdu 'I

atcac ,ill pre-s
sill ti cs' at ftiic aria ralua Christmnas
Illlii ct, I ilsttd t
31.'toll,-Fit B IC gK S
Ic IC iiA t n vl JhnGiflitlh flly' uphleld l the________________ep-_________
-cape 'i trle'ni<. it-1 i I it a te itt 'criset iiin
''i ' i tiim 'Ilii .i ,' V ii linii lis a's usstsrpicei' Oni
'5 e rimh kalithu i .I th cpuly- its iecssitrilc Our stock is larger
c" t- h c~crx r.1' I r c ' . 'i'e irieisal Ilii iu c a d ts.-'s.. r','
e ,is a5tI I Ci ii rn cii l tills isilur i s sscisiss. and be teri thanflever
n itoll, c ssip'iaii r errV dliii lo' ' p '5i 5 -'in 't'e before.
ir, cit '11-lol kdd ' ~ft",ii, s ci rol, ollsr;ttrt
- 111 ii .(~lf The15Michigan
[ i rii llra-ls Calendar, \r 1909 1ft, tto pmeli
hi i ii~ tg ;;rc' <, I h 1 i sis e lida)
t lt 'Isisthat ' lis siralti
ill dIi sli.it slistiPrice 25 ts.
lt1 pev t ix uncci an ii, > li i i e ss. i
( I i r sau sl ~a \ r.(;iil lt
Unversity Bookstore
Is a n ( Iissl 1 f ,'1 1. vsIl, is
I\ Y ' , dl t1dI is nnlistil tis ot ilt' inr l m e nr
dt tIns I'i isis U 1sI5Art'I(1IJtbb
'IliCflslit\\;i:, for-
1 1 orBOO KS
i ik( t the we. rou ant syLawhe o
tica k, ir n tc tot a glove isceconomical
oti autgi'll till it's worn out. TryLa
FOWNES nMedical
art ,' 11nc rin GLOVES qDental
1,:1 1 " 1 1%;5' an a 1 . ll I- L rgest Stoc-. in \ichiai
1 t.:t ti tI i1 I ,' n 1 ' i._ -t i . vvtitlrc Il- Second-Hand Lavw Books
1 ' C:lhcCi i~ t au sindlMedical Ditinartes
i h «~ I I Oot' utz Boos.ks te.
rlt AMBUItr.ANdt. Betlpthoe, 55,2kf
Hmoe Phoe,98 'Complete line News -snt Sec-
l TOTS It. A. DOLIH & CO.on-ad
51 .soris stoo . Ciiirtin
ATI y.C . Funeral Directors Old books taken isIExhtange
295. 4th Ave. Ass Arbr, Mich
;if 2 C. E. BARTHELL,
acrsi i ti k® A3265S.TATE STREET
b<nbao ecnd Floor Tel 76
Poplarfo ' ' ""'' Christmas Gifts?
I h lC 1 Pplrfr Two for ________________
,tu~l[ Isa;o TWO SEASONS 25.
is il ll 1 Istitatedfin s ire, but the 1 Fi t- same. 5ii 5
.sdi tesos ectudc k .s.Furont"' sehich cvoids
'h c etl- collar spus..ding, can be had oly in Michigan Fobs, Spoons, Pins,
:hare Vie Ill( ratSeals, Stemns, Tobacco
' / T° Jars, etc., etc.
ondes. H ng's a 20 Suth AMote Street.
I UNses ag iITED 5tIRtri CeLAC0.ito e oytttNY.


A Few well selected designs from
particular manufacturers.
Sealds arnd Gift Dressings
A finishing touch to our inexpen-
sive Christmas Goods.

. Trhe "MUTO' Ovcr-
x coat is absolutely otig-
ial atid thte process of
:;:":;;.:: ,'> >:::<>. '''constructing it is pro-
'THIS IS THt Lttec ed by patenst, as
shsownin i the illitstra-
tott, it is two coals itn
} 2 one- the first as a dressy
Ag"'treel coat-the second
~ > as cat Auto-Driving or
° v . ^" stom coat.


121 Washington E. The Randall, Studio, Randall &Pack Props.

Phone 59)8

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